Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1496: Gathering Taikoo Divine Mountain

"The people in the shadows may be dealing with the Heavenly Emperor and Youhabach."

"Did they dispatch robbery characters?"

Su Hao frowned slightly.

The characters with the breath of robbery are definitely a big boss according to reason.

After all, the emperor of the Canglan Empire is the master who comprehends the aura of robbery.

"Who's counting on me?"

Su Hao frowned slightly.

"Emperor Canglan?"

Su Hao thought to himself, but shook his head.

Emperor Canglan really understood that he was very domineering, so he probably wouldn't use such means.

What's more, his clone was defeated by Youhabach, and it should be fair and above all to play against Youhabach.

"You set up a teleportation array over there, I have to wait and go."

Su Hao ordered.


Beside him, Black and White said with a bow.

"Thirty-six drops of the ancient spirit, the other party's handwriting is really big enough, this is not afraid that I will not be moved!"

Su Hao murmured in his mouth.

In my heart, I thought about who was planning.

The next day!

Su Hao got up from the bed.

After coming to Prince Ming to say goodbye to Prince Ming, he left the capital of the Dayan Dynasty.

In a high-rise building in the city.

Tiangong National Teacher Leng Wushuang and Di Qinglei from the Divine Court of Death were looking to leave Su Hao.

"They left and didn't go to the Taikoo Divine Mountain. You seem to have miscalculated."

"That's not necessarily true. As far as I know, they have taken out thirty-six primordial essences."

"I don't believe that Su Hao is not moved."

Leng Wushuang said softly.

"What, you said they took out thirty-six drops of Primordial Essence."

"They are?"

Hearing Leng Wushuang's words, Di Qingliu's face showed shock.

She didn't expect the other party to come up with such a handwriting.

"I'm going to see the emperor, and when I finish this matter, I'll join you."

After Leng Wushuang finished speaking, his figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

Seeing Leng Wushuang disappear, Di Qing said with a tearful sigh, "It seems that you also want that ancient spirit."

at this time.

Dayan Dynasty.

In the palace, Ming Wuyan was standing in front of a middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe.

The man in the yellow robe has a restrained breath, and he does not seem to have any imperial majesty, but he is the emperor of the Dayan Heavenly Dynasty.

"Father, the young city lord of Fudo Pluto has left, and my son has something unknown."

Ming said without a word.

"Why do you think the father, the emperor, didn't meet this young city master Su?"

Emperor Dayan said.

"Yes, Su Hao is the young city lord of Fudo Hades City, and has been in charge of the affairs of Fudo Hades City."

"He came to my Dayan Heavenly Dynasty, and the royal father should see him."

Ming asked inexplicably.

"The City of Fudo Pluto is very mysterious. Their city owner has never shown up. This Su Hao has always been in charge."

"The second city lord has appeared, but he only came out once, and then disappeared. It's very mysterious."

"With such a force, we Dayan Celestial Dynasty, we should not touch subtlety for the time being."

"What's more, according to the second ancestor's calculations, this does not move the city of Hades, it may be a force in the last era."

"This kind of power involves too much. The ancestors are not there. It is better not to contact them for the time being. Just let the third one contact them."

Emperor Dayan said.


Ming nodded silently.

"Also, there may be a battle in the area of ​​the Primordial Divine Mountain. You can arrange for someone to take a look."

Emperor Dayan then said.

"There is a battle in the Taigu Shenshan?"

Ming Wuyan had some doubts.

"Someone has set up a plan to plot against Su Hao. I don't know if Su Hao will go."

After Emperor Dayan finished speaking, he waved his hand to let Ming Wuyan leave.

Ming Wuyan was stunned at first, but then he understood what Emperor Dayan meant.

Another place.

in the palace.

Inside a closed palace. .

Leng Wushuang appeared, gently pushed open the gate of the palace, and stepped into it.

In the hall, a huge Dharma body was suspended in the palace, exuding coercion.

