Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 500 A kind of red braised pork elbow that can be

Chapter 500 A kind of elbow that can be "drinked" and eaten - red braised elbow! My cousin is so shameless! 【Please subscribe】

"Are you really planning to invite Lucy to our wedding?"

Shen Jiayue didn't even bother to eat the sweet potatoes, her two big eyes were full of surprise and curiosity.

Hey, the more obedient and sensible you are, the more rebellious you will be?

Master has just settled your household registration for you, and you are actually repaying him like this. You are much more rebellious than your senior brother.

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"You're kidding, how dare I do this? If she gets into a fight with the teacher's wife, it won't end well."

He picked up a sweet potato, peeled it off, blew on it, and then took a bite. The sweet potato was sweet and fragrant, and eating it made people feel happy.

Shen Jiayue asked:

"Xubao, who do you think would give Aunt Lucy such an old-fashioned name as Wang Cuihua? And she lied to her that Cuihua represents holiness and elegance."

Lin Xu was also a little curious.

It's not like a good friend to bury someone like this.

Moreover, even if good friends tease each other, they will tell the truth afterwards and will not continue to lie like this.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered someone:

"Tell me, could the person named you be the master's wife?"

The person who wants to bury Lucy the most is naturally the teacher's wife, and this name can immediately make Lucy look like a rural firewood girl.

But do the mistress and Lucy know each other?

He didn't understand the grudges between adults, so he thought it would be better to live a happy life with Shen Baobao. It would be better to leave these troublesome matters to his master.

After eating the sweet potatoes, he returned to the kitchen and looked at the stewed soup. It was red in color and rich in aroma. This kind of stewed soup, let alone stewed elbows, would still taste good even if you put some vegetarian vegetables in it.

As for the elbow in the pot next to it, it is about to be cooked through now.

After skimming off the foam in the pot, Lin Xu mixed some maltose with warm water and applied it to the pig skin when oiling the elbows later, so that the fried pig skin would be more rosy.

It didn't take long for the elbow to be thoroughly cooked.

Take it out, place the elbows one by one on the tray, and brush them with the adjusted maltose water while they are still hot.

When the temperature of the elbow drops, the maltose water on the surface will seep into the skin. At this time, you need to brush another layer to make the color of the elbow more even.

When it is completely cool, put a large oil pan on the stove, pour in cooking oil and heat it to 60% heat, then lower the elbows one by one into the pan and fry them.

Different from making tiger skin dishes, stewing the pork elbow in oil only gives the skin a color. There is no need to over-fry it, and there is no need to put it in cold water to wrinkle the skin.

After frying until the skin changes color, take the elbows out of the pot.

When fishing, do not use a meat hook. Instead, use a large colander to scoop out the meat to prevent the meat hook from damaging the skin of the elbow and affecting its appearance.

The best part of this dish is the elbow skin, so be careful.

Fry all the meat, let it cool, then get a soup bucket for braised meat, put a few layers of bamboo grates underneath, and put the elbows in one by one, skin side down.

Finally, pour in the cooked stew and start the hour-long stew.

It is said to be braising, but in fact it should be regarded as simmering, because it needs to be turned on a low heat, and the soup in the pot seems to be boiling. Only in this way can the elbows be as soft and delicious as tofu.

Of course, if you want to truly achieve this taste, stewing alone is not enough. You also have to steam it in a steam cabinet for more than ninety minutes, otherwise stewing alone will not be soft enough.

Elbow is a very common ingredient. If you want it to be delicious, you must go through tedious steps.

For example, the cooking process of the rock sugar elbow and pot-roasted elbow that I have made before is a bit cumbersome.

After stewing the elbows, Lin Xuda was about to go outside to get some air. Guo Xinghai suddenly pulled him aside and whispered:

"Lin Xu, I'm going back these two days. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and my family is busy with ancestor worship and so on. I have to go back early and come back when you hold your wedding."

It has been almost two months since Guo Xinghai came to Linji.

I learned a lot during this period and gained a lot of insights into kitchen management.

The Guo family's restaurant in Yangcheng has always followed a vertical management model, which can ensure maximum efficiency. However, the disadvantage is that there are gaps between chefs, and there are even conflicts between different departments.

But Lin Ji's chef is completely opposite. No matter what he cooks, other chefs can watch and learn.

This strong learning atmosphere makes the chefs have a close relationship. Even the impetuous chefs have a great passion for cooking.

