Starship Girl Express

Chapter 624 - Hot and Cold War

In any case, it is normal not to use Chinese. If it is in Chinese, it will make Bai Mowgli think that there is some amazing conspiracy here.

...... Billions of stars, planets that can't even be reached by going faster than the speed of light, can't cross the threshold, and are essentially an "alien world" that can never be reached, a wall of space-time that is thousands of light-years thick and is constantly expanding beyond the speed of light. To pierce through this wall is a veritable "time travel".

The industrialization of everything, the "time travel" thing is also popularized by industrialization, which is a very miraculous thing, but the folding spaceship only has a cool machine, a cool machine can network the galaxy, go to the edge of the universe can still send a video chat with the galactic home, the result is no novelty anywhere.

At the present stage of survival, if you want to improve your living environment, it is inevitable that you have to have a "home" to return to before you can find a way to go back.

In this part of the planet, the language is pronounced like a mixture of Spanish and Egyptian, and the script is a rectilinear geometric alphabet that looks like a simple hieroglyphic, but it is not.

Since there were too many people in town, White Mojo's helmet scanned for information, telescope functioned, zoomed in on the physical optics, observed for a while and then spun around.

On the way home, he casually sneaked into the "neighbor's" cottage next door, a village built on a dirt bag, where the water for life was picked from the bottom of the mountain, and there was a deep pool at the bottom of the valley.

As the human DNA of the galaxy, Bai Mo Wu could confirm that all the crops planted here were digestible by himself just by the approximate appearance without scanning, and he could improve his own food greatly by getting some back.

However, Bai Mo Wu did not steal, whether it was a large field densely packed with mature looking, or farmers home storage, Bai Mo Wu did not just take ...... the unattended fruit and vegetable fields seen before 14 or 15, he did not touch any crops.

The next day, which was the 28th, Bai Mowgli began to move toward the city, not along the road, but jumping and running among the treetops on the hills, taking a straight line all the way north on the road, running and drilling out a tree canopy, and from a distance he saw a tall, golden spire.

The material element analysis for pure gold, and located on the highest mountain tops in the area, is the highest point in the region, Bai Mowgli dare to judge 120%, this is a religious construction.

It was a temple, with a stone and wood pyramid body and an inward-sloping outer courtyard wall that was very distinctive.

This is also a rare stone mountain, stone mountain is high and rare, all the way to the gate is a straight stone staircase on both sides, all small vendors also very unique. The rocky hillside ...... is also covered with a layer of soil, allowing plants to grow.

Hiding among the trees, Bai Mowan observed that the transactions between the pilgrims and the vendors on the mountain, mostly bartering, but rarely trading with currency, felt that the gap with the world's industrial and civilizational level is very large, completely mismatched, the level of generative force is much higher than the economic model ...... Perhaps the special circumstances of the mountain?

Bai Mowgli decided to go into the city after dark to have a look.

However, when he reached the edge of the city, he could see trains and automobiles going by, worked as a construction worker, rested for the day, and ate sauce until it got dark.

In addition to the first 13 days, after running out of energy to carry out a variety of planetary data scanning, White Mo Wu also understand the surrounding terrain before using the scan, only to know that this world civilization exists all kinds of power plants, as well as very strong magnetic field interference of high-voltage transmission lines, substations, is a civilization of at least the third industrial revolution, there is no further detailed investigation.

And now for the first time, he has come to the edge of the city, specifically the location, he has followed a road into the city, 5 kilometers deep towards the center of the city, hiding in the ruined buildings of a bombed out building for observation.

Standing on the top floor of the room where the rebar had been blown out, he could see that 200 meters away, in front of an open-air stone crushing plant, there were rows of wooden telephone poles, and at the top of the poles, all of them were hanging street lamps with big metal caps.

Yes, there was electricity and street lights, but when it got dark, there was no light. The lights were on at the gravel site, and the machines were rumbling loudly, but the world outside was pitch black, and if you looked out over the city, it was also pitch black.

There were no pedestrians on the road anymore, and the vehicles coming and going were also completely gone at some point, so you could act with confidence and boldness. He ran directly along the road in the direction of the residential area he had identified before.

