Tronde admitted all the accusations so simply, which many people could not imagine, after all, they would argue to defend themselves, but Trond actually admitted so.

These crimes added together, at least a dementor’s kiss, that is, the death penalty of the Ministry of Magic, Tronde actually confessed?

But the next moment, Trond continued: “But at the same time, I also want to report Leon Chris, illegally using the Unforgivable Curse, and killing my family members and the beasts of those blood-cursed orcs, and at the same time he threatened my child to force me to confess.” ”

As soon as these words spoke, everyone shifted their attention to Leon, after all, Leon’s popularity is not small now, and everyone present more or less knows this face.

“Mr. Leon Criss, do you agree with Mr. Trond’s accusations?”

Seeing this, Fudge hurriedly spoke, the scene is a representative of all walks of life, this time there is no need to be afraid of Leon embarrassing himself, but you can make a small difficulty, if the conditions permit, what if you can directly press death?

“I agree with the former, but I don’t agree with the latter, I did use the Death Seeker, I admit that, and I don’t regret it.” Leon stood up and replied with a smile.

“Oh my God!”

All the audience was stunned, Leon actually admitted that he used the Death Charm and killed others, which was not a good thing, after all, it was an unforgivable spell prohibited by the Ministry of Magic, and it was not allowed to be used under special circumstances.

Fudge was overjoyed when he heard this, and then continued to speak.

“We all know what the Unforgivable Curse represents, so does this mean that Mr. Chris is admitting that you studied the Dark Arts, and considering your age, have you experienced some people’s bad teachings about the study of the Dark Arts?”

This pun not only established Leon’s guilt, but Fudge also planned to drag Dumbledore and Snape into the water.

“I don’t need guidance, to be honest, all the wizards present, except for Professor Dumbledore, I’m afraid it’s not enough for me to fight, you should know this very well, Minister Fudge.”

Leon smiled disdainfully, and then reminded Fudge.


The smile on Fudge’s face stiffened all of a sudden, and the other wizards also looked at Leon angrily when they heard this, but considering that this was the courtroom, they did not make a challenge, but they couldn’t help but label Leon as arrogant in their hearts.

“The reason why I use the Death Charm is simply because I think the garbage that I cleaned up is worth it, you only hear about the sentence of Tronde, but you don’t know the darkness and tragedy that exists in it, and in this terrible tragedy, Tronder is not the only one who plays the executioner.”

Leon looked around, watched everyone present slowly speak, and then patted Ashley on the side: “She is the victim of this incident that I saved from the slave market on the black market, let’s remember the key words, black market, slave market, presumably you should be able to guess a lot of things based on these two words.” ”

When everyone heard this, they shifted their attention to the girl beside Leon who had already shown the characteristics of a beast, although they could no longer distinguish the human face, but they could still see that the girl was not very old.

And Ashley also stood up at this time, pointed at Tronde and shouted: “It was he who took me and my sister to the basement and cast a spell on us, my sister died at his hands, and I was taken to the slave market because of my beauty, and many innocent people who were on the verge of animalization were also taken to the slave market by them and sold as goods.” ”

Stereotypical reading and the victim’s self-statement always bring people two experiences, the victim’s self-statement is more likely to trigger the listener’s pity and resonance, and Ashley’s current appearance is indeed very convincing.

Considering that Tronde could not do all this alone, the members of the Traverse family who were accused of Leon’s murder seemed to be among the participants, and everyone felt that it was not incomprehensible that Leon cast an unforgivable curse on them.

But the most unacceptable thing for them is that they have obviously arrested people as experimental subjects, and after the experiment, they actually plan to buy and sell waste, which has made many decent people feel extremely angry.

“Perform the Dementor’s kiss immediately!”

“If I were to change it, I would also cast an Unforgivable Curse on them, but it must be a Drill Heart Curse!”

“This damn beast must be sanctioned!”

“I support Chris’s approach! I recognize his innocence! ”

“The Traverse family must be wiped out, they are a hotbed of sin.”

“One of the most terrifying dangerous events ever, God knows why they studied the Blood Spell for?”

In an instant, the audience abandoned the previous label of Leon’s arrogance and simply stood on their sensibility, after all, Tronde’s actions were indeed self-inflicted.

In the face of an excited audience, members of the Wizengamot jury agreed with these views.

After all, in their opinion, although Leon used the Unforgivable Curse, the people of the Traverse family did wrong things first, and if they were all alive, they would not be able to escape the punishment of the Dementor’s kiss.

Although the means were a little more intense, considering the possible war on the scene, Leon used the Unforgivable Curse in order to protect himself, which should also be regarded as protecting his own life safety, and immediately decided their determination together.

“The conviction that Leon Criss released the Unforgivable Curse has the right to use legitimate defense, and this allegation is null and void.”

“Seconded!” Dumbledore added.

Although the Wizengamot jury was only a jury, their opinions in the trial basically had the same meaning as the verdict proposed by the presiding judge, so Fudge could only helplessly repeat: “It is reasonable to judge Leon Chris to release the Unforgivable Curse, and Tronde Travers’ accusation is invalid.” ”

Then he asked unwillingly: “Trund Travers, are you still going to accuse Leon Chris of threatening you and your children?” ”

“I…” Trond was about to answer my accusation, but Leon spoke first.

“If Mr. Tronde accuses me of this, then I will personally bring Mr. Trond’s child here for a judgment, I don’t believe that Mr. Trond’s actions are unknown to his children, maybe we can dig up something more, and this child, may also need to be sentenced.”

“No, the child is innocent, Albus, you know, you promised me to take care of this child.”

Hearing this, Trond panicked and quickly looked at Dumbledore and begged.

“Yes, but you suspect that we are threatening you, then, we can only let the parties come out to clarify all this.” Dumbledore didn’t speak, but Leon did.

“I lied, I was just angry that the family was destroyed at the hands of Mr. Leon Crees, so I slandered him.”

When Tronde heard this, he hurriedly changed his words, if he didn’t change his words, he couldn’t change his words, and if he didn’t change his words, he was afraid that he would be locked up in Azkaban for the rest of his life.

At this time, he can also be regarded as seeing the situation clearly, except for himself and Fudge, the scene seems to be standing by Leon’s side, this trial, it is impossible to become his own turning point, even if he wants to change the limit, I am afraid that it cannot be realized.

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