Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 499 Soy sauce meat is such a versatile ingredient! After the settlement approval was passed,

The soy sauce meat is very delicious, with rich sauce aroma, salty aroma and delicious taste. You can even taste the slight aftertaste after eating it. This taste and firm texture make the soy sauce meat particularly delicious.

But it was midnight after all, so Lin Xu wasn't too hungry. After eating two pieces of meat, he put down his chopsticks.

He set up the wok, poured in the dripping fat from the tray, and simmered it over low heat.

This is done to remove the odor and use high temperature to combine the flavors of lard and soy sauce, making the fat more fragrant and taste better.

After boiling, take out the fat and pour it into a small bowl.

the next morning.

Lin Xu finished washing and went to the kitchen downstairs to prepare breakfast.

He first cooked the pumpkin porridge for the morning, mixed some noodles for making pancakes, and then took out the tofu skin he brought from the store yesterday.

I originally planned to make tofu skin rolls with meat filling this morning, but now that the soy sauce meat is ready, I will make this tofu skin roll with meat filling next time.

Cut the tofu skin into wide strips, then cut it into slices, blanch it in hot water, take it out and put it in a basket to control the water.

Taking advantage of this time, take out the soy sauce meat you made yesterday and cut it into thinner slices with a kitchen knife.

Last night, it was steamed and then cut, which made it easier to cut. But now the raw meat is cut directly, which is relatively hard, but with this texture, it is easier to cut thinly.

Cut the meat, squeeze out the water from the tofu skin and place it on a plate. Then divide the cut soy sauce meat in half and cover the tofu skin with half.

As for the remaining half, steam it with cabbage leaves.

Cut the cabbage into slices with the leaves attached, place it on the plate, and put the soy sauce meat on top.

After all the two dishes were prepared, they were put into the steaming cabinet and started steaming.

Taking advantage of this time, he chopped some green onions for making pancakes, then put a large spoonful of flour into the bowl, plus two small spoons of salt and two small spoons of five-spice powder.

Take out the fat that was boiled yesterday, heat it, pour it into a bowl, and mix it into a paste while it's still hot. It becomes the most commonly used pastry for making pancakes.

With the pastry, the pancakes are not only layered, but also have a rich flavor.

While Lin Xu was busy, Shen Jiayue and Chen Yan were woken up by Han Shuzhen and went to do gymnastics on the rooftop upstairs. At this time, Lao Shen was already holding a skipping rope and was sweating from jumping.

The more meat you eat, the more exercise you need.

As for the purpose of exercise, it is just to eat more meat.

The biggest motivation why Lao Shen has been able to persist in exercising is actually to eat.

Only by exercising your body well can you eat meat and drink happily. If your body breaks down, no matter how much money you have, you can't eat it with your big elbows. What a pity!

In the kitchen, Lin Xu rolled out the relaxed dough with a rolling pin, spread it with the prepared pastry, sprinkled with chopped green onion, then rolled it up, divided it into dough balls, pinched the two ends and turned it, pressed it into a cake, and used the rolling pin to Roll into dough.

Heat the pan with oil, put the dough in and bake.

This kind of pancake is a very common staple food for northerners and has a strong feeling of satiety.

The pancakes are ready and the exercise upstairs is over.

Lin Xu neatly stacked the pancakes on the chopping board, cut them with a knife, put them in a basket, and then brought down the pumpkin and millet porridge cooked in a casserole.

Finally, the two steamed dishes were brought out from the steaming cabinet.

As soon as the door of the steam cabinet is opened, the delicious smell wafts out. The fragrance of tofu skin is mixed with the deliciousness of soy sauce meat, which makes people appetizing.

The other plate of cabbage even smelled like a stew.

Sprinkle some chopped green onion on the two plates, burn a little peanut oil and pour it on, the aroma will become more intense, and the addition of oil will also make the tofu skin and cabbage leaves taste better.

Bring two plates of food to the dining table, then add the leftover roast chicken and kimchi from last night, and a hearty and delicious breakfast is officially completed.

Shen Jiayue jumped downstairs, took a bite of the pancake on the table, and said with a smile:

"It's delicious. It actually feels like eating meat. It's made with soy sauce meat soup. It's like eating meatloaf... Dad, you didn't eat pancakes like this when you were a kid, right?"

Shen Guofu sat down with a smile, took the porridge from Lin Xu and said:

"It was not easy for me to eat pancakes when I was a kid. At that time, your grandma would steam some multi-grain steamed buns, break them open, put some lard and coarse salt inside, rub them while they were hot, and take a big bite after the lard melted. That was already It’s the greatest enjoyment.”