When we got to the residential buildings, only a few households had electric lights that were slightly brighter than candles, and less than 30% of them had lights on. 10 kilometers further into the city, there were more households with lights on, about 50% to 70%, but it was still so dim that it could be negligible.

The patrol thought it was blurry-eyed and came over to see if there were any abnormalities and continued to patrol.

The patrol team did not point a flashlight at him, and could not see the non-reflective power suit at all.

The roadblocks were made up of sandbags, wooden railings, and half-meter-high triangular iron barricades. Usually there were at least three armed men hiding behind bright searchlights, smoking cigarettes and chatting.

The smallest tower is only big enough for one person to stay, and one armed man, carrying a rifle, sashays around on it, sitting down and seeing others, which is a short-walled tower.

In the case of full-wall towers, the armed man can only see the tip of the gun when he sits down.

There are also towers fully enclosed style, leaving only shooting holes, no matter who is standing or sitting inside, simply can not see. The large guard towers, on the other hand, can have five or six people on them, and there are apparently machine gun rails that surround the top of the tower.

Look at that 20cm wide 360 degree track, should be used to set up a single-sided anti-aircraft gun, but currently only a machine gun, pitch angle of only -56 °, but all under the tower have a circle of security circle, there are security booths, security room, security barracks building, to provide support for the defense, the sentinel tower is found, the ground can be immediately someone can be flushed out, watertight.

The ...... city streets so shaky towers, very eye-catching, white Mo Wu has really never seen, all the way on the roof to jump, observe the tower to quite interesting, after all, in the dark, the sentinel tower is a deep sea lighthouse.

White Mowgli squatted next to the golden dome of a temple pyramid in the city, sighing at the alien world, even if it is pure gold through the reflection of light inside the building, the golden dome is still not very bright, not illuminated by the black under the lamp ......

Originally thought it was a World War II world, saw the economic trading methods, thought it was an ancient primitive society, but now come to the city, a look at the momentum, feeling that this should be a "cold war world" no longer run.

It wasn't just the patrols, roadblocks, watch towers, and what was supposed to be political propaganda written on walls and flags all over the city, but the investigation and analysis of the destroyed buildings - and the fact that it was the city's first time in the world.

Originally thought that the ruins should be on the edge of the city, belonging to the offensive destroyed buildings, and the city interior, it does not look like a massive bombardment of the look, pick flowers, a pile of buildings in a ruin.

Through the force analysis holographic scene reproduction - this is the result of ballistic missile bombardment, and look at the buildings are completely destroyed, which means that it can be accurately guided hit, and the source of the missile attack target information, look at the city curfew frame, there is obviously a spy presence.

In such a silly situation, it is considered that White Mo Wu himself was confused.

Only scan the planet's elemental properties, the near-Earth orbit is really a mistake, the surrounding geographic environment scan open map, but also only observed the day did not collect the night situation, take it for granted, inertia, apply their own common sense, with the inherent impression that the city should not night, came over, the results of the oolong situation is also natural.

Different civilizations in the world have different cultural differences and cultural differences.

But to come back to the whole map at all times in detail scanning, there is no longer a need, because after that Bai Mo Wu will personally come to observe.

At this stage, electricity needs to be put to good use, such as gathering intelligence on the scene of the attack.

The ruins of the entrance to the city, which was used as a makeshift open-air toilet, was actually the edge of a building complex, not the center of the explosion, and had been shielded from the impact, but even so, half of it had fallen.

The core area of the complex had been turned into a large crater, and the buildings were radiating in all directions. The wreckage of the main buildings had been cleared away, leaving only the debris, a crater, and the dangerous buildings on the outer edges of the rows behind the blast circle.

Not to mention the remaining buildings, just that soccer field area of the blast traces, is enough to provide a lot of intelligence ......

Must open the device, the white evil absolutely will not be stingy, the investigation of a number of ruin samples, holographic site restoration, according to the resulting explosion equivalent, kinetic energy situation, can under judge all can be said to be intercontinental ballistic missiles caused by the destruction.

This is not a social situation, but a scientific and technological aspect, and the world has the technology of the Cold War.

