Starship Girl Express

Chapter 625 - Learning Alien Languages

To put it simply, after basic contact with this side of society, White Mo Wu suddenly realized that he didn't need to acquire the overwhelming combat power of a power suit, and that he could suppress the natives by taking a master device and calling the peripherals on his helmet.

But if there are ICBMs, there may be nuclear bombs, so it's better to wear a power suit. A level one power suit can easily carry radiation, while a level ten can carry a billion-dollar equivalent nuclear explosion center. So why haven't the combatants used nuclear warheads even though ICBMs have been thrown at them?

Curious, Bai Mowgli is curious, Bai Mowgli is curious, Bai Mowgli is getting curious ......

When we came to the light on the ground, which could be seen from the rooftops, it turned out to be a wide four-lane road with street lights on both sides and two rows of lights in the middle, four rows of street lights in total.

It is a pity that the Milky Way cannot be seen from above on this planet. The whole city was under curfew, no one was without cars, but the road was crowded with people, but all of them were military vehicles.

The yellowish yellow streetlights with large bulbs of warm colors could not provide all-round high brightness, so Bai Mowgli moved forward in the shadows of the buildings and courtyard walls outside the road for some time and came to a large round intersection.

With a wide field of vision, I looked up and down the intersection, left, right, east, west, north, and south, and noticed that the armed patrol was relying on the main street light to perform city-wide patrol duties.

From time to time, a team of patrols, from the dark side roads, forks, alleyways out, to the road under the light, or leaning against the street lamp pole or sitting on the road teeth to rest, soon far away from a military truck to drive to the front, patrol members have to get on the car. The captain and others sat in the front, and the team members went to the back of the truck. The truck picked up several waves of patrols along the way, and finally pulled them to a stop somewhere in the distance, but the captain in the passenger seat did not seem satisfied, and after pointing and pointing, the truck made a U-turn and pulled them back some distance.

This time, when the truck stopped, the captain of the front platoon jumped down, yelled twice, and the rest of the group jumped out, followed by another captain.

While waiting for the soldiers to line up, the two captains exchanged a few words, and finally shook hands and saluted in a strange manner, one captain went forward and sat in the passenger seat, while the previous captain went back and led his team down the bright avenue, took the flashlight, and drifted away, finally disappearing into a dark fork in the road.

Some of the patrols, however, were pulled back to the barracks, which was located deep in a dark area, by trucks with their lights on.

White Mowgli tracked down and observed, and then ran on the roof of the residential building all the way back to the crossroads commercial building ...... such patrols get on and off the car scenario, constantly staged, such a high degree of military readiness, said to be peaceful, dead white Mowgli he did not believe.

Finally, after observing the relative orbits of a few moons and confirming that the night was still long, Bai Mowgli felt a little handsome squatting on the roof of a dark building, like some kind of chivalrous person, but that's about it, and he couldn't get more details until he mastered their language.

The main reason is that their languages are not in the human knowledge base, and the simultaneous automatic translation system cannot work directly, so you need to turn on the device that receives and scans the text to get the language and text information and analyze it to get the simultaneous translation function .......

This part of the power consumption belongs to the necessary part, otherwise the patrol below yelling and talking and laughing something, just listen to a lively, do not understand the reason.

The first contact with the language system, this exile has been away from the galaxy for some time, in a closed environment, the language developed independently, or maybe the fugitive pioneers ancestors intentionally, there is no better way to forget its own history than to abolish the language, there are too many such operations on Earth during the war.

In any case, how the situation really is, we have to get in touch with the society deeply, so language learning was given the highest priority, and as for where to learn and how to learn, Bai Mo Wu already had a plan in mind - what better place to hear more voices and more various words than in a temple.

Even if the monks were to chant scriptures here, they would be chanting purely syllabic scriptures, and there would be countless men and women droning on.

On the 27th, the night exploration of the city ended, and on the 28th, after waking up to receive regular contact, it was dawn outside, then Bai Mo Wu came to the mountain temple by the city where he had stepped yesterday, in the big forest area with trees in the backyard.

This small forest inside the temple was very unique, with tree trunks sticking close to each other, with the largest one less than ten centimeters apart, pointing straight up to the sky.

This was too convenient for Bai Mowgli, because no one could enter the forest in this cluster, and Bai Mowgli could confidently build a tree house at the core as a temporary stronghold.

Outside, a circle of trees was wrapped with ribbons, and groups of people came and groups of people left. People put their hands on the tree trunks, droned on, wept, fell to their knees, and finally left with the help of others.

Outside, the forest was in a frenzy, and in the center of the forest, in the center of the white mojo was also in a frenzy of construction, separated by a row of trees, both sides were in a frenzy, but completely isolated, the two worlds do not interfere with each other.

The two worlds do not interfere with each other. Although they do not interfere with each other or anything, the White Mojo side has been turning on its audio peripherals, passively receiving sounds and increasing the amount of local language data.

At this stage, he slowly waited for the data collection and processing to run to 100%, and it has never been Bai Mowgli's style to wait, so he touched his tactical dagger and began to cut up tree trunks to obtain wood to build a wooden platform under a natural roof with a green tree canopy.

Anyway, the tool was as sharp as mud, and the sound of processing the wood was even more subtle than that of cutting tofu, and with his own strong physical support to lift the logs, there was no noise at all.

Only White Mo Wu eavesdropped on the buzzing noise outside, and there was no noise in the forest outside. Compared to the "big bird's nest" that was built in the treetops after he came out from the mountain he had just crossed, the building of the hut was much more elaborate.