Chen Yan took a small sip of the porridge in the bowl, then picked up the pancakes and prepared to eat:

"My mother said in the past that my family was the poorest in the whole hutong. People would set off firecrackers during the New Year. Our family couldn't afford them, so we would whip them in the yard with a spinning top whip a few times. If they went off, it would be New Year."

Shen Guofu put a piece of soy sauce meat with tofu skin into his mouth and said while chewing:

"It's the Chinese New Year. You'll know when there's a sound. There are so many people setting off firecrackers. How can God tell who's setting off firecrackers and who's fooling him... Hey, this soy sauce meat and yuba are not bad when eaten together. Okay. Eat, this is the first time I discovered that it can be paired together like this. This dish is so enjoyable to eat.”

Han Shuzhen rolled her eyes at him:

"As long as there is meat, there is nothing unpalatable in your eyes, right?"

"That's not true. When I was running business in the southwest, I encountered people who ate smelly meat. I couldn't stand it. The taste must be good, but I couldn't get over the hurdle in my heart."

When he was young, Shen Guofu traveled extensively and learned about delicious food from all over the world.

He can't eat stinky meat, but he doesn't resist beef soup. He can eat stinky tofu until he's full, but stinky winter melon and stinky amaranth don't catch a cold very much.

Lin Xu said:

"I don't have all the ingredients at home today, and I don't have time to make the bean curd sticks. In fact, there are quite a few dishes that can be steamed with soy sauce meat."

Basically, all the dishes that can be steamed with bacon can also be steamed with soy sauce meat, such as shredded bamboo shoots, radish leaves, prunes, tofu, yuba, mandarin fish, eggs, seabass, taro, etc.

Moreover, this kind of meat can be used as both a dish and a condiment, making it much easier to prepare than ordinary dishes.

Shen Jiayue was shocked when she heard:

"How can you actually make so much food? Can you make Xu Baozu and try them all? I think they are all delicious."

I never expected that there would be such a long list of dishes that can be steamed with soy sauce meat. If you add stew, stir-fry, etc., wouldn’t it be even more?

Lin Xu said:

"No problem. As long as you want to eat, we'll do it. It's pretty easy anyway."

It’s simple, delicious and hassle-free, so there’s no reason to refuse.

Lin Xu picked up a chopstick of cabbage and soy sauce meat. The fat of the meat was completely absorbed by the cabbage, making the meat delicious and fragrant without any greasy feeling. The cabbage was as delicious as stewed meat.

There are no condiments in the cabbage, but after absorbing the sauce of the soy sauce meat, the unique sweetness of the cabbage is brought out. It tastes different from fried or stewed Chinese cabbage.

After breakfast, Shen Guofu and Han Shuzhen went to work. Chen Yan went to the company to keep an eye on today's shooting progress. Lin Xu tidied up the kitchen, picked up Dundun, and went to the store with Shen Jiayue.

A new day has begun.

The New Year is approaching, and the streets are filled with the spirit of the New Year. On both sides of Yingchun Street, people from the street office are busy hanging lanterns.

Although it is not yet the 15th day of the twelfth lunar month, it is the New Year after the Laba Festival. Hang it up early to let people nearby feel the festive atmosphere.

After parking the car, Lin Xu got out of the car with Dundun in his arms. As soon as he walked into the store, he met Shu Yun, Zeng Xiaoqi and Dou Wenjing who were coming downstairs after breakfast.

"Boss, Brother Feng went to communicate with the village committee where Uncle Shang owns the land. The other party was very arrogant at first. When Brother Feng revealed his identity, he started to build a relationship and said a lot of bad things about Uncle Shang."

After listening to Dou Wenjing's words, Lin Xu asked:

"Brother Feng, do you have any suggestions?"

"His suggestion is to ignore the other party. Anyway, Uncle Shang won't be there after the year. However, he doesn't think you will agree, so he plans to cooperate with Officer Ren to see if he can find any dirty information."

Lin Xu thought for a while and said:

"Let Brother Feng check it out. If it doesn't work, forget it. It's not that we are afraid of trouble. The main thing is that this kind of thing may involve a lot. There is no need for us to wade into such muddy waters."

In the rural areas on the outskirts of Beijing, there are many people with hands and eyes as bright as the sky.

On my side, I might provoke some big shot, and the unlucky one might be... Eh? Unlucky? With the existence of the luck bug Dundun, I shouldn't be unlucky here, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Xu rubbed Dundun's head.

