Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 290 A high-end Sichuan dish with both appearance and taste: Snowflake Chicken Nao! 【Please s

Chapter 290 A high-end Sichuan dish that has both appearance and taste - Snowflake Chicken Nao! 【Please subscribe】

While eating the delicious breakfast, Baby Shen completely forgot about his stomach upset.

She held an oil roll and ate the fried dough sticks mixed with pickles and cucumbers happily. After eating for a while, she took a big sip of the delicious vegetable porridge, fully displaying the image of an upright and unpretentious Yanjing girl.

"Xubao, what's the name of the dish you just said you were going to make?"

"Snowflakes and Chicken Nao (nào)."

"Are you making a fuss? Are you making a fuss?"

Lin Xu originally thought that his baby was just joking to cheer up the atmosphere, but when he saw that his father-in-law and mother-in-law were also curious, he wrote this word:

"This means mud, which is to make the chicken into a mud shape like snowflakes."

Upon hearing this, Shen Guofu immediately slapped the table:

"Just do this. I'm going to see if my uncle and the others dare to laugh at me today. Wife, please don't tip off the news. I have to deal with them today."

He came from a poor background, and in those days it was pretty good to graduate from high school.

However, compared with the Han family, where the whole family is a senior doctor, the gap is somewhat large, and it is normal to receive a blank look.

Over the years, Lao Shen has been holding his breath.

Now, the chance to fight back finally comes.

I don’t believe that those doctors in white coats can accurately pronounce the name of the dish, let alone that they can pronounce the character "Nao" correctly. Most likely, like me, they will pronounce it as "zhuó".

Hum hum, when that time comes, just return the word "uneducated".

After the meal, Shen Guofu drove back to the villa with Mrs. Shen, Han Shuzhen and Dundun to prepare to entertain relatives.

Lin Xu and Shen Baobao went back to the store together.

First make the mooncakes to be made today, then grab the chicken breasts, stock, Jinhua ham and other ingredients for making Snowflake Chicken Chowder, and drive to the villa on the West Fourth Ring Road to prepare lunch.

Snowflake Chicken Nao needs to be garnished with ham, and Jinhua ham with a richer flavor must be used, so that the dish will be fragrant and delicious enough.

If you use Xuanwei ham or other ham, it will be a bit boring.

Because the amount of ham used in this dish is very small, just sprinkle some chopped ham on the plate after serving. Xuanwei and other hams have a slight taste. Cut into such minced ham, they lose the salty taste and aroma.

It is better to marinate Jinhua ham which is more flavorful and fermented more thoroughly.

Sprinkling it on the fried snowflake chicken not only adds flavor and color to the dish, but the unique salty flavor of ham can also add a touch of color to the bland dish.

In Sichuan cuisine, this method of cutting ham into small pieces is called ham Mengzi.

In the past, materials were scarce and ingredients were in short supply. Jinhua ham was synonymous with high-end ingredients. Chefs would cut it into pieces and put it on dishes as a garnish, just like modern chefs use black truffles.

In fact, some chefs actually sprinkle black truffles on the snowflake chicken in order to pursue a sense of luxury.

Although it does raise the level, this approach is wrong.

Because the Snowflake Chicken Chowder has a light taste, it needs to be sprinkled with a little salty ham to enrich the taste of the dish and make it taste more charming.

The black truffle only has umami taste but no salty taste.

After putting it away, it will not have the effect of increasing appetite, and it is a pure waste of food.

Arriving at the Shen family villa, the relatives had not arrived yet. Lin Xu came to the kitchen with the ingredients, while Shen Baobao went upstairs to change into chef clothes.

Hey! It’s finally time for Chef Shen to come online again!

Today, all the relatives are here, so naturally I want to show off my cooking skills.

Although she and Chen Yan went out of their way to apply for health certificates in order to join the chef circle, they did not dare to make mistakes in Lin Ji's kitchen. After all, it was a place for business and not suitable for fun.

But there is no problem at home.

She put her black hair into a bun, put on a white chef's uniform, and put on a head chef's hat that was about a foot high, and said hello happily to the pretty cook in the mirror:

"Hello Master Shen!"

After making sure that there was nothing wrong with his clothes, Master Shen went to the kitchen in his canvas shoes.

When I arrived at the door of the kitchen, I didn’t rush to work. Instead, I took a beautiful selfie using the pots and pans behind me as the background, and then sent it to my circle of friends:

"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Executive Chef of Lin Kee Gourmet, Shen Jiayue, wishes everyone a happy family reunion and a happy Mooncake Festival! Today I will present an unusual and delicious dish to my family, so stay tuned!"

When Xu Bao makes that chicken thing, I will take the opportunity to take a photo and post it on WeChat Moments.

