Shut-in Magician

537 Raw food and chase hunting

By the end of the human meal, the Ferres and the others had returned.

While clearing up the depression of the Holy Beasts and the Horsemen, it seemed like we had been playing and everyone was getting along.

It's easy to call back, and I spoke to Ferres with comm magic, but even if I can't reply, I know about what you're talking about with sensory metastases, so I asked.

"He said he'd get a good meal."

and so on.

Nature is simple, because of the beast.

Everyone is happy to be back.

Sometimes the humans still serve drinks and rest after meals, but in the meantime Xiu behaved to the horseman the guts of the rock pigs served on the plate.

For some reason, Shvikzam also stands beside Siu and looks at Ji.

"Want some?"

"I'm not much but sweet."

With that said, I'm a little intrigued.

"Have you ever eaten an organism?

"... um"

Then suddenly it won't be possible? But Karin and others,

"I've never eaten anything so good!

And somehow he was human-shaped and devoured. Um, I want you to stop looking at this for a second.

"Karin, aren't you beastly shaped when you eat?

"What, do you? I thought people could eat a lot."

"... I don't think it matters much. I guess."


He followed Siu's words honestly and returned to the appearance of a lion.

There was only a beautiful looking young man and he was afraid to devour his guts with that white spotless look. Well, I don't know if you look like you're eating in a beast shape.

"Why don't you get used to Shvi gradually, too? At lunch, I'm talking about sashimi, fresh fish, but I'll feed you."


"If you want to eat sweet food, you have to eat meals without a thousand times. I don't know about a biased diet because it's a holy beast, is that it? But I wonder if the beast is just meat."

"Because rare beasts are omnivorous, you can go live with meat alone, but you'll certainly have to eat vegetables too"

Shvikzam said something decent.

"Oh, good. Well, Ferres eats everything, and he eats a lot of vegetables, so his skin is glossy. Ah, hairy gloss. Anyway, I'm just feeling better."

"Speaking of which, it seems more beautiful and more physically capable than it seems to be a fae race"

Yes, but when Siu laughed proudly, he was bitterly laughed at by Shvikzam.

By the end of their meal, the human break will be over, and they'll just clean up and have their rides mounted again.

It's been about forty minutes since we hurried, and time is pressing.

"As a result of the detection, most of the herd is moving to the western meadows. Some of them have reached the Elsia River, so we hunt belated horned cows after these herds."


"The direction is there, in case you want to think about it and go home individually, the landmark is"

"From above, we're going for Wang Du, right?

"Yes. Good luck without saying you're scared"

Okay, let's go! and pointed in the direction of travel.

Instead of raising altitude because it's on the meadow, I let the horsemen increase their speed.

A few of them were noisy, but if they weren't quiet, it would be dangerous for the horsemen to lose focus. Poor thing, but I can't help it. In fact, it's not a good idea to shout out on an unfamiliar horseback.

At that rate, after going on for about an hour, I discovered some horned cows lagging behind from the herd.

I asked Ferres to raise the altitude, check it overlooking, and then back, Vincent was narrowing his eyes.

"Can you fly that high?"

"Even a course of flying dragons can fly. You only have training."

"I think about when it falls when it's too advanced."

"If you fall even low, you'll die."

Everyone is mistaken, but if they fall low or not, they die, even if they fall off the roof on the first floor.

"Right. When you think about it," safety balls for falling "is a handy thing."

"Right. By the way, we'll start the chase, shall we put it down somewhere once?

Send a glance backwards in chills. It's a foot wrap.

He also understood Vincent, and snorted bitterly.

"I'll take care of it. You said you wouldn't mind the hunting method at first, would you?

"Go ahead. Whatever you want. Let's gather in front of that rock."

Even when it comes to meadows, there are small forests, and there are rocks and streams. The view is just good, so I'm just saying it's roughly a meadow, and there were several rest points.

As Siu stepped down to the spot he pointed out, the foot clumps waited.

