Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 361 Mr. Chen, you are still young, take it easy on some things! [Additional updates for 1000

The master created water hibiscus for the first mistress, and made ginger milk for the second mistress. Now it is finally the turn of the third mistress to appear.

"Our third mistress is from Shanghai."

Xie Baomin took a sip of the hot tea brought by the car boy, and then said:

"That master's wife likes to eat smoked fish very much. Master doted on her and made all kinds of smoked fish. I was an apprentice at the time, and I did all the starting work. During that time, I was tortured so much that I smelled all kinds of smoked fish. The smell of fish makes me retching.”

Gee, is this a stress disorder?

"All kinds of traditional smoked fish, Northeast smoked fish, Hainan smoked fish, Western smoked fish, Shandong smoked fish, Shanghai smoked fish, etc., are all cooked."

Dai Jianli asked curiously:

"Then you won't go along and enjoy your meal?"

Xie Baomin sighed:

"Who can bear to have a good meal once or twice, but work on this thing for several months?"

Lin Xu asked:

"Then the master wife is not tired of it?"

"No, she didn't eat much, because the master only gives it to his wife to taste when he thinks it tastes good. The way he tests whether it tastes good is to let me and the people in the kitchen taste it together."

Tsk, it turns out that the mistress didn’t take a few bites, but you were injured.

No wonder he is so good at making smoked fish. He must have learned from his master at that time.

"Junior brother, senior brother, I don't dare to boast about anything else, but when it comes to making smoked fish, I really don't agree with anyone."

Dai Jianli said with a smile:

"Chef Gao probably didn't expect that he was just making smoked fish to please his wife, but he would bring out your skills in smoked fish."

Since senior brother is so good at making smoked fish, Lin Xu said:

"Then I'll ask you, senior brother, to give you some advice later. I'll boil out the sauce first."

When making smoked fish, fish is actually not the key. Whether it is herring, grass carp, pomfret, or even carp, silver carp, etc., you can make smoked fish.

The most important thing about this delicacy is the sauce.

The quality of the sauce is related to the success or failure of the entire dish.

Lin Xu set up the frying pan, poured a little peanut oil into the pan, and prepared to start cooking the sauce.

The sauces of local dishes are very similar. They all use soy sauce for seasoning, rice wine to remove the fishy smell, and white sugar to enhance the flavor.

The dishes are made with rich sauce and outstanding sweetness.

Although compared to Wuxi cuisine, the sweetness of local cuisine is not overly sweet, but for people from other parts of the country, the sweetness is still somewhat strong.

After pouring the oil, add the prepared ginger slices and green onions before the oil heats up.

Stir-fry slowly over low heat. When the shallots are soft, add the prepared star anise, cinnamon and tangerine peel. Continue to stir-fry over low heat for about one minute. Add a pinch of peppercorns, a pinch of fennel and the flattened grass. fruit, two cloves, a handful of bay leaves and other spices.

After putting it in, continue to stir-fry to bring out the aroma of the spices. Cook along the edge of the pot a large bowl of light soy sauce, a frying spoon of dark soy sauce, a frying spoon of rice wine, half a frying spoon of steamed fish soy sauce, and one and a half spoons of rock sugar.

Put them all in, then add a spoonful of Laolu's stewed soup, and finally add a small basin of water. Bring to a boil over high heat and then simmer over low heat.

"Brother Lin, the sauce is quite interesting."

Dai Jianli saw Ma Zhiqiang making Drunken Peanuts, grabbed a handful, and watched Lin Xu cooking the sauce while eating.

He originally planned to go back, but since he wanted to drink together in the evening, he naturally had to stay and have a drink with his new acquaintance Professor Cui and his best friend Lao Huang.

When Lin Xu was putting in the ingredients just now, he wanted to remind him that if there were too few spices, the flavor of the ingredients would not come out.

But Xie Baomin shook his head and signaled to stop talking.

