Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 420 Dundun, who is used to eating rare sea fish, tasted bullfrog for the first time, and the

"Alas, it's hard to explain in words, Brother Lin!"

Lao Huang's heavy sigh made Lin Xu a little surprised:

"What's going on? Did you find something wrong? Don't worry, Boss Huang. Tell me slowly. Whether it's Jishuitan 301 or Xiehe, we have people. If it doesn't work, just go and check again."

With this embarrassed expression, could it be that he had some serious disease because he was too late for a physical examination?

Just when he was about to say a few more words of comfort, Lao Huang suddenly said seriously:

"Brother Lin, you must believe in science at all times. Take the time to check it out. Don't delay, and don't take medicine blindly."

Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ?

what's the situation?

Why did you suddenly start teaching me?

He asked curiously:

"What kind of illness did you find out? You were so surprised."

Old Huang sighed:

"My health was fine, but I didn't just eat all kinds of waist-building ingredients. I just thought that medication was not as good as diet, and diet was not as good as food supplements. The result was good, and I developed prostatitis... I can't drink alcohol recently, and I have to Eat less greasy food, and by the way, the doctor asked me to walk for at least an hour every day..."

Good guy!

So that's what happened.

You and your senior brother are really... one has prostate stones and the other has prostatitis. This is the result of taking waist-strengthening drugs indiscriminately.

Be sure to tell others about it when you go back and take it as a warning.

We must believe in science and medicine, and we must not take medicine indiscriminately.

Otherwise, nothing will happen but something will happen.

Lin Xu asked:

"In addition to temporarily not drinking and being less greasy, how else can I treat it? Do I need to get an injection?"

"There is no need for an injection, just take medicine. Just don't drink alcohol or eat meat. This is so uncomfortable. I never thought that taking medicine indiscriminately would lead to such an end. Brother Lin, please don't eat indiscriminately. This is no joke."

Lin Xu smiled bitterly:

"No, I don't need those either."

"You young people are just tough-talking..."

Lin Xu knew that this matter was a bit unclear, so he smiled and asked:

"Then do you want to eat these bullfrogs tonight?"

"Chew, eat, eat, eat one last meal. Starting tomorrow, start eating lightly... By the way, Brother Lin, the beef tartare I asked you to cook, can you eat it?"

Beef tartare?

Yes, there is still such a task.

Lin Xu said:

"This is a light dish that is low in salt and fat. It is not greasy. You can eat it. It is even better for your health to eat more."

"Then hurry up and do it. I will come to the store to find you when I want to eat meat."

"Okay, I'll study the method later and get started."

At this moment, the bullfrogs in the bags were still waiting to be packed away. Lin Xu made sure that Lao Huang was fine, so he walked into the kitchen with two bags and started making bullfrogs.

Originally, he planned to cook a portion of Bullfrog Pot with Sausage or Sautage Frog with Pickled Peppers by boiling fish in water, but now he actually brought two big bags, so he might as well find a way to make a few more.

This stuff won’t taste good if leftover, so make a few more to make it enjoyable for everyone.

The bullfrog in the bag was still alive. In order to prevent it from running around in the kitchen, Lin Xu put the bag into the sink without untying the opening. Instead, he used the scale scraper hanging next to the sink to poke some holes in the bag for ventilation. holes to facilitate the bullfrog's ventilation.

Unlike other ingredients, bullfrog is best eaten freshly, so that it is more tender and delicious.

But this is not the best time to kill the bullfrog. You have to make all the preparations before slaughtering and cooking it.

Lin Xu first prepared the ingredients for braised bullfrog.

Prepare a small basket of bell peppers, king peppers and three new generation dried peppers in a ratio of 1:1:2, cut them into sections, and cook them in hot water.

Cook the peppers until they are soft and swollen, then take them out and chop them on a cutting board.

What is made in this way is glutinous rice cake pepper.

Ciba chili is an essential ingredient for making spicy marinated oil.

When chopping chili peppers, add a tablespoon of bean paste so that you don’t need to season the spicy marinated oil later, and the spicy marinated oil cooked in this way will have a rich sauce flavor.

Chop everything into pieces and put it into a basin, then add the same amount of cooking oil to the pot according to the amount of glutinous rice cake peppers.

If you make it at home, just use cooking oil and simmer the onions, scallions, ginger, star anise, celery, coriander and other ingredients until fragrant. But there is ready-made cooking oil in the store, so there is no need to go to such trouble.

Pour the cooking oil into the pot and pour all the glutinous rice cake and chili peppers in before the oil heats up.

