Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 56 Conditions That Cannot Be Compromised

Ye Zhou originally thought his words were serious provocations, but what he didn't expect was that the other party was relieved because he said "I won't use Yinglong for them".

This puzzled Ye Zhou, but as the negotiation continued, he suddenly woke up.

The people sitting across from him were completely different from the people sitting beside him.

To put it nicely, they are calculating economic accounts, and what strategies can be used to maximize profits; but if it is hard to say, these people only care about their pockets.

Each of them is very clear about the true strength of the dragon eda, and they all know what kind of impact it will bring to domestic enterprises if the restrictions on the corresponding dragon are released and allowed to enter the international market.

Although Ye Zhou publicly stated before that he would not sell Yinglong to a non-Chinese company, they did not believe Ye Zhou's words by saving others by themselves.

How can a businessman refuse profit?

What a joke.

But today, what Ye Zhou said in such a formal negotiation occasion in front of so many high-level officials is enough to prove it.

So, they were very excited about the result.

Yinglong really won't sell to the international market?

That's good to talk about!

As long as you don't enter the international market, it won't have a big impact on their interests. You play your own way, although you will make less money, but at least, the less you can earn is limited.

In this way, the strategy of subsequent negotiations can be appropriately changed, even if the conditions are slightly relaxed.

After thinking about these things clearly, a mocking smile appeared on Ye Zhou's face.

Probably these people on the other side of the screen will never understand the ideals pursued by the people around him.

They can't understand why someone would spend millions to pull a wire into the mountains, and then go and charge tens or even a few dollars a year for electricity.

I can't understand those people who ride bicycles or even donkeys to deliver express delivery to the Kunlun Snow Mountains.

They cannot understand the medical funds at all costs, the high-speed train network that has been losing money year after year, and, of course, the deepest expectations hidden behind this negotiation.

After the initial tit-for-tat quarrel, the negotiation gradually began to turn into a normal process, but Ye Zhou bit his own terms and did not let go.

"All Huaxia enterprises must use Yinglong eda unconditionally."

Lu Siwen turned his eyes to Chen Hao helplessly, and then said:

"It seems that there won't be much progress in the negotiations on the technical side today, but it doesn't matter. We will have multiple rounds of negotiations in the future. Why don't we turn to compensation for economic and trade contracts today?"

Ye Zhou also turned to look at Chen Hao, saw the other party nod, so he stood up decisively and gave up the negotiating chair.

Chen Hao got up and sat in Ye Zhou's seat, coughed, and then said:

"I don't have to talk about the import of food. We can talk about the import and export of automobiles."

Lu Siwen was almost choked up by Chen Hao's words, and he even wondered if the people negotiating on the other side had taken the wrong medicine.

Although he had been mentally prepared for their attitude before, he did not expect that the other party would be so determined.

"Mr. Chen, if you follow my suggestion, I think each issue needs to be discussed in detail. This is both your sincerity and our sincerity."

"No, I still insist on not talking about food procurement. If you need compensation, we can negotiate compensation from other areas."

Chen Hao said firmly.

The food issue has always been a red line, and it is absolutely impossible for him to touch this red line in this form of negotiation.

Before entering the negotiation, he had seen the other party's proposal. They asked for an import increase of 50 million tons, which is close to 100%!

If this condition is negotiated, even if the final import increase is only 20 million tons, it will account for about 6% of the annual grain consumption.

This means that domestic food security will face an additional risk of 6%.

Unlike any other commodity, if the people on the opposite side of the grain suddenly decide not to supply the 6% of the grain, and if the domestic production has not kept up in time, the increase in grain prices caused by the 6% gap will be far greater. Not as much as 6%.

Instead, it will rise until 6% of people starve to death.

Therefore, in any case, even if he completely screwed up the negotiation, which was intended to delay the other party, he would never let go.

On the opposite side, Lu Siwen was silent for a moment, then reluctantly replied:

"Then we can still skip this topic... Anyway, let's continue our negotiation first."

After three hours, when Ye Zhou began to feel sleepy, the long negotiation finally came to an end.

The video hung up and everyone left the venue. Chen Hao found Ye Zhou, reached out and patted his arm.

"Young comrade did a good job. If you hadn't expressed your attitude so radically at the beginning, it would have been impossible for us to continue the discussion at the current pace when we talked about economic compensation later."

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"I just used the topic to play it, there are not many opportunities to scold people, and I get angry when I see that Lu Siwen..."

Chen Hao nodded clearly, Lu Siwen's reputation in China was extremely bad, mainly because he was showing off Chinese characters when he was doing business in China, and deliberately pretended to be a good friend of the Chinese people, but he didn't know it behind his back. How many bad things have been done.

"It's okay, people like him will never hurt us in the future. By the way, if you are interested in the subsequent negotiations, you can continue to participate. If you are not interested, you can not come."

"Following negotiations will mainly focus on the economic aspect, and we will find a way to hold them back. It is estimated that it will be very boring."

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Well, I will not participate in the follow-up negotiations. Anyway, things on the technical side have been made clear. If you need to make concessions, you can make decisions."

Ye Zhou still didn't reveal Chen Hao's intentions, even though he knew in his heart that it was a negotiation destined to have no results.

Even in the process just now, Chen Hao has always shown the appearance that he is sparring on the economic side, but Ye Zhou knows that when the final results of the chip industry come out, it will be time for Chen Hao to see it.

At that time, in what way will Chen Hao end the negotiation?

Ye Zhou suddenly became curious.

Seeing the inadvertent smile on Ye Zhou's mouth, Chen Hao also seemed to be infected a little bit, he smiled slightly and replied:

"Don't worry, we won't compromise with them."

"No compromise is good, no compromise is the biggest gain..."

Ye Zhou replied subconsciously, and followed Chen Hao to the door. Suddenly, his footsteps paused.

There is something wrong with Chen Hao's words.

No compromise, what else to talk about?

Chen Hao naturally knew the purpose of the negotiation, but he should never show such an attitude in front of him.


Does he already know who he is? ?

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