Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1533: Murongyue Crisis

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Do not move in the city of Hades, in a secret room.

Su Hao is consolidating his cultivation.

The system was temporarily unable to issue missions or sign in, so he just took the opportunity to consolidate his cultivation.

After a while, Su Hao finished adjusting his breath and slowly opened his eyes.

Stand up from the futon.

"My lord, the nine-day succubus came to Jilei Mountain, and she wanted to use the information of the third king of the underworld in exchange for a place to enter the temple."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

"The Third Heavenly King of the Underworld?"

Hearing this, Su Hao frowned slightly, his eyes showing thought.

Shen Ning said after a while: "The battle between the underworld and the ancient underworld has already begun, so we must eliminate the existence of the ancient underworld king."

"As long as he shows the whereabouts of the Third Heavenly King, then it's okay to give it to her."

"Of course the places in the underworld are now allocated by them, and I won't interfere here."

"If it doesn't work, let the rest of the underworld enter the temple with me."

Su Hao now has a teleportation talisman leading to the temple.


Black and white absolutely spoke.

"Original Mountain, and what's going on in the Wanshi Magic Mountain."

"After all, we killed the people of Yuanyuan Mountain, and we also suppressed and stripped the detached breath of Qin Yao, the deputy mountain master of Wanshi Demon Mountain."

"They should have moved."

Su Hao asked.

"The avatars of Wanshi Magic Mountain have already entered, but the main hall of Wanshi Magic Mountain cannot enter."

"It's very mysterious there, and it usually doesn't appear. What's going on, the subordinates haven't detected it."

"As for the Origin Mountain, after the Origin Immortal King returned from the Eternal Kingdom, he disappeared."

"According to his subordinate's guess, he should have gone to look for Lin Yuanyuan."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

"Lin Yuanyuan, have we found out the location of Lin Yuanyuan?"

Su Hao asked involuntarily.

"Ye Qinghan has been investigating, but no trace has been found. This Lin Yuanyuan should have been prepared before."

"It's a little difficult to find him."

Black and white frowned.

"Is that so? Ye Qinghan continues to look for it. I think that as long as Lin Yuanyuan appears again, the person he will deal with should be Ye Qinghan."

Su Hao said.

"I'll pay attention here."

Black and white refused.

Now Ye Qinghan is completely separate from him, so he arranged it.

When Su Hao spoke, he stepped out of the secret room.

Just when Su Hao stepped out of the secret room.

A dark aura came from the void, accompanied by this dark aura.

A voice came into Fudo Pluto Castle.

"Wanshi Magic Mountain came to visit Dugu Deputy City Lord, please see."

It was a very clear voice, the voice of a woman.

Hearing this voice, Su Hao frowned slightly.

I just mentioned Wanshi Magic Mountain. Now that the people from Wanshi Magic Mountain have arrived, why is it a woman again. "

Su Hao was puzzled.

"Master, Wanshi Moshan, the subordinates have investigated that there are three deputy mountain masters, two of which are women. This person should be Lu Ya, the deputy mountain master of Wanshi Moshan."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

"Since the other party is looking for Mr. Dugu, then we won't go."

Su Hao didn't care.

Dugu Baitian now presides over the immovable Pluto City in the astral world, and Dugu Baitian handles all matters on his own.

He plans to leave Pluto City today and walk outside.

Outside the city, the blood-devouring vine had already prepared a dragon-elephant carriage and was waiting for Su Hao.

Su Hao sat in the carriage, and the Blood-devouring Demon Vine drove the carriage and headed down the mountain.

At this time, a woman in a goose-yellow robe appeared at the foot of Fudo Hades Castle.

The woman is petite and looks like a loli.

It was the little girl who was with Murong Yue.

She was swaying under the unmoving Pluto Castle, as if she was trying to find a way to go up the mountain.

"Two big brothers, I really have something to do. I want to go up the mountain. Please let me go up the mountain."

The little girl stood in front of the two guards and said flatteringly.

"It's not that we don't let you go up the mountain, you see so many people want to go up the mountain and join us in the city of Pluto."

"But we have no plans to recruit people here, little girl, I think you should come again next time."

One of the mountain guard disciples said.

"I really came to find someone, I have a token."

The little girl took out a jade slip from her bosom. This jade slip looked very ordinary, so it wasn't anything unusual.

The guard looked at the ordinary jade pendant and frowned slightly.

"Little girl, this is just an ordinary jade pendant. Even if it is a token, we can't help you find someone."

The guard shook his head.

Cai'er, who was wearing a goose-yellow robe, was also helpless. When Sister Yue'er was caught by the people from Mo Nianhai and fled back, she was in a coma.

But the palace lord who went to rescue her did not come back.

After the palace master's eldest disciple, Wei Cangsheng, returned from a serious injury, he immediately arrested the unconscious Murong Yue.

"It is said that Murong Yue colluded with the people from Yu Mo Nian Hai to plot against the master, and to execute Murong Yue after she wakes up."

Cai'er was anxious at the time. , and found a close-fitting jade pendant on Murong Yue's body.

After traveling thousands of miles as a teleportation array, he came to the city of Pluto, hoping to find the person Murong Yue said.

But when she came to Fudo Pluto City, she discovered that Fudo Pluto City was not so easy to enter.

She tried to break in a few times.

But the killing formation outside Hades City made her feel frightened, so she could only beg the guard at the foot of the mountain.

Su Hao sat in the carriage, closed his eyes and meditated.

Powerful mental power, the surrounding situation and what happened, all the details, all into their own mind.

Suddenly his complexion He saw the jade pendant in the hand of the girl in the goose-yellow robe, and there was the breath of Murong Yue on the jade pendant.

Of course, it was because that jade pendant was given to Murong Yue by Su Hao when he was a playboy.

"How can the jade pendant be in the hands of this little girl."

Su Hao was puzzled.

Immediately notify the blood-devouring magic vine and bring the little girl over.

The blood-devouring vine stopped the carriage and walked to the guard.

When the two guards saw the blood-devouring vine, they immediately bowed and saluted: "I have seen your lord."

Although the blood-devouring vine is not famous in Fudo Pluto City, it is also very simple in clothes.

But the waist card he was wearing was the Unmoving Pluto Order.

Visible status.

"Little girl, our young master wants to see you."

The blood-devouring vine said.

The little girl saw the guard salute the blood-devouring vine, and even saw the blood-devouring vine saying that someone wanted to see her.

There were some murmurs in my heart.

But she heard the other party say that the other party's young master sees him.

It must be a young man, is it because of his own figure, Miss Ben, she is very arrogant.

The other party took a fancy to himself.

But thinking about it, he might be able to find the person who Murong Yue spoke of by relying on the other party.

"Sister Yue'er, Cai'er is ready to sacrifice a little color for you!"

This little girl has a lot of thoughts in her mind.


The little girl followed the blood-devouring vine to the front of Su Hao's carriage.

"go in!"

Blood-devouring Demon Vine Road.

Arriving in front of the carriage, the little girl was a little timid.

"Don't worry little girl, I just want to ask about the jade pendant in your hand."

At this time, Su Hao opened his mouth in the carriage.

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