"I don't see any sign of the Warcraft, but I'll tell these kids to keep an eye out because they'll be scared while they wait. And I'm going to leave some magic props behind."

"Ah, yes"

"Because I write here how to use it. But it's okay, because if there's any danger, these kids will call me, and I'll be on my way."

Everyone is blue for some reason, even though I'm explaining it with a smile on my face.

Vincent, still riding, was sighing in the back.

"Not really, don't threaten him, Siu. These people have little or no experience hunting."


"Besides, it's only a big hunting experience lined up"

"Uh, really?"

The hunt originally came from military exercises, so that could be it.

Being princed is probably the safest place to go through without knowing what's going on around you.

As I got a little pathetic, I told him that everything was an experience.

"Don't worry. A much stronger horseman than you are protecting me!

"... Yes"

I meant to say I'm fine, but somehow I got very depressed.

Vincent is laughing behind him, and while confused, Siu gave the riders instructions.

"You have to protect these people. I'll give you a snack later."


"Call me if there's anything dangerous. If you don't think you can make it, you can carry it. Oh, don't drop it."


"Yeah, okay, okay. Nice boys."

The face of the foot clump was getting bluer and bluer, but there was no time for follow-up, so Siu also rode Ferres to join Vincent and the others waiting.

When he gave some instructions and found a place to push him, Siu jumped off Ferres and rode the flying board.

Ferres was a pushing clerk, so he was allowed to move freely, and Siu was thorough with those who viewed the whole thing.

I don't even need to make acrobatic moves, so I carry Clo and Blanca, but I was intrigued and moving myself out of the oblong string.

"It's pretty hard to balance. I knew it was on Ferres and on the flying board, not at all."

It is surprisingly difficult to maintain due to the longer lag time.

Assuming what the adventurers were going to do if they were going to ride, they started hunting for Vincent and the others when they thought about whether it would be better to rethink how they could make the lag easier or increase their balance training.

They also knew from what they were carrying, but they use bows and arrows.

Some Kingsguard knights can use magic, manipulating the horseman while chanting. He seems to be able to do it because he's a knight who thought he was the best rider on the beast, while in an unstable place.

While Vincent gives the instructions, he releases an arrow at the horned cow that Ferres has driven in. Sounds like a demonic prop bow and arrow and has great power. The wind-assisted arrows plundered the heads of horned cows.

"Too bad."

If I hit it, I'd have been stopped moving. I would have been able to overthrow it even if I couldn't kill it.

It still seems difficult to eject from an unstable horseman.

Vincent seemed to be thinking the same thing, directing him to find the rock that was going to be a scaffold and get down there. It doesn't seem to keep the two of us waiting and aiding.

Vincent turned this way, so he knew what he was trying to say, and Siu gave instructions to Ferres.

It's like pushing him towards the rocks.

However, the horned cows are in a state of panic because they just failed.

Not only that, but there are a lot of riders in the sky, and they're being pushed to disrupt their footsteps.

Ferres alone was tough, and Siu also helped push him by running a flying board that was slowly stalling him.

Going around a few times, the stream finally came out and one horned cow slipped away. Ferres is pushing it away successfully. It's just fine tuning to keep them off the rocks while letting them head for the rocks.

I understand this hunt very well.

Eventually, a stable knight formed over the rocks and had his body held down, unleashed an arrow. Now he stabbed him in the head successfully, and the horned bull fell down with his leg hanging on.

Vincent and the others rush to stop him.

Though I didn't go until I dropped my neck, the swordsmith was brilliant.

To them in despair, Siu offered to help immediately. Even if I cut my neck, my heart is still moving, so I suggested I drain the blood right now.

In the meantime, they magically scaffold together, and with powerful rope they make horned bull feet and turn them upside down.

It was the horsemen who pulled it up. No matter how powerful the horseman is, it is thanks to the pulley made by Siu that he can hold up a heavy horned bull. Vincent was the only one who realized how awesome it was, but I knew I didn't have time, and I never pinched my mouth.

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