After watching patiently for a while, when Lin Xu put Laolu into the pot, Dai Jianli finally understood why the amount of spices was so small.

It turned out that I planned to use old braised pork to bring out the flavor.

Needless to say, the smoked fish tastes almost the same.

Unlike other dishes, the simmering time for the smoked fish sauce does not take long. It can be simmered for half an hour at most and then turn off the heat.

To make the spices more flavorful, add a little more.

Because the cooking time is short, not even half of the flavor of the spices can be cooked out.

But with the addition of old stew, the taste is different.

The old brine is not only fragrant, but the flavors of various spices have been softened, making it very suitable for this kind of soaking sauce.

In addition to the old stew, the use of soy sauce for steamed fish is also more interesting.

Many people think that steamed fish soy sauce is a condiment that can only be used on steamed fish. In fact, steamed fish soy sauce is a compound condiment made from light soy sauce and cooked tempeh, plus oyster sauce, white sugar and other condiments.

Any dish with light soy sauce can be added with steamed fish soy sauce to enhance the flavor.

However, because steamed fish soy sauce contains sugar, it can easily become greasy if you add too much of it. Therefore, steamed fish soy sauce can be used as light soy sauce, but it cannot completely replace light soy sauce.

With the addition of steamed fish soy sauce, the flavor of the sauce will be more intense and the umami flavor will be more prominent.

Lin Xu covered the pot and simmered over low heat.

Seeing the steamed fish with soy sauce and brine in the pot, Dai Jianli was full of expectations for tonight's smoked fish.

But if you want this delicacy to be delicious, there is a secret weapon. I wonder if Brother Lin understands this.

He wanted to remind him, but he was afraid that Xie Baomin wanted to test Lin Xu's skills, so he could only wait patiently.

While the sauce was simmering, Lin Xu cut all the herring segments into thick slices. After cutting, he added large slices of ginger and green onion, and then poured in rice wine to marinate.

If you use fresh fish, you don’t actually need to marinate it in this step, just fry it directly.

However, these herrings have been slaughtered for several hours, and their umami flavor has decreased slightly, and there is relatively much odor, so they are simply marinated with onion, turmeric, and wine.

Twenty minutes later, when the lid was opened, a rich aroma wafted out of the pot.

Lin Xu took a deep breath and then said:

"With this sauce, not to mention the freshly fried fish pieces, even if you just boil some noodles and mix it in with a spoonful, it will definitely be very delicious."

The aroma of soybean, soy sauce, freshness, spices...

Every scent imaginable is available here.

The sauce had been boiled. Lin Xu brought a small basin, placed a large leak-proof drain on the mouth of the basin, then held the pot and poured the sauce evenly into the basin.

Because of the sugar, the sauce is slightly thicker.

But it doesn't matter, when you pour it into the basin, it even feels a little stringy.

After pouring into the basin, the residue is also filtered out.

Dai Jianli opened his mouth and was about to remind him when he saw Lin Xu picking up the five-spice powder and pouring some into the basin.

He laughed:

"I was thinking of reminding Brother Lin, but I didn't expect that I was worrying in vain."

Xie Baomin held his arms and asked:

"Why put allspice now?"

Lin Xu said:

"Because if the five-spice powder is put in too early, it will have a bitter taste, and if you put it in after it cools down, the aroma will not come out. So the best way is to put it in now and use the residual heat of the sauce to bake out the flavor of the five-spice powder."

After saying that, he used a frying spoon to scoop out half a spoonful of oyster sauce and put it in, then quickly stirred it in the basin with chopsticks.

Oyster sauce is a condiment that is not cooked. The best way is to add it with five-spice powder after taking it out of the pan. This can enhance the umami flavor of the sauce.

Stir the five-spice powder and oyster sauce in the basin evenly and put it in the cold storage to cool down.

When the temperature drops completely, it becomes a delicious sauce that gives the five-spice smoked fish a soul.

