
Chapter 225 Breakthrough!

"What are you kidding me? How can they cooperate with island countries?"

In the turret office, Bob looked at the report in front of him in disbelief, his eyes full of suspicion.

"...But the fact is that, although both parties have denied this, our intelligence personnel did monitor the contact between them."

"Also, Nakayama Taro did mention this matter in a closed-door meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"According to the person involved, Nakayama Taro's tone is very firm."

"Although he has not expressed any determination to cooperate with Huaxia, what is certain is that he must have a choice in his hand."

"Our judgment is that Huaxia may have mastered the THAAD technology and completed the practical design."

"However, whether they have this system in their hands is still hard to draw a conclusion."

Hearing the assistant's words, Bob nodded heavily.

"It doesn't surprise me."

"They have achieved breakthroughs in radar system technology and hypersonic missile technology."

"Actually, after digital array radar and the DF-17 came out, I already expected to hear about THAAD from them one day."

"But what I didn't expect was that they would consider cooperating with island countries to export this system"

"Isn't this treason? Their nuclear deterrence capability will continue to be weakened. Even if there are medium-range missiles like DF-17, it will not be enough?"

"It's not enough."

The assistant pondered for a moment, then said:

"Actually, our main consideration for deploying THAAD in the island country was not to try to intercept, but to obtain intelligence."

"After the deployment of the AN/TPY-2 radar, if the opponent's missile launches from the southeast coast, our integrated intelligence system can immediately obtain the information and prepare for interception in advance."

"The main purpose of this set of strategies is still homeland security. If they really provide the THAAD system to the island countries, if the radar performance they provide can really reach a level comparable to ours, isn't it equivalent to digging their own grave?"

"I don't understand. Maybe we should report the situation to Congress as soon as possible and listen to their opinions."

"Well, that's how it should be."

Bob was silent for a moment, then picked up the phone beside him, but after a moment of hesitation, he put the receiver back again.

"Congress should be notified, but maybe we shouldn't be saying this."


the assistant asked in surprise.

"I have a feeling that the opponent's strategy is not aimed at us."

"Not for us? What do you mean?"

"It's the literal meaning. They have no reason to deploy the Asia-Pacific strategy at this time, although they have indeed made many major breakthroughs in technology, but"

"It's not big enough."

The assistant interjected.

"Yes, the scale is not enough."

"Under such a scale, they have no spare power to continue to compete for overseas control or the right to speak after satisfying domestic military needs."

"Then, this contact has to make us think."

"The most likely scenario is that this is just a symbolic act."

"As for the purpose... I don't know, let others guess."

"In any case, the information has already been made public."

Hearing Bob's words, the assistant nodded understandingly.

Afterwards, the two did not discuss the issue any more, but left the office directly.

However, at the same time that Bob left the office, Congress and the May Congress also received this message.

But before they could react, the fuse of the powder keg had already started to burn at lightning speed.

A piece of news that was obviously deliberately guided was released, which caught their public opinion control department by surprise.

"The THAAD system is not exclusive anymore? Competitors have appeared!"

"China already has a THAAD system, and systems such as Aegis and Phalanx are outdated."

"The island country claims that the THAAD system trade with China is pure nonsense, and the two sides have not reached any cooperation agreement at all."

"Confirmed! China does have the willingness to export the THAAD system!"

In the office of the May Club, Huston's expression was uncertain as he watched the dense news headlines.

From the recent series of actions, he has almost guessed the opponent's strategy, but the problem is that he has no way to deal with the opponent's strategy at all!

What is this doing?

I just want to use dumping to curb the development of your single industry, and the importance of this industry is actually not that high at all.

And you, actually go straight to death? !

Undoubtedly, from the very beginning when the investment group took over 555 Fulton, to the publicity campaign of building a building in three days, to the news reports about the "sale of national debt" that were continuously released, all of these were aimed at It's from the weakest point of the economy here!

They just want to crush the real estate market, let housing prices plummet, and at the same time detonate CDS, a dynamite that has been inflated day by day!

Once they succeed, after the 21st century, the prosperity of the entire American economy will come to naught!

