Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 506: You did not go! (2 in 1)

"Check-in starts from catch fast (

Just let the two puppets become the nine-fold powerhouse of the realm, which shows the horror of this god.

"Thank you, Master!"

Tang Kongliu bowed and thanked him.

"Your strength still needs to be improved quickly. The Xiao family should have noticed that your father has won the Void Throne, otherwise, it won't be so against your Dagan Dynasty!"

"This is forcing him to make a move. Once he makes a move, the Xiao family has an excuse to move the king!"

After the Ming Zun finished speaking, he continued to close his eyes and cross his knees, being wrapped in black mist.

Tang Kong Liu heard a hint of thinking between his brows.

Then he left this space with two nine-fold puppets of the Realm Realm.

He must first solve the money gang, establish his own prestige, and become the true heir to the throne of the Dagan Dynasty.

In that case, he would have the opportunity to confront Xiao Wangyu.

Yangtze River Mansion, six doors.

Two men in black robes appeared in front of Tang Chong.

The two of them were pale, with cold eyes, they were the two who came out of the forest palace.

"I have seen His Royal Highness Nineteen!"

The two men saluted Tang Chong at the same time.

They belonged to the Nanming Sacrifice Hall and stayed in the Dagan Dynasty. They mainly guarded the Tang family brothers and obeyed their brothers' arrangements.

"I have seen two gentlemen, I am afraid I need to trouble the two gentlemen to take action this time!"

Tang Chong also looked respectful when he saw the two of them, both of whom had the strength of the seventh level in the realm.

"Our purpose here is to serve the two princes. If you have anything to do with your highness, please give orders!"

One of the black robes spoke.

"Mr. Wen, it's mainly to deal with the power gang of the Yangtze River Mansion. Mr. Guohui Mu will tell you two of the power gang information!"

Tang Chong confronted the open black robe humanely.

Hearing that, the black-robed man looked at Elder Mu, and Elder Mu told them about some of the power gang.

"Does the forces behind this power help detect it?"

"The emergence of the power gang is rather peculiar, and it is difficult to find the forces behind it."

Old Mu bowed and said.

Hearing this, Mr. Wen frowned, and from time to time there were strong domains, and the forces behind it might not be simple.

They are very clear about the strength of the military department of the Dagan Dynasty.

The power gang actually opened up a posture against the military department of the great dynasty, and should have the confidence.

"Why don't you try it out tonight!"

Another black-robed man who hadn't spoken before said.

"At night, you and I will use the evening cloud to cover the sky to test it, Your Royal Highness, please prepare a quiet house for us."

Mr. Wen said before.

"it is good!"

With joy on Tang Chong's face, he immediately led them into his house.

Behind them, Old Mu and Ye Han looked at each other, and after following Tang Chong's arrangement, they immediately sent a message to Yan Kuangpu and the others.

Because they don't know the other party's methods, they can only tell them to be careful at night.

at this time!

Another place

Xiao Qiushui was taking three masters of Zhengyi Sect to Beili Mansion to support the Money Gang.

Among the three, one has eight levels of realm, and two have six levels of realm.

They did not make a teleportation array, flying strange animals in the sect.

"I really didn't expect that the power gang on the Yangtze River Mansion would kill the seventh masters in the Armed Forces Realm. I don't know what power is behind them, so overbearing!"

Among them, the eight-layer elder of the Domain Realm wearing a green robe spoke up.

"Old Qi, this power gang does not rely on absolute strength to kill the masters of the military department, but rely on secret calculations. I am afraid that the power behind him should not be large!"

One of the middle-aged men spoke.

If the forces are strong, there is no need to scheming.

"Tang Chong, the nineteenth prince of the Wubu of the Dagan Dynasty, has not retreated yet. There should be actions. Let's watch it again. But this money is not easy to help. It can make Tang Wushuang stay outside the Beili Mansion. Don't dare to enter Beili Mansion!"

Old Qi, who had spoken earlier, said in a deep voice.

"Old Qi, there is news that Wen's warm and cold voice fell in the Money Gang!"

Another middle-aged man who did not speak said in a deep voice.

They speak of Qi Lao, a sect elder of Zhengyi Sect, and the same generation as the head.

Among them are two middle-aged men, two elders of the Zongmen, named Wu Yi and Qin Lin.

Hearing Qin Lin talked about the sound of Wen Han's fall.

Although Mr. Qi knew about the letter, his face was surprised.

Wen Hansheng's strength was the same as him, and belonged to the eighth layer of the realm.

