Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1497: Blame the blame, steal the ancient spirit

"Lord, that is Tiangong National Teacher Leng Wushuang."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

During this period of time, Black and White collected a lot of information.

Especially some of the forces that have some grudges against Pluto City, the main characters among them, Black and White Jue, have all made files.

Tiangong National Teacher Leng Wushuang is the number two person in the Tiangong.

It was the person he wanted to pay special attention to, so he recognized Leng Wushuang at a glance.

"Tiangong National Teacher Leng Wushuang? He is also here, Tiangong, Jinzun Luohan Temple, Void Sacred Mountain."

"Is someone trying to figure it out, or am I going to figure it out for them?"

Su Hao thought to himself.

There are other forces in the ancient land, plus these three people.

Among them, the one with deeper grievances is Tiangong.

Although there are some conflicts in Void Sacred Mountain, there is no time to fight.

Jinzun Luohan Temple Tianji Lingshan forces, but there is no conflict for the time being.

Su Hao was thinking in his heart

"Black and White Jue, follow along and have a look."

Su Hao said to Black and White.

Hei Jue's strength has been cultivated to the third level of the Eternal Realm by himself, and he can still check the situation inside.


Black and white absolutely melted into the ground and entered it to investigate.

Things were a little different than he imagined.

He doesn't know now.

Are these three forces in the same group with the four of them in the ancient land?

This time I came mainly to take away the ancient spirit, not to fight.

Although he has the strength to crush, but Su Hao doesn't want to be calculated by others.

"Lord, there is a kind of restriction in it, and that restriction, in conjunction with this ancient sacred mountain, should be able to suppress the human breath at the peak of the eternal ninth level."

"In this void, there are still three people."

"These three people should be the masters of the calculation."

Gu Chensha's figure appeared beside Su Hao and said.

When he was talking, he waved his hand and an image appeared in front of Su Hao.

"The strength of these three people is at the peak of the Eternal Ninth Layer."

Gu Chensha informed the strength of these three people.

"The peak of the Eternal Ninth Layer, with the four people outside, once the strength of Youhabach and Emperor Qitian is suppressed, they are indeed not opponents."

Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Just don't know what kind of power these people are?"

Su Hao pondered in his heart.

"Can Mr. Gu get back the thirty-six drops of the ancient essence?"

Su Hao asked.


Gu Chensha said.

Hearing Gu Chensha's answer, Su Hao rolled his eyes.

I don't know the situation of these people. If they kill all of them, it will not be clear who designed him.

But if they take away the primordial essence from their own side, they should show prototypes.

"Mr. Gu, you turned into a Leng Wushuang figure and took those thirty-six drops of the ancient spirit."

Su Hao said.

The light in Gu Chensha's eyes, a figure walked out of him, turning into a cold and unparalleled appearance.

Hiding his breath, his figure sank into this ancient land and headed towards the cave.


This figure appeared outside the cave, looked at the restriction in front of him, and punched out his palm.


The restraint around the cave was blasted out of a hole with a punch.

Gu Chensha raised his hand and grabbed it, taking the thirty-six primordial spirits into his hands.


The four people who were stationed found that the ban was fluctuating, and instantly punched the hill below, and the hill cracked, exposing the cave.

But the ancient spirit essence in the cave has been caught by Gu Chensha.

I didn't look at a few people at all and just fled away.

"Who, who, took away the ancient essence."

The four were instantly furious.

They did not expect that the Primordial Spiritual Essence was stolen.

"Follow there!"

A low roar sounded from one of the mouths, and a purple light suddenly enveloped everything around.

He rose up into the air, and then punched out.


The huge fist strength turned into terrifying rays of light, slashed to the ground, and the surrounding ground suddenly began to collapse.

But Gu Chensha's figure was already out of his attack range.

At this moment!

Just stepping into the ancient land of the Void Mountain, Wuwuyue and Buddha Kasyapa looked at Leng Wushuang at the same time.

They don't understand how there are people here.

Leng Wuduian's color changed, and his figure immediately rose into the air, rushing towards the place where the energy exploded.

"You go back first!"

The monk Nakasyapa instructed the monk behind him.

He and Wu Wuyue immediately followed.

When they arrived, they found four people coming towards them.

They saw Leng Wushuang.

One of them snorted lowly: "It was you who took away the primordial essence, handed it over, and handed it over to spare you from dying."

When the man was talking, he punched Leng Wushuang and them.

The punch was extremely explosive.

The golden statue of Buddha Kasyapa of Luohan Temple saw the attack and came punching, his face changed, and a huge Buddha appeared behind him.

The Buddha appeared, and a mudra greeted him.

The two forces collided, emitting aftermath power, causing the surrounding leylines to collapse, and the ground above it was like waves, undulating.

"Old bald donkey, dare to fight back, kill!"

The man who shot this column shouted when he saw it.

The four of them protected the Thirty-Six Primordial Spirit Essences, and losing it was a huge loss to them.

Must get it back.

So he made the ultimate move as soon as he shot, leaving the three people behind first, and then talking about the next thing.

The purple light in the hands of the shooter shook, and the purple air in the sky pressed towards the three of Leng Wushuang.

Seeing such a situation, Leng Wushuang seemed to have thought of something, his expression changed, and then he became ruthless.

"Who are you? Dare to attack us!"

When he was talking, he also shot instantly.

"There are tears in the sky and the earth, covering the sky."

He gave a low drink and slapped it out.

Countless raindrops appeared in the sky like teardrops, covering them from the sky.

Every teardrop carries the energy that cuts everything.

Towards the four who came to attack the past.

He is going to start a war.

Looking at the performance of these four people, it can be seen that thirty-six drops of the ancient spirit have been stolen.

Who is the one who stole it.

He didn't even have to think about it, the people who didn't move Pluto City must have taken the thirty-six drops of the ancient spirit.

This time the plan has failed.

This time Su Hao was completely different from the previous one.

They all miscalculated.

Now he can be sure that the people of Pluto are still around.

Observe the situation here.

He couldn't let the people who didn't move Pluto City think that they were a group with the four people on the opposite side, and he wanted to take out their Heavenly Palace.

So as long as you fight, you have to really fight, and you will not show mercy.

Only in this way can the Heavenly Palace be taken out.

After picking it up, let the city of Hades not move and go to trouble them.

Boom down and teardrops form a waterfall and fly down.


The world was crystal clear, and countless teardrops collided with the bombarding fist.

The energy collided, the sky and the earth darkened.

But as the teardrops continued to appear, the four of them were enveloped.

The four who shot were furious, and they threw their fists again, trying to break Leng Wushuang's move.

"The essence of this place should have been taken away. The opponent's strength is not simple. Let's evacuate first."

After Leng Wushuang trapped the opponent with one move, he quickly transmitted a voice to the two beside him.

Hearing Leng Wushuang's voice transmission, the expressions of Buddha Kasyapa and Wu Wuyue changed.

Don't linger, turn around and leave.

The strength of these four people is in the Eternal Ninth Layer. If they fight, they will lose something.

light pen


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