Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 118: The Art of Liars

From scratch Volume 16 Chapter 118 The Art of Liars

The moment I opened the door, I saw a white man. It is not the same as the white people in our image. This guy does not belong to the European and American white. It's Russians. Although I can't say exactly what kind of characteristics. But as soon as you see him, you can immediately feel that he is.

I didn't wait to eavesdrop outside stupidly. Instead, Xun set up a private room with the owner and hid in. There is only one wall between the two private rooms. And it's the characteristic wall of Japan. To put it plainly is a piece of paper. But in the game this wall looks like paper. But it has indeed been strengthened. Not only can it be harder than thick wood. It also has a good sound insulation effect. Of course. These enhancements are very low-level spell enhancements. It's really nothing to ordinary people. But if you really want to eavesdrop, you can do it easily. After using a little two, I can clearly hear the sound next door.

"How does it feel?" This was the voice of the Japanese I followed.

White people's voices are relatively thick. "Not so good. I don't think I can adapt to your tastes!"

"Haha. It's okay. You won't come here anyway. Next time, I'll invite you to eat some dishes that are not special. It should be able to adapt."

"Forget it!" He refused directly: "Although I have a good relationship with you. But to be honest. I prefer Chinese food in terms of eating alone."

That day-don't like this content. Quickly shifted the topic and said, "When will it be available next time?"

"This is hard!" I heard the chopsticks being lowered. Obviously whites have stopped eating. This word is being taken very seriously. "There is a very necessary ingredient in the formula of that thing. And the output of this thing has been unstable. So ...!"

"Understood. But is it hard to find a way?"

"Everything else is easy to handle. There is no way for this necessary material. We have already collected all the helpers we can find. Besides, this thing needs to be kept secret and we can't ask for help everywhere. In case the information leaks you know as a result of."

After being silent for a while, the Japanese went on, "I understand then I have to ask you to do your best."

"Rest assured. We really want your money. If we can increase the output, we will be happier than you!"

After that, the two went on to make a few gossips. But it's all insignificant. Really useful paragraph. After carefully analyzing the words, I got two messages from it. The first is that the Japanese are buying something from Russians. The second is that this thing is a mixture. And there is an ingredient that is hard to come by. Because I was able to infer that the formula of this thing needs to be kept secret before listening to them, I directly linked this thing with the magic crystal solution that can be quickly vaporized. The analysis conducted by researchers in our guild before showed that the really important things in that kind of missile are different. One is the technique of liquefying magic crystals. The second is the auxiliary mixture. In my discussions with those researchers, we had speculated that the technology of that thing was not all Japanese. And there happened to be another person who might be related to that magic crystal steam bomb and was in contact with a Russian. In addition, when I heard that the content was very natural, I thought that they said that the mixture that requires special materials might be the kind of mixture that we are working on.

I waited in the private room until the two left. Because each other may have the information I need. So they all have to be tracked. So I released the phantom, which was always in harmony with my body, to follow the Russian. And I kept staring at the Japanese myself. Compared to Russians. The Japanese soul body has more reconnaissance methods. Therefore, Mirage is more secure than Russians.

"Zero" may take into account that the national habits of people in various countries in the distribution of combat power in various countries in the world are actually not even simple. Russia has more knights. And France is a mage. In particular, almost one-fifth of the players in the United States are associated with firearms. There are many Taoist things in China. The specialty of the Japanese is the soul-based combat technology. So it's wise to let Mirage follow the Japanese.

I followed the guy all the way out of the city and ran to a relatively hidden mountain recess with a large tomb. The guy looked around first. After making sure no one was nearby, he carefully walked behind a gravestone and squatted down. I can't see what he is doing here because he is blocked by the monument. It turned out that he hadn't seen him for a long time. bad. "I suddenly realized that the guy might not have squatted down just now, but entered a secret passage. The tombstone was a disguised entrance, but it was a pity. When I went around, I saw nothing but the tombstone. This guy has been down for at least ten minutes. If there is a divergence below, it will be troublesome!

After running to the tombstone, he quickly found it. That guy is gone now. Then there must be some secret things like the organs here. Unfortunately, I haven't seen anything for a long time and I dare not touch it. In fact, I could have used other methods to drill in, but neither the rose vine nor the trailblazers were around. I'm really not good at punching steel claws. That's the move ... forget it!

