Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 192: Arrogant Lich

After my reminder, the Night Son finally understood the reason, but I started to have a headache. Obviously the undead is already there, and he doesn't want to see us or be hostile. If an undead does not want to see anyone, then hiding or escaping is better than other creatures. At least the undead can penetrate matter. This feature is definitely the best skill to escape, and the undead can not eat or sleep. They can How can natural creatures have this patience if they lie in a place for thousands of years? Therefore, playing with them or being trapped in a siege is useless. Even with so many dark creatures around me, it is easy to kill an army of undead. It is very difficult to find an undead who does not want to see us.

"What are you thinking?" I didn't talk for a long time now, and Matsumoto Masa also seemed to notice something.

"I was thinking of a way for us to see the undead."

"Can't we go down the corridor until the lava spray is over?"

"The lava spray is over quickly, but what about the magma in the channel? The lava on the surface can be cooled with water, and the bottom part can only wait for it to cool naturally. There is no one or two months for the Seal of the Seal of God to expect it to cool, let alone The cooled lava is the stone, and then the lava will seal the entire passage. Do you want us to find it along the solidified lava cave? Besides, how can you be sure that the undead will not move immediately? "

Matsumoto Masaru was full of Venus with a series of questions. He didn't expect to have so many questions.

I was about to criticize Masamoto Matsumoto, and suddenly felt that the son of the night was shooting me. Looking back, the son of the night was pointing forward. "What are you doing?"

"I don't think you need to think about seeing the undead last, because I think you can see him just by looking up."

"Well?" I looked up and saw the undead, but the look of this guy made me sting. "How is a European undead?"

The undead thing is everywhere in the world. The only difference is that the types of undead in different places are different, such as European skeletons and witches, Egyptian mummy, and ghosts of China and Japan. These are the more famous undeads, but the problem is There is never such a thing as a Lich in Japan, but a Lich is standing in front of me, and its face is actually of Asian origin. If he were a white man, I would have suspected that it was a European undead who had traveled to Japan for some special reasons, but he must be an Asian man, which is strange. Although it is normal for Asians to appear in Europe due to immigration problems at home, but the game is absolutely sourced. This Asian version of the Lich is more weird. There are undead creatures like Lich in China, but the exclusivity of undead in Japan is very strong. Even if there is a Lich, it should be killed?

"Who are you?" The Lich asked us about our history before I wanted to understand his identity.

"Stop you ..." I covered her mouth with the latter half of Miya Athena's words.

"We're here to find a powerful undead. He killed the mountain ghost leader in this area a few days ago."

"Yes, that's what I did. Did you come here to get revenge for it? I didn't expect that a mountain ghost could invite so many strong helpers."

"Well, we aren't actually the helper it asked. Besides, how can he ask the helper if he has been killed by you?"

"I don't care about this. Since it appears on my site, I will take my test."

"Test? What to test?"

"Test if you are qualified to be my masters."

"Do you still have a master?"

The negative energy detection on my helmet's eyepiece has not been turned off. The Lich's energy intensity in front of me is amazing. Even the pair of Lich Brothers I met in the Dark Temple are not as powerful as those guys, but he actually said that And the owner, this is a big problem. The master of the two Lich in the Dark Temple is Di Tans, which is the master of the dark. In other words, the boss who is qualified to be a Lich of this level must at least have the existence of Di Tans, that is to say ... ...

"Is there another **** here?"

"What?" Matsumoto asked me around them, because they were clearly startled by my words.

The Lich said with a little surprise: "Even if you guessed it? Take my test, or die, you can choose."

"I chose to persuade you before asking the situation clearly." While I was talking, I had disappeared from my lucky back, and after a whirlwind rolled, I suddenly appeared behind which Lich. The Lich didn't respond too slowly. A death phantom flashed out could be seven or eight meters away, and even my sword was unable to touch his side.

"Good," said the Lich arrogantly.

