
Chapter 228 Big Money! Take stock of the harvest!

The news of the Wall Street crash quickly spread throughout the world, the cloud of crisis began to spread, and the whole world was in panic.

In such a panic, only Huaxia became an isolated island.

The Banking Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission, which had already anticipated the result of the collapse, took action together, and released the financial instruments that had been held back for several months in one day, abruptly stabilizing the first wave of financial shocks.

Of course, this is far from over.

The storm in the financial market has not yet been transmitted to the sea of ​​the real economy, and the waves have not yet surged.


Once the strong wind rises, the monstrous waves will submerge the whole world.

Chang'an, Xigong University.

Chen Guo sat on the sofa, sipping tea while listening to the discussion between Chen Nian and Chen Feiyun.

".So the impact this time should be much stronger than we expected."

"The real estate market should be affected first, and then, under the transmission of the market economy, the entire US economic environment will turn."

"This is not a good sign. Since 2000, their economy has been surging for five full years, and what they are facing this time is a major turning point of a 180-degree turn."

"They're very difficult to deal with -- impossible, I should say."

"The track of the economy will be broken, and imported inflation is inevitable."

"Commodity prices should soon turn from upside to downside, starting with oil."

"Secondly, steel, coal, and grain will also fall accordingly, and the operating pressure of many domestic enterprises will increase exponentially."

"The same goes for the transportation industry. Forget it, let's not talk about it, this is a systemic problem. If you really want to talk about it, you can't finish talking about it for days and nights."

Hearing Chen Feiyun's words, Chen Nian nodded slightly, and then asked:

"How is the situation in the United States? Is the society still stable?"

When he asked this sentence, Chen Nian actually had some bad thoughts in his heart.

After all, in his last life, he had seen large-scale zero-yuan purchases and grand celebrations for the occupation of the White House, so he always thought about bringing these happy and popular things a little earlier.

The more chaotic society is, the faster it will collapse.

Therefore, he has been reading various news these days, hoping to see what he wants to see.

But unfortunately, he really didn't see it at all.

Those media seem to be deaf and blind. They would rather report on a Florida man shaving a cat than focus on Wall Street, where the streets are all red with blood.

Chen Feiyun on the side shook his head and replied:

"According to the information from our own sources, at least Wall Street is in a mess."

"It's not just ordinary people, ordinary investors, but the top of Wall Street is also starting to be affected."

"Just yesterday, a legendary fund manager over there has already jumped, and he is only 59 years old."

"After him, several well-known investors had accidents—either committed suicide or disappeared."

"If this trend continues, although it cannot be said that the entire Wall Street is abolished, they will definitely be hit hard."

"How many people died in total?"

Chen Nian originally wanted to say how many people reopened in total, but after thinking that most of the people who had gone to a dead end were ordinary people, there was no need to be so mean to them, so he changed the wording in a considerate manner.

"We have counted more than 50 people - the specific number must be more."

"We estimate that if the entire United States is counted, there must be a scale of thousands of people."

Chen Nian took a deep breath. You must know that under normal circumstances, the number of suicides in the United States is between 40,000 and 50,000 a year. Now, in less than a week, it is only because of the impact of the financial market that it leads to killed thousands of people.

If it continues like this, will it be okay when the wave of real economy collapse rolls in?

Hmm. Maybe the United States has the opportunity to steal the title of "XX big country" from the island country this time.

However, this number did make him wary.

The situation was exactly as he had expected. Under the development speed much higher than the previous life, the United States fell from the sky and fell harder.

I just don't know, is there any chance to add another fire to them, so that they will be completely devastated?

Thinking of this, Chen Nian continued to ask:

"Tell me about other fields, outside of Wall Street?"

"There are no latest reports in other fields. After all, market transmission takes time."

"However, according to our estimates, this storm may bring tens of millions of unemployed people to the United States and cause economic losses ranging from 5 to 10 trillion."

"Their market economy will be hit hard. The most intuitive manifestation is that commodity prices may experience a short-term decline followed by a sharp rise."

"If the problem is serious, we may even see a large-scale 'famine' phenomenon among them."

"Of course, this does not mean that they will really starve to death. After all, although their social welfare and relief systems are weak, civil organizations are very active and their basic life is still guaranteed."

"However, there is a group of people who are destined to be struggling for food and clothing for a long time."


Chen Nian pondered for a moment, then continued to ask:

"What about industry, technology, and military fields?"

"Not optimistic. In a word, if there is no money, there will be no development."

"Industry needless to say, under the premise of the collapse of the real economy, many large industries will inevitably collapse, and the hollowing out of the industry will be more serious-although they fell because of finance, they cannot stand up by the real economy."

