For the next two days, Quirrell did not move, basically staying in Hogwarts Castle all day, which made Leon feel bored, since Quirrell did not plan to do something, then Leon planned to take the initiative.

In Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Quirrell was reading out the treatment of red hats encountered in the wild and the characteristics of red hats, and Leon directly raised his hand.

“Gram… Mr. Chris, I don’t know what you want to ask. Quirrell asked, stumbling.

“Professor, your class is very boring, since it is a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, I wonder if you can show us some spells to defend against the Dark Arts?” As soon as Leon’s words came out, it aroused the support and echo of all the little wizards in the classroom.

“But it’s dangerous.” Quirrell explained in a somewhat timid whisper.

“It’s okay, I’m not afraid of danger, is Professor Quirrell afraid of me?” After Leon finished speaking, his eyes stared directly at Quirrell, and Quirrell was covered in hair.

“What spell would you like to see, is there any about how to deal with the red hat?” After being silent for a long time, Quirrell’s voice suddenly became much calmer, and his expression became a little cold and playful, as if he had just judged the two of them.

“I want to see real black magic, such as the Unforgivable Curse.” Seeing that Quirrell suddenly seemed to have changed someone, Leon knew that the big play was coming, and it seemed that his words aroused Voldemort’s interest, and this product actually wasted what little strength he had left to take over Quirrell’s body.

But Leon can also understand Voldemort’s thoughts, not to mention how hungry it is for the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Otherwise, he would not have spent a lot of money to curse the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts without success, and the level of this curse could not even be cleared by Dumbledore, which was enough to see how hungry Voldemort was in this position.

I would rather hold the idea that I can’t sit, and then no one can sit after that, and directly lift the table and don’t play, and the standard will be destroyed if I don’t get it.

“Oh, Mr. Chris, do you know what you’re talking about? Know why the Unforgivable Curse is called the Unforgivable Curse? Quirrell, or rather Voldemort, looked at Leon with strange eyes, as if trying to find something in him,

“Of course, extremely vicious, no counter-spell, the effect is outstanding, this is the Unforgivable Curse, but this is also the tip of black magic, isn’t it?” Leon smiled and asked Voldemort.

“Indeed, but when it comes to cutting-edge, it is not only that, the field of black magic is as vast as the sea, and there are many more evil and powerful black magic spells, but these three spells are the most representative and popular black magic.” Voldemort spoke, and the disdain in his eyes was almost overflowing.

The other little wizards also became curious, although they felt a little scared and puzzled about Leon’s proposal of the Unforgivable Curse, but Professor Quirrell, who obviously felt like parallel goods before, suddenly behaved like a master of black magic, which made them feel even more curious.

“I haven’t studied what you said and can’t respond to your words, but I’m still interested in the Unforgivable Curse, I wonder if the professor can you demonstrate it?” Leon smiled and continued to grasp this point and ask, his eyes showing a desire for the Unforgivable Curse.

In Voldemort’s opinion, this represents Leon’s gesture that seems to be very interested in the Unforgivable Curse and the Black Magic, and when he sees the Slytherin house emblem hanging on Leon’s chest, Voldemort suddenly becomes interested in Leon.

“Here, I can’t use it, after all, using the Unforgivable Charm for no reason is illegal, of course, if you are interested in one aspect, you can come to my office to find me.” After speaking, Voldemort closed his eyes, and in the next second, Quirrell, who had a weak expression, took over his body again, but he seemed to be a little uncomfortable, and sat directly on the ground, causing the little wizards to laugh.

Leon knew that Voldemort had fallen into a deep sleep again, but just now the verbal confrontation between the two, it was not difficult to see that Voldemort seemed to mistake himself for a little wizard who pursued power, which was a good thing for Leon, because he had deliberately guided Voldemort to have such a perception of himself.

The initial temptation has ended, next, maybe it’s time to consider the possibility of intimate contact with Voldemort, for such a famous second-generation Dark Lord, Leon is still very interested, of course, what interests him the most is whether this Dark Lord has left several golden mountains waiting for others to inherit something.

After all, the tone of Leon’s action when he entered Hogwarts was to make friends with the professors, and although Quirrell was not qualified, the Voldemort on his body was definitely qualified.

And after Leon sat down, Hermione directly took his arm and asked anxiously: “How dare you talk to Professor Quirrell about the Unforgivable Charm, don’t you know that the Dark Arts are expressly prohibited?” And black magic is evil and can lead you astray. ”

“Do you think I’m going astray?” Leon smiled and instead of explaining directly, he asked Hermione rhetorically.

Hermione shook her head, looked at Leon with a determined gaze and said, “I don’t know, but I will never watch you go to the abyss.” ”

Facing such a serious and sincere little girl, Leon was a little frightened by Hermione’s expression and expression, secretly scolding himself for having to pretend, and invisibly brushed a wave of good feelings, and immediately scratched his head in embarrassment: “Just kidding, I’m just joking with Professor Quirrell, and even if he really teaches me the Unforgivable Curse, I’m not interested, in my opinion, this green spell is really not suitable for me.” ”

“It better be so.” Hermione rolled her eyes at Leon, and then threatened angrily, “When you really want to learn the Dark Arts, I will definitely inform Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore.” ”

“Can’t do it, let’s take a good class.” Leon shrugged, and then comforted Hermione, while pondering, with Hermione’s current attitude, what kind of changes would happen in the future, he was really a little unclear.

But what about him, this feeling of being cared for, Leon feels quite good, so let it be.

As for the other side, Quirrell, who had returned to a dry reading state, heard Voldemort’s instructions in his mind at this time: “Remember that kid, if he comes to your office, you call me directly, and the appearance just now makes me not in a good state now, let me go to the Forbidden Forest at night to catch a unicorn, I need their blood.” ”

“Yes, master.” Quirrell’s body trembled obviously, but he still obediently agreed, and this scene happened to be seen by Leon.

“Oh, looks like I don’t have to sleep tonight.” Thinking of the appearance of Voldemort just now, Leon smiled, sure enough, only by taking the initiative to lead the snake out of the hole, I was really looking forward to the moonlight tonight.


Look at the update speed, right? I can’t get up my elbow straight to change it.

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