Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 369 The two most suitable side dishes for cold weather are stir-fried chicken offal and boil

Chapter 369 Two dishes that are perfect for cold weather - stir-fried chicken offal and boiled chicken liver! 【Please subscribe】

"Oh, this soy milk tastes really good."

Lin Xu asked Chezi to bring astragalus and oatmeal, and made a pot of astragalus health soy milk according to the ratio taught by his senior brother. After tasting it, he felt that the texture and taste had indeed been improved.

As for the whitening effect, he didn't pay much attention to it, but Dou Wenjing got a little excited. She took a photo and sent it to the small group, making various comments.

In the fat loss team, Sister Jing is a relatively stable person.

But at this moment, as if he was possessed by Director Zeng, he kept introducing the benefits of astragalus health-preserving soy milk for whitening in the group, which made several other people itchy and wanted to run over to fill a big pot and carry it away.

After teaching Wang Ziqiang how to make soy milk, Lin Xu tried pumpkin soup and yam juice, and they were both good.

"Since there is no problem, let's try it in each store tomorrow. Sister Jing, please communicate with the front-line employees more and solve any problems as soon as possible."

"Okay boss!"

Several hot drinks were prepared, Lin Xu put them together, took a photo and sent it to Lin Ji's food topic:

"As the weather turns colder, I feel cold and hungry when I get up early to go to work. It's time for a hot drink. The company's [Ziqiang Shengjian] will officially serve pumpkin soup, yam juice and astragalus soy milk from tomorrow. Friends nearby can buy and taste it. In addition, starting next week, the Haidian No. 4 Middle School branch will officially open, so stay tuned."

As soon as the message was sent out, all kinds of replies came pouring in.

"Why are all the branches in Haidian? Come to Chaoyang. If you offend us Chaoyang people, you will not end well. I warn you!"

"How can eight branches be enough? Let's have eighty, so that foreigners won't laugh at us."

"Outlanders shed tears of envy."

"Don't go out of town. I'm from Fengtai and have cried until my tears have dried up. I don't know if the Fengtai branch can be opened when my grandson gets married."

“I’ve already figured out the route. As long as I get up an extra hour in the morning, take four subway rides, I can buy delicious pancakes and hot drinks, and then take three more train rides to the company. The plan is perfect!”

"Can you get up an hour earlier upstairs?"

"No, that's why I said this plan is perfect, too perfect to be implemented."

After posting the update, Lin Xuda was just about to go back when the system prompt sounded in his mind:

"The host served new hot drinks within the stipulated time, completed the side task [New Hot Drinks], and obtained a perfect memory exchange card. Congratulations to the host."


A reward so soon?

It's equivalent to having one more perfect-level cooking learning card, and it's the kind that ignores restrictions, which is pretty good.

In the next two days, Lin Xu was busy working in the store, occasionally giving guidance to Shen Baobao in editing videos.

After the video editing required by the task was completed, Director Shen's editing techniques improved by leaps and bounds. He was able to edit a few simple shots to create suspense and ups and downs, which made even Lin Xu envious.

However, Lin Xu also gained something. Through the lottery, he got the basic cooking techniques of dry frying and braising, so his hard work was not in vain.

On Friday morning, Xie Baomin came to the store:

"Junior brother, has Lao Huang sent the young cock?"

"Here they come, about twenty in total. He said he hasn't tried the fried chicken you make yet. He plans to taste it tonight to see if it's any different from the ones at Golden Arches or KFC."

Upon hearing this, Xie Baomin smiled and said:

"This bitch like Lao Huang knows how to look at people through the cracks in the door. Can the fried chicken in a fast food restaurant be compared with Chinese fried chicken? These are not on the same level."

Lao Xie is a typical supporter of Chinese food and looks down upon all dishes other than Chinese food.

This is different from Uncle Gao. Uncle Gao does not exclude any method. As long as it can make the dishes delicious, it is a good method worth learning from.

Perhaps it's because of his cold-blooded personality that he has such high cooking skills.

"Senior brother, don't Yuhang and Yufei come back only in the evening? Should we start doing it now?"

"It has to be marinated first. The longer it marinates, the more delicious it will be. Junior brother, don't you want to learn how to make crispy chicken? Today I will teach you how to make crispy chicken."

Crispy chicken is a delicacy found all over the country. The cooking method basically follows the principle of brazing or steaming first, and then frying. This method makes the chicken extra tender and tasty, and the skin has a crispy texture. The more you eat, the more delicious it becomes.

"Lao Shaan's gourd chicken, Zhongyuan's fried eight pieces, and other methods of cooking first and then frying, almost all of them come from the same source of crispy chicken."