The reason why we choose to cook with cold oil is to fully release the capsaicin in the peppers, and at the same time, the spicy flavor of the peppers will be fully integrated into the oil.

If you heat the oil before putting it in, this effect will be greatly reduced.

As the temperature of the oil in the pot rises, the color becomes more and more red, and the fat becomes turbid because of the high water content.

Don't be impatient now, you have to cook it slowly over low heat.

Simmer until the fat in the pot becomes clear again, then the water in the pot is completely dry and you can turn off the heat.

The most important way to judge whether the water has dried out when there is a lot of oil is to observe the clarity of the oil. The less water, the clearer the oil.

On the contrary, if the oil in the pot is always cloudy, it means there is still a lot of water, so you can boil it vigorously.

This is not only true for cooking spicy marinated oil, but generally when making dishes such as stir-fried chicken and stir-fried pork ribs, as long as it involves the steps of stir-frying raw meat, the amount of moisture is judged by observing the clarity of the oil.

Cooking spicy marinated oil is a time-consuming and laborious process. You need to constantly stir it with a spoon in the pot to allow the chili peppers to further release capsaicin during the friction and collision process.

After more than twenty minutes, when the fat in the pot becomes clear again and the glutinous rice cake and pepper feel light and airy when stirred, you can turn off the heat and pour it out.

Pour the spicy marinated oil into a basin, cover it, and send it to the cold storage to cool down.

In this way, the aroma will converge into the fat. When it is added to the braised meat, the spiciness and aroma will be released again, which can be transferred to the ingredients.

Taking advantage of this moment, Lin Xu started making stewed soup.

Take a deeper soup bucket and add about ten pounds of pork bone stock into it. Using the stock can make the marinade more fragrant and the taste more moist and plump.

If you don’t have stock at home, just make some big bones and simmer for a few hours.

Put a bowl of Sichuan peppercorns and Sichuan peppercorns into the pot, the ratio of the two is 1:1, and finally add about half a pound of complete dried chili peppers.

Put the Sichuan peppercorns into the pot, then prepare a marinade bag, stuff it with star anise leaves, cinnamon bark, cumin, white peppercorns and two or three small cloves, break the seeds of the grass fruit, a few slices of Angelica dahuricae, and a few white peppercorns. .

Then stir-fry some sugar and pour it in. Add a little more salt, rock sugar, chicken powder and MSG. After it boils over high heat, continue to cook over low heat.

To make braised food, you need to boil the braised soup first.

The stewed soup will taste good only if it is cooked thoroughly before adding the stewed meat.

While the stew was cooking, Lin Xu prepared lettuce slices, lotus root slices, celery segments, lettuce leaves and other dishes. He also cut some pickled peppers, pickled peppers, chopped some bean paste, and cut some fat intestines to go with the bullfrog. .

Everything is ready, start killing the bullfrogs.

Place a cutting board next to the sink, then open the bag, take out a bullfrog, and start cleaning it up.

Make a cut on the back of the bullfrog's head, then peel off the outer skin of the bullfrog. While removing the outer skin, clean the internal organs of the bullfrog as well.

After cleaning everything, chop off the tips of the four claws of the bullfrog, and you will have a white and tender bullfrog.

Put the bullfrog you picked up in the basin and start picking up the next one.

If you go to the wet market to buy it, you can just leave this step to the stall owner to help clean up. But Lao Huang needs to deliver goods to various stores. If you bring two bags of slaughtered bullfrogs, they will become stale over time.

Relatively speaking, it is better to bring live bullfrogs directly and slaughter them when cooking to ensure the freshness of the meat to the maximum extent.

Wei Qian came over and saw a pool of bullfrogs. He couldn't help but help:

"Hey, there are so many bullfrogs, Lin Xu, what are you going to do?"

"Make a portion of bullfrog in hot pot, a portion of bullfrog in dry pot, and a portion of bullfrog with pickled peppers. As for the rest, we will braise it all. There are more bullfrogs today, so everyone will enjoy it."

The bullfrog with its skin removed is all lean meat, which looks like bulging muscles.

Zhu Yong, who was standing next to him, came over to take a look, and then patted Wei Gan on the shoulder:

"Look, your waist is slender, your back is slender, and your muscles are bulging. When will you be able to train your body to the level of a bullfrog, and then you will have the right to speak in front of Tiantian, otherwise you will be beaten."

Wei Gan opened his mouth.

He originally planned to retort, but remembering the scene when he got off work last night, he wisely kept his mouth shut.

After get off work last night, Lu Lu happened to pick up Zhu Yong.