At this time, Sun Minghao and the others were about to leave. Lin Xu wiped his hands and hurried out to send everyone downstairs and send everyone away.

Back in the kitchen again, it's time to fry the fish.

The fish cannot be fried too early, otherwise the temperature of the sauce will not come down and the fish cannot be soaked in it.

And when the fish meat is cooled, it will not be easy to soak in the flavor.

For this delicacy, freshly fried fish pieces must be put into the cold sauce, so that the sauce will be quickly absorbed into the fish under the action of heat.

Take it out after soaking. The skin of the fish is still crispy, but the juice has penetrated into it.

This kind of smoked fish is delicious and delicious.

Place a large frying pan on the stove, pour half of the cooking oil into it, wait until the oil temperature comes up, pick out the green onion and ginger used to pickle the fish, then put the fish pieces into the oil pan in pieces, and fry over high heat.

There is no secret to frying this kind of fish fillet, just fry it in 60% oil at a warm temperature.

Fry until the fish pieces float and turn brown on the surface, remove from the pan and place on a tray.

The fish pieces cannot be soaked in the sauce at this time, because soaking them too early will taste bad. Soak them when they are most delicious, then take them out and eat them directly.

In order to achieve this goal, when the meal is ready, fry the fish pieces again, soak them in the sauce for a few minutes, and then serve them directly.

It just so happens that the fish pieces were fried a little undercooked, and they will taste even better when fried again.

After finishing all this work, Dou Wenjing and the others also came.

Lin Xu led a few people to the private room upstairs, asked for a pot of tea and some snacks, and then said straight to the point:

"I'm going to let Ziqiang Sheng fry some hot drinks. What do you guys think would be better?"

There are three options for serving hot drinks. One is to open a hot drink production center in the filling-making workshop. All hot drinks are prepared and directly put into disposable cups, sealed and sent to various branches.

You only need to use a rice cooker in the store, turn on the keep warm mode, and put these hot drinks in to keep them warm.

This method has many advantages, such as convenience and speed, and no need to increase manpower in the store.

But the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, it is not of high quality, and it is not good for the hot drink to be heated for too long after being put into the cup.

The most important thing is that the cup filling and sealing production line for hot drinks is expensive and not suitable for stores.

The second is to prepare all the hot drinks in the workshop and then deliver them to various stores in thermal buckets.

As long as a water dispenser and milk tea sealing machine with a heat preservation function are placed in the store, the business of selling hot drinks can be done well.

The third type is made in the store.

The store needs a cooking machine, sealing machine, raw material cleaning machine, steaming cabinet, etc., which requires high space, and it also needs to hire a person to be responsible for this.

After analysis, everyone chose the second option.

This method of processing and delivering products to the store not only ensures the efficiency of the store, but also effectively prevents store employees from changing jobs.

It's useless even if others poach people away. The front-line employees have not mastered the basics of production at all and are just salesmen.

As for the people involved in the production, you can't see them at all. Even if you want to poach people, there is no place to start.

After choosing a method, Lin Xu asked:

"Next, it's time to discuss the choice of hot drinks. The first is yam. It was because of yam that we decided to serve hot drinks to Ziqiang Shengjian. In addition to yam juice, do you have any other suggestions?"

This is true, Wang Ziqiang said:

"Soy milk, this combination has been selling well. Our workshop prepares sugar-free soy milk and delivers it to the store, and the store adds sugar according to the customer's needs..."

As soon as he said this, Yang Lin said:

"Master, can warm soy milk melt sugar?"

Dou Wenjing has been in the store for such a long time and has a somewhat clear understanding of the seasonings:

"You can use soft white sugar, which can be dissolved in cold water, or you can boil some syrup yourself. Anyway, don't worry about the sugar. Just listen to what your master has to say."


Wang Ziqiang continued:

"The reason why we choose soy milk is because it has a good mass base and the profit of soy milk is high. Whether we use soy milk powder or soak the soybeans ourselves, we have a high pulp yield rate, which can ensure profits."