Lin Xu took over the tender rooster that Lao Huang had delivered in the morning.

This kind of tender rooster is not the kind of baby chicken used in fried chicken restaurants, but an adult rooster. At this time, the bones of the chicken have been fully developed and fat has begun to grow in the abdominal cavity. It is most suitable for making crispy chicken.

Different from other chicken methods, the crispy chicken needs to be cut open from the back of the chicken, and then the abdominal cavity and internal organs are cleaned.

Xie Baomin took a kitchen knife and taught Lin Xu the secret of opening a chicken's back.

First, place the chicken on its side on the chopping board, press the body of the chicken with one hand, and use the other hand to make a flat knife on the back. Cut in hard and the back can be cut.

"Although roosters at this stage have developed well, their bone density has not yet increased. The bones are relatively brittle, and the back can be broken with a slightly sharper knife."

The reason why the chicken's back is split horizontally is because it is difficult to control the strength when splitting vertically. If you use a little force, you may inadvertently injure the internal organs.

Moreover, if your hands slip when chopping, you can easily injure your hands.

Relatively speaking, cross-cutting is much safer.

The chicken is pressed firmly, and the knife edge will not slip due to unstable placement, and the force of the knife edge will not be so strong that it directly breaks into the inside of the abdominal cavity.

Lin Xu held a chicken and placed it sideways on the chopping board. Following the method of his senior brother, he used a kitchen knife to cut into the back of the chicken, cutting up to the root of the neck and the buttocks below.

After cutting them all open, carefully take out the internal organs of the chicken.

These internal organs include chicken liver, chicken heart, chicken kidney, chicken gizzard, chicken intestine, etc.

Carefully remove the gall clinging to the chicken liver, then place the chicken liver in an extra place, followed by the chicken kidneys, and finally put the chicken intestines and gizzards together.

When Che Zai saw the internal organs that were taken out, he asked curiously:

"Boss, can you send this chicken liver downstairs?"

The braised food department downstairs had the dish of braised chicken livers, but Lin Xu thought the chicken livers of these little roosters were quite tender, so he did not agree and said:

"Keep it, let's make some spicy dishes for lunch."

As the temperature drops day by day and the weather becomes colder, Lin Xu plans to use the method of boiling fish to make these chicken livers into boiled chicken livers.

It doesn’t matter whether it tastes good or not, as long as it’s spicy enough to make you sweat.

As soon as he heard that there were new dishes at noon, Che immediately changed the subject:

"Are these chicken livers enough? Do you want to get some more from downstairs?"

"I'll take a look first, and then I'll tell you if it's not enough... Che, why don't you hurry up and clean up these chicken intestines and gizzards? Just pierce the chicken intestines and clean them. I'm going to make stir-fried chicken offal at noon."

It took a long time to get stir-fried chicken offal, but because the store used slaughtered and cleaned fresh chicken, Lin Xu didn't want to buy the frozen chicken offal, so this technique has never been used.

But today, since I caught up with fresh chicken offal, I had to give it a try.

Stir-fried chicken offal requires pickled pickled beans and chopped chili peppers that Hunan people cannot live without. Only in this way can the stir-fried chicken offal be flavorful and delicious.

Cut open all the chickens, clean out the internal organs, and start the second cut.

Remove the chicken neck directly from the neck, then cut off the chicken butt, and completely open the chicken body.

After unfolding, place the belly side down on the chopping board, and tap the chicken with a rolling pin to spread the chicken breasts and loosen the joints of the chicken.

When knocking, try to knock with the horizontal side of the rolling pin to prevent the head of the rolling pin from breaking the skin of the chicken.

Beat it several times like this, and the whole chicken will feel like it has no bones.

Lin Xu asked:

"Did you break all the fascia at the chicken's joints, and that's why the chicken is like this?"

"Yes, breaking the fascia will not only make it easier to marinate and taste, but also the chicken will not twitch due to the heat of the fascia during steaming."

Xie Baomin smashed all the chickens one by one.

Then he picked up the scissors and carefully cut off the backbone of the chicken.

"There's not much meat on it, and it's not easy to steam it through during steaming, so take it off now and clean out the chicken lungs on both sides of the spine."

Almost the whole body of a chicken can be eaten, but only the lungs need to be cleaned out.

Because it is full of dirty things that chickens breathe, and eating it is not good for your health.

While he was busy working, he told Lin Xu:

"Restaurants don't do this, because the backbone looks meaty when it's stretched out. But if you want to keep it, you have to chop the backbone on both sides a few times, otherwise the chicken will cramp and deform."

