Shut-in Magician

567 New confectionery and bread shows, cooking classes

Shvikzam looked like he couldn't wait and stood in front of the door.

He was aware that Siu was here, and he waited jizzily here. Looks like a dog. I won't say that. Anyway, they're birds.

"Were you on your way home? I missed you because you're late."

"Uh, no more sweets?

"... it's true I missed you. I still have sweets."

"That's right. I'm sorry."

"... no, I also wanted sweets"

To be honest, I laughed. He is a lovely holy beast.

She previously said that she wanted to try the dishes made by Siu besides the treats, so this time she decided to have them eaten at midday.

First, I move to the magic bag while explaining the treats.

"What's that?

"Donuts. It's a treat made of wheat. I divide it between fried in oil and cooked. Fried in oil is a good belly and delicious, but you're sticky. If you want a light meal, try the baked one. Chocolate hanging, creamy, stewed apples, jams and cream."

"... I want to try it now"

"Go ahead. Which is better?


"The simple thing is, it's basically sugar-coated. It's moist inside, crisp and sweet outside."

"Okay, I'll do that"

My eyes look happy. Even though my face is faceless.

Eating puffy, Shvikzam lowered his eyes.

"... this is delicious too"

"I guess."

His eyes tell the story without telling.

After that, I went to put it away while explaining the cheesecake made of corn flour, etc. next to the one I was still eating.

I told my maid Karen I didn't need lunch and the three of us decided to eat it.

No, three and three, precisely because the Ferres and the others are together.

"This bread is delicious!

"Really. It's very soft and sweet and delicious"

"You're moist. It's not even hard."

"Yeah, look at this. If I pull it, the fabric stretches!

Until now Karen has not been the kind of woman who talks from herself in modesty, but eating dinner with me made her look different again.

I am excited and share my thoughts with that and this.

"I like this bacon epi."

"Salty food was ok, too."


"I guess that means it's okay"

"Mm-hmm. I'm fine."

I was also happy to eat rye bread with walnuts.

Schwiekzerm seems to prefer something salty for cooking. I choose soggy bread over sweet bread or vegetable bread.

Hamburgers also seem to prefer fish burgers with tartar sauce and chicken fried burgers with salsa sauce over sweet and spicy sauce.

This time it focused on the bread system and vegetable salad, soup, etc. So I put curry rice, hamburger, oyster fried, and salmon miso roasted in a magic bag.

The sauce also wrote something explaining the flavor and added it.

Explain to her because Karen can be trusted more than Shvikzam, who hasn't heard much about it.

"Well, so this curry is a little hard, huh? Hamburg has a few sauces, yes."

He nodded seriously and also wrote in a note for himself.

Meanwhile, contrary to its appearance, Shvikzam kept eating as if to indicate he was still going into his stomach.

After dinner, when I tried to go home, they pulled me off.

Two, I remembered talking to the Kingsguard knight when I was coming, and my sympathy grew wondering if I was lonely.

"Do something, play?

"When you play. Is that me? Hmm, I can't imagine."

"I guess. Shvi seems to like being confused."


I'm already confused at the point where I'm not angry with Siu's story.

"Oh, I'll try my best to cook for myself?

"Does the Holy Beast cook?

"... there isn't."

Laughing, Shvikzam thought for a moment and shook his head no.

"Let's try. First of all, you have to try. Otherwise, I'll have too much free time while you don't come."

"... well, it's good to make a hobby"

I answered appropriately, but Shvikzam was shining his eyes.



"Hobbies, hobbies, how nice that sounds. All right, let's go!

Oh, shit. I pushed the switch, I thought it was too late.

Motivated Shvikzam left the room so I decided to follow him.

He arrived in the kitchen with several Kingsguard knights and a maid of honor.

Karen called in the person in charge on behalf of the cooks as they watched in a far-flung fashion.

"Is there a small, independent, usable kitchen somewhere? Master Shvikzam would like to cook."

"Uh, yes, eh!?

"Don't you have enough space in the corner to make sure it doesn't bother you?

The head chef, the head of the kitchen, etc. who seemed to be on top of it, was coming out and making his eyes black and white.

We talked to each other a few times and decided to ask him to lend one of the spare kitchens, pinching his mouth from the side because he started stepping up to empty the main kitchen so he didn't want us to get that far.

There are a few of these spare rooms, and a helper will come and use them when there is a big dinner party at the Royal Castle. Just fine, so I decided to borrow it.

I was called out to help, but I said no because I just teach the perfect amateur how to cook.

He seemed very intrigued, but he seemed afraid of his Holy Beast Poenix opponents and could not speak any more. I left the spare kitchen.

However, I decided to borrow only the ingredients.

Just in case, I asked Karen to make a note of it as an expense for the Holy Beast.

First I asked what I wanted to eat. Start cooking practice with that as your goal.

"Uhm. That's right. The bacon epi was delicious. The sandwich with the eggs is also soft and delicious"

So I understand that if I were to go in through the bread, I would eventually be able to make confectionery as well.

"You can have royal palace bread seeds, but you prefer mine, don't you?


"Then I'll split my yeast bacteria for you. Instead, if you don't take care of it, you'll die, so be careful."

"And die? And what about Koobokin..."

On the side Karen also took notes looking interesting.

At any rate, I asked him to come if anyone had time to cook at the Royal Palace and work as a baker.

You should also ask the person to handle it.

The man who came to be called by the Kingsguard knight seemed to be a full-time man, not a young man, no matter what he saw.

I was still worried that you would listen to my child Siu, but for some reason he listened favourably from the beginning. Besides, Shvikzam said in his head, "?" He read the air and asked me questions and seemed very distracted when I was filling them in.

"So you maintain them while growing yeast bacteria and mix them up to make them into bread seeds. Does this fungus swell when used as much as it does?"

"The fungus handled in the royal castle doesn't swell very much, does it? I like stiffening people in this country and people in Delf, and I think that fits. It's just that Shvi seems to like to be soft, so I'll offer this one."

"Hmm. Plus, the idea of swelling powder to use for confectionery is pretty interesting. You'll learn."

"I don't know."

When I told Shvikzam, who was going to be obstinate, that I should weigh and pinch all of this and ferment it, I said that I wanted to do that soon, so I proceeded with the work.

"So let the baker handle the timing and timing of primary and secondary fermentation, huh? It's funny if you get used to it one of these days. Then let it ferment."

"What's that?

"I'm magically speeding up the fermentation time. I usually take the time to put them to sleep."

"Mm. Tell me too."

"Fine. Later. We'll even mold first now."


It's childish, so I thought I'd make it the most fun mold in baking and then teach you the basics. The task of identifying, kneading, twisting, and making the bread one at a time was indulgent.

"Oh well. You put bacon in there and then you twist it. The cut, um, went too deep."

He seemed to enjoy making bacon epi even though he said bumps and messing up other cheeses prepared by Siu and mixing them up.

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