
Chapter 229 Opening the way across the mountain!

On the other side, Changshun County.

The drums and gongs in the Sanyang Machinery Factory were loud, dozens of firecrackers were set off, and the whole ground was covered in bright red confetti.

Among the red, the two small excavators with peculiar structures are particularly conspicuous.

It has no tracks, but four off-road tires connected by four brackets, and, in addition to the four tires, there are four additional movable positioning piles for fixing.

At first glance, the tall excavator looks like a huge octopus.

Factory director Liu Maocai stood in the middle of the two excavators with a happy smile, while the reporters around kept pressing the shutter, directing Liu Maocai to pose in various poses.

After taking pictures tirelessly for half an hour, Liu Maocai finally left the two excavators that he was extremely proud of, and walked among the guests who came to cut the ribbon to watch the ceremony.

Of course, the first person he went to see was Wang Qing who had been waiting by the side.

At this time, his attitude has taken a 180-degree turn compared to before, of course not because he guessed the identities of Wang Qing and Wang Jiancheng.

More importantly, because of Wang Qing's efforts, Sanyang Factory really ushered in the opportunity to come back to life!

This was originally a small state-owned enterprise on the verge of death, and there was not a penny left of the money it earned every year except for wages.

But now, with this blockbuster product, this all-terrain excavator that is unique in the domestic market and breaks the monopoly of foreign technology, the day when Sanyang Factory turns around can be said to be just around the corner!

So, how could he not be grateful to Wang Qing?

People are really helpful!

Thinking of this, Liu Mao quickly walked a few steps, took Wang Qing's hand and said:

"Village Chief Wang, I'm really relying on you this time!"

"At my age, I thought I would work hard until I retired and handed over the factory to others. I didn't expect that at this time, I would be able to make such a big achievement!"

"——Of course, I still want to thank the superiors for their concern. If there is no technology provided by the superiors, we at Sanyang Factory will not be able to figure out this kind of thing for ten or twenty years."

"Village Chief Wang, you must help me convey the meaning of all the members of Sanyang Factory. Just tell the leaders that the problem of sales, don't bother the leaders, we will solve it ourselves!"

"When the scale grows bigger, if the superior has any higher requirements, our Sanyang factory will not hesitate to define it!"

Hearing Liu Maocai's cliché, Wang Qing felt a little funny.

This ass was shot.

This kind of proficiency is really not something that can be practiced in a day or two.


However, if you want to say that Liu Maocai is incapable, in fact he still has it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to actually build this excavator in just four months.

After all, I had inquired with Wang Jiancheng, and what the superiors provided was actually only relatively basic technical documents.

It is Sanyang Factory that really puts effort into adaptation, production and manufacturing.

During this period of time, Liu Maocai didn’t even want his old face in order to be able to complete the equipment and materials. He ran for loans from the bank, asked for help from a brother factory, and even heard that it was for a qualified transmission. In a daze, he took out the old Moutai that he had hidden for more than ten years, and gave it to others as a gift.

In a few months, Liu Maocai's hair became visibly thinned.

He was balder and, of course, stronger.

Thinking of this, Wang Qing also put away the previous contempt for him, but replied sincerely:

"Don't worry, Director Liu."

"In the future, as long as I can talk, I will definitely talk more for you."

"In the past few months, you have indeed worked hard. Don't worry, we all see it."

Hearing this, Liu Mao waved his hand.

"It's nothing hard or hard work. Of course, it's not entirely for you to do this thing."

"Actually, I have studied the market in private."

"In the past, we felt that such excavators were useless. The main consideration was the country's situation."

"Think about it, before doing development, you either didn't do it, or you did it on a large scale."

"What railways, highways, bridges, etc. --- No one cares about small projects like your Luojiao Village."

"So, it was really useless for us to engage in this kind of small all-terrain excavator at that time."

"Think about it, big projects need big equipment, and small projects can't afford the equipment. Why do we make them?"

Having said that, Liu Maocai paused for a moment, then lowered his voice, and said mysteriously:

"However, it's different now."

"I received news that the economy in the old United States has collapsed, and it is likely to affect us."

"In order to protect our own economy, in the next few years, the country will carry out infrastructure construction."

"Among them, rural areas and remote areas are important directions."

"At that time, there will be more and more projects like Luojiao Village, and the market for small all-terrain excavators will also become bigger and bigger."

"Hey, we have the upper hand now, but in the future, the sea is wide and the fish leaps."


After listening, Wang Qing smiled and congratulated.