“Senior brother, doesn’t the traditional method involve removing the bones?”

"No, didn't I just tell you that they can't even take off the backbone, let alone the other bones. In foreign-related restaurants, because foreigners don't feel comfortable eating bones, and they also think it's not elegant, they steam them There is an additional process of bone removal, and the chicken produced in this way can be cut into pieces and plated, making it easier to eat."

The two brothers took scissors and cut off the backbone of the chicken one by one, then took out some small bones in the abdominal cavity, and then started cleaning.

When I first smashed it, some of the thick meat parts were already bleeding, so I need to clean it now and rub the chicken skin aside.

After washing, dry the surface moisture with kitchen paper and start marinating.

The ingredients for marinating chicken are very simple. Xie Baomin took a small basin and began to use a spoon to fill it with the marinade.

Take one tablespoon of five-spice powder, one tablespoon of dried ginger powder, half a tablespoon of pepper, two tablespoons of salt, half a tablespoon of sugar, and half a tablespoon of peppercorns. Stir evenly and apply it to the chicken, both inside and outside.

After smearing, find a deeper basin, put the chicken coated with marinade in it, and separate it with sliced ​​ginger and green onion leaves to allow the aroma of green onion and ginger to penetrate into the chicken.

Put it all in, cover it with plastic wrap, and put it in the cold storage for marinating.

"If you want to eat this kind of chicken, you need to marinate it for three hours to pass the test. Five hours is considered good. Only six hours or more will the fried chicken be fragrant and delicious."

Xie Baomin wiped his hands, looked at the chicken livers in a basin and asked:

"Are you ready to show off today?"

"I'm going to try making some boiled chicken livers in the same way as boiled fish. I'll stir-fry the chicken gizzards and intestines with pickled beans and pickled peppers later to make a stir-fried chicken offal."

"Okay, put more chili pepper, make it as spicy as possible."

More pepper?

"Is Chef Dai coming?"

"No, it's Guo Weidong who's coming. He doesn't like spicy food very well."

Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ? ?

Senior brother, why are you so bad?

You should really thank the law and society for not being beaten to death.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, he may have been beaten to death for many rounds.

However, Chef Guo is really good at choosing the right time. He is going to make two spicy dishes today, and on such an occasion, it is no wonder that the senior brother is causing trouble.

At this moment, the driver was still cleaning the chicken offal, and Lin Xu took the chicken liver and started to change the knife.

Logically speaking, when making ingredients like chicken liver, it is best to soak it in clean water for a few hours to completely soak out the blood and water inside, so that the chicken liver will be more delicious.

But it was almost ten o'clock now, and he had to prepare lunch quickly, so Lin Xu planned to change the knife first and wash the chicken liver later.

Place the chicken liver on the chopping board, first remove the fascia, and then press the flat piece with your hands to slice the chicken liver into as large a piece as possible.

Twenty chicken livers actually made up a small pot of liver slices. I have to say that this method is really good.

Add water to the chicken liver, and the water in the basin suddenly turns into blood.

Pour it out, wash it twice first, and then wash it once with flour. Then put kitchen paper on the tray, cover it with a few pieces of kitchen paper, and absorb as much moisture as possible from the surface of the liver slices.

Start marinating.

Put the onion and ginger water, light soy sauce, pepper, and dried ginger powder into the basin in sequence, stir well, and set aside to start marinating.

"Boss, I've washed all the chicken offal, scrubbed it once with salt, and scratched it twice with flour."

Lin Xu took it and cut the chicken intestines into five or six centimeter long sections, and then cut the chicken gizzards into thin slices that were easy to cook. Then he added a few spoonfuls of chopped chili sauce to the two ingredients and marinated them.

Chicken intestines and chicken gizzards are both ingredients with a strong odor, so marinating them directly with chopped pepper sauce can effectively remove the odor and allow the aroma of chopped pepper to penetrate.

Then add salt, sugar, and light soy sauce, and add the condiments in advance so that you don’t have to add them again.

The preparation of stir-fried dishes is time-consuming. Condiments cannot be added to these dishes in the same way. Either the condiments must be mixed into a bowl of juice or put directly with the ingredients.

After placing, stir the seasoning.

Then Lin Xu cut some red pickled peppers, young ginger, spicy millet, and pickled beans.

In this way, the ingredients for stir-fried chicken offal are ready.

Taking advantage of the break of marinating ingredients, Lin Xu blanched some fungus, yuba, tofu skin and blood clots and placed them on the bottom of three small basins, and then placed pieces of marinated chicken liver on top.

