Start a mysterious island

Chapter 640 Smuggling (two chapters in one)

When Zhou Tongtong's violently fluctuating emotions calmed down, the psychic energy fluctuations emanating from her body also disappeared.

Although the psychic fluctuations lasted very briefly from their appearance to their disappearance, Lin Li had already figured out the progress of Zhou Tongtong's current cultivation.

Zhou Tongtong's cultivation level is still about the same as before! He is stuck at the critical point of breakthrough. Lin Li raised his hand and touched his chin, looking at Zhou Tongtong who was petting the cat with a confused expression.

Ding dong.

The doorbell at home suddenly rang. Lin Li put back his divergent thoughts, got up and left the living room, heading towards the entrance.


Reaching out to open the door, Xia Qing, tall and wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, appeared in front of her.

Xia Qing, who had smooth black hair hanging around her shoulders and exuded a gentle and gentle temperament, smiled on her beautiful face after seeing Lin Li and asked, Lin Li, is Tongtong at your home?

Yes. Lin Li replied with a smile.

Zhou Tongtong, who was playing with the little white cat and the little black cat in the living room, immediately got up and ran to the door after hearing Xia Qing's voice.

When the two little wild cats saw this, as little followers, they naturally got up from the ground and followed quickly.

Mom, are you back? Zhou Tongtong ran to Xia Qing, her round face full of happy smile.

Yes. Xia Qing nodded slightly. At this time, she heard Zhou Tongtong say again, Mom, I've given the chicken wings you fried this afternoon to brother Lin Li.

After hearing what her daughter said, Xia Qing raised her head and looked at Lin Li.

The fried chicken wings you make are very delicious, and the taste is not inferior to the ones produced by shops that specialize in fried chicken wings outside. Lin Li commented truthfully.

Hearing Lin Li praise the delicious fried chicken wings, Xia Qing's smile became even brighter, I'll fry some other things for you to try later...

Lin Li smiled and said, Okay, then I'll tell you thank you first.

After standing at the door and chatting with Xia Qing for a few words, Zhou Tongtong followed Xia Qing back with two little wild cats.


After closing the door, Lin Li returned to the sofa in the living room and sat down. He picked up the water glass and took a sip of water. His cell phone placed on the sofa rang.

Huh? Someone sent a message. Lin Li put the water glass back on the coffee table, picked up his phone, unlocked the screen, and read the message.

It was from Su Yue, Lin Li, these are two potted plants I picked out when I visited the flower and bird market today. How do they feel? Do they look good?

Lin Li took a look at the picture Su Yue sent. He went to the flower and bird market today and bought two pots of orchids.

Lin Li was not very interested in raising potted plants on the balcony. If he had to grow some plants on his balcony, Lin Li would prefer to grow some easy-to-grow vegetables such as chives or leeks.

It's very beautiful, but why didn't you go shopping at the mall? Instead, you went shopping at the flower and bird market. Lin Li typed in reply.

Su Yue, who was sitting at a booth in a restaurant, waiting for the food to be served, saw Lin Li replying to the message, and a slight smile appeared on her delicate face.

Then her fingers, as slender as green onions, quickly jumped on the screen of the phone and replied to Lin Li with a string of text.

“We had already walked around the mall in the morning, and after lunch, my friend suggested going to the flower and bird market.

As I told you, she now owns a flower shop, which is temporarily closed due to road construction in front of it.

She was thinking of going to the flower and bird market to see if there were any new products, and she would stock them directly after they reopened...

Lin Li read the message from Su Yue and sent a nodding expression.

Su Yue: You went to the wilderness to hunt exotic beasts today. How was your harvest?

Lin Li: The harvest was just average, not as big a harvest as I imagined.

Today, according to the plan, we arrived at the ancient city pool, the core area of ​​the ruins space. If there is anything else to gain, it is to confirm that Wu Qingfang is still alive... After Lin Li sent the message to Su Yue, he thought about it in his mind.

Su Yue: If I had known this was the case, you shouldn't have wasted time hunting strange beasts in the wilderness today.

Lin Li: Yes!

Su Yue: Okay, I'm going to prepare for dinner. We'll talk later when we're free.

Lin Li: Yeah.

In the restaurant, Wang Ling, who was returning from going to the bathroom, came from a distance.

