Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1521: Violent confrontation, Cao Wuyan died

"A very terrifying weapon, such a strong negative despair energy, ordinary people simply cannot resist."

Guangchengzi, who was watching the battle not far away, had a condensed expression and said.

"Despair, wronged soul, how many people did this Underworld Evil Lord kill to condense such a terrifying weapon."

The white-browed man frowned slightly and said.

"Then Cao Wuyan's aura was weakened, and the power of endless reincarnation was suppressed."

Duobao, who was on the side, said.

Then his eyes stopped and he said: "Not only is Cao Wuyan's aura suppressed, but the evil spirit of Xie Zun is also recovering."


when he speaks.

The true body of the evil **** behind Yagi was directly integrated into his body, and the heart of despair was suspended behind him.

"Kill you first, then take the endless reincarnation."

The Eight Qi Evil Gods took action, and the billowing evil energy bloomed all over the body, submerging the whole world.

The heart of despair in his hand rises into the air, suppressing the endless reincarnation in space.


At the moment when the endless reincarnation was suppressed, the Eight Qi Evil Gods exuded monstrous divine might all over his body and transformed himself into an ancient evil god.

Punch out.

Cao Wuyan's complexion changed, and he wanted to mobilize the power of endless reincarnation.

However, it was discovered that the endless reincarnation was colliding with the desperate heart of Yagi Cthulhu.

Couldn't help him at all.

He can only mobilize his power to confront Yagi!


This time, he couldn't resist the punching force like the ocean.

The whole person was shocked and flew out, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

He looked at Yagi Evil God in horror.

Like the Eight Qi Evil Gods, he is also a powerhouse who comprehends the aura of a catastrophe.

But why is there such a big difference.

For a time, many people couldn't believe it, and they were also puzzled in their hearts.

"This Cao Wuyan only realized the aura of a catastrophe with the help of endless reincarnation, and it is still a little strange to realize it himself."

"What's more, this Underworld Evil Venerable, although it is only a robbery atmosphere, it can split into eight."

"It's normal for Cao Wuyan to lose under the circumstance of reincarnation being suppressed."

Horror relative to others.

Guangchengzi and the others understood the profound meaning.

"Failed, this Cao Wuyan is defeated. Once Wuji Samsara is retrieved, his strength will inevitably drop."

Xuandu looked at Cao Wuyan who was vomiting blood and shook his head.

Just as he was speaking, the Eight Qi Evil Gods stepped out.

Looking at Cao Wuyan, he said in a low voice: "Your strength is too poor, without endless reincarnation, you are a waste."

The voice fell, and the whole person slaughtered towards Cao Wuyan.

Cao Wuyan was startled.

His face was furious, his aura soared, his hair fluttered in disorder, and his body was full of blood.

"The Wrath of the Dragon!"

Cao Wuyan roared loudly, and punched out a fist in his hand.

A huge ghost dragon appeared on his fist.

Minglong is huge, roaring up to the sky, exuding a death-like breath all over his body, roaring lowly, and attacking the Yaqi Evil God.


This statue appears to be a ghost dragon and the fist of the Yagi Cthulhu collided with each other.


Under the fist of the Eight Qi Evil Gods, the dragon was directly shattered, and Cao Wuyan's body was severely injured again and flew out.

There were many cracks in the body, and blood burst out from the cracks.

But the reincarnation real body appeared behind him, directly absorbing the power of heaven and earth, stabilizing his injury.

"Death star burst."

The moment the injury stabilized, Cao Wuyan roared and attacked the evil **** of Yaqi.

When he shot, a gray star appeared behind him.

The stars appeared and bombarded directly towards the Yaqi Evil God.

The moment the stars collided with the Hachiki Evil God, they exploded, and a huge dark cloud appeared in the sky.

"Evil God Slash!"

In the explosion, a low voice came, and then a terrifying figure emerged from the explosion.

It is the true body of the evil **** of Yagi.

He directly split the black cloud of the explosion into two and smashed towards Cao Wuyan.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, reincarnation is endless, burial!"

Cao Wuyan didn't expect that his move would not inflict any serious damage on the Eight Qi Evil Gods, so he roared again.

The endless cycle of reincarnation formed in the air, attacking and killing the Yaqi Evil God.

boom! boom!

Two powerhouses who understood the aura of robbery fought in the air.

After a while, Cao Wuyan's body was bombarded again.

At this time, a huge blood hole formed in his chest, and blood flowed out from it.

His face was pale, and behind him he found that Samsara's true body began to disintegrate.

As long as Duan De is here, the true body of the evil **** behind him is only a little dim, and there is no trace of scars. ,

Cao Wuyan's strength is not as good as the Eight Qi Evil Gods.

"Cao Wuyan is about to lose, I don't know if he can leave alive."

Bai Mei looked at the scene of the sky and said in a deep voice.

"Just now, as long as he gave up the endless reincarnation, he had a chance to leave, but he didn't give up, and no one could save him when he was courting death."

Duobao said coldly.

"He is the aura of catastrophe that he comprehended through endless reincarnation, and he can't give up at all."

"Abandoning endless reincarnation, his first robbery breath is not pure, and it is impossible to comprehend it later."

"He must ensure that the endless reincarnation is under his control, that's why he is so desperate."

Xuan Du said in a low voice.


The two fought again, and at this time a shocking blood flower bloomed on Cao Wuyan's body.

Two huge blood holes appeared in his chest again, and the Samsara real body behind him was also cut off in half.

It seems to disappear at any time.

The aura of Yaqi Evil God did not weaken in the slightest, but instead became more terrifying.

Looking at the severely injured Cao Wuyan.

The Eight Qi Evil Gods punched out again.

Punching out, the surging evil energy, like a river, was deafening, and attacked Cao Wuyan.

Cao Wuyan's eyes were frightened and he wanted to resist.

But the boxing realm he blasted out was instantly disintegrated and disappeared under the blow of Yaqi Evil God.

Eventually fist to fist collided.


His arm burst and turned into a cloud of blood that floated out in the air.

Cao Wuyan screamed, and his body turned into a **** light and fled into the distance.

But the Yachi Evil God would not give him this chance.

Raising his hand is a palm, then Cao Wuyan is about to escape into the void and suddenly collapses a huge vortex of stars.


With a scream blood mist erupted from the whirlpool.

the other side.

The endless cycle of confrontation with the desperate heart of the Yagi Cthulhu, paused for a moment at this moment.

At this time, the Eight-Girl God appeared on the endless cycle of reincarnation.

Press the palm directly.

Cooperate with the heart of despair to suppress this endless reincarnation.

Forcibly put away the endless reincarnation.

Then the figure transformed into a stream of light and rushed into Su Hao's flying boat.

On the flying boat, Su Hao's ear sounded the mechanical sound of the system.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the endless reincarnation, 2 14-level crystal lottery cards have been awarded, which have been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

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