In addition, Lin Ji's salary is also top-notch in the industry, which makes everyone very motivated.

Everyone promotes and helps each other, no one is playing tricks, and no one starts internal strife. What everyone does every day is to work hard and study hard, and strive to improve their cooking skills to a higher level in order to receive better treatment.

Everyone is focused on work and life, and naturally a virtuous cycle is formed.

Lin Xu didn't expect Guo Xinghai to leave now, but thinking about it, it was indeed time to celebrate the New Year, and he also had a restaurant, so he couldn't help here all the time for nothing.

He smiled and said:

"Okay, let's make this elbow today, just in time to give you a farewell. I'll ask Sister Jing to settle your salary later."

Although he said he was just here for an internship, no one would treat this super expert as an intern.

Guo Xinghai smiled:

"Forget the salary, what I learned here cannot be bought with money. When I go back, I will start to make rectifications in our Guoji Restaurant and try to learn as much as possible from Lin Ji's management style."

But even though it is said that, in fact, it is not easy to do. After all, Lin Ji's studious atmosphere started from the time of a small restaurant. In addition, Ma Zhiqiang and Niu Chuang and others have strong driving ability, so it was formed. Current style.

If changes are made rashly, the expected results may not be achieved and the reform may fail.

The best way is to establish a chef promotion mechanism based on the characteristics of your own restaurant so that the middle and low-level chefs in the back kitchen have the motivation to learn.

As long as they work hard, the chefs will naturally be forced to learn.

After Guo Xinghai finished sighing, he looked at Lin Xu and asked:

"When their skills are improved, the salary cost of the chefs will be greatly increased. You won't have a bunch of head chefs by then, right?"

Lin Xu thought of the abundant talent pool in Diaoyutai Building 2 and said with a smile:

"We're still far from it. If we open a branch next year, half of these chefs will be diverted immediately, and the original reserves will have to be cultivated from scratch."

Upon hearing this, Guo Xinghai finally dispelled all his doubts.

If there are branches, no matter how many chefs are trained, the arrangements can be made.

When the branch opens, Lin Ji will have new chefs coming in, and some who can work independently can also apply for positions such as head chef.

If this kind of branching out approach can continue for ten years, Lin Kee's voice in the entire cooking circle will become very important.

Maybe Lam Kee will become the Whampoa Military Academy of all Chinese food.

Thinking of this, Guo Xinghai said:

“I really want to see the day when Lin Kee becomes a century-old store.”

"Then it's quite embarrassing for you. Lin Ji is still ninety-nine and a half years away from being a century-old store. Anyway, I have no hope of seeing it. I guess it's quite embarrassing for you too..."

Lin Xu smiled and continued working. Guo Xinghai also tidied up his chef clothes and prepared for the last day of work.

An hour later, the marinating time for the elbows is over.

Turn off the heat on the stove and soak again.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xu brought some stainless steel steaming basins and placed them neatly on the workbench. After the temperature of the stewed soup dropped, he carefully took out the elbows from the pot with a slotted spoon and put them into the steaming basin with the skin side down.

This stainless steel steaming basin is not very big, about twenty centimeters in diameter.

When an elbow is put in, there will be some irregular edges on the side. At this time, you need to use a knife to cut off the excess.

The reason for doing this is to make the elbows rounder and more beautiful in appearance.

As for the cut meat, we will not throw it away, but put it directly on top of the elbow. In this way, when the elbow is steamed and turned over, it will just fit on the bottom of the plate. Not only will it not affect the appearance, but it will also make the elbow look more attractive. people.

After all the elbows are sorted, add a large spoonful of the original braised elbow soup to each, and then place them neatly in the steaming cabinet for steaming.

Only by steaming it will the elbow meat become more mushy and taste more delicious.

If you eat it directly after stewing it, the taste will be a bit boring.

After steaming the elbows, Lin Xu steamed some yellow rice and jujube cakes at the pastry department, then brought a few on a plate and sent them outside for Shen Jiayue to eat.

When they got outside, they found Shen Jiayue and Yan Lin chatting.

"Good morning, Mr. Yan, try the new yellow rice and jujube cake that was launched in our store earlier. It tastes very good and customers like it very much."

Yan Lin said with a smile:

"I've wanted to try it for a long time. When you first came here, Xiao Qing deliberately posted it on WeChat Moments to hint that Lin Ji had tasted something delicious. But he was still abroad at that time and couldn't come over to taste it."