"Gamblers are like this. Next, they will inevitably further develop the financial and virtual economy to fight for a chance to turn around."

"Military, the Middle East is definitely going to be unlucky."

"The security war in Iraq is not over yet, but I personally estimate that they will start attacking Iran again soon."

"After all, if nothing happens in Iran, the price of oil will not rise."

"It doesn't matter if you don't talk about technology, they can't beat you anyway."

Hearing this, Chen Nian couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Professor Chen, don't embarrass me here."

"Americans are stupid, but not stupid."

"The more the crisis comes, the more time they hold back their big moves. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised even if they announced tomorrow that they will start to engage in nuclear fusion, and they will produce results within 10 years. .”

Chen Feiyun smiled and replied:

"I was just joking that your worries are justified, but it doesn't matter. According to what I know about you, you will definitely be faster than them whatever they have."

".All right. We're done talking about them, what about us?"

Upon hearing this, not only Chen Feiyun, but also Chen Guo who was sitting beside him became interested in an instant.

He sat up straight in a jerk. If his ears could move, they would probably be two meters high by now.

"We don't need to say it, we must have made a lot of money."

A smile instantly appeared on Chen Nian's face. He moved closer to Chen Feiyun's direction and asked:

"Tell me specifically?"

Chen Feiyun coughed, pretending to be reserved and said:

"Actually, I didn't earn much. In the financial market, it's less than 100 billion."

"We mobilized a lot of resources in the early stage. Through various white gloves, we participated in the investment plan of the big short in the US financial market. The total investment amount exceeded 20 billion U.S. dollars."

"At present, the overall profit has exceeded 300%."

"Afterwards, we will withdraw one after another. After removing various costs, this time the profit should be around 500%."

"It solved the urgent need. To be honest, I really have to thank them for giving me the opportunity."

"Otherwise, I really don't know how to make up for the foreign exchange loss caused by the reduction of our exports after the Great Depression."

"It's all right now. Once the money arrives in the account, all walks of life will be well off."

"Including our Xinghuo—we have already reported to our superiors that one-third of this money will be directly allocated to the Xinghuo team as a financial budget, and converted into RMB, it will reach more than 200 billion."

"Rich, rich!"

Chen Nian couldn't help laughing out loud.

How much did a Liaoning ship cost in total?

From purchase to launch, the maximum is about 60 billion yuan.

And now, with ease, the cost of the three Liaoning ships came out!

Sure enough, the most profitable thing is finance, which is faster than stealing money.

However, Chen Feiyun didn't finish his words.

"Actually, the money we earn directly is not considered a large amount. From the perspective of various financial institutions that are active in the domestic market, our short-selling income this time—only book profits, should be between 180 billion and 200 billion U.S. dollars."

"The money will flow into our own market in the later stage, and the economic vitality will be significantly improved."

Hearing this, Chen Nian had only one thought in his mind:

Earned a lot.

But this thought only lasted for less than a minute, and his excitement quickly cooled down.

Because he thought that in his previous life, after 20 years, the big short sellers in the United States earned more than 200 billion from us.

Even with the most conservative estimate, this number will reach more than 6,000 within three years.

After all, their short book profits once set a historical record of breaking 300 billion in a month

damn it!

Chen Nian couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart.

Such a thing is absolutely not allowed to happen again in this life.

After calming down for a while, Chen Nian continued to ask:

"What about the rest? Apart from the gains in the financial markets, nothing else?"

Chen Feiyun nodded and replied:

"There must be, but it's not easy to count at the moment—is there no figure?"

"The crisis of the other party's real economy will inevitably free up a lot of market space, which is an opportunity we can take advantage of."

"In addition, as I mentioned just now, commodities, especially oil, will expose a lot of weaknesses, and we can take advantage of them and get a lot of long-term benefits."

"Of course, I don't understand the military aspect, so I won't talk about it. But at least, the strategy of the THAAD system we developed before should be perfectly implemented."

Hearing this, Chen Nian let out a long sigh of relief.

According to this, this financial war and economic war can be said to be in full bloom.

Not only did it completely solve the problem of Spark's insufficient budget, but it also opened up a vast space for the entire domestic economy.

Obviously, the strategy of the Yishan project is right.

It just filled the most critical shortcoming in the country after the outbreak of the financial crisis, and cut off the other party's hope of dragging itself into the quagmire.

With the help of the results of this project, as long as Huaxia desperately builds infrastructure and upgrades technology, it will definitely be able to limit the impact of the financial crisis to a very small range.

An epic opportunity is coming.

Chen Nian couldn't help but start thinking about the strategies for the next few years.

The Middle East is where our influence must reach.

