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Chapter 1967: The 9th evil prince defeated, the 3rd evil prince, the burial of darkness

see this scene.

Some people were shocked, but they didn't expect the ninth evil monarch to come with an arrow.

Everyone's eyes turned to the Ninth Evil Monarch, arrows appeared, and a terrifying wave formed between heaven and earth. A terrifying murderous intent pervaded,'

"What a terrifying murderer!"

When watching this scene on the flying boat, Su Hao felt a chill in his heart.

Staring closely at the ninth evil monarch,

At this moment, the ninth evil lord, with a cold expression in his eyes, raised his hand and shot the arrow directly.


With a violent sound, the arrow headed towards Emperor Zhou, and wherever it passed, the space collapsed, leaving a trace.

Look at this arrow.

That Zhou Di's eyes were also condensed,

"Emperor's body, immortal fist!"

The huge golden figure raised his hand and clenched his fist, not hitting the arrow, but hitting the void in front of Emperor Zhou.


The fist smashed out, the void vibrated, and the arrow stopped instantly.

at the moment of stagnation.

The huge golden figure stood in front of Zhou Di.

The stagnant arrow turned into black light again after a moment, and shot towards Zhou Di.

It just shot on the golden figure.

The arrow did not penetrate the figure, and it remained motionless.

Emperor Zhou raised his hand and grabbed the arrow directly in his hand, and then put it into his own space.

This arrow he wants to take back to study.

"I didn't expect the angry ninth evil monarch to be like this?"

Zhou Di said coldly.

"Catch my arrow. But can you catch my next arrow?"

While speaking, the ninth evil monarch raised his hand, and dozens of arrows appeared in the long bow.

These arrowheads are also flashing with runes.

"Look if I don't smash it, your golden body."

The Ninth Evil Lord lifted his palm, and all the dozens of arrows shot out in an instant, attacking the golden figure.

The arrow was still fast, but the arrow still failed to penetrate his body.

Only this time, when Emperor Zhou was about to put away the dozens of arrows.

The Ninth Evil Monarch snorted directly.


The arrows that pierced into the golden body exploded at the same time.


The huge golden body burst open, and cracks appeared.

After the golden body, Emperor Zhou also felt this power, and he was so shocked that he retreated a few steps.

Immediately afterwards, his hands were sealed, and energy appeared in his palms, and then merged into the golden body to restore the wounds of the golden body.

"This will be passively beaten!"

Looking at this scene, some people thought in their hearts.

Judging from the current situation, Emperor Zhou was suppressed by the ninth evil monarch.

"Emperor Zhou should start to fight back."

Some people spoke up.

"Destroy another body of yours and see how?"

Zhou Di looked calm, but his voice was cold.

Emperor Zhou made a seal on his hands, and behind the huge golden figure, an ancient black circle appeared.

As soon as this aperture came out, an indescribable feeling of oppression spread out.

Not only oppression but also death.

Seeing that black circle of light, many people took a deep breath,

This halo and the golden figure give people a very strange feeling, turning the originally sacred body into a chilling,

But that's not why they gasped.

Because this is one of the five unique skills of Emperor Zhou.

"Dark Era Domain!"

It is rumored that when Emperor Zhou was exploring the Dark Age, he realized the unique skills.

Once shrouded in this dark era, it will enter the endless cycle of darkness, which is one of the methods used by Emperor Zhou to dominate Yingzhou in his early years.


The golden palm also began to change, grabbing towards the ninth evil monarch holding a bow and arrow next to the scarlet human skin.

The Ninth Evil Lord's expression froze.

Feeling something, raise your hand and grab it,

The huge blood-colored human skin that was suspended in the sea of ​​​​blood before rushed directly into his body.

body begins to change

"The nine-turn blood cloud, the blood sea is boiling in the first turn. The sea-born lotus in the second-turn,...the sixth-turn blood sea is reincarnated... The nine-turn blood sea is reincarnated!"

A deep voice came out of the mouth of the ninth evil monarch.

In this voice, a huge blood-colored figure appeared in the sea of ​​​​blood.

The figure rushed out and turned into a giant, attacking the palm of the huge golden figure,


The two forces collided, exuding terrifying power. The void collapsed, and some Taoist experts felt their scalps tingle when they sensed the energy fluctuations.

If you enter this battlefield yourself, it is estimated that as soon as you enter, you will be wiped out.

"Dark Era Fist!"

Emperor Zhou appeared in front of the golden figure, punched out, and terrifying power enveloped the Ninth Evil Monarch with endless darkness.

The Ninth Evil Lord looked at the darkness.

"I survived the dark era, do you think your punch is useful to me?" The Ninth Evil Lord snorted coldly,

After speaking, his figure flashed, rushed into the sea of ​​blood, raised his palm, and punched out,

The two forces collided.

The fist of the Ninth Evil Sovereign was ashes under Zhou Di's fist.

Emperor Zhou's fist fell on the ninth evil monarch,

The Ninth Evil Monarch was once again beaten into the sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​​​blood began to shrink rapidly, all integrated into the body of the ninth evil monarch.

"Zhou Di, you are beyond my expectations."

"If it wasn't for something wrong with my body, I would really have a good fight with you."

The ninth evil monarch looked at Zhou Di and said.

Zhou Di looked at the ninth evil prince, his eyes slightly condensed.

"Third brother, you take action!"

The ninth evil monarch looked at the third evil monarch.

"If I make a move, you will have to pay the price to get the Qiqiao Linglong!"

The figure of the third evil monarch disappeared in front of King Chen and King Luo.

Appeared in front of the ninth evil monarch.

"I am willing to take out three hundred thousand year soul Ninth Evil Monarch said,

"Three, this is the blood!"

When the third evil monarch heard that the ninth evil monarch was willing to take out three hundred thousand year soul pills, light flickered in his eyes.

Why he appeared here is actually for the 100,000-year soul pill on the ninth evil monarch.

at this time!

On the spaceship, Su Hao listened to their conversation and his eyes narrowed slightly. 100,000 Years Soul Pill,

It must be something amazing without looking at it.

"I don't know what the strength of these three evil monarchs is?"

Su Hao said in a deep voice.

"I have seen the introduction of this third evil monarch in the ancient books of Tianxuan Crystal Palace."

Lu Xier said.

I originally wanted to get close to Su Hao,

But I didn't expect this war to break out, and I never found a chance to communicate with Su Hao.

Now she found an opportunity.

"Well! Talk about it!"

Su Hao asked.

It wasn't long before Hei Jue came to Jitian World, and he only knew a little about these ancient forces.

"This third evil monarch, according to rumors, is one of the top ten powerhouses in the dark era, the dark emperor."

"Of course it's just passed on like this, but the third evil monarch, whose external title is [Buyer of Darkness], has reached the extreme for the power of darkness.

"At that time, the third-generation ancestor of the Taishang Jiuqing Guan, the third-generation ancestor, Qingyuan, was buried in the darkness by him, disappeared in the long river of darkness, and the way of life and death disappeared."

"The strength of the third-generation ancestor of Taishang Jiuqingguan is probably comparable to that of the first-generation suzerain of the Wild God Sect."

Lu Xier said.

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