Start a mysterious island

Chapter 639 Display (two chapters in one)

After Zhou Tongtong heard what the little white cat said, her big round eyes suddenly widened, and she said in surprise, Xiaobai, you said brother Lin Li is back?

Meow...yes. The little white cat replied.

Zhou Tongtong, who was wearing pigtails, asked curiously, Xiaobai, how did you know that Brother Lin Li is back?

Meow... It's a feeling. I can't describe it specifically. Anyway, I'm sure that Lin Li is back now. The little white cat thought about it seriously and answered vaguely.

At this time, the little black cat lying on the ground stood up and said to Zhou Tongtong.

Meow... Xiaobai's feeling is always very accurate. Since it says Lin Li is back now, he must have come back.

Although the little white cat couldn't explain clearly, Zhou Tongtong still believed in the two little wild cats.

She nodded to the two little wild cats, then got off the sofa and ran towards the restaurant in her slippers. The two little wild cats saw Zhou Tong leaving and quickly followed him.

On the table in the restaurant, there is a pot of fried chicken wings.

Zhou Tongtong ran into the restaurant, lifted the table cover, held a pot of fried chicken wings in his hand, and walked towards the door.

The two little wild cats saw Zhou Tongtong leaving with a basin of fried chicken wings and followed him again.


The weather is a bit hot, so there is no need to use hot water for bathing.

Lin Li walked out of the bathroom after taking a cold shower. He raised his hand to fiddle with his freshly washed hair and walked towards the living room.

Ding dong.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang at home. Lin Li, who had just sat down on the soft sofa, put the phone he picked up back on the sofa, then got up and walked towards the entrance.


Opening the door, Zhou Tongtong appeared in front of her with a basin of fried chicken wings in her hand. At her feet, two small wild cats, one black and one white, sat squatting.

Brother Lin Li. Zhou Tongtong shouted happily when she saw that Lin Li was really at home.

Meow... I'm right! Lin Li is indeed at home. The little white cat said with some pride.

Meow...I didn't say you were wrong. The little black cat muttered.

Lin Li looked at the three little guys in front of him and nodded to them.

Brother Lin Li, this is for you. Zhou Tongtong said, handing the pot of fried chicken wings to Lin Li and adding at the same time.

Mom fried chicken wings this afternoon. I came to see you before, but you weren't at home...

Lin Li, who had just returned home from the ruins space in the spirit world, took the fried chicken wings given to him by Zhou Tongtong with a smile and greeted the three little guys.

Come in and sit down! I'll treat you to ice cream...

When Zhou Tongtong heard about eating ice cream, her big round black eyes suddenly lit up, she nodded repeatedly, and happily walked into Lin Li's house. When the two little followers saw this, they naturally followed her in immediately.

Lin Li asked Zhou Tongtong to sit down first, then he went to the kitchen to open the freezer of the refrigerator, took three ice creams and two small bowls and returned to the living room.

Here... Lin Li handed an ice cream in his hand to Zhou Tongtong.

Thank you, brother Lin Li. Zhou Tongtong, who smiled brightly, took the ice cream and thanked her. Then she eagerly opened the outer packaging, took a spoon and took a small spoonful and put it in her mouth.

Vanilla-flavored ice cream is Zhou Tongtong's favorite flavor. After the little guy ate it, his round face was filled with a happy smile.

When the little white cat and the little black cat saw Zhou Tongtong eating happily, they immediately turned their heads and looked at the other two ice creams held by Lin Li, their eyes full of anticipation.

Lin Li placed two small bowls on the ground, then opened the outer packaging of the ice cream and put the ice cream into the two small bowls.

Eat it!

The little white cat and the little black cat watched Lin Li push the small bowl of ice cream towards him, then lowered their heads and stuck out their tongues to take a lick.


Zhou Tongtong, who was eating ice cream, took the time to translate for the two little wild cats, Brother Lin Li, Xiaobai and Xiaohei said thank you, and they also said the ice cream is delicious.

Lin Li smiled and said nothing. He sat down next to Zhou Tongtong, picked up the TV remote control and turned on the TV, and then picked up the small pot of fried chicken wings that Zhou Tongtong had just brought over.

Click, click, click...

The fried chicken wings are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, making a crisp sound with every bite.

Xia Qing's fried spicy chicken wings are very delicious, and the taste is not inferior to those produced by some shops that specialize in fried chicken wings.

