Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 306 A delicious stone-cooked chrysanthemum made from stones! 【Please subscribe】

Chapter 306 A delicious delicacy made of stone - stone-cooked chrysanthemum! 【Please subscribe】

"Cooking with cobblestones? Will it explode?"

In the kitchen, Zhuang Yizhou and others gathered around these stones, occasionally playing with them, their eyes full of curiosity.

Everyone has never seen food cooked with stones. Stone buns, which can be seen in many places in the north, are made by baking bread in hot stones.

There are also sugar-fried chestnuts, which are cooked by putting chestnuts into stones and baking them.

In addition, delicacies such as stone pot bibimbap and stone-fried pork are also closely related to stones.

But these are using stones as tools and containers, and are not directly used for cooking dishes.

And when Chef Xie came just now, he said that he would use these stones to heat them for cooking.

What can be done if these pebbles are heated and fall apart?

During the high temperatures in summer, I have always heard that the stones in some places are cracked by the sun. If you directly heat the pebbles, the possibility of cracking will be greater, right?

Lin Xu also felt a little surprised.

Logically speaking, my senior brother is the head chef of Diaoyutai and would disdain such gimmicks, but what happened today?

Just now, Xie Baomin came over with a bag of stones, said that they would be used for cooking at noon, and left in a hurry, which aroused everyone's curiosity.

"Boss, what did Chef Xie do?"

"I'm going to the boarding school to deliver clothes to his children. I'll know how to use these stones when he comes here at noon. Car boy, wash the stones later and talk about cooking when my senior brother arrives."

I have to serve fried noodles today, so I am quite busy.

Since last night, the company has been promoting it overwhelmingly.

After all, a thousand copies had to be sold in three days, and at least 300 people had to choose fried noodles for two consecutive meals. Such task requirements made Lin Xu pay special attention to the preparation of fried noodles at noon.

The pastry department even has a dedicated hand-rolled noodle workbench, where Niu Chuang and two other chefs are constantly rolling out the noodles.

In the cooking area, several stoves specially designed for making fried noodles have also been specially moved.

This time Lin Xu planned to challenge himself to make fried noodles and control four stoves alone.

Well, when I was making hand-made noodles before, I could make more than a dozen bowls of noodles at a time, and cook them directly after rolling them out. The reason why the sales were high when the store first opened was because it took advantage of the advantages of mass production.

This time he was making fried noodles. In order to prevent him from being judged as cheating by the system, he planned to make fried noodles himself and challenge his physical limits.

Recently I have been busy with my business, so it’s time to experience the feeling of being so busy when I first opened the store.

In order to save time for frying noodles, Lin Xu now asked the kitchen helpers to prepare the meat slices and side dishes for making fried noodles.

Later, stir-fry the vegetables and prepare the stew.

When you start making fried noodles, just fry the noodles directly.

It can save the time of frying the ingredients, stir-frying the vegetables and making the stew. Relatively speaking, this has saved about half of the time.

When it comes to the specific cooking process, Lin Xu can also plan the time reasonably.

For example, after frying the noodles, adding the soup and vegetables, you can leave it to the kitchen assistants to take care of it. Whether it is simmering or taking out the pot and putting it on the plate, Lin Xu does not need to be involved.

Using this method, Lin Xu felt that there was no problem in managing four stoves.

In fact, the main difficulties in making fried noodles are the temperature of frying the noodles and the amount of braised soup. If these two points can be achieved, the noodles will not be too unpalatable.

Lin Xu completed the key steps and left the rest to the kitchen assistant. This not only increased the amount of fried noodles, but also maximized the use of human resources in the kitchen.

While making arrangements, Wei Qian came over:

"Can you do it alone? Don't tire yourself out. The boss lady will be unhappy later."

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"It's okay. I haven't been too busy before the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's time to move around to prevent my body from getting rusty."

"Can you handle it during peak hours?"

"It should be possible. One pot can make four or five servings of fried noodles. The four stoves are powerful enough. I think we can keep up with the demand of customers."

