
Chapter 141 Important People

After confirming that the high-speed rail was an important source of funds, Chen Guo immediately contacted Zhang Shuguang. The latter was not a member of the Spark project team, but the level of confidentiality was sufficient, so there was no difference in information.

However, even after learning about Chen Nian's resume, he still has doubts about the term "self-developed high-speed rail system".

"Mr. Chen, it's not that I don't believe you. In fact, for me, if I have more cards in my hand, I will never refuse."

"But the problem is, this matter will indeed affect my overall negotiation strategy."

"If it is determined that the technical output can be completed in a short period of time, I need to adjust my strategy now."

"So I would like to ask, when is the expected time for your technology output to be completed?"

Chen Guo on the other end of the phone looked at Chen Nian who was at the side, and Chen Nian raised two fingers.

"Within two months, after the problems with the gas turbines of the Deep Blue 16 project are basically resolved, we can start."

Chen Nian nodded in satisfaction. Professor Chen is indeed a smart person, and he has gradually begun to understand his own rhythm.

"Two months sure?"


This time, without any hint from Chen Nian, Chen Guo gave the answer directly.

"Okay, then follow your rhythm!"

"In the past two months, I will delay them as planned, and after two months, I will start cutting leeks!"

After the two finished talking quickly, the phone hung up, and Chen Nian on the side said:

"I didn't expect him to promise so decisively. I thought he would at least ask us to produce something to prove it."

"He's not stupid."

Chen Guo said with a smile.

"Xinghuo's internal influence may be much greater than what you expected in your heart. We took the initiative to bring the high-speed rail project into management, and it was too late for him to be happy."

"The only worry is the uncertainty caused by the temporary adjustment of the strategy."


Chen Nian nodded and answered.

"Then what do you say here? What's the next plan?"

Hearing Chen Guo's question, Chen Nian scratched his head silently.

next step plan.

The drawings and data of the J-20 have already been exported, and there is no need to intervene for the time being.

For AGT110, the poison bait created by himself has been thrown by the front-line staff, waiting for them to bite.

Other areas of the Deep Blue 16 project are also progressing steadily.

That is to say, what I can do is actually to learn and absorb knowledge as soon as possible, and accumulate more source points.

So he opened his mouth and answered:

"The next step is to study hard. The summer vacation is almost over, so I'd better go back to school."

"no problem."

Without any hesitation, Chen Guo immediately agreed.

"Then you should fly back to Xigong University first, and then around the beginning of September, if you have time, you can go to the south."

"The superior has prepared something for you. It's not particularly precious, but I personally think it's quite interesting."

"When the time comes, you can go and have a look."

As soon as these words were spoken, Chen Nian's appetite was instantly whetted again.

What are you doing?

Last time it was Yang Wei, this time it's you?

What the hell is tm called tm surprise?

If you're not ready, don't tell me, okay?

It's okay not to say it, but when I say it, my heart hurts.

Seeing Chen Guo's sincere expression, Chen Nian couldn't get angry with him, so he could only say:

"Then let me know when you are ready, I really want to know what it is"

"You will know when you go."

Chen Guo said mysteriously.

Chen Nian shook his head, too lazy to tell him any more.

So, a few hours later, Chen Nian took a special plane again and flew back to Xigong University.

The summer vacation is coming to an end, and there are students returning to school one after another on the campus, which seems to be much more lively than the deserted campus at that time.

Chen Nian's luggage had already been sent back to his residence by a special person. Holding the coconut he brought from Deyang in his hand, he casually observed the students coming and going as he walked.

Many of these students are freshmen, and the expressions on their faces are still somewhat different from when they first entered the school.

After all, it was the second time I went to college at that time, so I was familiar with everything.

And what about the real freshmen?

Although they are full of ambition and full of vigor, when faced with a completely unfamiliar environment, there is still a bit of timidity in their eyes.

It's not that there is any problem with their own quality, it's just the youthfulness of young people.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Chen Nian's face.

Looking at a boy on the side of the road who just got off the three-bump and was standing beside the luggage in a daze, Chen Nian stepped forward and asked:

"What's wrong? Freshman? Can't find the way?"

The boy raised his head and replied with some embarrassment:

"Yes, yes, there are too many things to move. Are you a senior?"

"It's the senior. You're going the wrong way. This is the west gate. The freshman reception is at the east gate. That's the main entrance."

"And you came too early. School doesn't start until the day after tomorrow. There is no one to welcome you at the moment. Usually, local people will come over early to put things away."

Hearing what Chen Nian said, the boy smiled and said:

"My family is from the countryside. It's the first time I've traveled far away. I don't have much experience, so I want to come here early, so that I have time to solve any problems."

"Senior, can you help me with my luggage for a while? I just asked the way, and the dormitory is not far away. I will move it first and be back in 10 minutes!"

"Farewell, I'll give you a piece to move there."

While talking, Chen Nian looked at the luggage on the ground.

The two snakeskin bags are probably things like bed sheets and bedding. They look bulging, but they are obviously not heavy.

A brand new suitcase, probably filled with clothes.

There are also plastic buckets, washbasins, hangers, and slippers tied up with ropes.

Good guy, it's exactly the same as when I went to school in my last life.

At that time, I had never seen the world, and I felt a sense of fear of big cities, so I wished I could buy everything at home--in fact, it was not necessary at all, not only would it not save money, but it would also be troublesome.

Without further ado, Chen Nian picked up a sack and threw it over his shoulder, and then lifted another sack. The security guard not far behind seemed to want to come up to help, but another person stopped him with his eyes.

And the freshman hurriedly followed with his things, thanking Chen Nian as he walked:

"Thank you for your hard work, senior, shall I treat you to dinner later?"

"No. I'll take you to the cafeteria in a while, and you can deal with it in one bite."

"Don't senior, you do me a favor, I should treat you to a meal."

The two walked all the way to the dormitory, but the boy didn't listen to his ramblings. Before he reached the door of the dormitory, Chen Nian already knew that his name was Wang Jiancheng, and he came from a minority-inhabited area in the southwest. Citrus, there is a sister on it, studying at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Chen Nian couldn't help helping his forehead, even in 2004, there were not many such honest children.

After helping him make the bed and put away his luggage, Wang Jiancheng pulled Chen Nian out of the school almost forcefully, and insisted on treating him to dinner.

If the security guards hadn't watched the whole process from beginning to end and had checked their identities clearly, Wang Jiancheng would have been taken away on the spot.

Really unable to hold him back, Chen Nian had no choice but to follow him into a mutton soup restaurant by the side of the road.

Looking at the menu, it was not too expensive, so Chen Nian sat down with peace of mind.

At this time, Wang Jiancheng didn't know how thick his thigh was sitting in front of him. He just thought that he had met a kind and enthusiastic senior, and kept asking Chen Nian about life in the school, classes, scholarships, etc. matter.

Chen Nian also answered him one by one.

For Chen Nian himself, this was a rare rest, and some things about rural life that Wang Jiancheng said touched him a lot, so their conversation became farther and farther away.

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