Su Yue finished chatting with Lin Li and put the lock screen of her phone aside.

Wang Ling came to the table and sat down, complaining to Su Yue about what she had just encountered in the bathroom, People nowadays! They like to play with their mobile phones in the bathroom. It's really unbearable.

Hearing this, Su Yue smiled slightly and agreed, Yes! It's all because of these people who like to play with their mobile phones in the bathroom, so everyone has to queue up outside for a long time.

I spent an afternoon shopping at the flower and bird market today, and I gained a lot. Now I am very much looking forward to the flower shop reopening. After Wang Ling complained, she talked about the afternoon visit to the flower and bird market together.

Su Yue recalled her previous experience of visiting the flower and bird market, with a helpless expression on her face, and said to Wang Ling angrily.

You, you, before I went to the flower and bird market, I told you to be sensible and not to make impulsive purchases... The result was good. As soon as I entered, the store owner tricked me into placing an order. Fortunately, I tried my best to stop it.

Hehe... When Wang Ling heard her good friend complaining about her irrational behavior while visiting the flower and bird market in the afternoon, Wang Ling raised her left hand in embarrassment and scratched her cheek with her fingers.

After dinner later, shall we go see a movie, or go home and rest? Su Yue did not keep talking about Wang Ling's irrational behavior in the afternoon, but changed the topic and asked.

Wang Ling was really tired after shopping all day today. When Su Yue asked, she quickly shook her head.

I've been shopping all day today, I'm so tired! After dinner, we won't go to the movies. When we have some free time, we'll make an appointment to go to the cinema to watch a movie together.

Wang Ling felt very tired after shopping all day, but Su Yue surprisingly didn't feel tired at all.

Well... okay, let's go home and rest after dinner.

Wang Ling reached out to pick up the tea cup on the table and took a sip of tea, then glanced around with the corner of her eye.

She noticed that some of the guests dining at the tables around her looked over at them from time to time.

This kind of situation happens every time Wang Ling and Su Yue go out to play together.

After she finished drinking the tea, she put down the teacup and said to Su Yue who picked up the phone.

Su Yue, you graduated from college and have been working for a few years. It's almost time to find a boyfriend...


Su Yue, who was playing with her mobile phone, was stunned for a moment when she heard Wang Ling suddenly ask.

She raised her left hand and pushed the hair hanging behind her ear, revealing her delicate ears.

Today, Su Yue wore a pair of bright gold earrings. As her head moved, the dark gold earrings swayed gently.

I have no intention of finding a boyfriend for the time being. Su Yue straightened the hair hanging down by her ears, her eyes flickered, and she responded with her usual expression.

Oh. Wang Ling nodded. At this time, Su Yue smiled, her pretty face full of a charming smile, and asked Wang Ling in return.

What about you! Aren't you looking for a boyfriend? Do you have any ideas?

Wang Ling shook her head, put her elbows on the table, held her cheeks in her palms, and said with a smile.

My sister hasn't even had a boyfriend yet, so I'm not in a hurry...and besides! I'm in the early stages of starting a business, so how can I let all this love waste my precious time.

Pfft. Su Yue couldn't help laughing after hearing what her good friend said.

You! Sister Jing works in the Superpower Management Bureau and is very busy every day. It's understandable that she doesn't have a boyfriend... But you, after graduating from college, you have failed so many times in starting a business, and every time you fail, there is a long period of time. Free time.

After graduating from college, Wang Ling started several businesses without success. She muttered, Failure is success, mother. This time, my flower shop is already improving, isn't it?

If the road at the door hadn't suddenly been renovated, my business would have been on the right track now...

The flower shop you opened is indeed improving this time. When it reopens, you can't make any mistakes! Otherwise, your success will be in vain. Su Yue encouraged her good friend.

At the same time, she opened the social software and checked whether Lin Li had posted to Moments recently.

I know this, but when the road in front of the flower shop is repaired and reopened, I need you to take some time and come to the shop to help me. Wang Ling asked with a smile.

Okay! Su Yue readily agreed to Wang Ling's request.

The two chatted, and after a while, the dishes they ordered were served one after another.


The sun in the sky is about to disappear, leaving only the last ray of light.


