Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 191: Was found?

"It's getting hotter?" I heard Bingbing's words and immediately thought of a question. After reaching out to stop other people's conversation, I first looked left and right, and then slammed the ground out of a hole with a punch, followed by lying on the hole and listening. Matsumoto wanted to ask me what had happened, but it was stopped by others. When I heard it on the ground for a while, I suddenly jumped up and shouted, "Run back!"

"Ah! Why?"

"Why do you care? Just run!" I kicked Masamoto Matsumoto with a kick, and then whistled forward. The dart immediately made a white light to the front of the tunnel, and I coaxed like a duck. Hurrying back with others. Fortunately, we didn't walk fast because we were more caring. So far, we haven't run too far, otherwise we might not be able to drive. I am not afraid that magma will come over. With the defense power of the magic dragon suit, I can persist for a while even if the entire magma pool is dropped. The problem is that there are many people who can't stand the magma here. I really have to wait for the lava to come over. In addition to me and my magic pets who were able to persist for ten minutes, probably only Matsumoto Masa and gold coins, Noreen may be able to persist for a while, but she is also an entity after all, and sooner or later it will be burned. .

Many people have seen volcanic documentaries, and the impression is that lava is a red, thick, sugar-like substance, and the flow is relatively slow, and human running should not worry about being caught up. In fact, that ’s all an illusion. People will have this kind of understanding mainly because the documentaries we saw were basically shot in the post-spray period. At that time, the lava had left the bottom, and the lava that was exposed in the air would not condense into stones immediately. However, the decrease in temperature has greatly reduced its mobility, so the slow lava flow we see seems to be an individual who can run away. In addition to temperature, there are two other important factors that affect lava flow, namely topography and pressure. Considering the safety of the photographers, when shooting documentaries, they generally look for areas with relatively flat terrain, because the lava flow is slow, and the photographer has enough time to choose the location of the throne of the Seal of India to shoot the lava flow. You need to find a steep one The hillside, not to mention the lava has fluidity, even if it is completely formed into stones, it will still roll down and smash your crying father, and this is the local factor. As for the stress factor, this is easy to understand. You can imagine pouring water on a flat ground. Is it spreading slowly around? Water is more fluid than lava, and even water spreads slowly, let alone lava. However, the current flowing through this karst channel is the same as the water in the water pipe. It is definitely not comparable to the lava spreading on the ground.

Besides, the cooling of lava in such a closed pipeline is also troublesome, so the fluidity will be greatly improved, coupled with the high-temperature extrusion capacity of the thermal expansion in a closed environment, these factors can definitely make lava in these lava pipes combined. Zhong Peng Teng got up. If he didn't run ahead, it would be too late to see the lava forward.

The exploration of darts proved that my guess was correct. With the almost streamer-like degree of darts, they ran very far forward very quickly, and then it appeared the lava striker coming forward. Of course, the degree of darts will never be overtaken by lava, no matter how lava is still lava, no matter how difficult it is to catch up with the darts that are well-known. We ran the darts shortly after we ran back to catch up with us, and then told us what was going on.

"What do you see in your pet?" Asked Anomana Asamiya.

"Solid rock." My answer is simple, but the effect is outstanding, and everyone's running speed is obviously faster. The night son is a person who transmits directly from corner to corner. Anyway, she can teleport as long as the position that the eyes see.

We still have a long way to the entrance of the cave, but the lava in the back is really too fast, we can obviously feel the rear and then blow forward, and the wind is getting stronger and the temperature is getting higher. The higher, in the end you can obviously feel the smell of sulfuric acid in the wind.

"We can't run like this. It's too late for the lava to catch up with us." Noreen is more skilled at calculations. She can accurately calculate that the lava has overtaken our throne of time, and when calculating the time we ran to the exit The Indian throne, comparing the two will know that we must not have time to go out.

When I heard Noreen's words, I also thought about this problem. In terms of computing power, I am not much worse than Noreen, anyway, I still have a block-level chip in my head! However, Noreen and I are not counting the throne of the Seal of Time. I have already calculated the temperature rise in the course of running all the way. At this degree, the temperature around us will be about two minutes and twenty seconds. Raised to the point of endangering the lives of Bingbing and Miya Athena, both of them have the weakest defense against high temperatures. Ye Zizi is slightly better, but she can persist for at most two minutes and thirty seconds, and she will be finished after at least two minutes and thirty seconds, and we need at least ten minutes to reach the exit. There is no suspense at all, and no chance to gamble.

