Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 344 Brother Qiang’s death-charge confession! The silver bream soup is complicated to make an

in the kitchen.

Lin Xu carefully untied the rice tied to the fish.

When it was sealed before, the umami flavor was lingering but not too obvious.

When it is untied at this time, the taste becomes much richer, not only the umami taste of fish, but also the sour taste of fermented ingredients and the taste of wine.

Coupled with the light fishy smell, people can't help but feel refreshed after taking a sip.

Isn't this... the reason why the ancients used it to make hangover soup?

Taking away the straw, Lin Xu put the fish into the basin and began to clean the glutinous rice stuck to the surface.

Although the temperature has not been high recently, the glutinous rice has still fermented. Compared with freshly steamed glutinous rice, it has a winey and sour taste, is more sticky, and has greater humidity.

Carefully pull off the glutinous rice, and the fish body appears.

The umami and fishy flavors have become more intense, and the sourness and alcoholic flavor have decreased a bit, but not completely.

The whole fish seems to be no different from the freshly killed carp, except that the meat seems to have shrunk a bit and is no longer elastic. The body of the fish is soft and not as straight as the freshly killed carp.

Lin Xu checked it again and felt that it was caused by the decrease in water content in the fish meat.

When it was pickled, a layer of salt was applied to the surface of the fish. The salt has strong dehydrating properties, and the water in the fish should be killed in this way.

After pulling out the glutinous rice on the surface of the fish, Lin Xu pulled out the glutinous rice stuffed in the fish's belly.

Ancient people ate bream either raw or roasted.

Lin Xu didn't dare to eat it raw because he couldn't get over the hurdle in his heart, but he could try roasting it.

He cut off the back half of the fish and its tail, put some knives on the surface of the fish skin, sprayed some strong white wine on it, and then sent it to the oven for baking.

"Oh, this fish meat is quite white."

Zhu Yong, who had just arrived at work, looked around at the remaining fish body that Lin Xu had cut. He saw that the fish meat at the fracture did not appear the unique sauce and yellow color of pickling, but instead appeared white.

Lin Xu took a second look and then understood the reason why it was called Yinsi.

The color is so white that it does look like silver wire when cut into thin strips.

For ancient people who had to use a bunch of colorful words to praise everything, using silver thread to call fish silk is quite realistic and not an exaggeration.

Not long after, the fish tail in the oven was baked until it was golden brown.

When I opened the oven, a delicious aroma wafted out from inside.

This smell is very special, somewhat similar to the smell of grilled fish fillets before, but the aroma is stronger, and it is also mixed with some alcohol and other smells.

All in all, it smells pretty good.

Tearing off a piece of fish with his hands and putting it into his mouth, Lin Xu first tasted the salty taste, and then the delicious taste of the fish.

Unlike fresh grilled fish, the taste of this marinated fish will become slightly stronger after grilling.

Coupled with the salty aroma of fish, Lin Xu felt that this thing was suitable for drinking.

It can be eaten after being grilled like this, and it can be eaten with both wine and rice. With the salty and fragrant taste, a small piece can be eaten... This is probably the reason why the down-and-out literati in the Ming Dynasty liked to eat bream.

Cheap, durable, cost-effective... there is no reason not to choose this kind of delicacy.

Since today’s lunch party is related to bream, let’s grill some fish bream pieces over charcoal fire at noon, so that professors and scholars can taste the daily delicacies of Ming Dynasty literati.

After eating two pieces, Lin Xu felt that the salty taste was getting stronger and stronger, so he stopped eating.

However, Zhu Yong and Wei Qian, who came to work, ate with gusto.

The two of them tore the meat from the fish tail into strips, then rolled it up in oil cakes and ate it. The salty fish meat paired with the soft oil cakes actually went well together.

When they came outside, several old people had already finished eating and left. Before leaving, everyone scanned the payment code posted on the table to pay for breakfast.

Baby Shen held the bowl and took a big gulp of green vegetable and lean meat porridge. He picked up his mobile phone and sent a voice message to Chen Yan:

"Yanbao Yanbao, there is a gathering of intellectuals in the store today at noon. It seems that they want to taste the silver bream soup made by Xubao. You can come over and make yourself familiar. In the future, when the company needs intellectuals to support the scene, you won't be alone. Can't find any."

Shen Baobao is a small shareholder of Happy Media. Although he has never taken part in anything, it is right to participate more in such familiar occasions.

Moreover, Mr. Chen Yan boasted that he had the highest academic level in his family.

Then today, let's find a place where highly educated people gather together to make her sober.