The trees were so tightly packed that standing on top of them was like stepping on a pile of firewood branches.

The next step was to select the thickest and strongest tree, through the several-meter-thick, solid, crisscrossing branches and foliage to the fork in the main trunk. The next step was to choose the thickest and strongest tree. He found a tree six meters above the ground, with four secondary branches on the main trunk.

This tree house Bai Mowo ready to speak up, nature will not lie ...... huge tree around is really a short dead wood, the law of nature, such a small artificial living space, outside a dense circle can not expand, squeeze the internal space of the scroll, fierce competition for survival, not faster than other trees to grow taller, the end result is only withered and dead one, not only that, all branches will also be squeezed broken.

The highest of these short dead wood is only two meters, not even moss and mushrooms attached, dry and brittle, no thighs thick, the stump is the kind of tanned fiber, simply can not be used, all the nutrients were sucked out of the surrounding similar, never see the light of day in the dark, not any existence, born without any meaning, in short, is not even to take the last scraps, for the white evil used to build the value of no, only to be cleaned out, cut into 20 cm sections paved all over the ground share ......

Since dead trees can not be used, then only live trees can be used.

The forest is dense with more than 300 trees, so the middle part of the three trees that were cut down secretly with the effort to grow, could not be seen from the outside and still buzzed and cried, not knowing what was going on inside.

Bai Mowgli was happily working as a carpenter in a dark chamber surrounded by high walls of live trees and a canopy of trees.

It is simple to cut down trees, but the logs have to be turned into wood and then into boards that can be used after a series of processing, at least to dry the water sufficiently, otherwise they can not be used at all, a planing will be foaming and deformed ...... So today's work of Bai Mowan is to first cut down the two competitors next to the giant tree in the phase, cut down all under the crown of the tree, the branches and leaves above the crown of the tree entangled with each other, leave it alone does not matter, anyway, the dead branches and leaves have long been tangled into a pile.

As for the logs obtained from logging, they were first split and shaped, and then placed on the dead wood floor on the ground for later use.

Two civilizations that had never met before, two completely different cultural systems that were in contact with each other for the first time, the first translator among them, the first person who could understand each other's language, how could such a person be born?

This is the essence of language, and what distinguishes human beings, or all intelligent creatures in this universe, from ordinary creatures is not labor, not creation, not imagination, not personal ego, but the possession of "language organs.

Language is this innate instinct, the original modulus, which does not require any bases for the inheritance of physically existing DNA, invisible to the eye, but there it is. The infant is the first to speak and imitate or recognize words. The first parents, in all cultures, are pronounced as mother and father, which is very mysterious and logical, and it is only after learning language and words that the names mother and father, father and mother, appear.

This kind of linguistic model can be specifically called "deep grammar", where semantic meaning is interpreted by the deep deconstruction generated by the rules of statement structure, and can be free from the influence of the transformation and deformation rules of the surface structure, such as pronunciation expressions - this is the theoretical basis of the future simultaneous translation system, derived from the results of human culture, human linguistics and other interdisciplinary disciplines, and is a realistic technical product against linguistic relativism.

With the theory, the program application is made, and the actual use of the program allows the galactic human society to say goodbye to the "foreign language" course, making translation, together with the old concept of teacher, one of the professions that symbolize the development of ancient history.

The simultaneous translation system is also used in the Alliance of Civilizations, allowing the HAC to communicate with more than two hundred other galactic civilizations without any hindrance, as long as enough samples are provided to allow full simultaneous translation.

However, the translation system has its limits and cannot really anticipate the speech, because due to the grammatical structure, in actual communication, before the final word is settled, a whole bunch of millions of words can express the exact opposite meaning, that is, the proverb - the real point of a sentence is after the word "but".

In order to avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding, the simultaneous translation system will often analyze the context, inventory the logical relationship between all conversations, collect the micro-expressions of both parties, and then give the best translation.

For example, when translating idioms and colloquialisms, it is difficult to achieve the accurate meaning. Therefore, if both sides have common knowledge, the translation system will not translate the idiom, but convey it in the original language. If an idiom is to be rigidly paraphrased, it will naturally be very rigid, and the essence of the idiom will be lost.

This is often the case within the Order of the Golden Knight, and Malawi has been studying Chinese culture, focusing on idioms and colloquialisms, striving to understand her husband's use of idioms with the meaning of the stalk.

Since returning to the galaxy with the new girls, the Chinese language learning craze has been set off in the team, and the learning crowd is mainly the tail end of the team, because the others basically all know Chinese, or are already in the process of learning Chinese.

The Golden Knight's interpersonal relations, the three "factions", the largest number of people, accounting for 98.6% of the group, came from the Golden Hornet Bay Department of the Silver Alai Battlefield.

This book adopts the theories from linguist Noam Chomsky's "Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory", "Deep Grammar", and "Transformation Generating Grammar".

Chomsky's linguistic theory has been controversial, and his view that "learning a language does not require learning the background culture of that language" conflicts with this book.

Although I disagree with some of his views, I will not refrain from citing some of his other theories. He has also been successful in computer science, because computer software is, after all, a language.

Chomsky genealogy, Chomsky system, Chomsky hierarchy, Chomsky paradigm, there are many names, and different versions of different studies have different translation problems, mainly niche, so there is no one authority can unify the name.

It is a taxonomic genealogy of formal grammatical expressions in computer science, proposed in 1956, and consists of four levels, which the interested readers can learn about by themselves from the World Wide Web.

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