Hee hee, if the dishes made by my Xu Bao are rounded up, they are equal to those made by me. In this Ganges River, right?

After posting the news, the girl put her phone in her pocket, looked at Lin Xu and asked:

"Xubao, I'm here. Do you need my help?"

Lin Xu looked at her outfit and asked curiously:

"First tell me what you are going to do. Only after you confirm the dishes you want to make can I arrange it."

"I plan to steam an egg custard for each of my family members, but wouldn't it be wasteful to use a steamer?"

If there are few dishes, you can easily make custard for one person.

But there are so many dishes today, and after the custard is served, everyone can only try two bites at most. It would be a waste if you cook too much, so Chef Shen is a little distressed.

Lin Xu adjusted the girl's chef's hat and said with a smile:

"You can steam oranges to make orange steamed eggs. They are small in quantity and delicious, and they look good. They will definitely surprise your relatives."

Orange steamed egg?

Baobao Shen's eyes lit up.

Thanks to Xubao, I found a new idea for making custard.

On the other side, Chen Yan, who secretly ate a bunch of takeaways at night, just woke up and realized that it was already past nine o'clock.

"It's all because Shou Yueyue has no sense of public morality. She accidentally poisoned her in the middle of the night, causing me to eat so much last night... I'll settle the score with her later when we meet!"

She didn't get up immediately, but reached out and took the mobile phone from the bedside table.

Since I got up late, I just played with my phone for a while before getting up.

Anyway, Lin Ji had run out of breakfast at this moment, and lunch at his uncle's house hadn't been prepared yet. Instead of getting up early or late, he might as well lie down a little longer.

Click on WeChat, read through the various Mid-Autumn Festival greetings, reply to important people, and then click on the circle of friends to see if there is anything new.

Then she saw Baobao Shen’s selfie.

"Isn't it too shameless to brazenly say that I am the executive chef? I am Lin Ji's executive chef, okay?"

This news made Mr. Chen so angry that he stopped lying down. He immediately got out of bed and found some relatively simple clothes to change into.

Well, there are many relatives today, so it is not suitable to wear clothes that are too flamboyant or too personal, otherwise you will easily become the focus of the crowd, and then a nice gathering of relatives will turn into a wedding gathering.

Moreover, the elders are relatively conservative. In their eyes, navel-baring clothes are not fashionable, but look like the four-bag elders of the Beggar Clan.

For this kind of dinner occasion, it's better to be as low-key as possible.

A pair of wide-leg jeans, a black T-shirt that can prevent vegetable soup from being spilled, and a baseball cap that she put on because she was too lazy to tidy up her hair. Isn't this a beautiful girl with a casual style?

She looked in the mirror, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, she rarely wore high heels, but put on a pair of black Converse canvas shoes.

After getting dressed up and just about to set off, Shen Baobao called.

Humph, I knew you, the fake executive chef, couldn't handle it.

As soon as she chose to answer, Shen Baobao's yelling voice came from the receiver:

"Yanbao, where are you? Come to my house quickly and help!"

Chen Yan sneered, she couldn't do it without me, right? She asked slowly:

"How can I help you?"

"Xubao just taught me how to make orange steamed eggs. I plan to make one for each of my relatives, but the workload is so heavy that you have to come over and be my assistant."


Orange steamed egg?

Chen Yan didn't expect that her cousin would secretly learn a new dish.

In the past, everyone said, "If you want to learn well, you have to sleep with the master." I didn't expect this to be true. Otherwise, how could my cousin, who is so much stupider than me, be able to learn orange steamed eggs?

It must have been her brother-in-law who gave her some advice.

It's a pity that my partner is not a chef, otherwise I would have to compete with her to see who is the most beautiful cook in the family!

"Wait, we'll be there soon!"

Humph, wait until I learn how to make orange steamed eggs before I announce who the executive chef of Linji Food is. My cousin’s level is still a bit uninteresting.

It's a pity that I am single.

If there is a chef who can cook, he can definitely put his cousin's cooking skills ahead of others!

When she came downstairs, she drove her sports car to the West Fourth Ring Road at high speed.

At this time, in the kitchen of the Shen family villa, Shen Baobao was scrubbing the oranges he had just selected with a brush, while Lin Xu was carefully smashing the chicken breast on the chopping board with the back of a knife.

If it were an ordinary wooden chopping board, you would have to put a piece of pigskin on it before smashing it.

Otherwise, it is easy for sawdust to be mixed in.

However, the material of my father-in-law's vegetable dumplings is better and does not shed crumbs, which saves Lin Xu the trouble of putting pig skin on it.

At this time, Aunt Liu and her two nannies were busy following Lin Xu's instructions. They were soaking when it was necessary, changing the knife when it was necessary, and blanching when it was necessary.

"Xiao Xu, I'm done here. Is there anything else you need me to do?"

