Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1534: Scapegoat, Royal Forbidden Battle

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Hearing Su Hao's words, the little girl's eyes lit up.

Get into the carriage immediately.

"Are you my brother-in-law?" The little girl asked directly after seeing Su Hao.

"Brother-in-law!" Su Hao was stunned when he heard that.

But then he understood what the other party meant.

"If the owner of the jade pendant in your hand recognizes your sister, I will be your brother-in-law."

Su Hao said with a smile.

I didn't expect this little girl to be so lively, she asked for her brother-in-law.

"Ah! Really, my name is Qiu Cai'er, you can call me Cai'er!"

The little girl said with a surprised look on her face when she heard the words.

Then he immediately said, "Then go and save Sister Yue'er."

Hearing this, Su Hao's expression changed, and a fierce pressure erupted directly from him.

The little girl's face turned pale, Su Hao immediately took back his breath upon seeing this.

"Cai'er, tell me well, what happened to Murong Yue."

Su Hao then said.

The blood-devouring magic vine drove the carriage, walked towards the city down the mountain, and took the little girl into the immovable Hades City.

"Okay, the terrifying coercion is stronger than my senior brother."

"Sister Yue'er will be saved next month."

The little girl was afraid that Su Hao's status in Fudo Pluto City would be too low, and he would not be able to save Murong Yue at all.

The little girl hurriedly informed Su Hao of what happened to Murong Yue in Guanghan Star.

"You mean, that Wei Cangsheng is going to kill Murong Yue."

Killing intent flashed in Su Hao's eyes.

"Yes, brother-in-law, hurry back to the Pluto City. Please come forward with your master and go to Guanghan Star with us."

"Or it can save Sister Yue'er's life. When I came, my master calculated that Sister Yue'er was in a coma for about a month."

"It took me more than ten days to come here. If we go back, I'm afraid it will take ten days."

"Time is running out!"

said the little girl.

According to the little girl's analysis, Su Hao's strength is so strong, his master should be a high-level person in Fudo Pluto City.

It should be able to save Murong Yue.

At this time, the carriage had arrived outside a manor.

"Ten days is enough. You don't have to worry. I think you are tired all the way. Take a good rest first."

Su Hao led the little girl out of the carriage.

The owner of this manor is a black-haired Fire Cloud Evil God.

The Evil God of Fire Cloud was the character he summoned long ago.

Previously, he had been cultivating in Fudo Pluto City, and he just came out of Fudo Pluto City.

He is going to experience life in this world first, and seek a seat in Fudo Pluto City.

Seeing Su Hao getting off the carriage, his face showed shock, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Young Master."

"Take this little girl to rest first."

"I have some things to deal with."

Su Hao said.

"Yes, this girl, please come with me."

The Huoyun Evil God immediately took the little girl towards a backyard in the manor.

The little girl glanced at the Huoyun Evil God, her body exuded a surging power, and her realm was the same as hers, which was the realm of the Great Emperor.

But she felt that she was in the opponent's hands, and it didn't seem like she could do it in one turn.

Immediately surprised.

"My name is Qiu Cai'er, you can call me Cai'er, is my brother-in-law the owner of this manor?"

Immediately, she wanted to inquire about Su Hao's situation in front of Huoyun Evil God.

Hearing Qiu Cai'er's question, Huoyun Heretic God didn't hesitate.

"Young master is of course the owner of this manor."

Huoyun Evil God is loyal to Su Hao, although this manor belongs to him, of course it is also Su Hao.

"Really? It seems that my brother-in-law has a good position in Fudo Pluto City. Do you know who his master is? And is there a mistress in this manor."

The little girl began to inquire.

"Master, it is inconvenient to say this, but there is no hostess in this manor."

He Huoyun Evil God has been cultivating, and he really hasn't found a woman.

"You said that there are no women in this manor, so is my sister Murong Yueyue'er the master here?"

The little girl asked again.

"Of course Murong Yue is the young master's wife, and of course the master here."

Fire Cloud Evil God said immediately.

In the early stage, Murong Yue followed Su Hao.

So Huoyun Evil God still knows.

Of course, he only knows Gu Xi'er and Murong Yue now.

"So, it seems that my brother-in-law is quite attentive, so I can rest assured!"

When she saw Su Hao before, she didn't immediately go to find someone, and she thought that Su Hao was hesitating.

Now I hear that this manor has no mistress.

It means that Su Hao is very attentive to Murong Yue and will definitely save her sister Yue'er with all his heart.

After Huoyun Evil God arranged the little girl, he returned to the study in the manor.

Inside the library at this time.

Su Hao's expression was very bad.

A black and white figure appeared beside him.

"Lord, what's the matter with me in such a hurry to come here?"

Black and white absolutely spoke.

He had just separated from Su Hao, he didn't expect that the young master would rush to recruit him.

"There is news from Murong Yue. It's in the Guanghan Palace of Guanghan Star, and something happened. How far is your avatar from there."

Su Hao asked.

Although the little girl said, he didn't feel that there was any problem.

But there are many things that he also needs to investigate on his side.

"Mrs. Murong is in Guanghan Palace, and her avatar is very close to Guanghan Star. You can rush over now."

Hearing this, Black and White showed a slightly surprised look.

"It seems that you know Guanghan Palace, what happened over there."

Su Hao asked.

"A while ago, Mu Chengxue, the master of Guanghan Palace, seemed to have been attacked by the Mo Nianhai to save a Now his whereabouts are unknown!"

"The disciple returned, and he seemed unconscious after returning."

"Could it be that the unconscious disciple is Mrs. Murong Shao."

Hearing this, Black and White's complexion changed.

"It should be, does this matter have anything to do with Murong Yue?"

Su Hao asked in a deep voice.

"This should have nothing to do with the young lady."

"It should be an internal matter of the Eternal Kingdom. Recently, a royal disciple of the Eternal Kingdom royal family will be selected to enter the Eternal Kingdom Royal Forbidden Land."

"Among them, the lord of Guanghan Palace, Mu Chengxue, is the supporter of the eldest princess, and the most favorable supporter."

"It may be that other supporters want to cut off this favorable supporter, so they plot against her."

"The young lady is probably just a scapegoat."

Black and white.

"First send a clone to Guanghan Star, and then I will use the teleportation talisman to enter the extraterritorial star sea."

"Go to Guanghan Star again."

"How long does it take to go to Guanghan Star from the Imperial Court of the Eternal Kingdom, is there a teleportation array?"

Su Hao said.

He has the teleportation talisman from the extraterritorial Xingchenhai, but he does not know where to teleport to.

So he decided to use the teleportation talisman that he had previously obtained from the Imperial Court of the Eternal Kingdom.

"Guanghan Star is covered by ice and snow all the year round. Except for the people of Guanghan Palace, few people enter, and the teleportation array is controlled by the people of Guanghan Palace."

"At this time, the teleportation formation of Guanghan Palace is blocked, and outsiders cannot enter directly."

"If we can make a teleportation formation in the imperial court to go to the stars around Guanghan Star, we can cross the void for a day."

Black and white refused.

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