Chen Yan seemed to have not woken up yet, and it took a while before she replied with a sleepy voice:

"Okay, I happen to have a meal at noon."

Listening to Chen Yan's lazy tone, Baobao Shen put a piece of pickled radish into his mouth, chewed it twice, pressed the voice send button and replied:

"You haven't woken up yet, so go back to sleep. I'll continue eating breakfast."


Chen Yan, who was huddled in bed and didn't want to move, was immediately attracted by these two words.

She sat up and started to get dressed, planning to go to the store for breakfast.

On the other side, Dou Wenjing led the company's cameraman and drove to the entrance of the store, ready to start filming the making of ginger candy and continue to warm up this snack.

nine in the morning.

In an office building in Xierqi.

Li Qiang, carrying a jar of ginger candies, punched in and walked into the company.

Last night he tasted a few slices of ginger candies given by the landlady and thought they were quite suitable to keep in the office, so he took them with him when he went out this morning.

When I arrived at the office area of ​​the technical department, I found that Qi Panpan had already arrived and was standing at the entrance of the office area, looking at him coldly.

Obviously, this is another attempt to find fault.

Seeing her cold expression, Li Qiang's heart moved.

I am ready to try the method of Cantonese teaching.

Well, express your love to this cold-faced female boss before she speaks, so as not to listen to her nagging again.

Thinking of this, he took a few steps quickly.

When Qi Panpan was about to speak, he said:

"Manager Qi, there is something I have hidden in my heart for a long time, and I want to say it today."

Qi Panpan, who was about to reprimand Li Qiang, had question marks on his face.

what's the situation?

This guy is usually like a quail, shrinking his neck whenever he talks. Why does he look like a different person today?

She asked coldly:

"What words? Just say it."

When he walked in front of Qi Panpan, Li Qiang felt somewhat timid.

Mainly because the female boss's aura was too strong, which made him unable to open his mouth.

However, the arrow was on the line at this time, and he was really fed up with the nagging and accusations during this period. He held the jar of ginger candies in both hands to embolden himself, and opened his mouth to say:

"Manager Qi, I like you. I have been obsessed with you from the first day you came to our company."

Colleagues inside who were secretly nibbling buns: "!!!!!!!!!"

I'll go, what's going on?

Brother Qiang was tortured out of his feelings by Manager Qi?

Colleagues in the next office area: "!!!!!!!!!"

Wow, are the second-in-command and the first-in-command in the technical department such a big deal?

The person involved, Qi Panpan, was even more confused by Li Qiang's move. He had no idea that this piece of shit would actually say that.

She looked around and found that the colleagues around her were all looking at the excitement. She couldn't help but lift her high heels and step on Li Qiang's feet:

"are you crazy!!!!"

After speaking, he took the jar from Li Qiang's hand and went to his office.

Li Qiang:? ? ? ? ? ?

If you scold me, scold me, and trample me, why are you grabbing my snacks?

That's not for you!

He wanted to come back, but at this time his colleagues in the technical department had already begun to boo, and Li Qiang's roommates were so excited that they stood on their chairs and clapped and whistled.

For boring programmers, this scene is simply too exciting.

Li Qiang waved to everyone:

"Work, work, don't watch the excitement."

After returning to my seat, it felt so good not to be stared at and criticized all the time.

But what happened when the snacks were taken away in the end?

He pressed the start button of the computer, then took his mobile phone, clicked on [Linji Food High-end VIP Customer Group], and sent a message in it:

"Brothers, I just confessed my love."

The originally silent group suddenly started up like a computer after pressing the power button.

Geng Lele: When I saw the news, I clicked in immediately. It was so fast!

Yue Liyue: Brother Qiang, you are so brave. How was the battle?

Zeng Xiaoqi: If you confess your love to someone right after you go to work, you won’t be slapped in the face, right?

Dou Wenjing: Tell me quickly. I’m really curious about your colleagues’ reactions.

Baby Shen: The bench is ready, Brother Qiang, come on!

Everyone was talking to each other, and even Uncle Shen, who usually dived, said something about Xiaoqiang, and he didn't know if he was praising Li Qiang for being thick-skinned, or lamenting that he dared to come here after being fooled. .

Li Qiang looked around and then sent a message in the group:

"After I confessed my love, she called me crazy and then stepped on me with her high heel."

When everyone saw the news, they immediately sighed.

You silly boy who was deceived by Yue Li Yue, how could he possibly succeed in confessing his love under such circumstances?

However, Li Qiang's request yesterday was not to let the manager cause trouble. After today, he probably won't cause trouble. This can be regarded as getting his wish.