From the beginning to now, the little guy has never expressed any objection. When Chen Yan said that she was investigating, it even high-fived Chen Yan.

Could it be that that village could really find out something?

But it is a bit difficult for a lawyer and a criminal police officer to investigate this kind of thing, and since everyone has a job, it is somewhat inappropriate to investigate this kind of thing in their spare time.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lao Suntou's voice came from behind him:

"Xiao Lin, is there anything delicious to eat today? It's cold and I can't go fishing. I can't stand or sit at home. I'm almost having trouble with leisure."


I was worried about investigating the candidates, but I didn't expect Lao Suntou to come. Isn't this just a pillow for him if he fell asleep?

Lin Xu said:

"I do have something exciting going on here. Do you want to hear it?"

When Lao Suntou heard this, his originally listless eyes suddenly became full of energy:

"What's the matter, Xiaolin? Tell me, tell me."

"It's like this. We encountered something a little annoying two days ago. As a veteran police officer, please give us some advice."

Lin Xu's original plan was to consult. If Lao Suntou took the initiative to ask Ying to investigate, he would ask Dundun to add a luck buff to him.

If you don’t want to go, or your intention to go is not very strong, then listen to his opinion and see what to do.

Putting Dundun on the service table, Lin Xu, his grandson Dou Wenjing, and Zeng Xiaoqi, who was joining in the fun, sat at the dining table next to him.

After pouring hot tea, Lin Xu recounted how he met Uncle Shang.

For Old Suntou, who is used to seeing things like wind and rain, this is just a small matter. He smiled and said:

"Give me the address of that dark pit. I've been there to get addicted to fishing. As for the other things, I'll take a look and talk about it. You can form a group and bring everyone in, and we can discuss it among ourselves."

Lao Suntou didn't say anything too serious, but he was obviously moved.

After all, in this long winter when fishing is not possible, it would be nice to have something to do to kill time.

He was a quick-tempered man, and he was ready to leave after saying this, and he could also enjoy his fishing addiction. When Lin Xu saw this, he said to Dundun at the service desk:

"Dundun, your grandpa is leaving, please come and say goodbye."

Dundun reluctantly raised his paw. you think Lao Suntou is not in danger?

Lin Xu immediately felt relieved, as long as everything was fine.

He created a group on WeChat and included Ren Jiefeng, Lao Suntou, Chen Yan, Dou Wenjing and others.

After Lao Suntou left, he came upstairs and Chezi said:

"The elbows have been delivered. They are very well-proportioned, each weighing about two and a half pounds."

The weight is neither too big nor too small, and it is indeed suitable for making braised pork elbows.

Just as Lin Xuda was about to check the quality of the elbow, his phone suddenly rang.

When he got through, he found out that the call was from the Haidian Administrative Service Center. He was talking about the thing he was most interested in and what he had been struggling with for the past two days...settlement.

"Lin Xu, right? Bring your household registration book and ID card to the administrative service hall to handle your naturalization procedures within a week. Congratulations on your successful settlement in the capital."

Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Did the surprise come so suddenly?

He went to Yanjing Hotel yesterday, and Ye Lixin happened to be doing his work report. He was not in the hotel, so he didn't ask about settling in.

I originally planned to go there again today, but I didn't expect this notification.

Isn't this too fast?

"By the way, don't forget to bring the recommendation letter from the Chinese Cuisine Association when you come. It will be kept on file here."


Chinese Cuisine Association?

Wasn't this done with the help of Yanjing Hotel?

Lin Xu's mood gradually changed from surprise to confusion, feeling that things exceeded his expectations.

After hanging up the phone, he calmed down and called Xie Baomin:

"Senior brother, is it Master who handles my settlement?"

"Yes, I only found out about the application you submitted on the day you opened the business two days ago. Has it been approved now?"

"Well, let me go through the naturalization procedures with my household registration book and ID card within a week."

"Then go quickly. Is your household registration book here? If not, ask your parents to send it over. Let's get this done quickly. Let's shave our heads and cool down early."

As expected, Master handled it.

Thinking about it, I was still a little confused when I became a master, but now it seems that I have been protected since I called that master.

Such a master is really touching.

Xie Baomin said:

"Let's announce the good news to Master, so that he won't have to worry about it when he's not having fun outside. By the way, when will we return to the capital? Your wedding is very close."

"Yeah, I'll call now."

Lin Xu took a deep breath, filled with gratitude to his master.