Brother Lin Li, are these fried chicken wings delicious? Zhou Tongtong asked when she saw Lin Li eating fried chicken wings.

It's delicious. It tastes no worse than the fried chicken wings produced by Kaifeng Cuisine. Lin Li praised with a smile after swallowing the food in his mouth.

Hehe... Zhou Tongtong laughed very happily when she heard Lin Li praising Xia Qing's fried chicken wings for being delicious.

National Day is coming soon, does your mother have any plans? Lin Li chatted with Zhou Tongtong while eating spicy fried chicken wings.

What's the plan? Zhou Tongtong, who was concentrating on eating ice cream, raised her head when she heard Lin Li's inquiry, with a confused expression on her face.

Lin Li threw the chicken bones in his hand into the trash can and said, It's a seven-day National Day holiday. Does your mother have any plans to take you on a trip?

No! Zhou Tongtong replied.

But the next second, her mind suddenly flashed back to Xia Qing's mention of traveling during the National Day holiday when she was watching cartoons a few nights ago.

It seems that a few days ago, my mother mentioned to me about traveling during the National Day holiday, but I was watching cartoons at the time and didn't pay much attention. When my mother comes back later, I will ask her again. Zhou Tongtong recalled at that time scene, said.

The two little wild cats that were lowering their heads to lick the ice cream raised their heads and looked at Zhou Tongtong.

Meow...what is travel? said the little black cat.

Meow... traveling is not a thing. Going to a strange place is traveling. The little white cat explained.

Meow...then if Zhou Tongtong goes on a trip, can we go together? the little black cat asked his friend.

Meow...I don't know about this. The little white cat replied.

The two little wild cats whispered, and Lin Li asked Zhou Tongtong again, Isn't your mother at home?

Yeah. Zhou Tongtong nodded, Mom went to the bank to do some business.

Oh. Lin Li heard this and did not continue to ask. After all, they went to the bank to do business, which was a relatively private matter. It would be a bit impolite to continue to ask.

After a while, Zhou Tongtong and the two little wild cats finished the ice cream.

At this moment, Zhou Tongtong was sitting on the sofa obediently. Because she was at someone else's home, she couldn't lie down on the sofa like she did at her own home.

As for the little white cats and the little black cats, they don't have to worry like Zhou Tongtong.

They lay on the ground casually, stretching their bodies with a contented expression on their faces.

Lin Li ate a dozen fried chicken wings and put the rest on the coffee table for a late-night snack.

He got up and went to the bathroom to wash his hands. After returning to the living room, Lin Li said to Zhou Tongtong, Now activate your psychic powers and let me see how your current progress is.

Yes. Zhou Tongtong nodded after hearing this, and then seriously tried to mobilize the spiritual energy in her dantian.

Time passes minute by minute...three seconds, ten seconds, half a minute, three minutes.

A full three minutes passed, and Lin Li didn't see any sign of Zhou Tongtong mobilizing her spiritual energy.

Brother Lin Li, I can't mobilize them! Zhou Tongtong raised her head and looked at Lin Li, saying embarrassedly.

That's strange. Logically speaking, although you haven't broken through to become a first-level practitioner, you should be able to mobilize the spiritual energy in your Dantian. Lin Li said in confusion.

Zhou Tongtong raised her little hand and scratched her head. She didn't know much about the practitioners. Lin Li didn't know the reason, and it was even less possible for her to know.

Lin Li was not a researcher at the Psychic Research Institute, so naturally he couldn't understand what happened to Zhou Tongtong.

Since you can't figure it out, just put it aside for now. After a breakthrough, you should be able to mobilize the spiritual energy in your Dantian naturally.

Brother Lin Li, don't you know what's going on with me? Zhou Tongtong asked.

Lin Li nodded, I don't know, but after you break through to the initial stage of the first stage, this problem should be solved naturally.

Yeah. Seeing Lin Li say this, Zhou Tongtong nodded seriously and stopped thinking about it.

Then, a bright smile bloomed on her little face, and she said to Lin Li very happily.

Brother Lin Li, Xiao Hei can become bigger now than before.

Zhou Tongtong said while gesturing with her two small hands.

The two little hands on the left and right are opened wide, describing the size that the little black cat can change when it uses its powers.

When the little black cat heard Zhou Tongtong talking about how it could become bigger than before, it immediately got up from the ground.

