Stop pretending, I am the God of Cooking and I am showing off my cards!

Chapter 257 Learn crystal dishes thoroughly at once! Specialty gifts from parents!

nine in the morning.

Lin Xu finished making the colorful horseshoe cake promised to customers.

Paired with the brown sugar shaqima made last night, both snacks have been made.

Shaqima has been cut into small pieces with a knife, wrapped in wax paper specially made for wrapping food, and placed piece by piece in a specially made box.

Last night, Dou Wenjing heard about making Shaqima, so she asked the company's short video photographer to come over and film the process overnight.

This morning, a one-minute short video was edited and posted on the official account of Linji Food, allowing customers to intuitively see the making process of handmade snacks.

As soon as it was posted, netizens expressed their envy.

"Is it really okay to post this so early in the morning?"

"I'm not a fan of Sachima, but I still drooled over it."

"Originally I could lie down until eleven o'clock before getting up, but Shaqima saw that I couldn't help but order a takeaway. Boss Lin is unshirkable responsible for my weight gain!"

"I don't have feelings for Shaqima, but this brown sugar looks so tempting. Can I buy it in the store at noon?"

"I heard that there are colorful horseshoe cakes today. Has Boss Lin finally realized that he is a businessman?"


In the kitchen, looking at these comments, Lin Xu said to the company's photographer:

"While it's hot, please post the video of making the colorful horseshoe cake as soon as possible. From now on, you can try to post a video of the chef cooking every day. The person cooking doesn't have to be me, it can also be other chefs."

Dou Wenjing, who was drinking pumpkin soup at the side, nodded in agreement and said:

"Okay, okay, we get it...this pumpkin soup is so delicious. I regret moving the company. If it were still across the street, I could come to the store and taste some delicious food while walking."

Shu Yun smiled:

"It's better to stay away. I've gained a pound in the past few days. It's a sweet burden to meet a boss who is good at making delicious food."

The kitchen was already busy at this moment.

Lin Xuchong said to Shen Baobao and Chen Yan who were wearing chef uniforms and taking selfies not far away:

"Shall we get started?"

"Okay, okay, I'll be there soon! Master Chen, do you see if I wear my hat correctly?"

"It's straightened. Master Shen, please take a look at it for me. Is my hat not crooked?"

The two living treasures were obviously just learning crystal skin jelly. Not only did they ask Shu Yun for new chef uniforms, they even put on the head chef's hat.

After putting it on, the style of a beautiful cook suddenly came out.

The preparation of crystal skin jelly is really simple, and the pig skin I bought this time was shaved by machine, so all the stubble on the outside and the oil under the skin have been scraped away.

So Lin Xu didn't do anything and directly instructed the two of them to start production.

"Take out the pig skin, blanch it briefly and boil it until the pig skin can be penetrated with a chopstick."

Crystal dishes are made by taking advantage of the coagulation characteristics of pig skin.

In addition to the crystal elbows in Shandong cuisine, there are also crystal meat dishes in Huaiyang cuisine, crystal hoof flowers in Sichuan cuisine, etc. Although there are differences in the cooking methods in different places, they are all similar.

Take the blanched pork skin out of the pot, put it in cold water to cool, then use a kitchen knife to scrape off the remaining fat under the skin, and pull out any stubble that has not been removed.

For someone with OCD, this is a very comfortable experience.

Chen Yan took the tweezers in the kitchen and plucked the hair stubble, even thinking of the process of plucking her eyebrows in a beauty salon.

After scraping and cleaning, put the pig skin back into hot water to wash off the impurities on the surface, then control the moisture and start shredding.

"This pig skin is like a rubber band, which cut is better, Xu Bao?"

The reason why Lin Xu taught the two of them how to make crystal skin jelly was because of their poor cooking skills. Unexpectedly, the two of them were so poor that they had difficulty chopping vegetables. They didn't even know how to use a kitchen knife.

He said:

"It's really hard to cut it when it's flat. You can roll the pig skin up and cut it, so that it can be cut finely and well."

Lin Xu gave a demonstration to the two of them and taught them the correct way to hold a knife. Finally, the two stupid apprentices mastered the trick of using a kitchen knife.

“Wow, it’s so easy to roll and cut, it’s amazing!”

"Yes, cooking is indeed profound and profound. I, Chef Chen, still have a lot to learn."

"I, Chef Shen, are the same. I have to learn with an open mind so that my cooking can flourish."

Lin Xu didn't master this cutting method for long.

When he was learning how to make steamed seabass, under the guidance of his master, Uncle Gao, he learned how to cut the white part of scallions, take out the core, then roll them up and shred them.