Wei Gan was about to push the cart and continue riding the bicycle back. He found that Song Tiantian's shoelaces were loose, so he squatted down to tie Song Tiantian's shoes. As soon as he tied them, he found Lu Lu squatting aside to tie Zhu Yong's shoes with his hands in his pockets.

This kind of scene, coupled with the machismo words Wei Qian said before, suddenly felt like the tide was turning.

In the past, I always despised Zhu Yong, but now he is a turned serf and can sing. Lu Lu either buys him a small dessert or gives him a small surprise. The status of the two of them has undergone a huge change.

And myself...

I have been forced to ride a bicycle by Tiantian all day long. Although my physical fitness is much better than before and I have lost two inches from my waist, I can't compare with Tiantian.

Then continue to be dealt with.


Sure enough, it corresponds to the classic saying in online novels:

Thirty years in Hexi, thirty years in Hedong, don’t laugh at Zhu Yong!

Brother Yong, I will never dare to laugh at you again!

After cleaning up the bullfrogs, Lin Xu first picked out the braised bullfrogs. These should be used whole and put aside separately.

As for the rest, chop them all into large pieces with a knife.

While he was busy with this matter, he didn't forget to put a few bullfrogs on the plate and put them in the steaming cabinet for steaming.

Don’t forget the delicious food you promised to prepare for Dundun.

I don’t know if the little guy likes to eat. If he likes to eat, buy some live ones and put them in an aquarium separately, so you can eat them as you like.

All the bullfrogs were cut and marinated.

In a basin, add two small spoons of salt, one spoon of oyster sauce, a little light soy sauce, and a small spoon of pepper, mix well, add two egg whites, mix well again, and add a small handful of cornstarch.

This makes the bullfrog's meat more tender and smooth.

Finally, add some peanut oil so that it can quickly spread when oiled and will not stick together.

Almost all meats undergo similar steps when marinating.

It will be the same, basically I understand other dishes as well.

As for those that are to be marinated, they do not need to be marinated, but they also need to be oiled.

After frying, the surface of the bullfrog will become slightly firmer and will not easily fall apart during marinating. If you put the bullfrog directly into the marinade, you will probably only have a skeleton left when you take it out.

Moreover, after the bullfrog is fried, the moisture is firmly locked in, making it taste more tender.

In fact, not only marinated bullfrogs need to be oiled, bullfrogs made in other ways also need to be oiled, but some need to be marinated and some don't.

While the bullfrogs were marinating, Lin Xu added an appropriate amount of vegetable oil to the pot. The oil was 50% hot, and put in the bullfrogs that needed to be marinated one by one.

Start frying.

This kind of marinated bullfrog doesn't need to be fried too hard. It can be fished out by briefly immersing it in hot oil.

If it is fried too much, the flavor of the braised soup will not penetrate.

Take the fried bullfrog out of the pot, control the oil first, and then add it to the stew when the temperature drops, so that the bullfrog meat will not fall apart.

Qi Siliang, who was busy with his work, came over and asked curiously:

"Boss, can this stewed soup only be used to stew bullfrogs? Can I use this stewed soup if I make stewed meat at home?"

Lin Xu said:

"Yes, as long as it doesn't have a strong smell, meat and vegetables can be put in to marinate it. If you find it troublesome to stir-fry the sugary color, just put a few broken yellow gardenias to make a yellow marinated soup. You don't need to be particular about eating it at home. , you can braise it however you want."

When making stewed dishes in restaurants, in order to prevent odor transfer, only the same type of ingredients can be put into each stewed soup. But we don’t make it every day at home, so we just stew it casually.

It's just that the stewing time is different. The ones that can withstand cooking are put in earlier, and those that are not can be put in later. After stewing, turn off the heat and soak for an hour or two before eating. This is fine.

Seeing that Qi Siliang was fine at the moment, Lin Xu ordered:

"Go to the cold storage and bring me the spicy braised oil that I dried. You can't make this kind of braised food without adding the braised oil."

After it was served, he poured half of the spicy marinated oil into the pot.

The braised soup in the pot suddenly had a layer of red oil on it, and the fragrant and spicy flavor of the spicy braised oil also wafted out.

After simmering for ten minutes, turn off the heat and let the aroma of the stew subside, so that the bullfrog can better absorb the aroma of the stew after it is put in.

Moreover, bullfrogs are not resistant to cooking, so they should be boiled in the stewed soup for about three to five minutes, and then soaked for about ten minutes before eating.

In this case, it’s never too late to cook it before dinner.

