Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 507: Demon Realm, Zizai Palace

"Check-in starts from catch fast (

But in the shattered head, the expression in the eyes was very flat, and it revealed a meaning that we would meet again.

The reason why he was unremarkable was that his mission this time was to stop the masters of Zhengyijiao and go to support the Money Gang.

Now that the eighth-layer Qi Lao of the Domain Realm has been seriously injured, then the next battle in the Beili Mansion may not be able to participate.

So his task is considered complete.

For this body, he didn't remember much, because his consciousness was imprisoned in the dark void altar.

As long as the dark altar is still there, he will be able to resurrect forever.

As soon as he died, the consciousness on the side of the void altar would automatically recover.

When the time comes to occupy the body of a puppet, he will be able to reappear.

Seeing the other person's eyes, Xiao Qiushui's eyes condensed, but he also knew that it was not the time to investigate the cause!

He appeared in front of Qi Lao in a flash.

"Old Qi, how is your injury?"

"It won't be a serious problem for the time being, but it might be a bit difficult to use the strength of the Domain Realm Eightfold!"

Qi Lao said solemnly.

Judging from the current situation, he can't even realize the six-fold combat power of the domain realm.

He might not be able to participate in the battle between the army of the Dagan Dynasty and the Money Gang.

at this time!

A manor outside Beili Mansion.

In a study room, Tang Wushuang was delighted, he had just received the news.

Tang Kongliu sent three masters of Jiuzhong Domain Realm to the Beili Mansion to solve the money gang.

"Domain Realm Nine, still three, my second brother has a lot of cards!"

Tang Wushuang said inwardly.

Tang Kongliu dispatched 3 of the nine-tier strongest in the realm all at once.

This strength surprised him.

Earlier, he thought that Tang Kongliu would send at most one domain realm nine-fold powerhouse to come.

After all, besides the three deputy chiefs of the military department, the military department secretly sent two masters of the eightfold domain.

Two realm realm eightfold plus 3 realm realm ninefold powerhouse, this end is terrifying.

Is this to let the people of the Dagan Dynasty know how powerful Dagan is?

"Money Gang, I don't know how you face such strength!"

Tang Wushuang opened the window and looked into the distance.

"There is still power to help, try your hole cards tonight!"

Tang Chong gave him the news that the two powerful men in the Nanming Sacrifice Hall were going to test the power gang tonight, and he was waiting for the result of the test.

Beili Mansion! Money help.

In Wu Wudi's house, Su Hao also got a strong presence beside Tang Chong.

"These princes' hole cards are not simple!"

Su Hao's eyes were solemn. According to the news reported by Shangguan Jin Hong and the others, there were two strong men with eight levels of life and death.

Of course, what made Su Hao dignified was that these two domain realm eight-fold powerhouses were completely serving Tang Chong and Tang Wushuang.

"These princes have so many hole cards one by one, why haven't they drawn any characters recently?"

Su Hao complained a little.

"Congratulations to the host for summoning the character Meng Chixing to become the tenth personal disciple of the Demon's Freedom Palace, rewarding 2 3rd level crystal lottery cards, which have been stored in the inventory, please check!

"Devildom, Zizai Palace!"

Su Hao listened to the feedback from the system, with joy on his face.

Just now I felt that there were few characters on my side, and there were two 3rd level crystal lottery cards.

Without hesitation, Su Hao immediately clicked on the inventory and drew out the 2 3rd level crystal lottery cards.

[Consumption of 2 3 level crystal lucky draw cards, the lucky draw...]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing a specific character, Wu Wudi, the first experience card of the real world has been placed in the inventory, please check it! 】

[Congratulations to Suzhou for drawing a pair of real dragon gloves, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it! 】

"I still haven't drawn a character, but this Wu Wudi, the real self-experience card, what is it!"

Su Hao immediately clicked on the inventory to check the items drawn this time.

[Specific character Wu Wudi Real Self Level One Experience Card]: Wu Wudi can use this experience to experience the real self level one time, and the time effect is one day!

[True Dragon Gloves]: Come from the remote world of the dragon family, there are gloves refined by the dragon veteran, dripped with the blood of the dragon veteran, and cooperated with the host Qinglong's true body method to burst out extremely powerful combat power.

"Although there are no characters drawn, but with these two things, it can be regarded as an increase in the powerful hole cards!"

Su Hao thought to himself.

Of course, the Wu Wudi real self experience card is actually extremely precious.

When Wu Wudi experienced this true self-experience card, he could definitely comprehend something with his strength and insight!

At that time, Wu Wudi will shorten the process of stepping into the real world, or that he may not have that kind of obstacle.

Su Hao took out the experience card, and Wu Wudi, who was practicing cross-legged on the side of the courtyard, seemed to feel something.

He looked at the experience card in Su Hao's hand.

"Lord, this thing seems to be very important to me!"

He said in a deep voice.

Su Hao shot the experience card, Wu Wudi stretched out and grabbed it. When he caught the experience card, he understood the role of the experience card.

Suddenly, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Thank you, Lord, this card is very helpful for me to enter the real world!"

He hurried to thank you ~ Demon Domain. Although the name carries a demon, it is the same as Fire Domain and Sword Domain, except that the cultivators here are all demon paths.

Zizai Palace, one of the ten major forces in the Demon Realm, the martial art is located in the Zizai Mountain in the southwest of the Demon Realm, commanding a 3,000-kilometer surrounding area.

A cave mansion in Zizai Mountain.

Standing outside the cave mansion, Meng Chixing looked at the cloud-wrapped peaks under the mountain with his hands in his hand, and muttered:

"Unexpectedly, the development of the Demon Gate of this Demon Realm is so prosperous, and the Demon Dao is prosperous!"

After he left the Fire Territory, he stepped into the Demon Territory and entered the Demon Territory Free Palace to practice.

Successfully cultivated and became one of the three major magical methods in the Palace of Zhanmeng Heart Sutra, and became the tenth direct disciple of the Palace of Zizai.

Meng Chi Xing is the master of the magician Pang Ban. He also practices spiritual power and practices the Tibetan Secret Book of Wisdom. This is a mystery that can claim a king's sanctification.

It has similarities with spirit-type magic techniques such as the Dream Heart Sutra of Freedom Palace!

That's why he can successfully cultivate into the Heart Sutra of Slashing Dreams!

When he cultivated into the Zhanmeng Heart Sutra, an ancestor of Zizai Palace noticed Meng Chixing's talent!

Meng Chixing was nicknamed Demon Sect, and his talent and aptitude could be known by his nickname alone.

He immediately accepted Meng Chixing into his sect and became the tenth personal disciple of Zizai Palace.

"I don't know how they are now in the Dagan Dynasty!"

There are special restrictions outside the palace, he dare not use money to help copper coins contact the outside world.

Because he was afraid of being discovered by the people in the free palace.

Zizai Palace is among the top ten forces in the Demon Realm. Today's Zizai Palace Lord, rumored to have stepped into the Ninth Realm!

Moreover, there are some ancestors who are in retreat in the palace.

The rumors of the strength of these ancestors are above the real self.

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