While everyone was trying to comfort them not to lose heart, Li Qiang sent another message:

"After stepping on it, he snatched away the ginger candy I got... What do you think this is going on?"

Everyone:? ? ? ? ? ?

Oh my god, things can actually turn around like this?

This incident immediately attracted the attention of dog-headed military advisor Chen Yan, who said in the group:

"It seems like things are getting more and more interesting."

Zeng Xiaoqi sent a cheering emoticon:

"Rejected, but not completely rejected. This needs to be described in an idiom, that is -"

She originally wanted someone to pick up an idiom like "The flower is bright in the dark".

This also shows that everyone has a tacit understanding.

As a result, Geng Lele said:

"Thieves never leave empty-handed!"

Everyone: "..."

Can you please stop using idioms randomly?

Seeing that his group of friends couldn't give any constructive advice, Li Qiang had no choice but to study job-hopping first.

He used his personal email address to send emails to several companies and headhunters, and also sent messages on WeChat to colleagues who were asking around before the holiday whether he wanted to change jobs.

After a busy call, the replies came in a steady stream via email and WeChat.

Li Qiang put away his thoughts and began to carefully read these replies, preparing to select a company that was more suitable for him. After everything was settled, he submitted his resignation.


After taking pictures of how to make ginger candies, it’s almost time to prepare lunch.

I just invited a table of tourism-related people yesterday, but I didn’t expect that another table of cultural people would come today.

The customers of Linji Food are getting more and more high-end.

Lin Xu sighed, then took two pickled fish wrapped in straw and placed them on the workbench. He disassembled them, removed all the cooked glutinous rice on the surface, and washed them again with clean water.

This can reduce the saltiness of the fish and make it look better.

Then dry the surface moisture, pick the fish meat from the fish, and remove the rib bones, thus obtaining four pieces of fish meat.

Cut two pieces of fish into slices of about half a centimeter, and then slowly roast them in a roast duck oven over low heat. Use fruit charcoal to slowly bring out the delicious flavor of the fish.

As for the remaining two pieces, we officially started making silver bream soup.

You only need to use fish meat to make this soup. The fish skin and the red meat parts attached to the fish bones and skin need to be removed.

After marinating, the fish becomes tight and the skinning step becomes slightly more difficult.

But with the help of a thin slicing knife and a few tricks, you can get the fish skin off.

Then remove the excess red meat and get two pieces of snow-white fish meat.

Although the fish meat is still moist, it is much firmer than fresh fish. This texture allows the fish meat to be cut into thinner slices and finer shreds.

"It's time to challenge your knife skills!"

Regardless of the basic knife skills for shredding and slicing, or the flower knife skills of various flower knives, Lin Xu has reached the level of excellence. Among them, the flower knife technique has surpassed the level of perfection in the last competition.

Such knife skills made Lin Xu very confident.

He took a kitchen knife and trimmed the fish into a standard rectangular shape.

Although it is a bit of a waste of ingredients, if you can cut the fish into thin strips of uniform length, the soup will be more beautiful.

It didn't take long for him to shape the two pieces of fish into a flat rectangle fifteen centimeters long, ten centimeters wide and one centimeter thick.

When done, pick up the kitchen knife and start shredding.

First cut all the fish into ten centimeter-long fillets.

The fish fillets are very thin and almost transparent. After cutting, adjust the angle and then cut into thin strips.

This is very similar to steamed silver shreds cut into powder, but that is shredded radish, this is shredded fish.

After cutting, put it into a basin and start making.

Add the stock to the pot, then put all the fish heads, bones, bones, skins and other ingredients into the pot, and cook over high heat to bring out the salty flavor of the fish bream into the soup.

Boil for twenty minutes and remove the residue.

At this time, the stock in the pot is already full of the salty flavor of the fish bream, and even has a little sour aroma from fermentation.

At this point, the soup no longer needs any additional seasoning. The saltiness of the fish skin and other ingredients is enough.

Pour out half of the soup in the pot, return the remaining half to the boil, pour in the shredded fish, scald it briefly in the pot, and then pour it out again with a leak-tight drain.

According to the experience given by the system, the scalded fish soup in the pot should be poured away directly.

This is also the reason why in ancient times only wealthy families made soup, while small families just grilled it and ate it.

What a waste when making soup.

Even from a modern perspective, blanching the fish shreds and then throwing away the soup is a bit wasteful.

So Lin Xu plans to buy other ingredients later to make salted fish tofu soup or salted fish and vegetable soup. Use other ingredients to neutralize the saltiness in the soup. Isn't this better than throwing it away?

