
Chapter 224 The powder barrel is about to explode

After finalizing the basic strategy, Chen Nian immediately threw himself into intense work.

Now, he not only has to continue to learn his interface materials, but also continuously output technical documents related to the Yishan Project. At the same time, he even has to make preliminary preparations for the CNMD project.

His work intensity has risen unprecedentedly, and even on most ordinary workdays, his daily sleep time has plummeted to under 6 hours.

If you can maintain 6 hours of sleep, it is considered a holiday.

Sleeping for 4 hours is considered overtime.

Normally, it is about 5 hours.

But what surprised him was that even with this intensity of work, there was no sign of destroying his spirit at all.

He is still full of energy every day, except for half an hour at noon, he basically has no time to be in a trance.

And his productivity has never been higher.

According to the statistics of the task manager, the average number of source points he generates every day has reached 0.35 points, and it only takes 10 days to complete the technical analysis of a large module in the CNMD system.

As for those small technologies, new things are born from him almost every day, and then flow into the major research institutes and military enterprises under the Xinghuo group.

This terrifying speed shocked everyone.

This is called scientific research?

Screws on the assembly line are not so fast!

Only Chen Guo, Guo Qi, and others who had more contact with Chen Nian in life knew how much hard work Chen Nian put into behind these technologies.

Even, in a way, he was no different from those scientists in the early days of the Republic.

They are all burning their lives to promote the development of this country.

It's just that Chen Nian's return from burning his life is indeed greater.

Chen Guo wanted to persuade Chen Nian to stop several times. Of course, this was not only on behalf of him, but also a mandatory request from his superiors.

But Chen Nian's attitude was very firm.

Because he knows that the current American economy is a powder keg that is about to explode. Only by igniting it with his own hands can he have a chance to run to a safe place before the explosion.

And if you let it develop, and wait for the powder keg to expand to the limit before it explodes, then its power will be almost impossible to be limited to a safe range for your own side.

Therefore, our own side is actually racing against time.

If possible, he would definitely get all the researchers to work overtime with him—although he has indeed done so, but in most departments, the intensity is still not as high as his own.

time waits for no one

Just like this, two full months have passed, and the Yishan project has been fully launched, and the first batch of small results have even been output.

And Chen Feiyun, through several companies such as Poly and Greenland, has basically finalized the layout based on 555 Fulton as a springboard.

The price of CDS reached the highest point that Chen Nian knew in his previous life, and this time came a whole year and a half earlier than in his previous life.

After all, it's only February 2006.

At the same time, the H-20 project was in full swing, the first wind tunnel test was completed, the design of the variable-sweep wing was further optimized, and a new generation of stealth coatings was born.

Similarly, the progress of the CNMD system is gratifying. With Chen Nian's uninterrupted technical output, the first X-band radar has successfully completed the test.

After combining with the original anti-missile system, the prototype of CNMD system was born.

island nation.

In a remote tavern, two tall and frightening middle-aged men were sitting opposite each other drinking.

They are dressed in suits and leather shoes, and at first glance they seem to be compatriots, but judging from the English they use, they should not belong to the same country.

And so it is.

Sitting on the left is Taro Nakayama, a senior official of the island's foreign affairs department.

Sitting on the right is Lin Zecheng, a representative of a department in Huaxia.

After drinking half a glass of sake together, Nakayama Taro said:

"The purpose of your country this time is really unpredictable."

"Giving us the THAAD system sounds like some kind of treasonous plan."

"Lin Sang, although the relationship between our two countries has eased, it is not so good, right?"

"May I take the liberty to ask, what exactly are you trying to do?"

Lin Zecheng smiled and replied:

"Actually, isn't this very simple?"

"Our purpose is to prevent the United States from deploying their THAAD system here."

"However, with our strength, there is no way to stop them with military threats."

"In that case, why don't we sell it to you ourselves and make a fortune."

"Isn't this a win-win option?"

"—Yes, it should be said that it is a win-win situation."

Nakayama Taro laughed loudly, and after a while, he said:

"I didn't expect Lin Sang to be such a humorous person. But no one can accept this reason, right?"

"Sell us THAAD to intercept your missiles?"

"It's hard for me not to suspect that there will be background programs hidden in this system, making it impossible to launch at all."

"I really can't convince you of this."

Lin Zecheng nodded and replied.

But then, he changed the subject again.

"However, how do you believe that if the Americans want to sell you the THAAD system, they won't hide the backdoor program in it?"

"...they don't have to do that because they're not going to be targeting us first."

Hearing this, Lin Zecheng couldn't help laughing.

"Then why do you think that we will regard you as the primary target?"

Nakayama Taro was stunned. He stared at Lin Zecheng, waiting for his explanation.

Lin Zecheng paused and continued:

"We all know that, to some extent, island countries are actually just vassals of the United States."

"You have always wanted to get rid of this identity, but you are enjoying the convenience of this identity."

"Of course, you have always been worried that if a war happens, you will be the first to be the pawns who charge into battle."

"But I want to say that your idea is really naive."

"Modern warfare is not like chess. If a war really happens, then there must be a war between us."

"However, before the missile lands on you, it will first land on the American continent."

"the reason is simple."

"We have the ability."

"And you, there is no threat to us."

"Now, have I made my words clear enough?"

Nakayama Taro nodded slowly, without speaking.

He has already fully understood the unspoken connotations hidden in Lin Zecheng's words.

The so-called export of the THAAD system to island countries is, in the final analysis, just a performance for the world.

The purpose of this performance is to contain the United States' Asia-Pacific strategy and show its existence to the whole world.

And the country I belong to is just a stage and a background

Since it is the background, it is necessary to recognize the status of the background.

Thinking of this, Nakayama Taro asked:

"So, you actually already have the spear that can pierce the shield, right?"

"The reason why you have to sell us the shield is because you don't want us to hold other people's shields?"

"While that makes no difference to you, it makes a big difference to the world. Is that so?"

"That's right!"

Lin Zecheng nodded approvingly and said nothing.

Outside the window at this time, the night sky was silent.

But the two people in the room vaguely realized that a big change was about to kick off.

A few days later, news was released that Japan and China were negotiating on the export of the THAAD system.

Both parties immediately denied the news.

However, with the announcement of the news.

The fuse on the powder keg was ignited

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