My sense of smell is already sharp enough, and in terms of "confrontation", the May Meeting can almost be said to have reached the extreme.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Finance to finance, public opinion to public opinion, market to market.

Every step made by Huaxia, I have carried out a resolute counterattack and containment.

And the result is quite satisfactory, the real estate market shows no signs of turmoil at all, but continues to climb.

If this trend continues, one day the United States will pass the dangerous period and enter a new stage of rapid development.


However, I never thought that what they really want to play is not this hand at all!

Their hole card is not a huge amount of funds hitting the market, or spreading rumors in public opinion, but jumping out of the "confrontation" route and directly opening up a new battlefield!

military trade

That's right, the volume of this part of economic activity is very small, with an annual average of only tens or hundreds of billions of dollars.

However, this is the face of the United States of America.

In the past, they only robbed the market in the Middle East, but now, they actually started to go directly to the Pan Pacific region to loot houses and houses!

If they really let them make this deal, then it's okay?

Don't say it's done. At present, they just released some news, and the financial market has already started to fluctuate significantly.

The volume of CDS transactions increased sharply, and the number of second-hand housing sales increased by more than 10,000 units within one day.

what does that mean?

This means that the news in the field of military industry has really hurt people's expectations of the future economy of the United States.

How cruel.

This is their standard style of play.

You hit you, I hit mine, and every punch I have is aimed at your face.

If you don't defend, I will trade my injury for my life.

Houston sighed heavily, he pondered quietly for a long time, and finally said:

"Help me find General Bob in the Turret."

"I have something to discuss with him."

"Yes, let's notify Congress at the same time."

"This is no longer something we can handle, we have to seek cooperation."

"The turret must cooperate with us."

"Their AN/TPY-2 radar has already been deployed in Aomori Prefecture, an island country. If we want to make a comeback, this is our only chance."

A few days later, Leon set foot on the cold land for a long time in the military base of Jingjiao Branch in Aomori County in the northern part of the island country.

While breathing greedily the cold air from the northeast, he said to Hook beside him:

"The breath of the Arctic Ocean! This is the most suitable weather for me!"

"I said a long time ago that I want them to transfer me to the north, and now it has finally come true!"

Hook smiled approvingly, and then said:

"This is just a business trip. After the mission is over, you still have to return to the Kadena base."

"I know, you don't need to remind me deliberately."

Leon said dissatisfied.

The two got off the special car together, and entered the interior of the base under the guidance of the representative of the island country.

On the top of the highest mountain, Lyon saw the huge AN/TPY-2X band radar group facility.

He couldn't help sighing:

"What a masterpiece. Has this thing been tuned? Is it ready to use now?"

"In fact, it's already powered on."

Hook replied.

"The radar waves it generates are sweeping across the sky uninterruptedly. If it finds any abnormality, whether it is 500 kilometers, 1,000 kilometers, or 2,000 kilometers away, it will immediately report the situation to the command center."

"At that point, we can make different decisions depending on the type of target."

"This is a major step forward for us—not to mention the containment of the Huaxia people, at least we can remind their neighbors to respond in time when we conduct experiments on the northern peninsula in the future."

Hearing this, Leon nodded slightly.

"It's really good-but our mission here is not to listen to your science."

"I want to test whether it is as practical as you say."

"Is our target missile ready?"

"It's ready. It's a modified Trident missile. The target sea area is facing away from the Asian continent. We have already communicated with them and informed them of the test schedule, time and intended target."

"However, it is still quite sensitive to launch such an intercontinental missile on this sea, so our publicity is that the sea platform rocket launch test."

Leon spit in dissatisfaction, and then said:

"What the hell—even if we tell them it's an ICBM, what are they going to do?"

"Besides, we didn't point the target at them. Forget it, it's just testing the radar performance anyway. When can we start the exercise?"

".It's an experiment."

Hook helplessly corrected.

Then he continued:

"The test window is within 48 hours. In theory, from this moment on, you can start the test at any time."

"Then now!"

Following Leon's order, the entire "experimental team", or the exercise team, immediately started running at high speed.