The crisp chirping of birds sounded in the community. The birds that had gone out early in the morning all returned to the community at this time. They stood on the branches of the leafy trees and called energetically.

In the living room, Lin Li finished chatting with Su Yue and put his phone aside.

The sound of birds chirping outside entered the living room. Lin Li was about to pick up the TV remote control and change the channel to watch TV when he suddenly remembered something.

It had been several days since he had picked snow lotuses from the majestic mountain in the spiritual world and put them on the rooftop to dry.

Now it's time to go to the rooftop to see how those snow lotus flowers are drying. If possible, it's time to put them all away.

Lin Li stood up, and with a thought in his mind, the large basket used to hold snow lotuses appeared out of thin air in front of him.

Picking up the large basket, Lin Li walked to the entrance. After opening the door, he took the elevator to the top floor of Building 3.


When the sun was about to go down, the wind picked up. When Lin Li came to the rooftop, his clothes were blown by a gust of wind, making his clothes rustle.

The last afterglow of the sun on the horizon emits bright red light with a very rich color, which reflects particularly beautifully on people's bodies.

Someone was drying quilts on the rooftop, and the children at home received instructions and were helping their parents collect the quilts.

Lin Li walked around the children who were collecting quilts and came to the place where he was drying the snow lotus flowers.

The originally fresh snow lotus flowers have been completely dried by the scorching sun.

Lin Li picked up a dried snow lotus and pinched it. He nodded with satisfaction. Then he put all the dried snow lotus flowers on the ground into a large basket.

Go back and spread out some to give to Su Yue. When she receives the snow lotus flowers from me, she will definitely cook for me and treat me to a meal. Lin Li thought happily after packing up the dried snow lotus flowers.


When he thought of eating, Lin Li, who had just eaten a dozen fried chicken wings, immediately felt his stomach growl.

Fine! It's time for dinner.

The side effects of eating the superpower fruit came as expected, urging Lin Li to eat quickly.

Lin Li, who was originally happy and thinking about good things, suddenly changed his expression, and said to himself with a frown, Hey, the side effects of eating the superpower fruit this time seem to last longer than last time.


His stomach growled again, reminding Lin Li to stop thinking about other things and eat quickly.

I know, don't rush me.

Lin Li raised his hand and patted his growling stomach. He saw a child in the distance who was helping his family collect the quilt and left with the quilt in his arms.

So with an idea in my mind, I put the big basket containing the dried snow lotus flowers into the mysterious island.

When he was exploring the ancient city in the spirit world ruins space, Lin Li thought about ordering some vegetables to eat when he came back.

Lin Li returned home from the rooftop and sat down on the sofa in the living room. Lin Li picked up his mobile phone on the sofa, opened the takeout app, and ordered a lot of Kaifeng dishes.


After ordering the takeout, Lin Li listened to the growling of his stomach and muttered softly, That store is not very far from the community. It will take about ten minutes to wait for the takeout to arrive. Before that, I will eat something to cushion my stomach. Bar!

After saying that, Lin Li's eyes fell on the small iron basin with fried chicken wings on the coffee table.

I had previously thought about saving the remaining fried chicken wings for a late-night snack, but now my stomach was growling with hunger, so I had no choice but to eat them first.

Click, click, click...

Crispy sounds continued in the living room. Lin Li was eating Xia Qing's fried spicy chicken wings while watching the news on TV.

At this time, the TV host was broadcasting a case of a cultivator committing a crime.

According to the latest news received by this station, investigators from the Superpower Administration uncovered a major smuggling case last night.

There were thirty-six criminals in total. They transported a batch of contraband to Rongcheng and planned to transport the contraband to other cities through some channels.

While eating fried chicken wings and watching the news on TV, I watched the news broadcast by the host. I couldn't help but think about the relevant content I had seen recently.

“It’s strange, why so many criminals have been bringing contraband to Rongcheng recently.

Moreover, these criminals use Rongcheng as a transit point and then send contraband to other cities.

The TV station's director played a video of investigators arresting criminals on the spot, and then the host continued to talk about the follow-up to the smuggling case.

There were thirty-six criminals in total, and investigators from the Superpower Management Bureau caught thirty-four of them on the spot.

There are currently two criminals at large. If any citizens find clues about the fugitive criminals, they can call and report to the Superpower Management Bureau...


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