Shut-in Magician

536 Prince and Kingsguard Knights Rate

Early in the morning on the windy day, I left the care of the horned cows to my youngest men, and Siu took a carriage up to the royal castle.

He was smoothly taken to the Riding Beast Departure Station, where he found Vincent of Norinoli in riding clothes. Norinoli is because he's motivated, and he never danced. It's just, you know, it was so fun to see clearly, and it was rare to see unfamiliar riding clothes.

The Kingsguard knights were a little tired. I guess I didn't think they'd wake me up so early in the morning. Some people still didn't seem to have half their eyes open.

"Um, is Shvi going, too?


"Heh. Well, let's get His Royal Highness on board -"

"There's no way a man can ride a luxurious body like mine."

There's no such thing as people can't ride the Holy Beast, so I guess I'm just a choice at last.

As Shvikzam put it, it was Levé who had been towed away by Vincent. That's the face I found out when I looked closely.

"Is that it?"

As he tilted his neck, he had not yet been put on a riding belt, which transformed him into a softly human form.

"It's Karin, I knew it!

"Long time no see."

"Yeah. I'm glad I wore my clothes properly, too"

"When I did this, no one looked weird anymore, even as I wandered around in my human form. Thank you."


Did no one pay attention just to weird faces? As Siu was frightened, Shvikzam told him with his chest stretched out beside him.

"We have no shame! Humans are inconvenient."

"Oh, yeah."

I mean, nobody cared until they pointed it out. Only Shvikzarm was wearing clothes because he's the head of the Holy Beast, or maybe because he's often human shaped, but he was wise enough to get in.

"You were taken by the royal palace."

"That's right. Here you will be given a room, and you will not be stared at or touched by the weird ladies. Very comfortable."

That's right - and I was responding with a dry laugh, and Just, Vincent's lead secretary, came and whispered softly.

"The treatment of Holy and Riding Beasts seemed too bad, and we receive them from places other than the former Earl of Fermer with unplugged audits and so on. I can't remember common sense even if I leave it to Master Shvikzam, so I am gradually educating myself by creating a countermeasure squad, and I think this is a good training."

I mean, take it and act on it, I guess.

Siu nodded silently.

When Siu rode Ferres, the other faces jumped up to follow him aboard the Holy Beast and the Horsebeast. The Kingsguard knights are manipulating the horseman, albeit somewhat inexplicable.

By the way, Schwiekzerm was sitting behind Vincent. I mean, he's on the rave.

While experiencing the fun of Holy Beast riding the Holy Beast, Siu led the squad toward Ciana Avenue while allowing Ferres to try to fly fast.

That also means that Siu is the only member with the most hunting experience and knows the place. It was irresistible for the puller to be Siu.

If at least one cavalry member was mixed up, I would have left the command to him, but that happened because he was solidified by a close guard with no march experience.

There are also some foot clumps, which are just anxiety elements from the beginning.

Those foot clumps were still raising their voices while they were on the move.

"Ha, isn't it too expensive!?

"Dear Just, if I fall, please, Father, give me the suicide note."

The secretarial group was going a little crazy, and Siu was about to hold his head. Why did you follow me? And it makes me wonder.

For once, the Second Secretary left some of his squire behind, but Just, his squire, and his squire followed him, who didn't hear him say he was really beside him.

Besides, I have a boarding beast from a Kingsguard who's not as good as he is on his own.

Extremely dangerous.

The conversation was disturbing, even though Vincent had made everyone wear "safety balls for falling", but no one believed in their efficacy.

"I still had a book I wanted to read..."

"It doesn't matter what happens from this height, does it, Captain?"

"I should have done more riding practice"

To the last dialogue, it did snort, and proceeded yucky.

Although I have just lowered altitude slightly from around the exit of Wang Dumen, I do not go to the ground shavings because I want to break the forest section. He pulled the Holy Beasts and the Horsemen while maintaining the sky as much as possible.

Vincent was just riding from an early age, and I guess he even worked out, manipulating Karin firmly.