Aunt Liu has received professional cooking training and her cooking skills are not bad, otherwise she would not be hired by the Shen family as a nanny who specializes in cooking.

Lin Xu said:

"Auntie, please help me beat ten egg whites and beat them directly into foam."

One piece of chicken breast can make just one serving of Snowflake Chicken Chowder, and each serving requires five egg whites.

There were many people today, and this dish was eaten with a spoon. One portion was not enough, so Lin Xu directly prepared two portions.

There are two uses for egg whites in this recipe.

One is to add the egg white directly to the minced chicken without beating it. The dish produced in this way will be in the shape of fish roe, and the particles will be relatively broken.

After beating the egg whites, the dishes will be in the shape of clouds, which will make them look better.

When Aunt Liu heard this, she took a small basin and went to beat the egg whites.

Lin Xu used a kitchen knife to carefully pour the minced chicken breast into the basin, and then added a small spoonful of salt and a small spoonful of white pepper.

After stirring well, add the stock brought from the store.

Adding stock can make the dish taste better and have a richer aroma.

If there is no broth, you can use onion and ginger water instead, but relatively speaking, onion and ginger water is a little bland.

Add the broth in small portions and beat the chicken into a white paste.

When he was done, Aunt Liu also used a whisk to beat the egg whites.

Master once said, never refuse the convenience brought by technology, Lin Xu always kept these words in mind.

Although technology cannot replace smashing meat paste, beating egg whites is no problem. If we continue to stick to the dogma of purely handmade dishes, then Chinese food will never develop.

Pour some of the prepared pea starch into the beaten chicken mince, stir evenly to fully combine the meat paste and starch, and then pour the meat paste into the beaten egg whites.

After the egg whites are beaten, they are all in fine foam. They are white and delicate in color and look a bit like cream.

Pour in the meat paste and stir evenly to combine the two pastes.

With the addition of egg white, there was only a little bit of meat paste on the bottom of the basin, and the volume suddenly increased a lot.

This is why one piece of chicken breast can make one dish. Beating the egg white adds too much to the volume.

Without egg whites, a dish would require at least two chicken breasts.

After mixing the meat paste, Lin Xu put the prepared ham into the pot and boiled it in water.

Boiling in water can evaporate the fermented smell in the ham and also precipitate excess salt, making the ham more fragrant and delicious.

As soon as the ham was cooked, Chen Yan, dressed like a supermarket order clerk, walked into the kitchen:

"It seems that everything is ready. Then wait, I will go upstairs to change clothes and let Chef Chen lead you to complete today's reception task."

She strode upstairs like a middle school girl.

Baobao Shen, who was washing the oranges, pouted:

“I don’t even know how to make orange steamed eggs, but I still have the nerve to say that I’m the head chef, and I’m pretty much a useless chef.”

After muttering, she asked Lin Xu:

"Xubao, where are you going to speak from later? I forgot again!"

Lin Xu came over, picked up an orange, pointed to the upper third of the orange and said:

"At about this position, use a spoon to scoop out the pulp inside, add some sugar and beat into juice, then beat the egg liquid and juice together according to the ratio of 1:1.5, and then pour the beaten egg liquid into Put it in the peel and steam it for a few minutes.”

The preparation of orange steamed eggs is relatively simple.

Of course, it can also be more complicated, such as peeling out the orange pulp bit by bit and adding it to the egg liquid, so that the steamed egg tastes better.

But considering the cooking skills of Baby Shen and his sister-in-law, he wisely did not suggest this.

Soon after, he fished out the cooked ham.

After cooling, cut the lean meat into thin slices of about one millimeter, then cut into filaments, and finally cut the filaments into small particles slightly larger than sesame seeds.

You can't chop it in this step, you have to cut it. The more chopped it is, the better the effect will be.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, after all the dishes were prepared, Lin Xu set up the wok and started cooking.

In order to prevent black stars from frying other vegetables in the pot, Lin Xu first fried the snowflake chicken.

In Chinese cooking, this kind of minced meat dish is more difficult than ordinary dishes, because during the frying process, the minced meat is easily gelatinized and stuck to the bottom of the pot when heated.

And as the stove continues to heat up, the meat paste stuck to the bottom of the pot will eventually be burned and turn into black stars and black spots mixed into the dishes. Not only will the dishes lose their appearance, but it will also make the dishes full of rich flavor. Pasty taste.

This type of dish is best prepared on a restaurant stove, which has strong firepower and heats up quickly, which can minimize sticking to the pan.

In order to prevent the wok from sticking to the pan, Lin Xu put the wok on the stove and heated it until it turned red, then added a spoonful of salad oil to glide the wok.

After sliding the pan, pour out the oil, heat it up again, and slide the pan again.