This method can not only be used to cut green onions and pig skins, but also can be used to cut kelp, dried tofu, fried bean skin and other flaky ingredients.

After the pig skin is cut.

In order to make the crystal more effective, you need to put the pig skin into a basin, add salt, alkaline noodles and hot water and rub it repeatedly.

This step can completely wash away the impurities on the surface of the pig skin, so that the resulting skin jelly will be as transparent as crystal, and it will also make the pig skin whiter and more tender.

After scrubbing for two minutes, the hot water in the basin became turbid.

Pour in clean water again and wash repeatedly until the water in the basin becomes crystal clear and no longer turbid.

Then drain the water, put the shredded pork skin into a porcelain basin, pour half a basin of mountain spring water, add onion, ginger and salt, cover it and put it in a steaming cabinet for steaming.

"Why use mountain spring water?"

"This can make the skin jelly more transparent."

After Lin Xu finished speaking, he took his mobile phone and looked at the message from his mother.

She and her father set off from their hometown at five in the morning. They were already halfway through the journey and were expected to arrive in the capital around three in the afternoon.

After reading the news, he said to Wei Qian:

"My parents will come around three o'clock. Leave some food in the kitchen so that you don't have nothing to eat then."

"Don't worry, I will never let my uncle and aunt go hungry."

After one hour.

The pork skin has been thoroughly steamed.

Carefully take the porcelain basin containing the pig skin out of the steaming cabinet. After opening the lid, a unique aroma of pork wafts out of the basin.

Carefully pick out the green onions and ginger. The water in the basin is still crystal clear. The pig skin has swollen slightly and its color has turned white.

"Will this really set? Do you want to add some agar?"

As a self-proclaimed fruit cheese expert, Shen Jiayue was a little doubtful whether these skin jelly could solidify because it looked too clear, like a basin of cold water.

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Don't worry, it will definitely solidify, but if it solidifies like this, it won't look good. Let me teach you a way to improve its appearance."

He brought some white porcelain bowls, wiped them dry, and placed two blanched broccoli flowers upside down at the bottom of the bowls.

Then use chopsticks to carefully take some of the pig skin out of the pot and place it around the broccoli, as loosely as possible, then scoop up the clear water in the pot and pour it on until it is eighty full.

In addition to broccoli, you can also put some red pepper shreds or radish slices in this kind of skin jelly. After solidification, these ingredients will become much more beautiful.

Lin Xu instructed the two of them to put the skin jelly in a bowl to make a bowl of jelly like a crystal elbow, and then put it in the cold storage to cool down and solidify.

"The techniques for crystal dishes are all here. You two can practice more and add more tricks when serving them in the bowl, such as adding braised chicken feet to make crystal chicken feet, or adding blanched autumn leaves. Aoi can be used to make crystal okra.”

When Shen Baobao heard this, his eyes immediately lit up:

"Can we make crystal bitter melon?"

Lin Xu: "..."

Last time I learned about fruit cheese, you made bitter melon cheese. Now I just learned how to make crystal jelly and want to make crystal bitter melon. Baby, you are so filial...

"Theoretically, it's possible, but I don't recommend it, otherwise I won't care if your parents beat you up."

"Hahahaha, don't worry, I'm just asking."

It’s okay if mom and dad don’t like to eat bitter melon.

But my grandpa often says that eating bitter melon is good for your health, so he will like the crystal bitter melon I made by myself, right?

I will secretly make it at home when I have time to give grandpa a surprise!

Baby Shen thought happily.

Mr. Han, who was checking the patient's examination report at the Jishuitan expert clinic, didn't know yet that he had been targeted by his granddaughter.

Before lunch, Lin Xu taught two chefs how to make steamed eggs.

Compared with crystal skin jelly, which takes too long to cook, steamed eggs, a short, quick and easy-to-show dish, are welcomed by Master Shen and Master Chen.

The two of them often ate the dishes cooked by Lin Xu, and even came up with their own innovations in the steps of adding oil.

For example, when making steamed okra with eggs, Chen Yan felt that the okra and eggs were too bland, so she chose lard with a richer aroma to enhance the oil. This won her praise from several chefs in the kitchen.

When Shen Baobao made steamed chicken breast with eggs, he also chose chicken fat to add umami flavor.

When the two of them were making steamed shrimp with egg, they asked Lin Xu to bring the shrimp oil over before it was ready.

Obviously, this is the way to master the seasoning of steamed eggs.

“It turns out cooking isn’t difficult at all!”

Chen Yan was eating the custard she had made. She planned to show off her skills to her parents when she went home in the afternoon. She also made some crystal skin jelly and put it in the refrigerator.