Wei Gan saw that Lin Xu didn't seem to be joking, so he said to the helpers:

"The boss is going to use a big move today, so be smart and follow suit."

In the past, only apprentices were qualified to serve as chefs in restaurants, and assistant cooks were not allowed to get close.

Some big hotels still follow this rule.

However, Lin Ji is not so rigid and dogmatic. As long as you want to work hard and make progress, the chefs in the kitchen, including Lin Xu himself, will enthusiastically explain the essentials and techniques in cooking without hiding anything.

After all the ingredients were prepared, Lin Xu set up a large wok, started to stir-fry the meat slices, and made the side dishes and stew needed for the fried noodles.

While he was busy, Wei Qianye and Zhu Yong also began to use large soup buckets to cook hot and sour soup for fried noodles.

After feedback from those customers last night, they felt a little choked when eating fried noodles without soup, and they also felt a little tired at the end of the meal.

So I need a bowl of hot and sour soup that relieves fatigue and appetizes.

Because vinegar and pepper are added to the hot and sour soup, it not only relieves fatigue, but also has an appetizing effect. It is the best partner for fried noodles and pancakes.

At 10:30 in the morning, Lin Xu had prepared two hundred vegetables and soup for fried noodles.

Originally, he only prepared a hundred copies, but after seeing the comments and updates online, he felt that one hundred copies might not be enough.

Because the enthusiasm of customers is so high.

Some asked for sick leave, some lied about coming out to meet clients, and some even dragged company leaders into the trap.

In order to have delicious hometown fried noodles at noon, they really tried their best.

"Get ready for lunch. There may be a fierce battle at noon. Everyone should try to eat as much as possible. Don't get hungry in the middle of the day."

Today’s lunch is fried noodles made by Wei Gan.

He made a large bowl of it, which looked like stewed noodles, but when the employees took a bowl and tasted it, they found that it was better than stewed noodles.

While everyone was eating, Xie Baomin came to the store.

Everyone looked over and wanted to know how those stones were used.

"You all want to learn, right? Come on, I'll do it for you."

Xie Baomin didn't hide anything. Seeing that everyone was interested and even curious, he took the initiative to invite everyone to come to the kitchen to learn together.

"These pebbles were picked up from a creek when I went to Xishan last time. After I picked them up, I washed them many times and used them several times. They are very useful."

The reason why he brought Shitou here was because his lover Su Peipei’s school was going to Haidian Middle School for exchange today.

Haidian Middle School is just a stone's throw away from here, so I planned to come to the store for lunch and experience the grand scene of Linji Food during the lunch rush.

When the daughter-in-law comes to eat, the husband will naturally have to work harder.

Xie Baomin brought the stone over and planned to cook a dish that his wife was addicted to recently. He also taught Lin Xushi the cooking technique.

Well, since the master is away, he, the senior brother, has to teach on his behalf.

Only in this way can we complete the instructions given by the master before leaving and improve the cooking skills of the junior brother.

Only with certain cooking skills can you learn Master's more high-end dishes.

"Do you have chrysanthemum? I want it to be tender."

When he came to the kitchen, Xie Baomin started to give orders.

The dish he is going to make today is called stone-cooked chrysanthemum, which means chrysanthemum cooked with stones. It is delicious and has a long-lasting taste. It is a must-have whether it is served with rice or wine.

Soon, the driver brought a basket of washed chrysanthemums.

Xie Baomin looked at it, pinched off a few old chrysanthemum stems, and then said:

"Find a clean ceramic basin, the kind that can be placed on the stove."

Is this about to begin?

Zhu Yong quickly brought over a white porcelain basin for making soup.

Xie Baomin checked it over, nodded and said:

"Yes, you must use pure ceramics to make this dish, otherwise it will easily collapse."

He used kitchen paper to wipe away all the moisture inside and outside the basin, then put it on the stove, turned on a low heat, and began to heat the empty basin.

Then put a wok on the stove next to it, add water to the pot, pour the stones in and start to blanch the water.

"When cooking with stones, you must choose pebbles with a relatively fine texture. They should not be too big, probably slightly smaller than an egg. If there are white pebbles, choose white ones."

