Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 117: Have a door

From Scratch Volume 16 Chapter 107 There Is a Door

Help our bank send huge network coverage. After a few minutes, I went to home. As for the purpose of my visit this time ... What else can I have besides the magic crystal steam bomb? Data previously obtained at the institute have shown that direct research will cost astronomical money and time to the throne of the Seal of God. Although my research is the right way. But I don't mind being able to easily achieve results in other ways.

To Japan is different from to others. Some players here hate me for meat. So in my current image, as long as it leaves the area controlled by Chinese players, it will be immediately recognized by Japanese players. For the above reasons. An important camouflage is essential. But this time I do n’t have to be so aggrieved as a woman. It is ok to change the image directly by illusion.

After leaving the expense city, I teleported to a medium-sized city called Yokosuka. This is a city controlled by Chinese players. It was only stolen from the Japanese in the previous paragraph. When I got here, I quickly left the city. The area not far from the city is a piece of ... the national war zone or the group p zone. Anyway, such a large-scale battle zone will appear in the actual control lines of Chinese and Japanese players. This is not set by the system. It was made by the players themselves. Basically the same as the leveling area opened by the system. The difference is that it is not a monster but a player from the other country. And hostile players are not systemized. I came here to fight.

This melee zone is basically no master. So it doesn't pose a threat to me at all. Everyone who takes me as a goal is solved by me. After passing through this area smoothly, I changed the form and disguised myself as a Japanese samurai. Then walk towards a nearby city called Guangfucheng. This Guangfu City was not originally called by that name. And it was under the control of our guild for a few days. But it was "unfortunate" that it was snatched back by me not long ago.

As for the person who commanded the **** operation ... Matsumoto, of course. Is it a ghost hand? Just his kind of stupid. I did not send troops to reinforce him and he might not grab the city.

On the surface, Fucheng is the city where Matsumoto Masa led Japanese players to grab. But for our guild, it ’s just left hand to right hand. Of course. Those who feel this way are limited to a small group of people in our bank. I don't know all the guilds who can do double-faced spies like Matsumoto Masaka. The only people who know this so far are only a small group of people who participated in the operation when they were recruited by Masamoto Matsumoto. They know it's useless anyway.

Because it was disguised as a samurai, I easily got into Guangfu City. It's different from others. The Japanese players in Guangfucheng were very excited and the Japanese in our guild battles have been suffering. This time it was a big victory. Breathing is also natural.

I inquired in the city and knew where Matsumoto was. Then I could easily see Masamoto Matsumoto with the connector code left in advance.

"Is ... Purple Sun?" My pretense was perfect. Even Matsumoto Masaka didn't see it when he knew in advance that it was me.

"This is illusion. After all, I also know the situation in Japan now. Now it is business." I took the record crystal ball from my body. A three-dimensional image of the magic crystal steam bomb captured was then projected into the room. "Have you ever seen one?"

Matsumoto Masa nodded with a glance. "This is a magic steam bomb."

"You know this? I thought Matsumoto Masa knew it!

"Of course." Masamoto Matsumoto answered very simply. Then he asked to wait here for a while and then ran out. He ran back in less than ten minutes. Followed by two people. "Let's do this," Matsumoto said to those who followed. The two put the carrying box on top of each other and turned away from the room. After the two men closed the door, Masamoto Matsumoto turned to open the box and pushed it in front of me.

"Is this ...? Magic Crystal Bomb?" Matsumoto nodded. I crouched and took one out of the box. It's different from the one I grabbed before. This one is bigger than that one. And the structure is the same. The one I grabbed before was more like a rocket. This one is much like a mortar shell. "Where did you get it?"

"One of my people has something to do with the ghost of Nobunaga's ghost, knowing that I'm going to grab the city of our guild to help me get it back. Because I took this city next time. The more radical guy said that And can help me do more. "

I nodded and asked, "I've got one before. But it doesn't look like this?"

