Shut-in Magician

599 Ancient dragon scales, bones in storage

The next morning, I was in a baking class with the Wales and the others, and Sonus, Wespel, and Garelado came.

"Then just mold it. Seeds are important, so be careful what you save."

"Okay. You can do whatever you want with molding, right?

"Yeah. But I can't bake anything very bizarre. Imagine making it."


The women went back to a table made of stone looking fun. I also made the baking, so I plan to bake it after molding.

As Siu left the women, Sonus grinned and Wespel alternated between Siu and the women in a bitter laugh.

"Oh, and I know they're women, too."

"You must be a woman, right?

"The Dragons fight as warriors, even women. In fact, Garelado's mother and sister are also dragon warriors."

They also do an equal look around the woods, and if they have a fight against the outside, they jump out first.

It is also an amazing story to say that a female dragon warrior engages in a death battle with a warcraft.

"It's also gratifying that the culinary arm is rising. Thank you very much for the field and the capture of Cocatrice."


"I have heard from Garelado a thank-you for what he did. I wanted to thank you at least."

"I was supposed to thank you for coming to see me in here, so that's enough."

"No, that doesn't fit. I don't have the right balance of payments."


"Of course, you know perfectly well that there is nothing in us. So don't hesitate."

Haha, and I scratched my head.

Even if they say thank you, there's nothing I really want. Shiu mostly has it, and horns, tails, and "dragontails" are things you shouldn't touch.

I am also well aware that I should not say that I want to go to a blank land that is a grave mark.

"Wespel told me you wanted scales of ancient dragons."

"Yes. If I could see you, I'd like to see you and negotiate with you."

"... as always, think absurdly"

Garelado sandwiched his mouth in a tone that shook from the side. But somewhere, there was such anxiety about his body that I was happy with his gaze and attitude.

"Hmm. You weren't going to ask us?

"Oh, do you have one? Um, but it's gonna be important. I know how much and how much the scales of ancient dragons are worth."

With that said, Garelado stroked Siu's head. Siu looked up surprised by his uncommon attitude and laughed because his eyes were loose, albeit expressionless.

"By the way, I can feel signs of tremendous intimidation from the volcanic side, but I knew you lived there?

"Oh, you noticed, Siu"

"I knew it. I thought so, didn't I? When I heard about Rock Salt Mountain, I felt it hanging with detective magic, and I thought it was bad, so I ran away."

Siu, immune to intimidation, but he felt the signs were firm.

"... when you went hunting for Cocatrice in the meantime"

Garelado leaked his sigh. In the meantime, Sonus and Wespel were finally exhaling like that.

"Lord Siu or the ancient dragons over there are dangerous. They say the rock salt mountain blew up because of the raging around. You'd better stop approaching."

"Oh well. At the very least, I was hoping there would be some remnants of rock salt."

I don't know if it's falling out of scale, but I'm pretty sure it was in a corner of my mind, so I'll keep quiet.

"... Lord Siu is surprisingly a mess."

"Lord Wespel, it's not surprising that Siu looks like this and thinks that he doesn't have a thump, and he may act as he wishes. It was a lot of help, but it was more of a surprise."

"Well, I didn't know Park Min-Jen of Garelado would be surprised."

Sonus laughed and continued to Garelado in a teasing tone.

"Looks like we have a good friendship. A young man who thought he was a chick is making it, and we're cheap, Wespel."

"Sounds like it. Kirkulus is also growing up. With the addition of Garelado, my Dragon Nation can regain its former prosperity."

When they say prosperity, they mean more children. If the reform of the dietary situation goes well, it will make it easier for the women to become pregnant, and will the clan rejuvenate?

"Yes, I missed the point."

Sonus turned to Siu again. Serious look, golden eyes. The eyes were thoughtful and also seemed to peer deep into Siu's heart.

In fact, I guess he was sure about Siu.

I changed my expression all the time and smiled.

"Ancient dragon scales are actually like people's hair."


"I mean, it's easy to get out"


"It seems like we used to make fine workmanship out of it because it's falling out of the dust if we noticed. Fine works made of ancient dragon scales were sometimes a contribution to the royal marquis nobility. People treated it as so expensive, but in the first place, it's hair."


"Since we lost our ancestors, we wanted to keep them as relics, but therefore did not allow scattering, and kept them inside. But naturally, I used it to fold something because things are good."

"For example, my knife is also made of dragon scales"

Garelado showed me. It's the usual knife that I use to scold warcraft. The sheath is made of regular, regular leather.


Once appraised, the scales of the ancient dragons, were out.

"And these things will last for hundreds of years. I inherited mine more than my grandfather, but my grandfather also inherited it from his grandfather."

"... I mean, the scales are still quite a few, are there?


Sonus nodded with a proud face, grinning all over his face.

"There's no such thing as making one or giving it away."

To Siu, who said he would pay the consideration, he told me that this was a legitimate gift and an equivalent.

Wespel also told me that this is about as natural given that I would have once given it to Zoimer-Albatross as well.

So don't hesitate, I got scales.

"Wow, that's a beautiful color"

Their ancestors, the ancient dragons, seemed pale. It looks blue and clear when it shines in the light.

"I don't need to use this for medication."

I held it up with both hands and Ferres flew in and looked up at the same place as Siu just drooling his covetousness.


Open your mouth and watch.

"No, I'm not giving you this."


Sweetened, but I can't give this away. If I was running away laughing at the damage, Wespel suggested it.

"There are debris fragments that come out when we make fine workpieces, but we use them for decoration. If you like, I have something processed and made, so let's give it to all the naughty ones."

"Uh, okay?

"Of course I did. Give it to one, and the rest will be lonely."

That would be because I saw the little ones looking at the scales as equally pompous behind Ferres.

Eventually, I was going to get four of them, including Siu, processed into the necklace. Aurea seems to have had it, and she seems happy that it's about time.

Siu gave me three scales in beautiful condition.

One is enough to use as a medicine, and the amount I can get from it is about ten people, but if I have production magic, it seems to have distracted me from trying to process something else.

By the way, I was shown its hidden warehouse replacement location, but the scales were lined up narrowly, leaving behind the fangs, teeth, and skin of another individual. They decorate themselves with these things or create them as weapons.

And it seems to remain much superfluous because the warriors trying it will inherit what they used.

It's also hard to process, so you think it stays buried while the high level of production magic doesn't come out?

"I don't care if you take what's in it."

"Uh, fine, fine. No body."

"We have no use for bones. Store it elsewhere than in this land and it will revitalize the Warcraft, so we will have to collect it."

"Really? I didn't know..."

"It's a flavorful material for a warcraft, even when it's boned."

It doesn't seem like there are magic vegetables out there for that.

When I appraised it, it was treated like steel for some reason.

"This is a material that is very easy to pass through magic. Much higher purity and hardness than misrills and hihi-irokane... looks like it would be hard to process"

"Uhm. In the past, I also had high levels of production magic, but processing was impossible when it was about the size of a bone. Though, I'll take the place. I wish I could."

"... If that's the case, I think I'll have it"

"Oh, that would help. Every time, we had to tie the line to the big picture, and it was tough."


If I was bitterly laughing at that intention, Garelado would also stop at the elder Sonus with a frightened face.

"I ask you not to say anything else about the size of Siu's magic bag."

"I know. Magic bag, is it?

Apparently, Sonus is often told that Siu is a high level player in space magic. but he promised me that he would pretend not to know.

Thanks to this, large bones and the like, which they described as just troublesome even if they had, were mostly moved to Siu's space vault.

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