Harry didn’t blame Leon for saying that, doing that, changing to himself, a good friend was bullied, and it couldn’t be so simple to be kind, not to mention that Hermione said that day that she and Leon were also attacked, if it weren’t for Leon’s protection, Hermione might have had something wrong, and Harry didn’t understand Leon’s mood.

On the contrary, Harry is particularly envious of the relationship between Hermione and Leon, after all, among the Slytherins he knows, only Leon is the friendliest, and strong, and he communicates with the professors, this long-sleeved and dancing personality makes Harry not mention how envious.

Not to mention that Leon, like himself, is also an orphan living in the Muggle world, but he still lives with relatives, although they are not very friendly to him, but Hermione does not talk to herself about Leon’s story, she is so bad that she has someone to take care of, but Leon needs to face the beasts in the jungle to find everything he needs to live, which makes Harry admire a lot.

Unfortunately, Leon didn’t seem to have any intention of making friends with him, although he was very friendly, but Harry knew that the other party was looking at Hermione’s face, but he was curious about why Leon would make friends with the twins.

“Maybe you can discuss it with George and them when you have a chance.” Looking at Leon who was hooking up with George Fred and chatting about the sky, Harry thought silently in his heart.

On the other side, the three people who were hooked up in Harry’s eyes were making a very dirty deal at this time.

“Look, fresh dung eggs, are you interested?” Leon mysteriously took out the nine large dung eggs that he had drawn out last time from his wallet, and squeezed his eyebrows at the twins.

“Where did you get the wild from play, this thing is not easy to buy.” George and Fred asked with glowing eyes.

“I have a special channel, how about it, are you interested?” Leon continued to ask.

“Yes, how to say, do you want to sell it?” George immediately replied that they had long wanted to buy this kind of thing, of course, not just to prank, but to study how this thing was made, and then imitate a batch.

After all, their dream has always been to open their own joke store, and it is very helpful to study the joke products of the market merchants in advance, which is very helpful to fulfill their dreams in the future.

“I’m going to give it to you, but I’m going to borrow something from you.” Leon directly stuffed the big dung egg into Fred’s hands, and Fred hurriedly covered it with his clothes, for fear that the force of the entry was too great, and detonated these terrible-smelling play fields in advance.

“Borrow what? First of all, Jingalong did not. George got a vaccination in advance, after all, as long as he doesn’t borrow money, he can say anything.

“Marauder’s Map.” Leon also did not have ink, and said directly.

George and Fred gave each other a look when they heard this, and then Fred said, “How did you know we had this thing?” ”

“Hehe, of course I know, I also know the makers of the Marauder’s Map, Moon Face, Pointed Fork, Big Foot and Worm Tail, right? Breaking the curse solemnly swore for me that I did not do anything good. Leon laughed twice, and then continued, the more the two brothers’ expressions became more shocked.

“You won’t tell me which of your elders made that playfield too.” George asked with a shocked face, after all, when they got the Marauder’s Map, but after studying for a long time, they opened the Marauder’s Map, but Leon directly broke the secret of the Marauder’s Map, and it was difficult for them not to think about the connection between Leon and the maker of the Marauder’s Map.

“I know them, maybe in the future, you can also meet a few of them, how about, borrow or not, I have urgent use.” Leon replied half-heartedly, there was nothing wrong with what he said, and there would indeed be three of the makers at Hogwarts in the future, although they would love and kill each other.

“Of course it’s no problem, anyway, we are already familiar with Hogwarts, it doesn’t matter how long you want to borrow it.” George was not surprised when he heard this, and replied to Leon very generously.

“But we put the things in the dormitory, I’ll go get them to you now.” Fred added.

“Okay, thank you in advance, I’ll give it back to you when I run out.” Leon thanked Fred, although the Marauder’s Map was indeed an artifact at Hogwarts, it was really unnecessary for Leon himself.

He didn’t wander at night, he didn’t want to do anything bad with it, he took a map of the living spot, and he just wanted to track Professor Quirrell’s tracks.

Soon, Fred took a worn-out piece of parchment and stuffed it into Leon’s hand, and then the three smiled heartily, separated directly, and each returned to his college table.

“What were you talking about?” Seeing the twins returning, Harry hurriedly asked.

“Some interesting things, I have to say, Leon this guy, is really cool.”


George and Fred cooperated, but did not tell Harry what they had done, and Harry jumped to his feet in a hurry.

Leon, on the other hand, took the Marauder’s Map into his pocket, turned around and went to the dining table to eat, and then quickly returned to the dormitory, opened the Marauder’s Map and shouted: “I solemnly swear that I didn’t do anything good.” ”

In the next second, lines began to be drawn on the blank parchment, depicting the entire anatomy of Hogwarts, and various names appeared on the map.

“Quirrell.” Leon continued to shout, and the Marauder’s Map automatically tracked Quirrell’s tracks, which was still in the Great Hall.

“Oh, I can’t actually see the name of Voldemort or Little Tom, and I don’t know if the Marauder’s map can only confirm the living, or if Voldemort has the means to shield the Marauder’s Map.” Seeing that Quirrell’s name was not marked next to Voldemort’s name, Leon was a little surprised, it seems that the Marauder’s Map is not omnipotent.

But with this, at least he can grasp Quirrell’s dynamics at any time, once this guy is not in the castle, then he may be able to run to the Forbidden Forest, but I don’t know if his actions will destroy Dumbledore’s plan.

But what about the destruction, it’s a big deal to just open the table, whatever savior cultivation plan he has, killing Quirrell and Voldemort, is what Leon wants to do the most now.

Immediately, Leon experimented with tracking down others, including Dumbledore, Snape, Professor McGonagall and others, and finally, in his deliberate search, he found the name of Peter Pettigrew, located in the common room of Gryffindor Tower.

“Am I looking for an opportunity to kill you, or am I going to use this as proof to defraud Sirius of a large amount of information fees to restore his reputation?” Looking at the name of Peter Pettigrew on the stillness on the Marauder’s map, the corners of Leon’s mouth hooked a dangerous arc.

Peter Pettigrew Pettigrew in the form of an Agmanis mouse who was sleeping in the Gryffindor common room, shivered unconsciously, as if he had dreamed of something bad.

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