Then, he changed the subject and asked:

"However, Factory Manager Liu, since everything has been manufactured, then we have to solve the problem of our Luojiao Village project?"

"We agreed at the beginning that after the production line is off the assembly line, we can give priority to buying or renting it."

"Look, do you want to arrange it as soon as possible?"

"What are you talking about! Why are you so out of touch?"

Liu Maocai glared at Wang Qing pretending to be angry, and then said:

"These two excavators were originally prepared for you, so there is no need to talk about renting or not."

"Of course, it costs us to make it, so it is definitely impossible to send it away."

"However, I have contacted an experienced excavator nearby for you, and I will come over later."

"After the driver arrives, you can take the two excavators away and take them to Luojiao Village."

"I'm here to make a promise to you, when the road in your Luojiao Village is repaired, when will you return the excavator."

"When I'm still building roads, no matter how you use it, I have absolutely nothing to say!"

"Thank you so much!"

Wang Qing said excitedly.

No matter what Liu Maocai's purpose is, no matter whether he really wants to repay, or just wants to curry favor with "that person" behind him, at least, the kindness he proposes now is true and sincere.

The excavator can be used without spending money, and in this way, the village can save another sum of money that was hard-won for road construction.

And the money saved can be used in various aspects.

For example, the primary school in the village that leaks rain all the year round can be refurbished.

Maybe the dilapidated basketball court can be resurfaced

A few hours later, the two excavators successfully arrived at the junction of the village road and the township road in Luojiao Village.

From here, the 6-meter-wide rural road narrows to only allow one person to pass, and the height of the terrain also rises rapidly.

In the words of the locals, starting from here, it is considered to have truly entered the "Dayao Mountain".

Two excavators roared down from the delivery truck, and then began to climb up the extremely rugged mountain.

After the excavator was in place, the road construction work officially began.

The villagers who had already received the news stood aside and watched from a distance, and everyone's face showed joy from the heart.

"It's great. Look at the stone with this excavator. It shatters with a light tap. Let us dig it ourselves. I don't know how long it will take to dig it down."

"No, going up the mountain is not difficult at all! This is the first time I have seen this kind of excavator, it looks like an octopus!"

"It's a robot! Just like the robot in the movie!"

"Ah Qing really has the ability to borrow such things."

"It wasn't borrowed, it was awarded to us by the county. I heard that it was Jian Jian, who went to college outside and made some contributions to the country. The country specially allocated funds to develop the excavator for our use!"

"Really? Where's Jiancheng's father? Didn't he come today?"

"No, he is working in the county today, and he said he would come over in two days."

Listening to everyone's discussion and looking at the two steel monsters doing their homework efficiently, Wang Qing suddenly felt an indescribable emotion.

For many years, he has been looking forward to such a scene.

He still remembers going to the middle school in the town when he was a child, and walking down this path every weekend when he came home.

No matter whether the weather is rainy or sunny, no matter whether the mountain is soft or firm, his trek never stops.

Needless to say, he was terrified.

At that time, every time he came back here, every time he was about to set foot on the winding mountain path, he couldn't help but stop and stay here for a long time.

He always thinks of those unjust souls who unfortunately fell into the valley, and the so-called legend of "the ghost who fell into the cave catches the substitute".

Will he be the next substitute?

If not yourself, who is next?

There will never be an answer to such a question, but during his long journey, he did witness one acquaintance after another being "captured as a substitute".

Among them, Wang Shu's parents were included.


However, to his surprise, many people died, but he was not so afraid.

I don't know if it's because I have accepted my fate, or because I have grown up, or because I think that those so-called "dwelling ghosts" are actually my relatives, so I subconsciously think that it is absolutely impossible for them to harm me.

Thinking about it carefully, this is really a tragic and helpless contradiction.

Maybe someone will try to find a little warmth from such contradictions.

But at least for Wang Qing, he couldn't find it.

All he could find was the suffering and struggle of the villagers in this village imprisoned by the mountains.

Well, it's finally coming to an end.

The two excavators specially designed for complex terrain are just the beginning. The county party committee office has clearly informed itself that with the support of the higher authorities, a professional engineering team will come to support the road construction work in Luojiao Village. .

They will replace the ordinary villagers in Luojiao Village and let them have a good rest.

Thinking of this, Wang Qing sighed.

He subconsciously touched the head of Wang Shu who was standing aside, and the latter raised his head and asked:

"Manman, how long will it take for this excavator to repair the road in the village?"

Wang Qing scratched his head and replied:

"Manman doesn't know either. If it's fast, it's one or two months, and if it's slow, it's two or three months."