Set up the oil pan and put a large bowl of rapeseed oil, a large bowl of cooking oil and a large bowl of lard in it.

Mix the three types of fats and heat them up, add Sichuan peppercorns and dried chili peppers and fry until fragrant, then pour them into a small basin containing chicken livers while they are still hot.

As soon as it was poured in, the spicy flavor began to spread around.

"Oh, what's so delicious about this?"

Guo Weidong was holding an Audi car key and was about to enter the kitchen. He smelled the spicy smell wafting from inside and wisely did not move forward.

"Welcome to Chef Guo. I made boiled chicken livers the same way as boiled fish. I'll ask Chef Guo to check it later."

"This tastes so strong. Did Lao Xie ask you to put so much chili pepper in it?"

Guo Weidong glanced at Xie Baomin. Although the two brothers didn't speak, only a fool like Lao Xie could think of such a damaging move.

After the boiled chicken liver was ready, Lin Xu put the oil pan back on and started making stir-fried chicken offal.

Compared with boiling chicken liver, this dish is not as difficult as usual. To make this dish, not only does it need to be cooked over high heat, but also the maturity of the ingredients must be controlled when changing the knife.

For example, cut chicken intestines into sections and cut chicken gizzards into slices. This is all to allow the ingredients to cook in the pot at the same time.

If the chicken gizzards are cut into strips or pieces and the ingredients are not matured at the same time, then the dish will be a failure.

Pour half of the rapeseed oil and lard into the pot, heat it to 80% heat, pour the chicken gizzards and intestines into it, and stir-fry quickly so that the chicken gizzards and intestines are cooked quickly in the hot oil.

Stir-fry until the chicken intestines curl up and the aroma and spiciness of the chopped peppers are brought out. Add the pickled beans, spicy millet, young ginger, and red pickled peppers, and continue to stir-fry over high heat.

This step is to allow the flavors of the various ingredients to blend together.

At the same time, the sourness in the three ingredients such as pickled beans, red pickled peppers, and chopped chili sauce can be evaporated.

While the sourness evaporates, it will also take away the odor in the chicken offal, making the ingredients more delicious.

When the water vapor in the pot becomes smaller and the sour smell evaporates becomes lighter, it means that the vegetables are ready to be cooked.

When it comes out of the pot, all the ingredients have a crispy texture, a rich sour flavor, and just the right amount of spiciness.

If you stir-fry for a few more seconds, the texture and flavor of the ingredients will be compromised.

After putting the dishes out, Lin Xuchong ordered everyone:

"Let's start eating."

After saying that, he was just about to say hello to Guo Weidong when he realized that the head chef had left the kitchen door and was sitting outside.

Apparently, the smell of fried chicken offal made the chef very hurt.

Xie Baomin smiled happily.

He came outside with a portion of boiling chicken liver and said to Guo Weidong:

"Dongdong, come and try this dish. It's very spicy, and the bottom dish inside is also very delicious. This should be the dish you want to eat."

Guo Weidong glanced at him and ignored him.

At this moment, Shen Baobao came back from the audit office. When he saw the dish full of red oil on the table, he immediately became greedy:

"Brother, what kind of dish is this?"

"Junior brother made boiled chicken liver. You can try it later and see if it surprises you."

“Since it’s made by Xu Bao, there’s no need to taste it!”

The girl picked up her phone, took a photo of the dishes on the table, and then sent it to the group.

Since the last time Dou Wenjing used astragalus soy milk to poison people, everyone has developed the habit of poisoning the group when they eat something good.

As soon as it was posted, Chen Yan, who was sitting in the office looking at Ren Jie's photo, burst into laughter:

"Has lunch started? Xiaodoudou and I will be there soon, wait for me."

After saying that, she was just about to put away her phone when she saw movement in the group. Brother Qiang, who had been silent since joining the new company, suddenly sent a message:

"Brothers, let me ask you a question. Manager Qi said that the computer is broken and asked me to go to her place to repair the computer. Should I bring a graphics card or a CPU? What do girls usually play on computers?"

As soon as Chen Yan saw this question, the counselor gene in her bones was ready to activate.

It seems that it’s time for me, Zhuge Yan, to make some plans again!


This chapter says I can't reply, so I'll reply to everyone's message. The reader who makes astragalus health soy milk needs to soak the ingredients for more than four hours so that they can be fully soaked. The amount of water added is usually more than three times the amount of ingredients. In addition, astragalus entered the food list in 2019 and can be used without penalty. I have a slight cold today, so I'm sorry for the late update. This chapter costs 5100, please give me your monthly vote!

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