It's difficult. The tombstone suddenly made a noise. A quick flash of response from me

After the tombstone, the cloak ability of the phantom cape was also activated. Now only. Or the other party's use of detective spells will not reveal me. After the tombstone suddenly collapsed, the surrounding area suddenly collapsed to reveal a small door. Then came out inside alone. This guy's vigilance was so bad that he walked out like the other side and didn't even look at the back door. He had his back to me anyway. I simply stepped over and jumped in at the end of that door.

The dark door closed above me. The road darkened immediately, but fortunately, I had a dark vision that affected me. It didn't take long to walk down the steps to the door. I thought about it and opened the door. Okay. No one is guarding, but the situation is more serious than someone guarding, because after the gate is a large studio, nearly three hundred staff members all look at me in unison.

Depend on this play! Are these Japanese too saving money? Shouldn't a party like the Secret Factory be buried in the bottom and then add all sorts of levels and hundreds of powerful guards outside? Why went straight into the workplace just after two doors?

In other words, the whole room was fried with a bang of God's work. The people in the room were suddenly confused. Some people ran towards the door opposite to the one I came in, while another rushed directly towards me. Because the two parties are different. So chaos is harder. But I quickly ended this mess.

"Magic burning." This skill is very simple and directly burns the opponent's life with my own magic as long as my magic is higher than his health. Then everything is not a problem. Of course, this skill is only cost-effective one-to-one burning when there are more enemies, which is purely waste.

Maybe there are not many people who can fight because most of them are technicians. At least those who ran away died instantly. And those who rushed up to me didn't fall down in an instant. I only started the magic burning for a moment, after all, just now to prevent someone from running in and reporting. It is not necessary that these people who came to me also be killed together. Although magic burning has little effect on combat professionals. But a maggot was enough to make them never climb again. After a white light flashed, I was already standing at the door opposite to me, and the people who were trying to stop me now all wrapped around the blood-spraying neck and rolled around the door I came in. This low-level player of part-time auxiliary profession really can't stop me.

Although all the personnel in the second studio were cleared instantly, the movement just now made the outsiders appear. The door in front of me opened when I was going to pull it, and the people behind the door saw me there and got there. Before he responded, I directly pulled him into the room and then completed the neck wiping movement in the air. When he landed, he was already a corpse.

When I opened it and went out again, I heard the voice of a person outside asking lazily, "What the **** are these people arguing about?" Obviously, this guy thinks of me as the person who was just killed by me. The guy had no time to say anything so that a guy close at hand didn't even know that his companion had been killed. Although here is the game. Dead players can-board 6 to resurrect and come back to ventilate messages. But this process also takes time for the Seal of the Throne. Even if there is a resurrection mage or a resurrection temple in this base, it will take at least a few minutes to seal the throne. I wasn't exposed until those came back.

The body didn't leave the door, but just reached out and hooked the guy's neck and pulled him in directly. The only one who got out was stunned and I got it. This guy didn't know if it was more mildew and died. The equipment actually burst out. I put on the guy's helmet and helmet directly and then swung into the next room. In fact, this is not a room or it should be said that the passageway is more correct.

There is a gate across the road here. There were two guards standing by the door, but there was too much debris in the passage. The neighboring roads are invisible to each other. Thanks to these debris, otherwise a guard would be spotted immediately.

Bypass the seventy-eight curved passages blocked by debris. Soon near the second passage. The guards here are wearing the same armor and personal equipment as me. It's unified. The two guards I killed before wore such armor. I knew at the time that this was not personal equipment, so I used this guy's equipment to impersonate.

The two guys who were guards against my honest door just looked curiously and said nothing. I walked directly towards them and they thought I had something to say. "Uh ..." I said so suddenly. The other party immediately listened carefully and prepared to wait for my following. It was a pity that what they waited for was a sword and two men fell down immediately.

After disposing of the two bodies, they carefully opened the door behind them and saw a warehouse. Simply flipped around. Nothing heavy. Inside are all the ammunitions of the kind of missiles I captured, which are only prepared for assembly. It seems that this is the factory, at least a group factory.

Checking the materials in the warehouse delayed the Seal of the Throne. When I came out, I suddenly heard a harsh alarm sound. It seems that those were just killed by me.