Wei Gan asked curiously:

"Why did you choose white, Chef Xie? Is it because white is more resistant to high temperatures?"

"No, it's more beautiful."

The people around me gasped for breath, thinking it was some amazing trick, but cooking with white stone does have a bonus in terms of appearance.

Lin Xu felt that this dish could be learned, and maybe it would become a best-selling dish in the store later on.

In addition to the unique and attractive stone cooking techniques, the most important thing is that the ingredients are chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, which is relatively healthy and very beneficial to the human body.

In ancient times, chrysanthemum was a tribute and could only be eaten by the palace.

So this dish is also called emperor dish.

Modern cultivation technology has made chrysanthemum more tender and better tasting, and there have been new breakthroughs in cooking methods. The stone-cooked chrysanthemum made by Xie Baomin today is an innovative way of making chrysanthemum.

"Before cooking with stones, you need to blanch them every time, because you need to put them into a pan and heat the stones with high-temperature hot oil, so the surface of the stones must be clean, otherwise the hot oil in the pot will have a mushy smell. ."


Are you going to put rocks in a pot and fry them?

This dish really refreshed everyone’s understanding.

There is no food preparation and no seasoning. The ceramic pot is used to cook the food. After the stone is cooked, the stone is blanched, followed by the frying process.

This simply violates the process and rules of cooking in the kitchen.

Xie Baomin is a person who doesn't like to talk too deeply. He didn't explain much, but stood in front of the stove and quietly waited for the water in the pot to boil.

This scene is very funny. It is obviously a pile of stones, but it is like making meat dishes. It is first blanched and then fried.

And blanching is quite particular.

Everyone saw that Xie Baomin was actually skimming.

After the water boils, boil it for a few minutes. After making sure the stone is clean, pour it out to control the water.

Rinse the wok, dry it again, and then pour some leftover oil from frying several times into the wok.

This kind of exhausted oil is also called waste oil. It cannot be directly used for cooking. However, it can be used to oil salted fish or fry pork kidneys and other fishy ingredients, which can be regarded as waste utilization.

After pouring the spent oil into the pot, the fire is heated to 50% heat.

Although the stone is fried, the oil temperature should not be too high to avoid the temperature difference being too great and causing the stone to crack.

There is moisture on the surface of the stone now, so when it is put into the pot, the fat boils violently.

Xie Baomin didn't care. He turned around and took the chrysanthemum from the workbench. He shook off the excess water, then put it in a stainless steel basin and started pickling it.

The chefs watching around him unconsciously gathered around. Everyone knew that the most critical step of this dish was coming, so they had to watch it clearly.

Xie Baomin said with a smile:

"You don't have to be so close. The seasoning is very simple. Everyone will understand it as soon as I explain it."

Great food doesn't require complicated seasoning.

Sometimes simple seasoning can have unexpected effects.

Xie Baomin took a small spoon for seasoning and put a small spoonful of salt, a small spoonful of sugar, half a small spoonful of MSG and half a small spoonful of chicken powder into the basin.

After putting it in, use a small spoon, pour in half a tablespoon of scallion oil, a tablespoon of steamed fish soy sauce, and then pour in two tablespoons of garlic sauce.

"That's all, no trouble, right?"

Xie Baomin put a disposable glove on his right hand, then reached into the basin to grab and mix it.

While mixing, he explained the essentials to everyone:

"Be sure to mix the seasonings well so that each chrysanthemum is coated with the sauce, so that the dishes will be delicious... By the way, remember to wear gloves when mixing, and don't start directly, otherwise the garlic will be stirred like this. The spiciness of the paste can sting under your fingernails."

Originally, Lin Xu thought that senior brother was being particular about wearing gloves.

Unexpectedly, I was afraid that the garlic sauce would get stung between my nails.

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum is very tender, and when mixed, it feels like it collapses and becomes soup.

This should be the reason why senior brother didn’t season it at first, right?