"It seems that this money help is not easy, maybe we don't need our help!"

Old Qi said softly.

Then his eyes were looking at Xiao Qiushui not far away. At this time, Xiao Qiushui was sitting cross-legged, his body exuding fierce sword energy.

On board the flying alien, Xiao Qiushui has been cultivating, and his body's aura is increasing every day.

"Qiu Shui's talent is really amazing, my Zhengyi Church is expected to add a real self-level expert!"

Old Qi said in admiration.

The faces of the other two also showed admiration.

Suddenly, a huge palm appeared from the void and grabbed the flying alien beast towards them.

The giant hand appeared suddenly, and it was only when the four of the flying alien beasts approached the giant hand that they noticed it.

"So courageous!"

The old Qi rushed out of the alien beast in an instant, and the whole body turned into a huge sword energy, and he rushed towards the giant hand.

The long sword collided with the giant hand, and a powerful air current broke out, directly destroying the flying alien beast they were in.

Qin Lin and Wu Yi guarded Xiao Qiushui from backing continuously, and then landed on a mountain range.

At this time, the giant hand disappeared in the air, and a man in a black robe appeared.

As soon as the black-robed man appeared, a gloomy corpse gas appeared around the entire void.

This corpse energy continued to spread, and the trees in the mountains and forests instantly withered under the spread of this corpse energy.

"The corpse demon!"

Seeing this corpse qi, Lao Qi saw this scene with a look of surprise on his face.

"Kill you to complete the task, maybe I don't need to be in that dark world!"

The black-robed man looked at Qi Lao with a cold expression on his face.

They are imprisoned in the void altar, they want to be free.

"who are you?"

When Qi Lao heard this, his eyes condensed, and the other party was obviously here for them.

"Could it be someone from the Dagan Dynasty!"

He thought to himself.

But the black-robed man didn't answer his words, and suddenly got up and flew up, a corpse gas like a landslide and a tsunami surged from him.

The rising corpse gas turned into a corpse snake with huge wings!


The corpse snake screamed, and as soon as the wings opened, a huge corpse gas emanated from his mouth, forming a huge wave and bombarding Qi Lao.

Looking at the corpse gas coming from the bombardment.

The infinite sword energy erupted from Old Qi.

"The long sword volleys!"

With a low cry, the long sword in his hand instantly pulled the sword energy that burst out from his body, and slashed towards the corpse energy.

Sword Qi volleyed out!

At the moment when the sword aura broke out, his figure leaped into the sky above the corpse snake, and slashed a sword again.

Sword Qi enveloped the long sword, forming a huge sword pillar on the corpse snake.

Under this sword, the whole body of the corpse snake shattered.

"good chance!"

But at the moment he smashed the corpse snake.

A figure appeared behind Qi Lao, and the black robe man shot.

He patted out with a palm, turning his palm into a mountain peak, and patted Qi Lao's back like lightning.

The corpse snake is just a pavement for this palm!

Na Qi Lao's face condensed, and then he slashed out with a sword.

The sword energy was smashed by the giant palm, and the giant palm fell on Qi Lao's body, but a golden light burst out of Qi Lao's body.

The golden light blocked the palm of his hand like a shield.

The tremendous strength still blasted Qi Lao directly towards the mountains, bursting out a rumbling sound.

But the black robe man's eyes became serious.

He knew that the attack just now did not cause any harm to the opponent.


The old man who was blasted into the mountains by him rushed out of the mountains.

Looking at the black robe man with cold eyes, his expression was angry, he had never suffered such a loss.

"You leave first, after I get rid of him, I am reuniting with you!"

The old man surnamed Qi spoke to Xiao Qiushui and others behind him.

This black-robed man is a little weird, so let Xiao Qiushui and the others first.

The protected Xiao Qiushui's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and then spoke to the two of them:

"We withdrew one after another. If the other party does not chase, then we will work with Qi Lao on the backhand to solve the opponent!"

The two people beside him nodded, and then evacuated with Xiao Qiushui.

The black-robed old man's eyes only glanced at the people who left. His task only needs to solve the strongest person in front of him.

Xiao Qiushui and others were trash fish in his eyes, and they could be cleaned up at any time.

However, Qi Lao was also afraid that the black-robed man would chase Xiao Qiushui and the others, and his sword aura would carry lightning, and then this sword aura with thunder-light appeared above the black-robed man like lightning.

Crazy Thunder Sword Qi with terrifying power poured out again.