"Isn't your degree so satisfactory?" I also said suddenly, the Lich had just wanted to react, and suddenly felt a strong murderous force, hurriedly descended, but still failed to completely hide Open, there was a big mouth on the shoulder, although it soon recovered, but after all it was injured.

The Lich continued to rush down for a long distance before daring to look back, only to see the King standing and staring at him where he was standing. The Lich's eyes were stunned when he saw the King, and then he immediately frowned and stared at the King's eyes. In fact, the king's look at him was not an ordinary look, but a skill unique to the high-end creatures of the Undead-death gaze. Unlike most imagination, death gaze is actually effective for the undead, but it is not as strong as the living person. Of course, this witch is also a higher undead, so he started unconsciously with the king. Confrontation of death gaze. Death gaze is plain to draw soul power from the enemy to supplement itself. They are now sucking against each other, so a circular channel is formed, but after all, the king is not good at this aspect of the undead. Strictly speaking, the king is similar to the undead knight, which is more suitable for physical combat. Death gaze belongs to the soul skill. Although the high-level undead king like the spirit also has this skill, the power is not as good as that of the Lich . Although not as good as staring at the Lich's death, it is still possible to stand still for a while. This is like two swimming pools pumping water to each other. The swimming pool has a large water tank. In the end, the other pool can be completely drained, but after all, it ’s a long time for the throne of the Seal of God. Anyway, sooner or later I can **** the king to death, but the problem is that the scene is not just the two of them.

"Give me down." Sha Yezi suddenly appeared next to the Lich without any warning, and a ghost's claw threw down the miserable witch of that Lich. The Lich was originally caught by Ghostclaw and it was not a big problem, but he was staring at the death with the King. Suddenly he was attacked, and naturally he was hit by the combined impact of the two skills, so it was quite serious.

I opened my wings and fluttered around the Lich. The Lich wanted to fly, remembering that he was hit by a black beam of light as soon as he left the ground. After the beam of light hit him, it did not cause any harm, but formed an aperture around him, and a black line was connected to the aperture, and the other end of the black line was at the tip of Ling's staff. Ling manipulated the black line like a rope and dragged the Lich back to the ground. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't shake the slightest.

"A little Lich wants to be this arrogant again?" Ling tightened the black line more and more, and finally became directly connected to the tip of the wand, as if the wand was standing against the Lich. , But that Lich couldn't break free at all.

"Who are you? Why do you have a spiritual curse?" The Lich had lost her previous arrogance and arrogance, and there was no arrogant capital for the dark creatures who were in front of the dark gods.

The retired **** also exists only one level lower than god. Where is the general undead who is her opponent?

Ling held the staff with one hand, and the other hand shook in front of him. "You don't seem to know the situation? Let me remind you. You are our captive now, so it is us and not you who have the right to ask questions. Of course you have the right to choose to cooperate with us or not, but We also have the right to choose whether to use electric inhumane means or not. "

The Lich had just planned to speak and Ling added: "Don't tell me you don't know that undead can be tortured. You should know that there are many ways to torture undead."

Ling's beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m was originally that kind of very strange, evil and evil type ~ ~ Now talking about threatening others. With a mocking and bewildering smile on her face, she was like a noble queen, applauding everyone who dared to challenge her authority. That Lich was obviously deterred by Ling's momentum. The simple intimidating power of the general master and Ling's ice-fire two-day power are completely different. No matter how high the resistance is, She had to kneel down at her feet obediently.

"Well, tell me now, who is your master?"

"This ...!" The Lich was obviously hesitating. After all, simple momentum can deter a person, but he can't immediately change his way of thinking. Momentum can only offset each other's pride and psychological defense, but in fact, it cannot be used for brainwashing, and it has limited effect on some deep-rooted thoughts.

"You don't want to say it directly, we can guess, you just tell us right."

Maybe the Lich didn't believe we could guess the identity of his master, so he nodded and agreed with Ling's proposal. Seeing him agree, I immediately smiled with satisfaction. Because Ling's words were a guise at all, we didn't plan to really play a guessing game with her. All we want is the moment when she is relaxed. This slackness is enough.

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