As I ran, I started to think of a way. It was a good idea to put everyone into the gate of the earth, but the problem is that it takes time to communicate with the mother of the earth, and it will make the mother of the earth unhappy if you take them directly. Since you can't use the gate of the earth to temporarily avoid it, you have to consider it in another direction. After looking at the height and width of the top of the cave, I suddenly had a way. In order to keep everyone apart, we have been running according to the slowest degree of ice and ice. If you want to mention it, you must send the ice and ice first. The width of the cave passage is just wide enough.

"Flying bird." A flying bird flew out of Fenglong to appear beside me, followed me and ran over to pick up Bingbing and the Son of the Night and threw it to the north of the flying bird. "Hold on." The two of them knew that their degree would drag everyone on, so there was no objection. They directly grasped the bird's nails, followed by the four jets behind the bird's wings. , And the bird has disappeared into the hole in front of it with smoke and harsh roar.

"How fast!" Miya Athena couldn't help but sigh.

Without the slowest ice and low-defense night son, our speed will be much faster. Although we still cannot reach the cave in the throne of the Seal of God in safe time, at least we can run a little longer. Solved two, there are others need to solve. There are only three people who can run faster than lava here. I, Noreen, and Miya Athena, which means that Matsumoto Masa and gold coins must be sent away first.

"Night shadow, Xiaoxue." Two black and white unicorns appeared beside us. "Gold coins and Matsumoto are congratulating you two, one by one, and go up immediately."

The two of them also knew that they were not as good as everyone else, and immediately jumped on the mount, and then Ye Ying and Xiao Xue immediately sprinted, and in a blink of an eye opened their distance from us. Without these four people who are running slow, we'll be fine with the rest. I started to try to mention that now Norin and Athena at the Palace could easily keep up and then let go. The two of them were not thrown away and still followed me. Really, if it ’s on open terrain, I ’m definitely faster than the two of them. After all, I have wings, but here we are only half a catty, but one thing is for sure, that is, we do run faster than lava, because the surrounding The temperature is gradually decreasing, which shows that we have gradually moved away from the lava front.

After running madly to the exit location, I quickly asked Noreen and Athena to go out first, and the magic pet that used to transport other people took this time to return to my Fenglong space and wait for them to drill back into Fenglong space Noreen and Mamiya Athena had already drilled out, and I quickly climbed up to drill the hole.

Fortunately, Bingbing and Night Son are not stupid. After I went out, I saw that the two of them had run far away and continued to run. I summoned Lucky and Noreen and they rolled over. The nature of flying can not be compared with running with your legs. Fortunately, I flew a few wings to catch up with Matsumoto Masa and gold coins. After picking up both of them, I continued to fly forward, and the night child and Bingbing were also chased by us. Fortunately, he didn't land, he grabbed both of them with two front paws and flew forward.

As soon as I was lucky to grab the Son of the Night and Bingbing, a loud noise suddenly came from behind us. I looked back and saw a magma rushing up a few hundred meters into the sky against a large stone.

"Fortunately we run fast!" Matsumoto sighed ~ ~ Noreen corrected: "Fortunately, we have more magic pets!"

So Matsumoto remembered that he also ran away with my magic pet, so he immediately turned on my flattery. I reached out and stopped Matsumoto's flattering compliment: "It doesn't look like the target we are following is like seeing us?"

Masamoto Matsumoto is not a fool, and the eyes will understand as soon as he turns around. Only the night child who was just sent to the lucky back asked silly: "How do you know?"

"It's not easy?" I reached out and pointed backwards. "What did you see?"

"Forest!" Night Son replied stupidly.

She still didn't understand that I simply said, "This is the reason. This is not a crater, why is lava sprayed? If the lava spray is often sprayed here, the trees have not burnt out yet? Even where the lava river passes, the surface The heat and a large amount of sulfuric acid are enough to make the plants wither, but here is a lush forest. It can be seen that this lava flowed here for the first time. But why the lava did not flow here for so many years, we waited until we entered the cave Come here? If it ’s a coincidence, it ’s a bit too coincident, right? ”

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