After saying that, she picked up one without politeness, took a bite, and said to Xiao Qing next to her:

"As expected of your strong recommendation, it's really delicious. Don't you want to try it?"

Xiao Qing said:

"I ate several meals during your honeymoon with Professor Cui. Lin Ji's snacks are not only delicious yellow rice and jujube cakes, but also purple rice and taro mud steamed buns, dried prunes, vegetable and meat scones, pocket-sized sticky bean buns, There are so many mango and glutinous rice cakes.”

Most of what Xiao Qing mentioned are new products tested by Niu Chuang and the others, which have not yet been launched and can only be eaten by internal staff.

In game terms, it is still in the closed beta stage.

There is still some time before the trial operation of the public beta, because the system rating is only excellent level, Lin Xu plans to wait for everyone to figure out the method of excellent level before launching the new version.

Yan Lin didn't expect that she had missed so much. She said to Lin Xu:

"I will go back in the afternoon. Can you pack some of these delicious foods for me? I will taste them slowly on the plane."

"OK, no problem."

It would be somewhat inconvenient for others to bring so much food on the plane, but Yan Lin wouldn't do it. She always likes to fly back and forth on a chartered plane, and everyone on the plane is there to serve her.

Forget about snacks, you can even bring a whole roasted lamb on the plane.

Shen Jiayue said with a smile:

"Mr. Yan, don't eat too much. We have red braised pork elbow at noon today. The recipe is very unique and it is very good for supplementing collagen. Don't miss the meal for snacks."

This girl knows how to chat with middle-aged women very well.

For example, now that Yan Lin is so rich, she must have everything, but just one word of collagen grabbed Mr. Yan's heart.

A newly married woman is afraid that Professor Cui will dislike the wrinkles on her face.

Therefore, she will desperately replenish collagen to make herself look younger. This will also give Cui Qingyuan the feeling of an old cow eating young grass, and he will unconsciously give in to himself in life.

"I've been thinking about supplementing some collagen recently. Xiaolin, what do you think would be better?"

Eat nothing to supplement collagen... Lin Xu muttered in his heart, thought for a while and said:

"You can eat more collagen-rich ingredients such as bird's nest, shark's fin, isinglass, etc., exercise properly, go to bed early and get up early and don't stay up late."

Yan Lin wrote them down one by one and planned to go back and tell the nutritionist around her to try them.

At noon, the elbows had been steamed. Lin Xu took them out. Now they were full of fragrance and red in color, trembling like tofu in the steaming basin.

But at this moment, the elbow cannot be served to the table and needs to be drained.

Carefully pour the elbows from the steaming basin into the pot. When pouring, tilt the steaming basin so that the elbows slide into the pot with the skin still facing down.

Turn on the heat and start to collect the juice.

The so-called juice reduction is actually to boil out the water in the soup and allow the gelatin in the elbow to reattach to the surface of the elbow. This not only makes it more delicious, but also enhances the taste of the elbow.

The heat on the stove should not be too high, otherwise it will burn the pot and you will have to keep shaking the pot while it is boiling.

As the water evaporates, the soup at the bottom of the pot becomes thicker and brighter.

When the soup becomes thickened, use a large spoon to turn the elbows over.

At this time, the skin side of the elbow fully revealed the true face of Lushan.

The meat is ruddy in color and the skin is oily. It simmers with the soup in the pot, as if it is tender tofu stewed in the pot or boiled jelly.

Continue to reduce the juice, let the soup from the bottom of the pot be absorbed into the meat, then scoop a little scallion oil and pour it on the skin of the meat.

Shake the wok and let the scallion oil spread on the surface of the meat skin. The already shiny meat skin seems to be coated with a layer of glass. It is not only shiny, but also makes the meat skin more rosy, making it look crystal clear.

At this time, he picked up the wok, placed it on the prepared plate, tilted the mouth of the pot slightly, and the elbow inside slid into the plate as if it were alive.

Take the elbow outside, and everyone is waiting eagerly to eat it.

"Wow, so beautiful!"

"It's chubby. I didn't expect elbows to be so beautiful."

"These are collagens that make skin better!"

"Xubao, how do you eat this? Do you break it with a spoon?"

Lin Xu took two chopsticks and quickly slid them four times horizontally on his elbows, then four times vertically, and the entire elbows would be evenly separated.

When you cut it open with chopsticks, the silky texture feels like it's not an elbow, but a dessert.