Alive back. However, I did not intend to evacuate but quickly moved to the past. Soon I met the guard at the next gate. The guard here also heard the alarm. But they don't know exactly what happened. Seeing me running over, they habitually wanted to come up to ask, but I pretended to be anxiously and loudly before they questioned, "Have you seen a ghost image from this past?"

"Virtual shadow? Is it an intruder? That guy will still be invisible? See you!" The two guards became nervous when they heard the intruder. And I'm just as prepared to let these two guys habitually treat me as a companion.

"That guy just came from me and my companion who was with me to keep the warehouse was killed. I chased all the way and didn't see him. Probably ran over. Can you chase with me?

"But what can we do here?" The two guards obviously did not dare to leave the post.

"Never mind you look here first. I chase forward. By the way, notify others."

I use this trick. Use this trick to deceive the guards of seven or eight doors, and find a party to take off their equipment. After starting to hide in the top of a pile of debris. A team of guards rushed ahead quickly and ran past the direction that came all the way to me. After this team passed, I jumped back and continued to run forward. But this time I changed back to the armor that I had grabbed before and continued to guard. After I met the guard again, I still pretended to be very nervous and said to them: "The front can hardly hold up. The two of you will come to help right away. I want to call for reinforcements later. Hurry." This is not waiting for them Answered that I turned and ran away. The two homes were also anxious for me to die. After thinking for a while, I ran forward obediently.

Besides those who chase after. They ran to the front to meet the deceived guard before they knew they had run too far. Follow a group of people and start running back. As a result, the leading guy who constantly encountered the "reinforcement" gas that I cheated over almost didn't faint. The more they gathered along the way. But soon he encountered new conditions.

This new situation is of course caused by me. After a bunch of people, I attacked two guards again and threw the bodies of the two guys into their guarded warehouse. After successively attacking seven or eight such gates and killing a dozen guards, I collected all their equipment. Followed back to the door guarded by the first two guards I killed and summoned luck to let him appear in the channel in a similar manner. Lost a set of equipment to put on him. Then the two of me pretended to be fooled by the guards and ran towards the team's backfire team.

The n guys who had been fooled into guarding us like this had already encountered the leading guy who had been numb. I also pretended to ask them why they ran back. He has listened to similar questions n times. Even the answer was lazy and directly ordered us to follow them and then I and the lucky guy mixed the team.

After running forward for a while, the team passed through the area guarded by the killed guards. Then he met the guard who was still safe and forward. Of course at this time they immediately thought that we would be mixed into their team. But these people don't know each other. Equipment is uniform. So they have no idea who is mixing in. But just give them the time to seal the throne. He can be found out. But will I give them this time the Seal of the Seal of God?

"Ah!" I fell backwards, covering my mouth with blood spurting, and I was lucky to hold a knife in one hand and shout in another name: "Run ~ ~ We are recognized. "The guy who got caught knew immediately that he was framed, but was he free to explain? No need for me to do it. The guard on the side killed the guard with a knife. This guy fell down unwillingly. Being wronged so miserably. It is estimated that this guy must go back to vomiting blood. Although the wronged guy died. Lucky but it's okay. Although the humanoid form is used. But they are a dragon after all. The melee ability is definitely more terrifying than a level fighter. Xun Xia opened a blood path and ran towards the end of the channel. And I yelled to "follow me" lucky to follow. In fact, it is intentionally or unintentionally blocking the footsteps of others. The result is that we chase all the way down, but we ca n’t catch up with luck.

Fighting is strong because of luck itself. The enemy on the road couldn't stop him at all. The others behind me couldn't get up because of my blocking. Everyone always kept a certain distance to chase there. No matter how long the aisle is, there is always a head. After we chased it, the channel was over. Fortunately, I ran into the last door. As a result, looking at it is a huge world. Of course. Fortunately I don't have time to visit now. He still has to run. And I also improved a bit to catch up and played with Lucky once and pretended to be shocked. But the guards who followed me rushed to take over my job. Fortunately, they are not entangled. Simply handed in and started again. I got out of the pursuit team with an injury.

After those people chased away, they suddenly jumped up from the top. Hehe. Go and chase it slowly! Let me see how your Liquefied Magic Crystal is produced. "

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