Repeat three times in a row.

Finally, Lin Xu poured out the fat from the pot and poured a large spoonful of white lard into it.

If you want this dish to have a rich egg flavor and a snow-white color, you must use lard, because lard is a colorless fat with a rich texture, which can make the quality of the Snowflake Chicken Cake even better.

Soon, the lard in the pot had melted.

When the oil is hot, pour half of the prepared meat paste into the pot.

The firepower of small household stoves is weak and the pot is easy to burn, so the frying must be carried out separately.

Pour the meat paste into the pot and start pushing it along the bottom of the pot with a spoon.

This method can push out the meat paste that has been formed under the stimulation of hot oil at the bottom of the pot, making room for the unformed meat paste.

If you use the hotel's professional stove, the meat paste will have taken shape by now.

But now, it is still half solid and half liquid, and you have to wait a while for the meat paste to completely solidify.

"Wow, is this the Snowflake Chicken Nao? It does look beautiful."

Baby Shen came over and took a look, and immediately fell in love with the snow-white color.

Lin Xu used a spoon to quickly stir in the pot. Before long, the fat that was still a lot of before was completely absorbed by the meat paste, and there was also a slight sign of sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Fortunately, all the meat paste has been formed by this time.

He stir-fried the lumpy meat paste a few times, then pressed it lightly with the back of a spoon to make sure there was no unformed meat paste, and then removed it from the pan and put it on a plate.

These meat pastes are in the form of scrambled egg-like lumps.

But it's snow-white and looks even more attractive.

Lin Xu grabbed the chopped ham and sprinkled it on top. The white meat and the dark red minced ham complemented each other, making it look very high-end.

Lin Xu handed the dish to Shen Guofu who was waiting outside:

"Dad, this dish is ready. You can let everyone try it first."

"Okay, okay, just waiting."

After taking the plate, Old Shen excitedly carried it to the living room where relatives were gathered. After waiting all morning, he finally arrived at this moment.

Back in the kitchen, Lin Xu saw Chen Yan and Shen Baobao stopping their preparations, and asked curiously:

"what happened?"

"There are quite a few oranges that have been cut into pieces and there is not enough to count. We plan to go out and buy a few."

"Go ahead, I'll steam these for you first."

When the two sisters heard this, they didn't even bother to change their clothes. They excitedly drove their X1 to a nearby large supermarket to buy oranges.

Arriving at the entrance of the supermarket, when parking the car, Chen Yan saw a stall selling pancakes in the alley not far away. Thinking that it would be a while before dinner at home, and she hadn't eaten in the morning, she said to Baby Shen:

"You go in and buy something. Just pick a big one. I'll buy some pancakes to make a cushion for you."

"Okay, let's meet at the car later."

After the sisters separated, Chen Yan, wearing a chef's uniform and a chef's hat, quickly walked to the stall selling pancakes.

As I got closer, I realized that the guy selling pancakes was tall and tall, probably in his twenties. He was wearing fashionable Bluetooth headphones on his ears, and his head was shaking slightly, as if he was listening to music.

He looks good and keeps the stall very clean. Maybe he is a master of both good looks and cooking skills like his brother-in-law.

But he just lacks a bit of business acumen. There are people coming and going outside, but he stays in the alley. Is this because he has a grudge against money?

Fortunately, I discovered it with my sharp eyes, otherwise I might not be able to relax this morning.

As she thought, she walked to the stall and said to the tall stall owner in front of her:

"Bring me a set of pancakes, add two eggs, and add more crispy pancakes."

After saying that, she took out her mobile phone and started scanning the money.

The pancake seller was a little embarrassed, but he still scooped a spoonful of multigrain batter and poured it on the griddle.

Then, turn the spatula and use a spatula to spread the batter.

But when he was spreading the dough, he was obviously absent-minded and kept looking left and right. Moreover, the scraping force was not strong enough, and the batter was scraped off the outside of the dough.

Chen Yan frowned, she looked quite agile, so why was her craftsmanship worse than that of her cousin? You can't have such good looks for nothing.

She pouted dissatisfiedly.

The stall owner also noticed something was wrong, and then smiled apologetically:

"I just left the stall. Sorry, I'll redo it for you."

After that, use a spatula to scrape off the unshaped pancakes on the surface and start spreading them again.

Although the boy did it very seriously this time, due to his poor skills, he did not control the strength when scraping, and the pancakes were ruined again.

Chen Yan looked at this man with a troubled expression, "My brother, if we don't know how to do it, we don't have to set up a stall. There is no need to force ourselves so much."

She was just about to ask for a refund when she suddenly thought of a joke on the Internet and asked in a low voice:

"Comrade, are you an undercover agent?"


Sorry, it's late today. This chapter has 5,500 words. Please vote for me, brothers!

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