After calling to report the matter, Uncle Gao was very happy:

"Finally, the approval has been approved. Remember to thank Lao Guo when you see him later. He has done this several times. It's not easy for those with old arms and legs."

"Okay Master, by the way, when will you return to the capital? I'm still waiting to report to you on my recent study progress."

Uncle Gao smiled and said:

"It's almost time. I'm in Chengdu now. I just finished chatting with the elders of the Dai family. After we finish shopping here, we will drive the RV to Chuncheng, the provincial capital of southern Yunnan, and fly directly to the capital."

The schedule is quite full.

Lin Xu chatted for a few more words, hung up the phone, and then reported the matter to both parents and the elders in the family.

For Lin Xu, being able to settle in the capital was a small leap in his life. With this status, no one would look at him like an outsider anymore.

"Xubao, can we get the certificate now?"

Shen Jiayue was very happy. After living together illegally for so many days, it was finally legal.

Lin Xu pinched the girl's face and said:

"We'll be naturalized after we get our household registration, and then we'll go get the certificate... I'm going to make the elbows first, otherwise I won't be able to eat in time at noon."

"Okay, okay, go ahead and let me share the good news with everyone."

Back in the kitchen, Lin Xu saw the elbow sent by Lao Hu. At this moment, Che Zai, Qi Siliang and several helpers were burning the pig skin with a spray gun.

When making elbow dishes, this step is basically indispensable.

Not only is the skin of elbows prone to smell, but most importantly, there are stubbles on the skin of elbows, which can cause irritation and prick the mouth when eaten, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

After the skin was burned, the elbow had to be deboned. Lin Xu thought for a while and asked:

"The red braised elbow needs to be deboned. Is there any deboned elbow at Lao Hu's place?"

"Some bosses, Lao Hu asked if he wanted boneless ones this morning. I couldn't make the decision, so I just ordered these."

Che Zai said while working.

Lin Xu boiled half a pot of hot water and put the blackened elbow in to soak.

Soaking in hot water can wash away the dirt inside and outside the pig skin to the maximum extent. If you use cold water, the pores will shrink and the dirt inside may be sealed into the meat.

Soak for about ten minutes, then take a kitchen steel brush and carefully clean the stains on the surface of the pig skin.

Then rinse the elbow again, cut through the thinnest part of the meat, and pick out the bones from the elbow.

Braised pork elbows need to be boneless, which not only makes cooking easier, but also makes the dishes look better.

As for the removed bones, they will not be wasted. Adding them to the pork bone stock later will improve the quality of the stock.

After all the elbows were deboned, Lin Xu put the elbows into a pot of cold water, added onion, ginger, pepper and star anise, poured in a large bowl of rice wine, and started to blanch it.

It is said to be blanched, but actually it is to cook the elbows until they are raw.

This process takes more than half an hour to cook the elbow thoroughly before proceeding to the next step.

While the elbows were cooking, Lin Xu specially prepared some stewed soup using pork bone broth. This stewed soup was mixed with sugar and red yeast rice, and was paired with more than a dozen commonly used braised meat ingredients and rock sugar, salt, and light soy sauce. Wait for the condiments to cook.

After simmering for about half an hour, it becomes an indispensable stew for making red braised elbow.

While he was busy in the kitchen, Shen Jiayue sat outside, chatting with Geng Lele on her mobile phone.

"Sister Yue, the Chinese name of the oral English teacher I am looking for is Wang Cuihua. She said she was given the name by a good friend and asked me if the name symbolizes elegance and holiness."

Shen Jiayue:? ? ? ? ? ?

Is this being tricked?

She asked curiously:

"As soon as you hear this name, you can tell that you are not very bright. There are so many foreign oral English teachers, why did you choose her?"

Geng Lele made a gossipy expression:

"Because Teacher Cuihua's English name is Lucy, and she is looking for a man named Robin in English, so I hired her based on the principle that just watching the excitement is not too big a deal."

Shen Jiayue's face was full of shock.


Can this also happen?

But considering that there are many foreign teachers in Beijing, it is quite normal to meet Lucy.

While they were chatting, Lin Xu came out of the kitchen carrying some roasted sweet potatoes, and Shen Jiayue smiled:

"Xubao, there is good news, do you want to hear it?"

"What good news?"

Shen Jiayue took the sweet potato and said while peeling it:

"The oral English teacher Lele is looking for seems to be Lucy!"

Lin Xu suddenly had an idea in his mind:

"How about...inviting Lucy to the wedding?"


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