A thousand kilometers away, an Ohio-class nuclear submarine surfaced. Afterwards, the hatch of the vertical silo was opened, and a specially modified Trident missile without the warhead was launched.

The water splash was more than ten meters high. After jumping out of the water, the missile's engine started immediately, and the hot flames evaporated all the water droplets that had not yet had time to fall.

Shrouded in white mist, the huge figure of the trident disappeared into the clear sky.

At the same time, in the Aomori Prefecture base, in the AN/TPY-2 radar control center, Leon was excitedly looking at the first images and numbers on the screen.

"High-speed flying object detected!"

"The speed, altitude, and direction information have been obtained and sent back to the central processor, ready to start orbit calculation!"

"Track calculation completed, radar tracking in progress!"

"Tracking normal. Altitude 10 kilometers."

"Tracking is normal. Altitude 20 kilometers."

"The distance is 1,800 kilometers, and it is about to leave the tracking range of No. 1 radar."

"Understood, ready to hand over radar tracking authority, Kadena, Guam, Hawaii, please prepare."

"Hand over authority, tracking is normal!"

The instructions one by one were issued without interruption, and the joyful expression on Leon's face became more and more obvious.

This is the real THAAD!

From the second of launch, the tracking of the missile has not stopped.

The powerful central command system transmitted the information thousands of miles away to another corner of the world in an instant, and then all the eyes that had been set up all lit up immediately.

They stared at the intruder closely, calculating their trajectories precisely.

Until the last moment, until the intruder broke through the "dead line".

Then, ground-based interceptor missiles were launched into the air to strike the target with a time precision that humans would never be able to match.

The metaphor of hitting bullets with bullets can no longer accurately describe the difficulty of interception.

Because the speed of intercepting missiles is far less than that of ballistic missiles.

As the "interception successful" prompt came on, Lyon's face showed undisguised complacency.

"This is our strength!"

He shouted loudly to everyone in the headquarters.

This experiment not only proved the powerful strength of the AN/TPY-2 radar, but also reiterated a fact to the island country, that is:

Only us and the United States can truly master the THAAD system in this world!

As for the Chinese?

What kind of industrial crap is their so-called THAAD system?

It's just a low-level product that is crudely made and purely used to touch porcelain.

With that kind of thing, you actually want to compete with us in the arms market in the Asia-Pacific region?

This might be a little too outlandish.

At this moment, a trace of shame also flashed in the minds of the island country technicians present.

They are ashamed that they would question the most powerful country in the world, and they are ashamed that at a certain moment, they actually had the idea of ​​betrayal

As a result, their expressions became more humble, and words of compliments to Lyon and the United States came out of their mouths as if they didn't want money.


But at this joyful moment, someone in the headquarters suddenly exclaimed:

"There is a problem! Another missile has launched into the air!"

Time rewinds to two hours ago.

In a military base on the southeast coast, the commander with a star on his shoulder stood in front of the missile launch vehicle painted in camouflage, and said in a slightly joking tone:

"I used to see pictures, videos, and data, and I thought it was quite big. Now I come to see it live, and it's nothing more than that."

"However, with this thing, it can actually go two thousand kilometers? It's a bit unbelievable."

The accompanying technician laughed and replied:

"Chief, what you said. In the family of medium-range missiles, our DF-17 is indeed a little smaller, but it's not too small."

"This entire missile uses the latest technology."

"From the waverider design, to the high-combustion ramjet engine, to the active radar homing system. In short, it can be said that this missile is a master of our country's most advanced missile technology."

"Flying 2,000 kilometers is nothing, the point is, after flying 2,000 kilometers, this thing can still maintain a hit accuracy within 50 meters, which is very advanced."

"Looking at the whole world, there are only a handful of people who can do this. There are only two."

Hearing the technician's introduction, the commander pouted and said:

"Then there is still an old beauty standing side by side with us."

"We still have to continue to improve and strive to leave them far behind."

After finishing speaking, the commander paused for a moment, then continued:

"Of course, I'm not saying you're not doing well."

"In fact, what you have done can be regarded as unprecedented and unprecedented."

"The credit is great, much greater than us big bastards."

"It's thanks to Starfire."