After the chrysanthemum was mixed, the stones in the pot were fried to the point of losing their moisture and no longer crackled. At this time, the oil temperature had reached at least 80% hot.

Xie Baomin placed the colander on the oil drum containing the exhausted oil, took the oil in the basin and poured it in.

The stones are filtered out and the hot oil goes directly into the oil drum.

On the stove next to it, the temperature of the ceramic basin has also risen.

Xie Baomin put his hand on the mouth of the basin and gestured:

"In this dish, the heat requirements of the basin and the stone are relatively high. The stone needs to be fried to 80% hot before it can be poured out to control the oil, and the temperature of the ceramic basin must also exceed 200 degrees."

This dish is not cooked in a pot. All the sources of temperature are ceramic basins and stones, so it must be heated enough.

Place an anti-scalding wooden plate on the workbench, then use a plate clamp to bring the heated ceramic basin over and place it on the wooden plate, and pour the oil-controlling stone into it.

After doing this, Xie Baomin used chopsticks to pull the pickled chrysanthemum into the basin.

As soon as I got down, the sound of sizzling could be heard endlessly.

The chrysanthemum is roasted in high-temperature stones and ceramic pots, making it fragrant.

After putting all the chrysanthemums in, cover the pot and start simmering.

Just when everyone thought the dish was over, Xie Baomin suddenly asked:

"Any brandy?"


Are you planning to open a bottle of wine to celebrate?

Wei Gan thought for a while, opened a cupboard in the corner, and fumbled out a bottle of brandy.

"Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Lao Huang came to deliver condiments and gave him a box of brandy. He said it was used in many hotel kitchens and he wanted us to try it... We didn't have any food in this area, so I stuffed it in the cupboard."

As he spoke, he tore off the plastic wrap around the mouth of the bottle, loosened the cap, and handed it to Xie Baomin.

Xie Baomin took it and unscrewed the bottle cap and smelled it gently:

"Well, this brandy is pretty good. As expected, Old Huang has some good stuff. I'll have to ask Old Dai to order it next time."

After saying that, he took the wine bottle and poured some brandy on the basin cover.

At this moment, steam kept pouring out from the cracks in the basin. After the brandy was poured on it, the steam that was originally full of the smell of chrysanthemum and garlic suddenly smelled of alcohol.

Xie Baomin put down the wine bottle, then took the kitchen lighter and lit it on the basin lid.

The brandy was quickly ignited, and a magnificent flame rose from the basin.

"Fuck, beautiful!"

"This wine tastes so good!"

"Yes, it smells really good."

"I didn't expect brandy to be so useful."

"The chef finally doesn't have to worry about what to do with the box of brandy."


The flame lasted for less than a minute and was extinguished by the steam that continued to float out of the basin.

Xie Baomin said:

"You can only serve food after the flames are extinguished. Never serve food with a pot of fire. It is too dangerous. Count five minutes after the flames are extinguished and wait five minutes before opening and enjoying."

Lin Xu looked at the electronic clock hanging on the wall and silently started timing.

After hearing that it would take five minutes to start eating, Zhuang Yizhou asked:

"Since you can eat it in five minutes, when is the best time to serve it?"

Xie Baomin smiled:

"Of course, it is served immediately. After it is served, customers will have a sense of anticipation waiting to eat instant noodles. By the time they eat, the sense of anticipation is already full, and everything they eat will be delicious."

After that, he explained the precautions for this cooking method.

For example, the basin is very hot, so all customers are prohibited from touching it, including the pot lid, to prevent burns.

In addition, be careful to avoid customers when lifting the pot lid, because the water vapor on the pot lid will splash around in the pot, so prevent these water droplets from splashing on customers.

Lin Xu listened carefully.

The more I listened to it, the more I thought it would be suitable for new releases in the store.

There are not many vegetable dishes in the store now, and even fewer can become a signature.

If you can add this stone-cooked chrysanthemum, the vegetable dishes will become richer.

At this moment, Xie Baomin was holding a towel and was about to open the lid of the basin.

Lin Xu took the opportunity to use the cooking learning card.