In the Asia-Pacific, the iron plate originally united by the United States is bound to fall apart.

In Europe, the recession of the manufacturing industry will create the best conditions for domestic enterprises to go overseas.

America America may still be a tough nut to crack.

But that's okay, we don't need to do much, just take this opportunity and knock out one or two of their industries.

For example, food.

We have established our own outposts in previous skirmishes for food.

Now, taking advantage of this opportunity, maybe it's time for us to let our hands and feet go big

Thinking of this, he asked:

"What about our follow-up plan? Have you entered the discussion session?"

Chen Feiyun shook his head and replied:

"It cannot be said that it has entered the discussion stage, but it should be said that it has entered the practice adjustment stage."

"We have withstood the first wave of shock."

"But soon, the second wave of impact on the real economy market will come soon, which is also a big test for us."

"At present, there are still two main directions."

"The first one is to produce results as soon as possible for the Yishan project, and to build infrastructure."

"Second, encourage non-governmental technology research and development, technological innovation, and revitalize the economy."

"By grasping these two points, basically the problem can be solved."

Hearing this, Chen Nian asked with some doubts:

"What about stimulating domestic demand? Not stimulating domestic demand?"


Chen Feiyun looked at Chen Nian in surprise, and asked back:

"Does this need to be mentioned specifically?"

"Stimulate domestic demand. In fact, two influencing factors are more important."

"Money and security."

"As soon as infrastructure and civil technology boom, all walks of life have something to eat, and everyone has money to make, so naturally there will be more money in their hands."

"Then, market expectations are good, military strength has improved, and the sense of security has also increased."

"These two factors are resolved, and the money that should be spent will naturally be spent."

"We still want to have a big structure, always staring at the two money in the hands of ordinary people. If we want to eat, we should eat big households, starting from Laomei, and eating all of Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East!"

Chen Nian nodded solemnly.

In the last life, Huaxia actually did not have such courage.

But, in good conscience, that is too much.

And in this life, after the strength broke through a certain threshold, the strategic layout of the superior decision makers also went up to a higher level.

There is no rescue plan, and there is no four trillion yuan.

Because, at the end of the day, it’s printing money.

And what we have to do now is grab money!

The engine has started and the wheels are running.

While Chen Nian was discussing the next step with Chen Guo and Chen Feiyun, in an office of Poly Technology headquarters, General Manager Wang Ming was receiving a special guest.


Or it can be said that this is a familiar friend.

Khatim from Saudi Arabia.

He held a cup of black tea in his hand, and after taking a sip, he said jokingly:

"Wang, it seems that you really made a lot of money from us."

"Although I don't know much about tea, I can drink it. This cup of tea is much fresher than the one I drank when I came last time."

"Has your logistics service finally been upgraded?"

Hearing his words, Wang Ming couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Hatim, you really don't understand tea."

"This is an ordinary Longjing newly harvested this year, and the market price is only four to five hundred and one kilograms. It's not a rare and expensive tea at all."

"As for the last time, what I gave you was fermented oolong tea, that's the best tea. You're really a mountain."

"Then why didn't you give me the tea from last time?"

Hatim asked curiously.

"Because that's for the ambiguous guests—you don't want to be the ambiguous guests?"

Hatim waved his hands quickly, laughed and said:

"I don't want to, I don't want to."

"We are already friends, and we can't make things difficult for each other."

"That's good, it seems that we have reached a consensus."

Wang Ming also returned a smile, and then, he took out the document that he had prepared a long time ago from the drawer, and handed it to Hatim.

Hatim rubbed his hands excitedly, and after taking the document, he flipped through it briefly and asked:

"So this time the financial crisis in the United States is really your plan? I really didn't expect you to be so powerful that you can leverage the economy of a country."

Wang Ming shook his head lightly, and replied:

"How is it possible! These are all rumors."

"What we have done is at best to see the opportunity ahead of time and make a fortune from them."

"I made a lot of money. I'm really envious. King, promise me, if there is such an opportunity in the future, please bring us along, okay?"

"We are willing to be your closest partner—as close as you can! We can even be closer than your Pakistani!"

"That depends on your sincerity."

Wang Ming gave Hatim a meaningful look, and the latter blinked knowingly, then began to calm down and carefully read the documents in his hand.

After half an hour, Hatim finally read the last page of the document.

Afterwards, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a sigh:


"If I hadn't been sitting in front of you, I wouldn't even have believed that something like this actually existed."

"In my impression, drones are still the kind of waste products that are small and slow and can only take pictures."

"And your drones. Infrared scanning, terrain modeling, active phased array radar, optional electronic warfare pods, and even weapons. Yes, even the weapon system is the most advanced in the world s level."

