As for the child that Tronde missed, Leon made up for it and threw it into the dormitory, since Dumbledore promised Trond to take care of the child, Leon would also give Dumbledore such face.

After all, everything in the Traverse family is now in his own hands, and this Traverse family’s widow, leave him a small life.

About his identity? Anyway, it’s a matter of a forgetting curse, as for the possible threat? Leon doesn’t care at all, it’s just an insignificant little character.

This time the phantom transfiguration was cast by Dumbledore, and directly took the three of them into the Ministry, after all, they also carried Ashley, who already had bestial characteristics, and were not suitable for entering through the entrance of the Ministry of Magic in Muggle society.

The personnel in the Ministry of Magic saw someone with a phantom transfiguration coming in, and they gathered around at the first time, but after seeing that it was Dumbledore, they relaxed their vigilance.

“If it were me, I’m afraid it would have been controlled and besieged.” Seeing the performance of these Ministry members, Leon teased Dumbledore.

“Fame is sometimes not a good thing.” Dumbledore replied with a smile: “Sometimes I still envy you even more, you can live comfortably.” ”

“Then you can step down as headmaster at Hogwarts, hand it over to Professor McGonagall, and then retire.” Leon suggested to Dumbledore.

“I had this plan, and now it’s getting more and more urgent, but I’m waiting seven years.” Dumbledore sighed.

“For Arianna?” When Leon heard this, he immediately understood what Dumbledore meant: “It stands to reason that your plan is not to arrange Arianna in the first year?” Why didn’t I see her at school? ”

“She’s not at Hogwarts, I sent her to Beauxbatons.” Dumbledore explained.

“Oh, why?” Leon looked at Dumbledore in surprise, he didn’t expect that this sister would actually be willing to put his favorite little sister in other magic academies, which was unscientific.

“Aberforth teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts over there, and by the way, I signed up for Arianna, and I can’t help it.” Dumbledore complained helplessly, compared to herself, Arianna still liked Aberforth’s second brother a little more.

And Aberforth was unwilling to forgive himself even if Arianna was resurrected, so for Arianna’s consideration, he closed the Hog’s Head Bar and stayed in Beauxbatons.

After listening to it, Leon shrugged helplessly, this is Dumbledore’s family affair, but he can’t manage it, of course, he doesn’t want to care, he is just curious that he didn’t see Arianna appear at Hogwarts.

During this time of casual chat, the two had completed the registration of the Ministry of Magic’s visit, and under the guidance of the Ministry of Magic, they went to the first courtroom located on the tenth basement floor.

Along the way, Ashley unconsciously grabbed Leon’s sleeve, because her signs of animalization were too obvious now, attracting the attention of many Ministry personnel, and she was a little afraid.

And Leon did not stop Ashley’s small movements, after all, Ashley is his own person, and he still has many things that need to be consulted with Ashley.

The ten basement floors of the Ministry of Magic were inaccessible by elevator, and to enter the courtroom, you had to enter a railcar that was similar to the one in Gringotts, but much larger and had seats.

The rail car descended and finally stopped in front of a heavy gate carved with countless scenes of judgment, as if to show off the fairness and majesty of the law.

But Leon didn’t bother to look at this, after all, there are really not many sinners tried here in the Ministry of Magic who can be put on the table, and the real large-scale trial will always belong to the Wizengamot headquarters to execute.

Trund Travers, who needs to be tried this time, belongs to a pure-blood family in Britain, and the victims are basically small wizards in the British magical world, so this matter is handled by the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, because of Dumbledore’s connections, members of the Wizengamot will also participate in the trial, after all, there are members of the Wizengamot in the ministries of magic of various countries.

Entering the first courtroom, Snape was already sitting in the witness seat, and Tronder was also bound to the central bench of the judge, and there were already many people sitting in the onlooker seats around him, basically people from the judicial department of the Ministry of Magic.

The presiding judge has not yet arrived, but the Wizengamot jury has taken its seat, each wearing a fuchsia robe, which is the formal attire of a Wizengamot member, and a silver W embroidered on the chest also represents their identity.

“I’ll change my clothes.”

As the chief wizard of Wizengamot, Dumbledore also needed to participate in the jury as a member of Wizengamot in this trial, and after talking to Leon, he went to the preparation area behind the courtroom to change clothes.

Leon, on the other hand, took Ashley to sit in the witness seat, and under Snape’s reminder, wore his second class Merlin medal.

The chief judge never appeared, but there were more and more people who came to observe, and Leon saw many familiar faces, all of them were big people who had appeared at his Merlin medal awarding ceremony, most of them were representatives of pureblood families.

And Leon also saw the patriarch of the Malfoy family, Malfoy’s father, Lucius Malfoy, but at this time, the other party’s face did not seem to be very good, obviously, judging the patriarch of a pure-blood family was not a good thing for these pure-blood family people.

Of course, reporters from various newspapers are indispensable on this occasion, after all, this is big news, and they can’t let it go.

Soon, the chief judge appeared, and unsurprisingly the current Minister of Magic, Fudge, while Dumbledore was sitting next to Fudge, and on the other side was Barty Crouch, the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.


As soon as Fudge sat down, he interrupted the lively discussion in the audience with a loud voice, and then waited for everything to calm down before speaking.

“The trial against Trender Travers and his family members for illegally researching blood spells and using underage wizards as experimental targets is officially opened!”

Immediately, Fudge motioned to Barty Crouch on the side to read out all the charges that had been sorted, each of which shocked everyone, including the crimes of illegally capturing and purchasing nearly forty underage wizards for experiments, wantonly slaughtering blood-cursed orcs and conducting autopsies.

“The Inquisitor, Trund Travers, what do you have to explain.”

Fudge looked at Tronde in the center of the field and asked, but it was just a routine.

“I plead guilty to all the allegations.”

Tronde replied with a dead face, not refuting any of the accusations.

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