When the moon's orbit was explored, it was found that the planet's orbit was filled with metal floats from near to far, but since there are five moons, it is not surprising that it has a space rock planetary halo. Still, most of it is not natural space rock, but rather space stations, satellites, and destroyed re-entry ICBMs.

In a short time, the planet's space path is considered to be locked up ...... Of course, it can only be limited to the planet's indigenous people, with overwhelming technology in front of Bai Mo Wu, there are 10,000 ways to break through this space junk belt.

At present, the latest missile explosion site discovered by the white evil, is a chemical plant, analysis of elemental residues, can be deduced the date of the explosion, at most no more than three months.

The Cold War on Earth is called the Cold War because it ended without a fight, and this side obviously fought, but also fiercely hilarious, large-yield strategic weapons directly bombed the rear civilian cities.

It is absolutely impossible to affect the history of this side by changing the timeline yourself, because looking at the orbital wreckage, it is clear that the war had been fought for more than a year or two, and you only go back a few days or hours. Therefore, to go back and rethink the scene where the battleship was dropped in the middle of the line of fire and the battleship was bombarded at sea, the strategic weapons attack was on the one hand and the battleship was on the conventional weapons side, indicating that it was an all-out war of equal strength.

The propeller-powered aircraft flying overhead should be a water reconnaissance aircraft taking off from the water surface, no acceleration of the runway, take off and landing conditions are poor, low speed but stable propeller is the only choice. As for the Cold War era, isn't it long overdue for an aircraft carrier battle group technology, why still in the water reconnaissance, battleship artillery bombardment?

The Cold War on Earth didn't turn into a hot war after all, but there was a hot war on this side, and he was really curious about the real situation of the modern weapons war.

If we had to create a term to describe this era of the world, it would be a "hot cold war" alternate world with a full-scale war.

According to the historical experience on Earth, during the Cold War, there were theories about the uselessness of big ships and huge cannons, the invincibility of aircraft carriers, and the omnipotence of missiles, so it is hard to say what would happen on this alien planet. But at present, we know that "Star Wars" has definitely happened before, and the orbital debris is the evidence.

White Mowgli, who was already a little interested, became even more interested in this planet.

A dark cloud overshadowed the moonlight, and Bai Mowgli jumped down from the golden dome and followed a patrol 20 meters behind, swinging behind them and walking toward the brightest place he could see on the roof.

The vision distance provided by the helmet, the physical advantage provided by the genetic adjustment, in front of the natives, White Mowgli has an overwhelming biological and equipment advantage, completely in an information inequality situation, not to mention high-dimensional information warfare, only with the deprivation of light, these ordinary armed patrol personnel without night vision devices, can only be passive.

If we invoke the concept of the natural biosphere, then the white mojo is a foreign predator, the indigenous inhabitants are prey, the technology gap caused by the unequal access to information, analysis means, so that they are in an inherently disadvantaged position.

Although everyone should be aware of the [Star Wars Project], let's post it here - the

The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), also known as StarWars and formally known as the Star Wars Program, is a U.S. military strategic program developed in the 1980s with the goal of building a laser device in space to serve as the primary means of defense for the United States. An anti-ballistic missile system that destroys an enemy nuclear bomb before it enters the atmosphere. The program originated in a famous speech by President Ronald Reagan during the late Cold War (March 23, 1983). The core of the plan is to attack enemy strategic intercontinental missiles and spacecraft in outer space by a variety of means in order to prevent a nuclear strike by a hostile nation against the United States and its allies. The technical means include the deployment of high-energy directed weapons (e.g., microwaves, lasers, high-energy particle beams, electromagnetic kinetic weapons, etc.) or conventional strike weapons in outer space and on the ground to intercept enemy strategic missiles at multiple levels and at all stages of their attack. The program was designed to ensure that a significant number of U.S. missiles would survive a large-scale nuclear attack by the Soviet Union. The program was revised again after the end of the Cold War in an attempt to safeguard the U.S. territory in the event of an attack by a small number of nuclear weapons. Many U.S. allies, including the United Kingdom, Italy, West Germany, Israel, and Japan, also participated in the program to varying degrees at the request of the United States.

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