"This kind of thing. Are you sure you want to sell it to us?"

"I mean, this should also represent your most advanced technology in the field of drones, right? Aren't you worried about technology leaks?"

Wang Ming shook his head and answered frankly:

"This is a secondary technology, just an export version."

Hatim was shocked when he heard this.

"This is still an export version? Then where is its limit?"

"Sorry Hatim, you know, I can't answer your question."


Hatim realized his gaffe in an instant, and then he paused for a moment, then changed the subject gently and deftly.

"It's indeed a good thing. However, if you just give us this, I'm afraid it won't be able to get the conditions you want, right?"

"You know, the supply priority is something that all countries are fighting for, the EU bid is high, and the US is constantly putting pressure on us."

"If we really give you the priority supply right, you know what consequences we will face."

Wang Ming nodded, but did not speak.

In fact, Hatim was not lying on this point.

Saudi Arabia's oil exports are huge, and it has a great influence on the entire international market. Which country it gives priority to oil can affect the energy status of that country to a certain extent.

Prior to this, Saudi oil had always been given priority to Europe and the Americas.

Now, China's request to make changes to this will inevitably lead to a major response from the United States.

Because, the change of oil priority supply right is, in essence, a major challenge to the US energy hegemony.

It is true that Huaxia does not need to worry too much.

Because this "reaction" may not hit Huaxia's head.

But it's bound to hit the Saudis on the head.

Therefore, Hatim's request at this time is actually not too much.

So, after thinking for a moment, Wang Ming said:

"Plus a batch of the latest air-to-air missiles sufficient for your use."

"PL-15, how is it?"

".Your latest air-to-air missile is obviously the PL-17. Your own news has reported it. Have you forgotten?"

"There is no foreign trade version of the PL-17 - not yet."

Wang Ming replied decisively.

"...that's not enough."

Hatim sighed, did not continue to bargain with Wang Ming, but said bluntly:

"Ming, you know what we want."

"You can provide that to the island nation, why can't you provide it to us?"

"As long as you agree to export, even if there is only one set, we will spare no effort to guarantee your priority supply right. Isn't this a very simple transaction?"

Wang Ming's gaze froze, and he replied:

"No, Hatim, this is not an easy transaction."

"You only see the deal itself, but you don't see the problems behind the deal."

"If you really have the THAAD system, the situation in the entire Middle East will completely boil over. This is not the result you and I want to see."

"Is it really that serious?"

Hatim asked suspiciously.

"really have."

"...Okay then. Let's get back to the original discussion."

"Rainbow-8 UAV, PL-15 air-to-air missile, and give us 3 more DF-21, conventional warheads will be fine."

"In exchange, we paid the equivalent of $60 billion in oil and guaranteed priority supply."

"We'll give you 40 years." Wang Ming shook his head and refused, and then said: 2 "Rainbow-8, PL-15 is fine, but DF-21 doesn't."

"You're kidding me, the DF-21 alone can get all of your stuff back."

"Plus, we don't need that long."

"Give us 30 billion, plus 15 years of priority supply rights. UAVs and missiles are all yours."

Hatim looked straight into Wang Ming's eyes, trying to find a trace of retreat from there.

But obviously, the other party was as determined as he thought.

Even so, he still wants to try again.

"We really need DF-21. The Middle East is going to be chaotic soon. If you don't give THAAD, at least give us missiles?"

"If there are no missiles, as your closest friends, how can we protect the oil fields."

"There is no room for negotiation on this matter."

Wang Ming said solemnly.

"We have already assessed that CH-8, together with the fighter jets and ballistic missiles we gave you before, is enough for you to protect yourself."

"It is impossible for us to provoke the balance of power in the Middle East, which will make the situation worse."

"You have only two choices."

"Yes, or no."

"If you don't... you won't be able to sleep."

Hatim was silent.

He knew that what Wang Ming said was right.

After this financial crisis, many things will be reshuffled.

And in the process of shuffling, conflict is absolutely inevitable.

As the core of the storm, the war in the Middle East can almost smell of gunpowder.

Everyone is gearing up, everyone is afraid of war, but they all know that war is inevitable.

the reason is simple.

There's a big rogue, one of his hands is still stuck here.

So, he could only shake his head and say:

"Send five more J-10s—you already have J-22s and J-20s anyway."

"make a deal!"

A smile appeared on Wang Ming's face.

He secretly thought in his heart:

It is said that after the financial crisis, the whole world is full of opportunities for us.

But I didn't expect that the first opportunity fell on us so soon.

Still in their own field!

The momentum of this development is very good.

Taking advantage of this trend, we also want to make a fortune like those Yankees once did

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