Shut-in Magician

600 baking and red rice with potato dough

When I received the scales and bones and finished, I hurried to the baking place.

The women were tired of waiting, and they said in front of him, "Do you want to bake it already?" or so he said.

I apologized to them, adjusted the fire, and threw it into the bread, including a strange form.

They also made Aurea, but cute (?) It was in the shape of a rock bear.

I was wondering if he would deform a bear in this world as well, but seeing it burned, he said,

"Hurray! Cute!!"

And I was happy.

It was a cat, everyone looked at each other and shut up. I'm glad I didn't have to say anything extra - and I guess I was in a hurry on the inside. Of course, Siu.

By the way, bread preferences diverged greatly.

The men surprisingly preferred something white and soft, and the women preferred black bread with rye in the hard type.

They say it's good to eat. The taste is also deep, so I think I know what it feels like.

Men seem to feel happy with their fluffy touch and sweet wheat. Men also liked confectionery bread.

Interesting stuff.

By the way, Garelado seemed to decide on the big premise that everything in the staple was a good type, if the meat fits.

In the afternoon we had discussions about making rock pig bacon, how to take eggs to how to keep cocatrice, or how to hatch them and grow them, to make life inside better.

I have already given Wespel notes in their words on how to sow fields, how to plant seedlings, etc. I can't help but give it to the women who do the fields, because some people can't read it properly. I tried to explain to them by writing a picture.

"And, hey, I can even grow beans in cold land, so I thought I'd make them."

"Azki? Um, you're not like a big bean again."

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll make some rice and sweets with beans at last."

Red rice and potato mochi. I plan to plant sweet potatoes as well, so it would be good for treats.

I can't make mochi rice, so I just have to buy it in the outside world, but the storage bags are gradually increasing, so it should have been easier to buy it out.

Explain how to make it zah and talk again while you're making it.

"Sweetness is important, too. Sugar nourishes the brain. The brain is what I think. Especially warriors. They need sugar."

"What about honey?

"Ah, nice! The truth is, beekeeping is good."

"In the village of Geheimnisdorf, I have things to share because I'm teaching. It's just not much, so it's for babies."

"You can't honey your baby."

"Oh, really?

I think so in this world. Previously, when honey was evaluated, several fungi were discovered, although the names were different. Even if I could digest it if I was an adult, I don't think it would be possible for a baby.

If you can hang purifying magic for sure, you'll be fine, but you don't need to take it that far, and it's dangerous in the first place.

When I explained those things, I was stunned.

"So you don't have a baby"

"You said my mother's lack of milk was nutritious."

"That's right. Mother, you have to be nutritious."

"Okay. You're nutritious!

"That's why it's not good to eat too much, is it? Eat in moderation, exercise in moderation. No strenuous exercise."

Wales and the women nodded to the point of becoming.

"You should also stop honey on pregnant women. And the liver I've described in the meantime, but it has to be properly put through the fire. If you're not sure how to handle it, you might want to supplement it with vegetables and make it a regular beast."

"I mean, you shouldn't eat in a way that breaks your stomach,"

Exactly. Because sometimes the Dragon People eat the meat of the Warcraft raw.

"Then what shall we use honey for? You're gonna put it on bread?

"That's good too, but if it's less, why don't you mix it in bread and bake it"


"Yes. This kind of thing."

From the magic bag, the honey was removed from the hard-baked bread.

"It's a hard-baked bread that adventurers carry as a preserved food, but I'm putting honey in there. And some of them are nutritious by mixing walnuts and walnuts."

"Wow, that's hard"

"Speaking of which, an adventurer I helped a long time ago had something like this."


With all due respect, they are eating together at the end of the day after correcting the roasted bread.

"You're toothed, I like this."

"I'm a little stiff."

so Xiu taught him the back moves.

"If you let it contain water and do a little healing magic, I'll plump it up. It's still delicious when you warm it with fire attributes magic."

"Oh, really?

"When I say restorative magic, what is it? What were you gonna use?