"Learning object: Xie Baomin. Current skill is: Stone-cooked chrysanthemum cooking technique. Do you want to learn it now?"


A golden light flashed in my mind, and then the system prompt sounded again:

"Consume a cooking learning card and obtain the perfect cooking technique - stone-cooked chrysanthemum. Congratulations to the host."

When the sound sounded, Xie Baomin just opened the basin cover.

A strong fresh fragrance wafted out from the basin.

The taste is rich and fragrant, mixed with the aroma of garlic and a touch of wine.

This is the smell of the remaining brandy. I didn't expect that it would have such a wonderful fragrance when mixed into the dishes.

Xie Baomin said:

"Try them all and see how they taste. If you haven't learned it yet, I will make it again later. You can take a look again."

Su Peipei hasn't come over yet. He did this purely to show Lin Xu the technique of stone cooking.

Everyone was not polite, picked up their chopsticks, picked up the chrysanthemum in the basin and started eating.

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum has a delicious fragrance in the mouth, and the temperature is quite high. You will be burned if you are not careful.

The leaves are soft and tender, with the rich aroma of garlic and oil, while the stems are crisp, tender and refreshing, and you can taste a touch of sweetness.

Umami, aroma, saltiness, garlic flavor...these flavors are mixed together, and paired with the fresh chrysanthemum, it is simply irresistible.

I used to think that boiled cabbage sum is a more delicious dish among green vegetables, but I didn't expect that compared with this garlic-flavored chrysanthemum, the cabbage sum would have to be inferior.

This stone-cooked chrysanthemum dish is simply a meal tailor-made for those who don’t like meat.

It is novel, delicious and delicious all in one.

“It’s delicious, so delicious!”

"Boss, when will we have new items in the store?"

There's no problem with adding new ones, it'll be fine now, but Lin Xu will be making fried noodles these two days and can't take care of the chrysanthemum, so this dish will have to be postponed.

But doing this all the time is definitely not the answer.

It's time to do another round of teaching and training tasks. Distribute all the dishes you have mastered and let the employees help share the work.

Well, a qualified boss must be able to act as a hands-off shopkeeper.

It's almost eleven o'clock now.

Everyone had finished admiring the stone-cooked chrysanthemum, and hurriedly went outside to continue eating, lest customers rush over in advance and there would be no time to eat.

in the kitchen.

After the others left, Xie Baomin pulled Lin Xu and whispered:

"Junior brother, can you help me ask Lao Huang for some moringa seeds later?"

I'm going... there are so many, it's only been a few days, and it's all done?

Xie Baomin said speechlessly:

"Last time, my brother-in-law took all of them away. He was a solid person. As soon as I said no, he just put it in the bag. Even if he hinted that it was for a friend, he didn't take it out... I just said it's not for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Suitable for entertaining relatives at home..."

Lin Xu smiled, but he didn't expect that his senior brother would experience this.

He thought for a while and said:

"Lao Huang told me last time that he bought some Maca. I will help you order some when the time comes."

Alas, it will be time for Lao Huang to misunderstand again.

But for the sake of senior brother, he had to do this first... How could he meet a solid-eyed brother-in-law?

While the two junior brothers were chatting, Su Peipei and a man in sportswear came from the direction of Haidian Middle School outside the store.

This man looks somewhat similar to Su Peipei, but he looks younger.

Judging from his sportswear, he should be a physical education teacher.

"Sister, is this the shop opened by my brother-in-law and his junior brother? It's quite impressive."

"Be polite when you see Junior Brother Lin later. He is a big boss, and his father-in-law is a billionaire."

"Don't worry, sister, I, Dachun, am not a fool..."


I wrote a dish about the stone-cooked chrysanthemum that I must order when I go to a restaurant...I caught a cold due to the air conditioner today. Around 7pm, my head felt like it was exploding. I wrote two thousand at that time, and I wanted to just stop reading and go to bed. , but thinking that I still need to buy canned cats and pay off my credit card, I took a piece of ibuprofen and struggled to get up... This chapter has 5895 words, please vote for me, brothers!

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