Soy milk is really good. It is estimated that after it is introduced, many office workers will be able to drink warm hot drinks early in the morning.

Lin Xu asked:

“What else is there to choose besides soy milk?”

A store manager said:

"You can have millet porridge or eight-treasure porridge, but the particles of these two are relatively large and difficult to suck out with a straw. Moreover, these particles can easily get stuck in the throat if you use a straw."

Forget it, there is no need to take such a risk.

Yang Lin looked at Lin Xu and asked:

"Boss, can we serve pumpkin soup in our store? Che Zai gave me a taste two days ago. It tastes really good. If it can be served, yam juice, pumpkin soup and soy milk are basically enough, and these three Matching can also create a fist effect and quickly become popular among the customer base.”

Pumpkin soup?

That's not a bad idea.

However, if Ziqiang Sheng fried pumpkin soup, the pumpkin soup in the store would have to be upgraded. Otherwise, if they both taste and taste the same, who would come to the store to drink it.

Thinking that the pumpkin soup in the store was only excellent, Lin Xu directly redeemed the points for the perfect recipe.

"The host consumes 999999 points to obtain the perfect recipe for pumpkin soup, and triggers the trial task: On the day when the new hot drink is introduced, the sales of pumpkin soup cannot be less than 1,000 cups, otherwise it will be regarded as a failure. After the task fails, the perfect Grade Pumpkin Soup will be automatically downgraded to Excellent Grade."

My day!

Lin Xu thinks this trial mission is very interesting. The new pumpkin soup on Ziqiang Shengjian is at most an excellent level. What does it have to do with your perfect level? You are actually given such a trial mission.

There is really no logic to the system.

He muttered, and then said to Dou Wenjing:

"The equipment for making these kinds of hot drinks should be purchased as soon as possible. Once it is in place, I will teach everyone how to make it. After a little running-in, we can put the new one in the store."

Time is tight, as it involves teaching and training, equipment installation and debugging, etc., so Dou Wenjing needs to purchase the equipment as soon as possible.

"I will try my best to buy the equipment back."

After the meeting, Lin Xu looked at Wang Ziqiang and asked:

"Isn't the place where you and Yang Lin live now too far away from here? Otherwise, the company will pay for you to rent a two- or three-bedroom apartment nearby so that you don't have to travel back and forth."

Before Wang Ziqiang refused, Dou Wenjing said:

"I will implement this immediately."

Now Wang Ziqiang is the core figure of Ziqiang Shengjian. If he lives there, if someone wants to cause trouble, not only poaching the person, but also bumping him deliberately, breaking his bones or something, Ziqiang Shengjian will immediately fall into a passive state.

So for safety reasons, it is more convenient to live on Yingchun Street.

After the meeting, Lin Xu took his mobile phone and sent Aunt Qian a WeChat message:

"Hello Aunt Qian, my name is Lin Xu. I would like to arrange for a few employees to live nearby. Can you help find a house? Two or three bedrooms are fine, but they must be clean and quiet. Please pay attention. Come to the store tomorrow and I'll treat you to roast chicken and pigeon soup."

As soon as I sent it, Aunt Qian called me:

"Look at what a coincidence this is. Your Aunt Wang's house was just rented out yesterday. If you're not busy, you can have someone come and take a look. If it works, I'll help you negotiate the price."

These enthusiastic aunts in Beijing are really admirable.

Lin Xu glanced at Dou Wenjing:

"The house is ready. You can take Yang Lin and Master Wang to take a look. I will start making smoked fish later. You can have dinner when you come back."

"Okay boss."

When it comes to food, Dou Wenjing suddenly becomes full of energy.

On the other side, the International Department of 301 Hospital.

All the bandages on Ren Jie's arms had been untied, revealing the wounds inside, which were still bleeding.