Pour the soup in the pot into an empty basin, then pour half of the fish bream stock that you poured out before into the pot, add the blanched shredded fish, and bring to a boil over low heat.

Then add water starch to make the soup thicker.

Finally, add a little bit of white pepper, and this so-called silver bream soup is ready.

The soup is thick and white, and white fish strands as thin as hair are clearly visible in it.

Such color and presentation make people unconsciously think of a classic Huaiyang dish...

"Hey, this soup looks more and more like Wensi Tofu. Boss, do you think Wensi Tofu evolved from this silver bream soup?"

Zhuang Yizhou was a little curious and felt that this soup was very similar to Wensi Tofu in terms of preparation and presentation.

This question really stupefied Lin Xu.

During the Ming Dynasty, Wensi Tofu had reached the stage of elegance and became the favorite of literati in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas.

At that time, the silver bream soup was not served at the banquet, so it was only served as breakfast or snack for wealthy families, and it was not considered a high-end delicacy.

Lin Xu didn't know if the two delicacies came from the same source, but they must have learned from each other in terms of cooking methods.

After adding the pepper, turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

Lin Xu poured the prepared silver bream soup into a white porcelain basin. Under the action of gravity, it formed a state of radiating from the middle to the surroundings, which looked very similar to a chrysanthemum.

After carrying the soup upstairs, the waiter at the door of the small private room knocked on the door, then pushed the door open, and Lin Xu walked in directly:

"Everyone, the silver bream soup is here."

Upon hearing this, Professor Xu and a middle-aged man who was more than ten years younger than him stood up quickly, wanting to see what the soup that countless literati had praised looked like.

When he saw the daisy shape in the pot, the middle-aged man couldn't help but exclaimed:

"No wonder Lu You's poems about bream all compare bream to tweed. The appearance is really beautiful, it's really obvious!"

Professor Xu stood up and said to Lin Xu:

"Xiao Lin, come, let me introduce you. This is Ren Chongmo, the current chief professor of Chinese at Peking University. Next to him is his lover, Professor Tian Qinglan from the Institute of Chinese Studies. This is..."

The literati present today are both men and women, and they are all authoritative figures in the field of Chinese or literature.

Lin Xu was too busy to take care of this, so he left it to his sister-in-law to take care of the reception.

Chen Yan has a master's degree in Chinese. Her Chinese professors when she was in college were students of several of these professors, so the more she chatted with these old professors, the more she became interested.

Every time Professor Xu introduced someone, Lin Xu would toast with a glass of rice wine.

Fortunately, what I drank today was permed Huadiao. Although the wine was fragrant, the alcohol content was not high.

After Lin Xu paid homage, Chen Yan stood up and started serving soup for everyone.

"This is bream soup that often appears in ancient texts. I didn't expect that I would be able to drink it in my lifetime."

"Thanks to Boss Lin, the soup smells delicious even before I drink it."

"It is indeed the soup that countless literati have praised, and its presentation is elegant."

"Who would have thought that the hair-like strands inside are actually cut from fish?"

"Boss Lin, what a great craftsmanship!"


Lin Xu smiled and said:

"If you guys like to drink, please come here often."

Even though these professors may look plainly dressed, each of them is an authoritative figure in the circle. A casual word may bring a lot of business to Lin Ji.

Chen Yan served bowls to everyone. When it was Tian Qinglan's turn, she said with a smile:

"Professor Tian, ​​I don't know why, but I feel very friendly when I see you."

Tian Qinglan was smiling:

"I see you are like this too. Yesterday when you asked me to go first in the car, I said whose girl is this? She's pretty and kind-hearted. She's so lovable."

The words made Mr. Chen smile happily.

Lin Xu didn't bother everyone much, said a few more polite words and left.

When he came to the kitchen, he was about to add some broth to the fish and bream soup he had served before and cook it for noodles, but he found that Wei Qian and the others were surrounding the pot of soup, tasting each spoonful.

"Lin Xu, you came just in time. How did you make this soup? Isn't it too fresh?"

"It's so fresh and fragrant, it's indescribable."

"I never thought that wrapping fish with glutinous rice and straw can get such delicious taste."

"No, I have to have another bite. After learning so many aquatic dishes from my uncle, I thought no fish soup could impress me anymore, but I didn't expect this soup to make my mouth water."


Lin Xu looked at the chefs with surprise.

I understand the truth, but don’t you think it’s salty?

The waste soup that should have been thrown away is so popular, so how delicious is the portion just served upstairs?


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