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Chapter 1520: Demon Soldier, Heart of Despair

At this time, the original Taoist Palace.

The masters of the Three Great Dao Palace are now gathered together, and Fangcunshan's white eyebrows are also among them.

They are negotiating about the underworld.

Venerable Duobao always wanted to test the strength of the underworld, and wanted to have a fight with the underworld.

Look at the real strength of the underworld.

But Xuandu and Baimei have some scruples, so they haven't decided what to do for a while.

Suddenly, their expressions changed at the same time, and they went in the direction of Jilei Mountain.

"There are people who comprehend the aura of catastrophe, who are they?"

Among them, Venerable Duobao said with a condensed expression.

"Go and see!"

Guangchengzi said beside him.

While speaking, he waved his hand, and a space gap appeared.

Several people stepped into it.

When they reappeared, they were already in a place outside Jilei Mountain.

Seeing the two fighting each other, the expressions of the four of them froze at the same time.

"Cao Wuyan of the Cao family of the Xingchenhai outside the territory, he actually came to the fairyland, who is the person who fought against him?"

Among them, Guangchengzi said in a deep voice.

"Should be from the underworld?"

Bai Mei saw the Ming Zun Duan De in the void not far away.

"Underworld, catch a question and you'll know."

Duobao, who was beside him, raised his right hand to grab, and a figure was caught in front of him.

The person who was caught was pale, and when the giant hand appeared just now, he didn't even have the slightest resistance.

"Who is fighting against Cao Wuyan?"

Duobao asked in a deep voice.

"Previously, it was Ming Zun who fought against the underworld, and now it is the underworld Xie Zun. They want Cao Wuyan to reincarnate endlessly."

The man said quickly.

I am afraid that I will be pinched to death if I say it too late.

"Underworld Evil Venerable?"

Duobao looked at Baimei, and with a wave of his right hand, the person in front of him had disappeared.

"Underworld Venerable Duan De, I've seen it before, but I didn't expect an Evil Venerable to appear?"

Bai Mei said in surprise.

"Duobao, if the other party can kill Cao Wuyan, then we don't need to test."

"This Cao Wuyan can be regarded as helping us."

Guangchengzi looked at the scene in front of him and said.

"Then wait for them to take care of Cao Wuyan first."

Duobao said in a deep voice.

at this time.

In the sky, the Eight Qi Evil Gods are just like coming out of the Nine Serenity Abyss, and they are extremely fierce.

The Evil God's real body behind him didn't shoot a palm, and they were all as heavy as mountains, as if they were going to smash the sky and the earth together.

The reincarnation of Cao Wuyan was behind him, and he held Shimen and collided with the palm of the real body of the Eight Qi Evil Gods.


The two forces collided, and the palm of the evil **** was directly smashed by Shimen.

Then he stepped back, and the stone door in his hand leaped out of his palm.

"Infinite reincarnation, reincarnation suppression."

He gave a low drink.

The power of heaven and earth rushed towards the endless reincarnation, and the endless reincarnation exuded a terrifying aura.

This breath of general Eternal Realm powerhouse can't stand it.

The Samsara real body behind Cao Wuyan stepped forward.

The palm is imprinted on the endless reincarnation.

Carrying the huge endless reincarnation, he moved towards the Yaqi Evil God to suppress it.


Seeing Cao Wuyan who was shooting, the Eight Qi Evil God's eyes narrowed.

Then there was a gleam in his eyes.

"The eight gods come together to shock the galaxy!"

With a low voice, the void began to tremble, and eight strands of black mist emerged from the void behind him.

At this moment, the world became like the end of the world.

The eight evil gods emerged from the black mist, each hundreds of feet high, exuding breath, making people directly breathless,

Immediately, boundless evil energy reverberated between heaven and earth like a tidal wave.

The strong breath of death radiates endlessly,

"The real body of the eight evil gods."

Seeing the eight evil gods gather behind the eight evil gods.

The eyes of the spectators were horrified. They did not expect that the Underworld Venerable would be able to display the true bodies of eight evil gods.

The Eight Qi Evil Gods have seven souls, and together with themselves, there are a total of eight souls.

When he was in the real body of the evil **** of the soul, he actually realized the real body of the evil **** before he even got to the soul.

The last time he made a shot in the sea of ​​stars outside the territory.

Therefore, there are many exercises that he cannot perform, so he plans to use the real body of the Heretic God to directly suppress the opponent.

"The eight gods come out and ban the world."

In the gloomy voice, eight figures behind Yaqi Evil God struck at the same time.

When the attacks of these eight figures converged.

A huge force was formed, rushing towards the endless cycle of repression.


The two forces collided, causing waves in the sky.

"The eight gods are one, burying the world."

Before the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, an icy voice came from the air.

The eight huge figures gathered together, a figure of thousands of feet.

A punch slammed into the endless reincarnation that was attacking.

At this time, Cao Wuyan's palm turned into a huge gear in endless reincarnation, and it slowly crashed down in the void.

It collided with the eight gods and eight gods.


The whole world shook, and an overwhelming force erupted from the place where they collided.

Space collapses.

A space gap that was dozens of miles wide suddenly appeared in the sky.

Not far away, the sky that was still full of thunder and lightning suddenly seemed to stop.

Hundreds of miles of Jilei Mountain, the peaks, were shaken by the aftermath of this force and collapsed directly into the collapse.


In the void, as the current master of Jilei Mountain, Meng Wanjie watched this scene, the rune appeared in his hand, and the defense of Jilei Mountain was activated.

But this defense almost collapsed under these two forces.

The white-robed man beside him immediately stepped forward to help, so as to stabilize this great formation from being destroyed.

"If they continue to fight like this, I am afraid that Jilei Mountain will be destroyed."

Meng Wanjie's face was gloomy.

"It won't be long!"

The white-robed man said in a deep voice, staring closely at the two sides fighting in the air.

He was one step away from comprehending the aura of the realm.

Maybe you can perceive something from the fight between the two.

After one hit.

There was no winner or loser between the two sides, and the true body of the evil god, who was one of the eight gods, seemed a little dim.

But Cao Wuyan's complexion was a little pale, and the use of endless reincarnation cost him a lot.


Cao Wuyan let out a loud There was a huge absorption force in the endless reincarnation.

Integrate all the evolution of heaven and earth into his body, so that the places consumed in his body can be quickly replenished.

Then he held the stone gate and attacked and killed the Eight Qi Evil Gods.

At this moment, a demon soldier emitting this terrifying demonic energy appeared in the hands of Yaqi Evil God.

As soon as the Demon Soldier appeared, Heaven and Earth suddenly let out a wailing.

An aura of despair spread between heaven and earth.

"This? Why do I feel a kind of despair rising in my heart, as if it is about to shatter..."

At this moment, the spectator said with a horrified expression.

Heart of Despair: A demon soldier created by the innocent broken hearts and wronged souls of tens of thousands of people who died of the evil gods.

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