"I don't know what you got, but what I got was this one. This one was fired with a mortar-like firing device. The structure is very simple. Although the distance is not very far. But it is very powerful. .I had taken the time to steal some and sent them back. But the other person looked very closely. So it hasn't been so far. "

I put the magic crystal steam bomb in my hand back into the box and then Matsumoto said, "You don't have to steal this thing anymore. We already have a sample in the guild. The structure is different. But I also do it with us. Researchers have discussed. We ca n’t produce this kind of thing. The real technical difficulty is not on the shell. So it is estimated that a few more pieces will help us very little. ”

Matsumoto nodded. Before he fell into disappointment, he was also the master of the Black Dragon Club. At the time, there were also 10,000 full-time researchers. There are many more things than one-home. "Are you here for this?"

I nodded. "The Bank's research progress is slow. I want to see if I can steal some technology. Even if I can get a general research direction, I can save a lot of money and time on the throne of God!"

"Then want me to help you"

I thought about it and said, "Your identity is very useful for our future actions. It's too uneconomical to expose this, so you don't need to be directly involved. You just need to find a way to get the person who helped you get this thing I'll do it again for you soon. "

"You want to follow him?" Song Zhenghe wasn't stupid. I guessed my intention immediately.

"That's right. I want this guy to find his contact. Since he can get this thing, it means that the person can touch or indirectly touch the production line of this thing. As long as I look up layer by layer. Always It's production-based. I think as long as I can mix in. It should not be difficult to get some information out. You can contact a guy now. As an excuse ... "I thought a little. Then he said, "Just say that you have to chase after victory. Occupy another city controlled by our guild. I intend to let you control all nearby cities. As long as the actual interests are in hand. The city is still under Japanese control. What's the difference under the control of the Chinese? I'm not just a fool with only face. "

Ben Zhenghe nodded "I now understand why I was always overcast when I opposed you!"

"Hahahaha ... Follow me and you'll see more of your surprise in the future."

Matsumoto's action was fast. The guy knew the news soon after he ranked. Not to mention that such people as Anqing are not Chinese specialties. Japan is also a lot. This guy is a typical Japanese angry youth. The behavior is radical. Masamoto Matsumoto first said that he would lay down several cities to recover the lost. Then just by the way, it was very vaguely mentioned if it could have more magic crystal steam bombs. As a result, he immediately vowed to guarantee a new batch of goods. Matsumoto Masahiro was not very active. Just made a look of not convinced. Young man! The most unbearable thing is that others despise. This guy is now not convinced that Matsumoto rushed out and contacted immediately. Obviously he is going to prove himself with facts. of course. He is a small character who is naturally unnoticed in our big badass cloth.

After the guy left, I followed silently. Tracking such little people has no technical content at all. I almost walked behind him. But this guy didn't even notice me. Followed him smoothly and reached another Japanese city. Then this guy ran to find his own contact where the ghost league was. Because the guy with whom he is connected looks much smarter than him. So I didn't dare to get too close. Fortunately, this idiot can have a loud voice ~ ~ I can hear what he is talking about halfway through.

"Please. Brother. Please help me this time!" Japan begged the man with anger. The asked guy whispered something. Unfortunately, his voice belongs to the category of normal people. So I can't hear it. But Anqing immediately said loudly again: "This way. As long as you help me again this time. How about I give you the limited edition Z processing pliers? But that's the quasi-artifact level I got after doing the day and night mission Craftsman tools. Harder than regular combat equipment! "

Perhaps Naxi he promised was more tempting. The man nodded. Then he said something and left. Seeing them parting, I immediately ran out with that person. Don't talk to that idiot anymore. Since this guy promised him. Then he must have contacted the bomb. I wonder if he would take me directly to that production plant.

The good things I expected were alive. This guy left without returning to any processing plant or research facility. But directly into a restaurant not far away. "Hell.

There are still mood meals at this time. It's really anxious to death! "Frustrated complaining and complaining. Follow up. But ... things may not be as bad as imagined. This guy did not stop on the first floor after entering the restaurant. Instead he connected to the third floor. The moment he opened the door to enter I saw a person in the door. A critical person.

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