And Shen Baobao kept sending messages to Chen Meijuan:

"Mom, when will you arrive? I'm still waiting to cook something delicious for you and dad."

Well, the first thing I thought of after learning how to cook was to show off my skills in front of my parents-in-law. Fortunately, Shen Guofu and his wife were not here, otherwise I would have been upset again about not having a second child.


A Toyota Prado with a Yinzhou license plate was parked in front of the store.

When he took over the scenic spot, because the roads in the mountains had not been built at that time, the family car could not drive into the mountains, so Lin Hongqi replaced his car with this second-hand Prado.

This off-road vehicle, which Chinese people are accustomed to calling "overbearing", has strong power and performance and is most suitable for driving in mountains and various bad roads.

After pushing the door open and getting out of the car, looking at the domineering Lin Ji Cuisine at the door, the fatigue on Lin Hongqi's face was instantly wiped away.

“This store looks really impressive!”

"Yes, my son's achievements are getting higher and higher."

After the couple got out of the car, they opened the trunk and moved a plastic box next to the car door instead of grabbing the apple cider vinegar that had been on the road for a long time.

The box exuded a strong fishy smell.

"Are you still alive?"

"He's alive. My second brother is so awesome. He actually caught so many wild turtles without saying a word."

Knowing that the couple came to the capital to attend Lin Ji's opening ceremony, his second uncle Chen Meiliang took out a bag of recently caught wild turtles last night.

For my second uncle and the people in the scenic spot, this is not a rare thing.

I'm guarding the reservoir. I usually want to eat a few cages, and I can easily catch them.

But for people in the city, it is a very rare food. Lin Hongqi can even imagine the expressions of her relatives after seeing these turtles.

He picked up the box and walked towards the door of the store.

Chen Meijuan closed the car door and locked it. Just as she was about to open the door for Lin Hongqi, Lin Xu walked out of the store, followed by Shen Guofu and others.

Well, when he learned that his in-laws were coming, Lao Shen immediately canceled the afternoon board meeting.

No matter how big the deal is, it is not as important as welcoming the in-laws.

He came here after a long journey and brought fruit vinegar that both his wife and niece were thinking about. This was a welcome treat both emotionally and rationally.

"Brother Lin, you've been through a long journey, thank you for your hard work."

"Oh, Brother Shen is here too. It's not hard at all. The whole journey is at high speed, so it's very convenient."

Just as Shen Guofu was about to help move the plastic box, he suddenly smelled a strong fishy smell inside, and asked curiously:

"What the hell is this, bro?"

"I didn't know what to bring when I came here, so I brought over the wild turtles that Xiaoxu and his second uncle caught in the past few days for you to try."

wild! born! First! fish! ?

Shen Guofu's eyes lit up.

I go!

This is a great supplement!

Brother Lin really understands me. He knows that my brother has been weak recently, so he brought such supplementary ingredients here... If we hadn't already become in-laws, I would have to bow down to this good brother!

He was just about to take it and move it in, but found that it was quite heavy.

This made Lao Shen feel happy. It seemed that there was a lot of turtle.

Zhu Yong and Wei were doing the eyelid work. Seeing that Shen Guofu was struggling, they quickly helped lift the box.

Lin Hongqi explained:

"Take it out first to see if there are any dead ones. Dead turtles cannot be eaten."

After the two of them carried the box in, Lin Xu looked at his parents and asked:

"What else is there in the car? Let's move it down together to avoid exposing problems later."

Although we are about to enter September and the solar term is over, the weather is still hot, and the scorching sunshine can even dry out some plastics in the car.

Soon, the bottles and cans in the trunk, which were padded with foam boards, were moved to the store.

Almost all the male employees went to the aquarium to see wild turtles.

The female employee looked at the orange juice swirling back and forth in the glass jar:

"Is this fruit vinegar that has beautifying effects?"

"The color looks quite beautiful, and the sour flavor is quite strong."

"I don't know how effective it is, Mr. Shu. Can we try it later?"

Shu Yun said:

"It's absolutely okay to taste it, but if you drink the fruit vinegar directly, it will be too sour. You have to mix some honey into it. I'll ask the boss later and if possible, I can make a pot for you to taste."

"Thank you Mr. Shu!"

There were indeed a lot of soft-shelled turtles. There were nearly twenty large and small turtles in total, and every one of them was alive. They were quite aggressive when they were taken out of the box, and they almost bit Dundun who was watching the fun.


This little guy was really scared at first, but when he saw these turtles retracting their heads after their shells were knocked, the little guy raised his paws and knocked on the shells one by one.

Knock on any turtle that emerges, as if playing a game of whack-a-mole.