"Anyway, it must be much faster than our own repair. If we repair it by ourselves, we may not be able to repair it in a few years."

Wang Shu nodded thoughtfully, and said in a low voice:

"Then I hope they can hurry up."

"Want to hurry up? How about you go help too?"

Wang Qing said jokingly.

"Forget it. I can't help, I can only make trouble."

Wang Shu sighed pretentiously, and then explained:

"Actually. I just thought, if the road is repaired, I can walk out by myself."

"Why are you walking out?"

Wang Qing frowned, and before Wang Shu could answer, he couldn't help but blame:

"Ashu, you have to listen to Manman's words. I told you, you are too young to run around and play around."

"The roads were difficult before, but now the roads have been built, but that doesn't mean there are no dangers outside."

"What kind of traffickers, cars are very dangerous!"

"Your parents are gone, if something happens to you, how sad is your grandma?"

Hearing Wang Qing's words, Wang Shu nodded obediently.

But after being quiet for a few seconds, he suddenly said:

"I'm not here to play."

Wang Qing was taken aback for a moment, and asked:

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to sell medicine."

"Selling medicine? When you're older, you want to sell medicine. Don't mess around!"

"I want to buy a wheelchair for grandma."

Wang Shu said solemnly.

"Grandma is old, she can't walk anymore."

"When my parents were still there, they would recite my grandma in the morning and ask her to sit and chat with others at the entrance of the village."

"Now they are all gone, and grandma has no one to recite it, and I can't recite it either."

"She just sits on the head of the bed every day and can't go anywhere."

"It would be great if there was a wheelchair. She can still move her hands, and she can turn the wheelchair out by herself. It's like this on TV."

Hearing Wang Shu's words, Wang Qing's heart thumped like a heavy hammer.

He suddenly realized that as the village chief, he still had many things that he hadn't done properly.

He naturally knew Wang Qing's grandma, and even thought he had taken good care of her for a long time.

But when he heard Wang Shu's words today, he suddenly recalled many things that he had never cared about.


It seemed that every time he went to Wang Shu's house by himself, his grandma would sit on the head of the bed.

Her head was always turned to one side, looking in the direction of the door.

However, what can be seen through that small door?

Except for the figure of Wang Shu who came back from school, the villagers passing by occasionally, and the birds who might stay at the door for a while because of the shade of the eaves, what changes there?

But, that's the only thing she can see.

She was trapped in that dark room, and the light from that door was her only hope of survival.

Perhaps, during the many days after Wang Shu's parents left, she looked at the door like this.

When an acquaintance walks by, she may not be able to resist calling out her name. If someone hears her voice and stays for her for a few minutes, it will be her greatest comfort for many days to come.

Besides, she could only watch the sun rising and setting gradually, waiting for Wang Shu to go home.

Even for an old man of her age, such loneliness should be unbearable.


In Luojiao Village, there are far more than one old man like her.

Wang Qing still remembers that he once came to give warmth to an old man living alone on behalf of the government, and installed a small TV that was outdated long ago.

Before leaving, he helped the old man turn on the TV.

Many days later, when I went to the old man's funeral, the TV was still on.

The old man's body fell on the ground, and the advertisements on the TV kept repeating "only melatonin is accepted as a gift".

At that time, I only felt that this scene was absurd, but when I think about it now, I feel more and more sad.

These old people did not die from the mountains, but they died because of the mountains.

They are lucky, but also unlucky.

When they have passed the only prime of life capable of contending with the mountain, they will gradually become prisoners of the mountain, and eventually be trapped to death in this square inch of land.

This seems to be a kind of fate, a fate that even the Niu Wangye, who is full of incense, cannot change.


However, we can change things that King Niu cannot change.

Wang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and solemnly said to Wang Shu:

"Ashu, don't worry."

"In the future, when this road is repaired, we won't have to sell medicine by ourselves anymore."

"Many people will go to the mountains to buy medicines from us, not just herbal medicines, but also the fruits from the fruit trees in the village and the tea leaves from the tea trees, all of which can be sold."

"We will make money. When we make money, we will buy a wheelchair for grandma."

"Not only do we need to buy wheelchairs, but we also need to buy medicines, medical equipment, doctors, and travel."

"We will build an activity center for the elderly, and we will provide insurance for all the elderly. If they get sick, we will take them to the hospital."

Having said that, Wang Qing paused.

Then he continued:

"Don't worry, we will take good care of grandma."

"Someone has opened the way for us, and this is just the beginning."

"They're watching, they're going to take care of everyone."

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