Easier than cutting a birthday cake.

"You can cut it open with chopsticks, but the meat is so mushy."

Yan Lin sighed with emotion, lifted a piece from the edge with her chopsticks, put it into her bowl, and then put it into her mouth.

As soon as you enter the mouth, this red elbow, including the leather and flesh, melts in your mouth. You don't need to chew it with your teeth at all. Just suck it gently, and the whole piece of meat automatically opens and pours into your mouth.

All tastes have become words such as moist, melted, tender, fragrant and soft.

Initially, she thought it was greasy and she could only eat two pieces at most. However, after taking one bite, she realized that two pieces were not enough and she had to eat at least half of it.

Shen Jiayue, Geng Lele, Cui Qingyuan and others who came to see their godmother off were also surprised by this elbow.

I never expected that the elbow meat could be so soft and rotten.

Soon, the elbows on the plate were all snatched up by everyone. Eating these soft pieces of meat was not only not satisfying, but also aroused the appetite.

"It's delicious, so delicious... Can Xu Bao have a few more pieces?"

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Come right away."

When he just started to collect the juice from the elbow, others also started to help, and secondly to learn how to control the heat during the process of collecting juice for similar dishes.

Well, this is what everyone actively wants to learn, especially the group of helpers, who pick up the wok after finishing their work.

Naturally, Lin Xu would not refuse everyone, and even reminded them of the key points of collecting the juice, such as using the method of turning the pot to stir the elbows in the pot instead of turning over with a spoon.

In addition, when operating a large turning ladle, you must also pay attention. After turning the ladle, do not pour the scallion oil in a hurry. You must wait until the soup is almost invisible before pouring the oil out of the pot.

"Here comes the elbow!"

Soon, several portions of braised pork elbow were brought from the kitchen to the dining table.

Shen Jiayue picked up the serving chopsticks and tried to separate the elbows. Although it was not as neat as Lin Xu, the cross pattern on the round elbows looked quite beautiful.

This girl divided the elbows and didn't eat them immediately. She took a photo with her mobile phone and sent it to her circle of friends:

“I’m asking you if you’re hungry for the red braised elbow jointly made with Xu Bao!”

Hoho, even though Xu Bao made it, I separated the elbows with chopsticks, so it doesn’t make sense that we made them together.

Geng Lele, Shu Yun and Dou Wenjing also divided the other elbows in this way.

The feeling of cutting open the elbow with chopsticks is really like eating a dessert such as cake. Who would have thought that the elbow can be so soft?

The elbow is so soft that it is difficult to pick it up with chopsticks. Basically, the lean meat part at the bottom is held up with chopsticks so that the meat can be brought to the mouth.

After one bite, the feeling of being oily and soft yet melting in your mouth is so wonderful that it feels like a dream.

While they were feasting in the store, in the brilliant building not far away, the tiger skin elbow jointly made by Qi Zhentao, his sons Qi Siming and Qiu Zhenhua was also officially released.

The skin of the elbow is red and has the unique wrinkles of tiger skin, and it looks like it is ready to be bitten.

Taking advantage of the photographer's time to take a close-up, Chen Yan took her mobile phone and leaned over to take a picture, and then opened her WeChat Moments, intending to use this insult to annoy her cousin.

However, as soon as she opened it, she saw Shen Jiayue's red elbows.

She looked at the tiger skin elbow in front of her, and then at the red braised elbow on WeChat, and for a moment she felt like "the clown is actually me".

No wonder my cousin doesn’t come to eat tiger skin knuckles, even hinting in the group that she won’t come.

It turns out there are red braised elbows!

Mr. Chen couldn't help but swallowed. The tiger skin knuckles were definitely not enough to eat.

I will try it later and drive to the store. I will eat an elbow first, and then I will ask my cousin how thick-skinned I am to say something shameless like joining hands with my brother-in-law to cook.

Humph, last time my little Jiejie teamed up with me to catch so many wanted criminals, I was too embarrassed to say we would join forces to catch them.

You, a kitchen novice who can't tell the difference between soy sauce and vinegar, actually said that they would join forces to make braised pork elbows. Isn't it too shameless?

Speaking of which, I still lacked experience when I arrested people last time.

If my cousin had such a shameless style at that time, our baby Yan might even gain the title of a crime nemesis.

I don’t know if there will be another chance to join forces with Ren Jie to catch someone, I’m looking forward to it...


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