The thunder and lightning itself has the effect of destroying evil, and under the radiation of thunder light, the corpse energy that had been emitted before began to dissipate.

The black robe man's face began to grow gloomy.

He quickly retracted all the corpse energy radiating outside, and a dark light burst out from all over his body.

Then the entire skin began to become extremely dark, his hands fiercely closed, and then opened in an instant, and immediately countless black silk threads swept out of his fingertips, facing the storm.

It turned into a large black net and moved towards that sword air.


The old man surnamed Qi's sword aura fiercely blasted on the black net, but he was surprisingly unable to blast him through with a punch!

The powerful thunder and lightning sword aura seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and that kind of powerful force hit the cotton.

The old man surnamed Qi frowned suddenly.


Just when he couldn't smash the black net with a single sword, the black silk threads went along with the sword energy and went towards the old man surnamed Qi.

Wrap the opponent like lightning.


Xiao Qiushui and others who were retreating suddenly changed their faces when they met. They were afraid that the old man surnamed Qi would be in danger, and the two next to him wanted to save people.

"Don't move Qi Lao for now, there should be no problem, stay away from here, and then hide back!"

Xiao Qiushui prevented the two from leaving quickly with them, avoiding the sight of the black-robed man.

When they left, golden light appeared on the black silk thread that was wrapped around the old man Qi, just like the scene when the planet burst.

The black thread shattered, and Old Qi held a long sword proudly standing in the air.

The golden light was emitted from his body.

This golden light is actually a kind of sword aura, the sword aura of Qi Lao alone, Gengjin sword aura.

He looked at the black-robed old man and took a deep breath, and the golden sword aura slowly spread out of Cong's body.

And when this sword aura spread, the space around him seemed to be shredded by these sword auras, and there appeared a lot of void gaps.

"Gengjin Sword!"

He put his hands together and slowly raised the long sword in his hand, the Gengjin sword aura that emerged from his body was madly condensed, vaguely forming a great sword!

See here!

The black-robed man's expression condensed, and the two attacks failed to cause harm to the opponent.

He raised his head and looked at Qi Lao who had drawn the sword indifferently.

He knew that he couldn't solve his opponent if he didn't work hard.

A black breath continued to spread across his body, and a black hair appeared on his body, and these hairs were as hard as iron.

Exudes a dangerous breath.

He raised his right hand, and a weird black dragon shadow covered his fist, and the scales of the black dragon emanating from it were extremely cold.

A horrible force gushes out like a tide on the scales!

This tide-like power gushed out of his hand and collided with the huge sword energy from the attack.


Amazing sounds came from the sky!

But the giant hand suddenly changed from fist to grasp, grabbing the long sword that blasted out, and didn't care about the damage from the sword aura at all.

With a fierce pull, with the help of the sword's power, the figure of the old man surnamed Qi was attracted.

His arm was completely eroded by the sword qi of the old man named However, when the old man named Qi arrived, one of his arms slammed into the chest of the old man named Qi.

The old man surnamed Qi was shocked and immediately raised the shield.

But it was already a little late, the pitch-black fist with scaly armor had already blasted in front of him.


Although there is a shield, the shield shatters like an egg when it touches the scaled arm.

The fist hit the chest of the old man surnamed Qi.

The old man surnamed Qi suddenly had blood on his chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, the long sword in his hand also fell down, and his whole body flew out upside down.

The black-robed man would never let go of such an opportunity, his figure flashed, bullying himself up.

The fist turned into a palm and grabbed the head of the old man named Qi directly.

The wounded old man surnamed Qi was shocked, and there was no way to avoid it. At this time, he could only fight to the death of the opponent.

He didn't have any reservations, the sword aura condensed on his fingers.

Then a sword qi sprayed towards the opponent!

The sharp sword aura came before the black robe man's hand, and that sword aura penetrated the black robe man's chest.

The black robe man's figure was tilted, and the palm that he grabbed out was slightly tilted, and he grabbed it directly on the arm of the old man named Qi.

He didn't have ninja pain and prepared to pull off the arm of the old man surnamed Qi with all his strength.

However, at this moment, three fierce sword auras suddenly appeared.

These three sword auras all blasted behind the black robe man at the same time!

The black robe man was just about to make a strong shot, he was directly destroyed by these three sword auras.

The head that was not destroyed, slowly looked back.

I saw Xiao Qiushui who had just left Sandao.

"You didn't even leave!"

After speaking, his head gradually cracked.

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