At this time, the bullfrogs in the steaming cabinet were probably almost gone. Lin Xu opened the steaming cabinet and took out the bullfrogs inside.

Sure enough, it had been steamed thoroughly, even a little too much, and some of the meat was falling off the bones.

He used chopsticks to completely remove the bullfrog's meat and poured it into Dundun's eating plate, about half of the plate. The steamed broth was not wasted and was poured directly on top, so that it would be more nutritious to eat.

When the meat was dry and no longer hot, he came downstairs with the plate.

Dundun, who had just walked out of the stairs and was holding the cat-playing stick in his mouth and planning to play with Shu Yun, smelled the smell of meat and immediately threw the cat-playing stick aside, jumped down from the service desk, and ran towards Lin Xu.

"Looks like you're really hungry."

Lin Xu held the plate and let Dundun smell it. Just when he was about to put it on the small dining table at the service counter, the little guy stopped. He pressed the plate with his two front paws, put his head in and started eating.

Shu Yun next to him quickly brought the small dining table, and Lin Xu took it and placed it under the plate.

Since you can't wait any longer, just squat on the ground and eat.

While he was busy doing this, Dundun's head was always stuck on the plate, not raising his head at all, even if he teased it as a blue pig, he just ignored it and just ate the meat.

While eating, his mouth made a sound like a piglet.

It sounds healing and tempting.

Shu Yun said with a distressed look:

"I just went to Yanjing Hotel. It looks like I've been wandering outside for several days? Look how hungry the child is..."

Lin Xu felt that although he didn't eat anything for lunch, the yak jerky given by Lao Dai was quite solid.

The little guy ate two pieces and drank water. Logically speaking, he wouldn't be hungry at all.

But now...

Could it be the bullfrog?

Compared with other meats, bullfrog meat is tender and juicy, and has no peculiar smell. The meat itself comes in small pieces, which is suitable for eating.

This little guy seems to like eating bullfrogs.

If this is the case, your living expenses will be greatly reduced.

I never expected that Dundun, who was used to eating rare sea fish, would be interested in bullfrogs.

It ate up the bullfrog on the plate like a whirlwind, and then licked the plate again with its little scarlet tongue. None of the gravy, minced meat, etc. at the bottom of the plate was wasted.

It was just like feeding it in the green belt of the community for the first time.

After eating and drinking, Dundun jumped up to the service counter and squatted on the small roof. She carefully licked her paws and washed her face, bringing the cat's mysophobia to its fullest.

While doing this, it squinted its eyes slightly, looking very satisfied.

Lin Xu was so surprised. He never expected that such a picky little kitten would be conquered by a bullfrog.

"If you like it, how about making bullfrog for you as a snack tonight?"

When Dundun heard this, he immediately rubbed his big head against Lin Xu's palm.

Obviously, it wasn't very satisfying.

As the saying goes: No matter how poor you are, you can’t afford education; no matter how miserable you are, you can’t afford a cat.

Lin Xu immediately ordered the car boy to go to the aquatic products store in the market to buy a few live bullfrogs, and take them back after get off work in the evening, and give the little guy a late-night snack around ten o'clock.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and cats also need to store fat for the winter.

After serving Dundun to eat, Lin Xu washed his small plate in front of the sink at the door of the kitchen and put it in the cabinet next to it with Dundun's photo on it to dry.

Next, it’s time to become human food.

Lin Xu put the oil pan that had just been oiled for the bullfrog back on the stove, turned it on to 30% heat, then turned it to medium heat, and then scattered the marinated bullfrogs in it.

Braised bullfrog needs to be fried quickly at 50% oil temperature. This is to tighten the surface of the bullfrog and prevent it from falling apart easily.

When making ordinary dishes, it is best to put the oil in the pot at 30% temperature and slowly fry the bullfrog meat by dip-frying, so that the texture of the meat will be smoother and more tender.

Don't turn the bullfrog just after it's taken out of the pot, otherwise the slurry hanging on the surface will come off.

Fry for a while, then use a spoon to push the bottom and flip it.

After a few minutes, the bullfrog is fried and drained to control the oil.

Next, the cooking officially begins!


I originally wrote 4,000 words last night, and I thought I could update it early today, but I got up late... Sorry.

Reader [Yipin Yuanwailangjun] left a message before and wanted to know how to make braised bullfrog at home, so I wrote about braised bullfrog in more detail. To make braised food at home, you just need to boil the braised oil, make some bone broth, and then add some commonly used spices and Sichuan peppercorns to simmer it. It’s quite simple.

This chapter has 5200 words. Please vote for me, brothers!

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