The doctor looked at the film and said:

"Judging from the film, no bones were injured, only the muscles and soft tissues were injured. The internal wounds were relatively large, and since you didn't hang your arm up, the wounds were bleeding a bit... Are you afraid of pain?"


Chen Yan never expected that her muscular model boyfriend would actually say such a word categorically.

I thought only little girls were afraid of pain.

The doctor smiled and said:

"Then let's do local anesthesia, but first, make sure to hang your arm after changing the medicine this time. I admire you and am touched by your life as a policeman, but when you come here, you still have to listen to the doctor. If so, pay attention to your diet, hang your arms, and don’t do strenuous exercise.”

"Okay, I'll remember that."

The dressing was not changed in the outpatient room, but in the operating room in the outpatient building.

Anesthesia is given first, and then the doctor uses surgical scissors to cut off all the excess polyps, and also cleans out the congestion and necrotic tissue that has not been cleaned inside the wound.

After finishing this, re-apply medicine and re-bandage.

After bandaging, the doctor directly put a sling protective gear on Ren Jie's arm to prevent further bleeding due to swinging.

When he entered the hospital, Ren Jie acted like a normal person.

But when I left the hospital, my left arm was completely hung up, and it was still wrapped with layers of gauze.

The two of them originally wanted to go shopping, but in this case, it was better to go back to the store to avoid being touched by the bustling people in the shopping mall or pedestrian street.

In the store, Lin Xu heated up the oil in the pot, poured the fried fish pieces back in and fried them again.

After re-frying for half a minute, take it out and dry it again in the tray.

Freshly fried fish cannot be soaked in the sauce, as this will easily cause the sauce to absorb too much. It should be left to dry for a while, so that the flavor of the soaked fish pieces will not be too strong.

Let it dry for a while, then bring the cooked sauce over.

At this time, the temperature of the sauce has completely dropped, the texture is thicker, and the color looks heavier.

Lin Xu put the fried fish in, stirred it with a spoon so that the sauce covered the surface of the fish, marinated it for a while, then took it out and placed it on a plate.

The cooled sauce is baked by the hot fish pieces, and the delicious aroma immediately comes out, which is better than when it was just cooked.

And the taste is also mixed with the fresh aroma of fried fish.

Smell it and you can't help but want to drink it in one gulp.

"Brother Lin, your skill in making smoked fish is really good. Every point is done very well, especially the step of drying it after it is fried. Many people ignore it. What do you think, Lao Xie?"

Xie Baomin directly picked up a piece with chopsticks and put it into his mouth:

"Well, it just tastes like that. I was trained by my master a lot back then. I have nothing to teach my junior brother how to make this fish nugget."

Lin Xusheng was afraid that his senior brother would be emo again, so he quickly said:

"Senior brother, I'm not very proficient in how to cook five-spice smoked fish hot. Why don't you teach me while you're not busy right now, and let everyone in the store try it too."

Upon hearing this, Xie Baomin immediately rolled up his sleeves:

"Since we've talked about this, there's nothing more to say, let's start now!"

Downstairs, when Chen Yan and Ren Jie came in with their arms hanging, Shu Yun at the service desk was stunned.

Oh my gosh, I've only been walking for so long, and my arms are hanging up.

How intense a scene must be to break your arm!

Gee, tsk, tsk, these older young women are really scary when they go crazy.

She opened WeChat and liked Chen Yan in the small group:

"Mr. Chen, you are still young. You should take things easy and don't be too intense. You will break someone's arm. Aren't you afraid of scaring the police comrades?"

Zeng Xiaoqi, who was fishing in the office, immediately became interested:

"What kind of melon is this?"

In a nearby community, Dou Wenjing, who was looking at a house, also sent a confused emoticon.

Chen Yan, who had just reached the second floor:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Damn it, please say it again! ! ! ! ! ! !


1000 monthly tickets plus update. I hope that next time I add more updates, our monthly tickets can exceed 2000. Otherwise you will have to owe me [akimbo]

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