One water and one light attribute level would refresh it, but few people seemed to use it as a composite move.

Tomorrow I'm going to be teaching you about magical composite moves.

In the middle of the conversation, the red rice was cooked. I also cooked the beans, so I'm going to turn this one over. Steam sweet potatoes too and mix them with a single chestnut flour made from potatoes to make them cake.

"Sweet vegetables are sugar, is that all you need?

"My tongue would be surprised if it was too sweet. And sweet potatoes themselves, so much so."


As we rounded up the steps, more participants saw if it looked fun. When I spread out the potato mochi and put my penis in there, it seemed like more fun.

Except for Wale, he's a little clumsy, weird-shaped dough.

I finished steaming the red rice beautifully, so I decided to serve this one at night.

The snack is potato dough.


"It's delicious. Oh, it's so complicated, it's so delicious."

It's not complicated at all, but Siu shut up wisely.

Red rice was both positive and negative. It was divided between those who did not like the touch of beans and those who said, on the contrary, it was good.

Garelado said it was rare and delicious. The saltiness may have been good, but it makes me horny to see you eat well. He doesn't like cereals.

Its cereal, but eating this gave me a feeling of fullness, so the dragon warriors, in particular, offered to help build the field.

Naturally, it is most important to look around outside and work as a warrior, but even they can take home rotten soil, for example.

Especially since he says that simultaneous crop pruning when the crop is fruitful is difficult if not done by General Li, it's a good thing that he feels like joining us.

A young man named Kirkulus, also a young representative, has often asked Xiu about the field.

"So the water shouldn't be too much, huh?

"That's right. Because it causes root rot. I'm giving Mr. Wespel what I wrote down in detail, so read it."

"No, I can't read Royer."

"Ah, I write in the letters of the Dragon Nation. I finally wrote it in ancient languages, so you'll be fine if you know which one."

"... can you even write the letters of the Dragon People? You're amazing."

"I know the ancient language, so it was surprisingly easy to remember the dragon people's letters derived from that stream."

Rather, I want to boast that I still remember Japanese and can write it. That letter had so many characters that it seemed "crazy" to live in this world. And how many of those combinations were there? Well, I think it's something I've been remembered for.

But because I have that memory, it's surprisingly easy to remember the letters and things in the world today. It was easy to understand, given the significance of the bonding.

"Once you remember it, you'll get it."

"Hmm. It's like a warrior's move"

I am convinced that it will be done.

He is also a "strong individual" of a calm nature among young people, so he says he is a future elder candidate. Garelado, who was a strong individual as well, has an Aurea case and is down from the candidate.

Those two, but there was no pan, and I was just happy to see a nostalgic face.

"Garelado had a hard time out there, too, didn't he? Got a new move?

"Not as good as those inside. Oh, my detectability is up."

"What? Did you go up more than that? So how about the time of Rubelmska's extermination?"

"Hey, don't talk about Lubermuska when you're eating"

"But it's Wale."

"Yes, sir. The warrior idiots should work together later. More than that, rice."

Kirkulus and Garelado were pushed away from near the table, and the wales were lined up by women.

"For the most part, when you're eating, you keep talking about warcraft and all that stuff about moves."

"Yeah, you're right"

I get it. I get it, I agree. Don't turn against women.

"More than that, the field. So tasty potato mochi dough? If you can eat, I'll do my best."

"Oh, I'll help you too!

"Aprilis! Thanks. That's my best friend, please."

"Instead, lend me that knife next time. That would definitely cut off Gigaslana's tongue."

"... you use my precious knife to kill such a frog bastard?

Apulis also seemed to be a brain muscle. He talked about a fight he shouldn't have.

Gigaslana is about a giant poisonous frog, and Rubelmska is about poisonous beasts, but there seemed to be a lot of dangerous warcraft in this forest.

Some warcraft I don't seem to remember seeing in classes or books, so I kept eating one person's dinner thinking that the research was something I would love to see.

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