In order to prevent the turtle that his parents brought all the way from being played to death by this little guy, Lin Xu asked Zhu Yong and Wei Gan to put the turtle into the aquarium.

"Xiao Xu, this turtle tonight..."

When Shen Guofu looked at the energetic turtles in the aquarium, he seemed to see himself as a dragon and a tiger.

Lin Xu said:

"Let's kill a few and try them tonight. Free-range chickens will be delivered this afternoon. I'll make a classic Farewell My Concubine for you to try."

"Okay, okay! I'm going to have to drink two more drinks if your mother-in-law takes care of you today."

Lin Xu is not very good at making turtles.

But that's okay, there are experts in Beijing who are good at making this dish.

He took a photo of the aquarium with his mobile phone and then sent it to his senior brother Xie Baomin:

"Brother, my parents brought some wild turtles to the capital. If you are not busy in the afternoon, can you come and teach me how to cook them? I will take two more with me by the way. I feel like these turtles will be sold out if they don't make it through tonight."

As soon as he sent it, Xie Baomin replied instantly:

"I'm having a meeting here, Director Liao. I'll go over after the meeting. Don't post it on Moments, so that Qiu Qiu and the others don't see it. I didn't even take a few bites of the waist flower last night, and they were all snatched up by those people. ”

"Okay senior brother!"

After finishing the chat, Lin Xu took his parents around the store and talked about the layout and functions of each area.

When I arrived on the second floor, I happened to meet Shen Baobao coming out of the kitchen carrying crystal skin jelly and garlic dipping sauce. This girl was wearing a chef's uniform. The original tall chef's hat was replaced by a short assistant chef's hat. Look naughty and cute.

"Mom and Dad, here you go, come and try my handicrafts. I made them from beginning to end."

While talking, Ji Minghui brought two bowls of hand-made noodles, Qin Wei and several helpers brought some stir-fries and side dishes, and Zhuang Yizhou brought a small pot of whitebait soup.

Well, several chefs personally served the dishes, and the noodles were filled to the brim.

Chen Meijuan politely thanked everyone, took a bite of the skin jelly made by her daughter-in-law and put it into her mouth. Her expression was slightly stunned, and then she gave her a thumbs up:

"Oh, our Yueyue's cooking is really good. It's much better than Xiaoxu's cooking. Lao Lin, please try it. This cooking is better than what we had at Diaoyutai on the day we got engaged."

Lin Xu: "..."

Mom, please stop praising me.

If you get too boastful and rush into the kitchen to make some dark dishes, it won't end well.

Thinking about the expression on his father-in-law's face when he ate bitter melon cheese last time, Lin Xu's heart palpitated for no reason.

Lin Hongqi tasted it, her eyes were slightly startled, and then she praised:

"It's really good. It's smooth and tender, and it's a little elastic. It's so hard work."

"It doesn't have to be hard or hard, as long as you and mom like to eat."

Baby Shen acted very reserved.

at this time.

After watching the turtle, Shen Guofu slowly walked over from the stairs. Baobao Shen, who was praised for his confidence by his father-in-law and mother-in-law, immediately came over with chopsticks:

"Dad, try this dish quickly and see if it suits your taste."

Shen Guofu asked curiously:

"Xiao Xu made new dishes again?"

Shen Baobao said with a smile:

"It wasn't him who cooked it, it was a new chef who just let the elders try the dishes to see if they are suitable for staying in Linji."

Trying dishes?

Upon hearing this, Shen Guofu became interested.

Because when chefs test dishes, they often use 120% of their skills to cook them, and the dishes are much more delicious than usual.

He took the chopsticks, picked up a piece of skin jelly and looked at it:

"Well, the skin is translucent and has some craftsmanship."

Upon hearing this, Baobao Shen's expression was happy.

Shen Guofu held the skin jelly and looked at it, then dipped it in the garlic sauce and put it into his mouth. A painful expression soon appeared on his face.

"Oh my god, are you free of charge for salt today? Why do you make the dipping sauce so salty? People who don't know how to cook should know that you can't add too much salt, right?"

He mumbled and ate the skin jelly into his mouth, and then took several sips of the water on the table.

After putting down the water glass, he said to Lin Xu:

"Xiao Xu, you can't have a chef of this level. You can't even be a helper, and your skills are too bad, right? With just this amount of dipping sauce, I probably won't be able to finish it in three days. Good guy, please give me more dipping sauce." It can be regarded as a family heirloom.”

After saying that, he noticed that his daughter's face turned ugly, and asked curiously:

"Daughter, what's wrong with you? You look so bad. Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"


This chapter has 5,400 words. Please vote for me, brothers. I will do Farewell My Concubine tomorrow. If you are interested in this dish, don’t miss it!

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