The trunk is also sitting tight and stable.

You left Knights School, or you seemed to have some experience training with Knights Beasts.

"Wouldn't it be hard to let it fly slowly? When you arrive at your destination, would you like to fly?

When Xiu asked side-by-side, he narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Xiu.

"Slowly, huh?"

"Yes. Karin seems to get depressed, too, because it suits people who are slow. Ferres has always been so puffy."

"Hmm. Right."

"In the meantime, in the meadow in front of Ciana Street, we'll take a break. Let's free the horsemen up a little there. Humans seem to need more rest, and they're just fine."


Having asked, Karin was asked to aim ahead to show at this pace, and Shiu and the others went backwards to push a pair of lagging moods or to chase away anyone trying to lower altitude.

It was less than four hours after flying off the Royal Castle that I stepped down to the meadow in front of Ciana Street.

Since it was late morning breakfast and other times, I started thinking about them who were tired and preparing meals. This time, Siu is supposed to have such dietary related. Otherwise, it will be a great place to follow even the diner.

Because the weather is nice and I don't need a roof, Shi 'a and others lay carpets without making them. Of course the ground is tidy, but that's all.

Although Justo was slightly stunned, he felt unenforced from the relief he had stepped down on the ground and never complained.

"Go ahead. Please all sit down and wait. I'll serve you a meal, but I'll free the Horsemen first."

"No, but don't get away with it."

A Kingsguard knight with vincent named Alan panicked.

"I'm not running away. Yes, let go of the line."

I just took it away and then also removed the fastening of the riding belt.

"Fast, right"

"If you take care of this much, you'll get used to it. Yes, everybody, play. Come on! I'll give you a rock pig gut later."

"Gah! Gah!


Wow, and I was happy to fly away. I asked Ferres to take care of everyone.

Looking back, there was Vincent, who was quick on the carpet with a nearby guard who was stunned, and then, for some reason, a shvikzerm dressed like he forgot he was a holy beast.

I thought I would be eating breakfast, but because there were many Kingsguard knights that it was too early to pull it out, I take every pot out to give it to you in earnest and put it on a plate.

"On one plate, several dishes"

Vincent was observing from the side with a seemingly unusual face.

I hear his squire, Garrio, is not willing to listen even though he cautions you to sit down.

"We also employ this method in the dining room of the Seeker School of Magic, and this makes it easier for each other because the dishes are just one thing. You can order more than you want."

"As long as it takes."

"By the way, in the march of the royal aristocrats, I heard there was a dedicated tent and a full course of meals, is that true?

"No, some of them may have, but we all spent equal time in the Knights School"

"So you're one of them who ate the same pot of rice."


"Uh, it's old rhetoric. So, when you eat the same pot of food, you get a sense of intimacy, and that leads to solidarity when you say you have to."

"Oh, you mean that. Hmm. Good word."

Siu handed the plate to Vincent, thinking it was still just the prince and he was somewhere to relax. Gallio was peeling his eyes behind him, but Siu chuckles.

"The hunt is the same. I'm not going to do that at last. Therefore, Your Royal Highness, please keep receiving it and eat it."

It's the first one instead, and that doesn't seem to bother Gallio.

"But the poison sight"

"Yes, sir. Mr. Gallio is second, then. If you don't hurry, Your Highness will."

"Oh! Wait, wait, Master Vincent!!

Gallio was in a panic with the tone and attitude of a slightly familiar appearance. Maybe he was a daughter-in-law.

I'll give that to the Kingsguard knights in line, too, sideways.

"It's hot..."

"Because I put it in a magic bag as soon as I made it. This is rock pork bacon, and we need to make sure that this one is grilled with hot chicken eggs and a salad. The soup is a vegetable-rich consomme flavour, with stock taken from fire chickens, vegetables, etc. The bread said Latrician people like stiffness, so this one stiffens and the white one is soft bread. I'll take your place."

While I was explaining it, the Kingsguard knights began to open their mouths all the time drooling over their covetousness, so it became early in the second half.

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