"Heavenly Emperor's true body."

One of the exercises of the Heavenly Emperor.

"What happened?"

A voice came out of the huge body, which was the voice of the Emperor of Heaven.

"The emperor, the Magic Mountain of Wanshi, and the Cao Family of the God of Death joined forces to use thirty-six drops of the ancient divine essence in the ancient mountain to set a trap, which will not attract Su Hao in the city of the underworld."

"I'll lead the Jinzun Luohan Temple and the Void Sacred Mountain to see if I can figure out the ancient spirit."

Leng Wushuang opened his mouth.

The Cao Family of the God of Death, and the Demon Realm of Myriad Beginnings.

They found Leng Wushuang, but they didn't decide to give them the ancient spirit inside.

The reason why he invited Jinzun Luohan Mountain and the Void Moon of the Void Sacred Mountain was for the thirty-six drops of the ancient spirit.

Once Jinzun Luohan Temple and Void Sacred Mountain knew that they were being used, they would definitely not be reconciled.

I will definitely want to reduce my losses, and the thirty-six drops of the ancient spirit must be fought for.

In that case, Wanshi Moshan and the others would definitely not be able to take away thirty-six drops of the ancient essence.

at this time.

After Su Hao and the others fled into the void, they disappeared.

They were teleported to the Taikoo Divine Mountain.

After they arrived at the Taikoo Divine Mountain, one appeared in the void.

A group of monks in cassocks.

These monks all exude this golden aura, all of which are the cultivation base of the Buddhist Golden Venerable Arhats.

The strength is beyond the bounds.

The headed old man's upper body and torso are shriveled, but his eyes are bright and his strength is at the ninth level of the Eternal Realm.

"Buddhist, is it Tianji Lingshan?"

Su Hao frowned slightly and thought to himself.

"My lord, these people are from Jinzun Luohan Temple. They are one of the five strongest affiliated forces in Tianjiulingshan. They are the first old monk and Kasyapa Buddha."

On the side of the black and white absolute road.

"Could it be that the people from Heavenly Vulture Mountain are plotting against us?"

Su Hao said softly.

While he was speaking, a beauty in palace dress appeared, and it was precisely in the Dayan Heavenly Dynasty that the moonless moon appeared.

"Wuyue, you are here, wait for us to clear the evil spirits in the periphery first, and enter the ancient land together."

That headed the Buddha Kasyapa and said.

"I have seen Venerable Kasyapa."

After Xiao Wuyue bowed slightly to the old monk, she stood there.

When she came, people who already knew Jinzun Luohan Temple would come.

After Venerable Kasyapa finished speaking, he stepped forward with people, spit out white light, and an ancient scripture poured out.

A gigantic Buddha was selected behind him. The golden Buddha was shining brightly, and it seemed that he wanted to save all beings and purify everything.

Behind him, several people from Jinzun Luohan Temple also chant at the same time.

The appearance of the Buddha's body is a little worse than that of the Kasyapa Buddha, but it exudes a surging Buddha's light.

For a while!

The Buddha's light soared into the sky, and the sound of Zen formed a waterfall that generally swept away toward the gray area.

A passage was opened up in the gray evil spirit over there.


At this moment, a wave of terrifying energy appeared in the evil energy, like an ocean wave, sweeping towards the opened channel.

Suppressing the Buddha's Light the old monks have nothing to do.

But some monks beside him almost stopped chanting.

Seeing the changes here, Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

The performance of this Jinzun Luohan Temple is not like setting up a situation for him at all.

But why are they suppressing these evil spirits?

Wouldn't it be better to go straight in?

"King Kong subdues demons!"

At this moment, the old monk gave a low voice, and the Buddha's body appeared behind him with a palm.

A golden circle of light was formed, shrouding the previously opened passageway.

Block the approach of the surrounding evil.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the void, and it was Leng Wushuang who came from the Tiandi Palace.

light pen


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