After hearing this, Lin Li looked down at the little black cat who got up from the ground with a proud look on his face.

It didn't take long for you to break through to the initial stage of the first stage! Can you become bigger so quickly?

Meow... the little black cat barked triumphantly, and translator Zhou Tongtong helped translate.

Xiao Hei said that he usually practices getting bigger when he has free time. Before he knows it, he can become bigger.

Lin Li looked at the very proud little black cat and said with a smile, Can you change your appearance now and show me?

... The little black cat fell silent when he heard Lin Li said to show him the change.

Previously, it transformed in Zhou Tongtong's home, carrying Zhou Tongtong for some fun, and without paying attention, directly exhausted the spiritual energy in the body, but it made it dizzy and uncomfortable to death.

Later, it recovered some of its psychic powers and no longer felt dizzy, but it is still early for it to fully recover its psychic powers!

Let it change now. The little black cat is a little reluctant when he thinks that it will be dizzy. After all, the feeling of dizziness is really uncomfortable.

Zhou Tongtong, what's wrong with it? Lin Li suddenly became a little discouraged when he saw the little black cat who was very proud a second ago, and asked in confusion.

Xiao Hei, what's wrong with you? Quickly change yourself and show Brother Lin Li! Zhou Tongtong said to the frustrated little black cat.

Meow... I ran out of spiritual power earlier, and I haven't fully recovered yet! I'll show him the transformation after I recover. said the little black cat.

After Zhou Tongtong listened to what the little black cat said, she turned to translate it to Lin Li.

A few months ago, Lin Li had just become a practitioner. Because he was a newbie and inexperienced, he had exhausted all the spiritual energy in his Dantian several times. He had a deep understanding of the dizzy feeling.

So that's it! It's really uncomfortable to run out of spiritual energy. You have to be more careful in the future so that this doesn't happen again. Lin Li said with a smile.

Meow... The little black cat nodded, and at this time, it saw Lin Li raise his right hand, turn his palm upward, and a spiritual fruit that looked like a small tomato appeared out of thin air.

If the spiritual energy in the body is insufficient, just supplement it. If you want to use something to restore spiritual energy with the highest efficiency, it is naturally the spiritual fruit.

Here... take it and eat it! After you finish eating, show me the changes. Lin Li placed the spiritual fruit in his hand in front of the little black cat.

Lin Li had fed spiritual fruit to two little wild cats before, so when the little black cat saw the spiritual fruit that looked like a small tomato in front of him, he naturally knew what effect it had.

Meow... the little black cat meowed, and then quickly ate the spirit fruit.

After the spiritual fruit entered the little black cat's stomach, abundant spiritual energy was immediately released, quickly restoring the spiritual energy consumed by the little black cat.

Although the spiritual energy contained in a spiritual fruit cannot completely restore the little black cat, the amount of recovery is enough for it to use its powers.

Meow... I'm starting to change. The little black cat felt that a lot of spiritual energy had been restored in his body, and he called out. Then a thought came to his mind, and his supernatural power was immediately displayed.

Under Lin Li's gaze, the little black cat, which was more than 20 centimeters long, grew several times in size in a very short period of time. If the little black cat stood on its feet, it would be taller than Zhou Tongtong.

Pa bang bang...

Zhou Tongtong saw the little black cat getting bigger again and clapped her little hands happily, Xiao Hei, you are so awesome!

After hearing Zhou Tongtong’s praise, the little black cat’s triumphant expression was clearly visible.

Meow...alright! Stop looking so smug, it's almost enough, change back quickly! Don't run out of psychic energy again by then. The little white cat reminded the enlarged little black cat.

After hearing the reminder from his friend, the little black cat, who still had a vivid memory of the dizzy feeling, didn't want to make the same mistake again, so it quickly released its powers and returned to its original size.

Meow... After the little black cat changed back to its original state, it raised its little paw and scratched its face. Zhou Tongtong got off the sofa and ran to the little black cat. She squatted down and stretched out her little hand to touch the little black cat's back. back.

Under the violent fluctuations of emotions, the spiritual energy in Zhou Tongtong's dantian became very active.

Pale golden light emerged in Zhou Tongtong's little hand, and spiritual energy penetrated into the little black cat's body along Zhou Tongtong's fingertips.

Huh? Lin Li sensed the psychic energy fluctuations emanating from Zhou Tongtong, and looked at the little guy who was petting the cat in surprise.


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