The technician said seriously.

The commander was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a relieved smile.

He looked at the technician beside him and asked:

"Is there any movement in Aomori County? Has the so-called 'rocket experiment' started?"

As soon as they talked about business, the technician's face immediately became serious.

While checking the information on the computer screen next to him, he replied:

"We have no way to monitor the specific progress of the opponent's missile launch. However, according to the information they shared with us before, a Trident missile will be launched from the South Pacific Ocean, about 1,000 kilometers away from Aomori Prefecture."

"We have arranged satellite surveillance in this area, but to be honest, the probability of finding them is very low"

"However, we have another way."

"any solution?"

the commander asked curiously.

"We dispatched drones and entered the outer airspace of Aomori Prefecture."

"Electronic reconnaissance equipment detected the radar waves of the AN/TPY-2 radar."

"According to the radar wave dynamic data, we judge that the Trident missile should have been launched now."

"In about 10 minutes, their interception will be completed - if the THAAD system can actually stop it."

Hearing his words, the commander nodded with a smile.

"Not bad, very smart."

"Well, let's wait another ten minutes."

"This time, we have to make a splash."

"We have to let people all over the world see their THAAD system, that's all!"

"Do the checks, set the parameters, and prepare to launch!"


The technician stood up and saluted.

Not far away, the final inspection work before the launch of DF-17 has been carried out in an orderly manner.

On the other side, in the base in Aomori County, the entire AN/TPY-2 radar headquarters has become a mess.

Leon stood maniacally and walked around in the command room, his eyes subconsciously avoiding the radar screen, but he couldn't help but look at it.

Just now, this ultra-powerful radar detected a missile launch, and according to the initial missile trajectory, the direction the missile was pointing was somewhere on the high seas in the west of Aomori Prefecture.

Not only did this not make Lyon feel any tension, but it made him very excited.

Just waiting for you!

Originally, I wanted to find an opportunity to ruthlessly kill the spirit of those Huaxia people, but I didn't expect that they came to me instead of taking the initiative to provoke them!

What a joke!

Don't you know what kind of radar is deployed in Aomori Prefecture?

Don't you guys know what kind of test we did this time?

Yes, we really have no way to directly intercept your missiles, after all, the THAAD system has not been deployed yet.

However, if our radar can track your missiles all the way, and even at the end, directly locate the missile's landing point to fish, what will your reaction be?

This is the real insult!

When the time comes, I will make everything that happened public, and let everything you have done before become a joke.

With this in mind, Leon immediately directed many technicians to start tracking, but soon, they discovered a serious problem.

That missile, it's so fast! ——

No, not only is it fast, its trajectory is too complicated, almost to the point of being unpredictable!

Even several times, the radar had clearly captured its echo, but after the next echo arrived, its position had changed strangely.

Is he dancing in the air?

Completely disordered, completely chaotic, but unexpectedly, still maintaining a high speed of over Mach 10?

what kind of monster is this

For a while, even Leon felt a little chilled.

He suddenly realized that he had met his opponent.

This missile is probably the legendary DF-17.

Although many reports about this missile have been released before, there has never been a time when one's own defense system has had the opportunity to confront it head-on.

What I am facing is the first time!

Leon was trembling all over, and his emotions were tense to the limit.

He secretly prayed in his heart, praying that the radar would not lose track of this missile, praying that the interception simulation made by his side would at least be successful in computer simulation, and praying that those ships that were really active on the sea could use their Aegis The system completes secondary identification and defense

However, all his prayers were in vain.

Radar tracking of the DF-17 is still intermittent and the Aegis system is not even eligible for combat at all.

According to computer simulations, the probability of the THAAD system successfully intercepting this missile is .7%.

Seeing this result, Leon was actually relieved.

Fortunately, not 0%.

He was still staring at the screen, but after a certain moment, the fast-moving missile suddenly disappeared.

He became excited in an instant, and asked:

"Did the simulated interception succeed?"

The technician operating the radar shook his head bitterly, and replied:


"It hit the target."

Leon froze in place.

There was chaos in his mind.

He didn't dare to think, if the missile pointed at himself, would this military base still exist?

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