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Chapter 1968: Return together, Zhantian 4 souls come out

Comparable to the first generation suzerain of the Wild God Sect

Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this.

The first-generation suzerain of the Wild God Sect was someone who fought against Gu Chensha.

Although it is not an opponent of Gu Chensha, but it is a very strong character, this third evil monarch turned out to be such a character.

This inner demon hunter really disappeared.

"It's just this inner demon hunter, I know the three words "hunter" in the back, but the word "inner demon" in the front, I don't know what it means."

Su Hao looked at Lu Xier and said.

Since the inner demon appeared in front, it must have some meaning.

"I do not know about this?"

Lu Xi'er shook her head.

"City Lord, maybe Emperor Zhou will know, just ask Emperor Zhou at that time!"

Abandoned Heaven Emperor beside Su Hao said.


This body is just a Tao body of Zhou Di.

Even if Zhou Di lost this body, it would be fine.

Of course, when they reach their realm, the loss of a Taoist body is not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of prestige.

His eyes turned to the projection again.

At this time, Zhou Di looked at the third evil lord and said coldly: "The third evil lord, when you and I fought, there was no winner. I didn't expect to fight with the Taoist body today."

Hear what Zhou Di said.

Many people moved in their hearts, and Zhou Emperor actually fought against the third evil monarch, and the two were still in the game.

"My body is stronger than yours."

"Seven orifices are not very useful to you. Leave it to me, and I can guarantee that the hundred-year-old inner demon hunter will not shoot against your Yingzhou Taoist realm powerhouse."

"what do you think?"

The third evil monarch looked at Zhou Di and said.

"Within a hundred years, it will pass in a flash. It seems that you have some big moves."

"Seven orifices are exquisite, it is not useless to me. My body can cultivate to this state so quickly, thanks to the seven orifices and exquisite heart."

"Don't say much nonsense, you can win me, I lose, this body will no longer exist, you can take my heart at will."

Zhou Di said coldly.

When he was talking, Zhou Di took a deep breath, and then his hands formed a seal, and the golden figure turned into a streamer and merged into Zhou Di's body.

Of course, when this figure merged into Emperor Zhou's body, a dazzling light erupted from Emperor Zhou's dark eyes, like a fiery sun.

The body also began to change, there was a feeling of glazed golden body,

The mighty energy circulated in his body, and the surrounding space, under the fluctuation of this power, set off a huge wave like sea water.

The eyes of the third evil monarch in front of him changed drastically.

"I didn't expect your body to be able to burst into the power of the body, but it should only be this blow, as long as it blocks your blow!"

The third evil sovereign looked gloomy, the aura on his body was also rising, and the black aura on his body became more and more dignified.

The palm of his hand was imprinted, and between his eyebrows, a black light shot up into the sky, and finally turned into an ancient black giant umbrella.

The giant umbrella is nothing but pitch black.

But the black umbrella that appeared, poured out a violent and fierce aura, which made the hearts of everyone watching the battle palpitate.

"Is Zhou Di this one move to determine the outcome?"

Among the four souls of Zhantian, Dugu Baitian said.

There was a flash of light in their eyes, and the two of them now showed an imposing manner, which gave him a kind of pressure.

Of course, this pressure did not make him feel any discomfort.

Instead, it aroused his inner desire to fight.

"The body of the emperor, the fist of the emperor of all ages, the first style, the king of the world."

Then Emperor Zhou gave a low drink, and there were golden rays of light all over his body.

A huge imperial figure appeared behind him.

In this figure, there is a force with a power that dominates the world.

He punched the black giant umbrella with a punch.


The face of the third evil monarch opposite him changed greatly, and the power of his whole body poured into the black umbrella.


The black scattered under this blow was shaken backwards, and the light around him was dim.

"Emperor Zhou, this body of yours can simply support you to use the Emperor Fist of the World!"

"You want this body to destroy my body."

Watching Zhou Di throw the first punch.

The third evil monarch's complexion changed greatly. He seemed to have thought of something.

"The second style, the fist shakes the world!"

The second punch continued to bombard down, and a crack appeared under the dim black umbrella under the fist.

Under this circumstance, the third evil monarch, a vague figure appeared behind him, and a terrifying darkness enveloped the world.

The figure was vague, but the power displayed was extremely terrifying.

"Dark Emperor Fist!"

The third evil sovereign saw the cracks appear in the black umbrella, and immediately retracted it, and then punched it out.

Welcome the second punch to Zhou Di.


The two of them retreated, but Zhou Di made a third punch.

The third type, Emperor Palace Town Quartet!


A huge golden palace appeared above Zhou Di's fist, the palace exuded the aura of the sun, and it swept away the darkness.

The shadow behind the third evil monarch began to disintegrate under this fist.

"Zhou Di you!"

The third evil monarch roared, but his body was shrouded in the palace.

Let out a miserable cry.

However, Zhou Di's body also began to show cracks.

Look at this.

This blow also seems to have exhausted the strength in his body, and it is impossible to perform at all, the last two styles of the Emperor Boxing of the World.

"you you!"

On the other side, the Ninth Evil Lord looked at this situation and his expression changed greatly.

He did not expect Zhou Di to do this.

Zhou Di's body shattered, and his heart also shattered.

This time his plan failed.

He was unable to obtain Zhou Di's seven orifices and exquisite heart.

His eyes became gloomy.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Zhou was willing to lose his entire and was not willing to give Qiqiao Linglong.

"Zhou Di, I'll let you know what happens if you do this!"

The Ninth Evil Lord's eyes were full of malice.

His eyes could not help but look towards Luo Wang and Chen Wang

Zhou Di's body collapsed, but the two were still there, and he had to slaughter all of them so that he could vent his hatred.

Chen Wang and Luo Wang, at this time, the two gathered together.

They also did not expect Zhou Di to do this.

"Zhou Di ruined your plan, I'll take these two to see what you can do?!"

The Ninth Evil Lord looked at Zhou Di Dao who was about to collapse.

"You can't kill them!"

Zhou Di said coldly.

Then looked at a place.

"You should have arrived at Fudo Hades City, please protect my two subordinates, my other body is coming!"

Zhou Di opened his mouth and said.

When the Ninth Evil Lord heard Zhou Di's words, his eyes narrowed.

At this time, four figures came out from the darkness.

Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, and Chen Zhan.

"Don't worry, Emperor Zhou, there will be no problem with these two!"

Dugu Baitian opened his mouth and said.

"Dugu defeated the sky, don't move the first deputy city owner of Hades City!" Seeing the appearance of Dugu defeated the sky, Emperor Zhou's eyes lit up. The figure dissipates and becomes invisible.

"Do not move the city of Hades, you have to go into this muddy water!"

The Ninth Evil Lord watched Dugu defeat Heaven.

"Today is the day when we don't move Pluto City and make an alliance with Zhou Di. If you kill each other here, you just don't move Pluto City with me!"

"Today I will take you back to the immovable Hades City, and let your inner demon hunters pay the price and take you away!"

Dugu Baitian's icy voice echoed in the air.

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