Shut-in Magician

533 Odd use, suspicion of embezzlement, caring for horned cows

We headed to the classroom at critical time in the afternoon.

Still, some upper classmates rubbed off, but didn't get much hostile gaze. I was impressed in a way that even the shitty and fleeing people had already told the story of yesterday.

In class, there was talk about composite moves and so on, and I laughed because I knew exactly where Valneri's consciousness was now.

Still, I think the way to inflate and develop the story from there is amazing.

He also talked about summoning magic before, but was secretly moved when he developed the conclusion that space-time was bending. I was only impressed with Varnelli's compelling explanation, although I thought Siu might too.

As much as I'd like you to keep figuring it out, but it was a story that got out of line regardless of the class, so you wouldn't be able to.

Even though I don't have the memory of my previous life like Siu, it was as if a high-dimensional flicker was equipped for him, and I couldn't help but follow the technology.

Siu can't back it up because there are so many things he doesn't even know, but one way or another, I'm amazed at the flickering he talks about. Everything was interesting, even the dreamy stories of space magic and space-time magic.

It's just that he gets stories flying all over the place. I also felt sorry that I wish I had the ability to put it together.

Today's classes are the same.

"I mean, it is. Ice cubes, magic doesn't make sense unless it's a set."

I'm arguing that it's magic that ice pickles enemies, and that it's also capable of intrinsic magic, but it doesn't seem to be in much demand. Though the thought that leads to it or the flickering of the surgical ceremony is wonderful.

"Try not to kill him and stop him. So, in case of disarming, do these procedures."

Write shorthand momentum on the whiteboard. That's dirty. They're all desperate faces. When it's written on a whiteboard, it has to be photographed, so the automated secretary remembered at the corner is useless.

Later on during the supplementary course, Rustee will tell us.

"What do you say? If this is promoted to intrinsic magic, it will be easier to capture!

And I looked at Siu and I winked. I've been winking at the bees since I saw the flicker and the siu earlier. If I wondered what the hell it was, the person told me.

"You can tie up someone who's suddenly coming out of a sword!


Or so! and the whole class must have thought. When I leaned down disappointed, I felt Valneri jump right at the edge of my eyes.

Siu laughed unexpectedly at the childish trick.

I heard the other students pretended not to see it though.

"What, 'cause it's convenient, isn't it? You can remember."

"Oh, right. Yes, thank you."

When I thanked her, Valneri smiled soberly, and you're welcome! And I strained my chest.

"I can't believe you can tie me up without killing me!

Then why was it "icy" when there seems to be some other magic that seems better? Strange.

Anyway, this is kindness as a teacher. Siu replied with a smile.

"Now, please continue with the class"

Later, Fabian gave me a nickname.

"You're a weirdo."


"I think it's better than a beast."

I laughed and was told. He is the strength of this push.

Siu decided to give up.

By the way, the Fabians invited me to the salon again.

"No, I won't."

"Why not? The threat has already left."

Jewen made me look strange, but it's bad for my heart over there in the first place. And the threat shouldn't have left.

"Uh, well, it looks like we're still getting eyes on each other."

"... benigudo"

Siu laughed and nodded as Lamberto groaned with a disgusting face.

"He was snooping through the dining room salon during the noise."

"Oh, really?

Fabian didn't know, apparently, and he was heartily surprised. So is Jewen.

"I can't believe he's going to the dining room."

How dare you say that, you were making fun of the diner.

"But the other day, we were talking about a new menu in the dining room that might interest you, right?

"Your Highness Oliver, have you spoken to me?

"No, be the table next door. I just happened to hear it."


From their conversation, Oliver seemed to have no relationship with the Neebali family. Maybe I'm rather avoiding it. They say that royalty is not the same as a nobleman who hangs out with you because of the backshield problem, so what is it?

"So you went out of your way to the dining room and watched?"

"I know Mr. Hildegard will do something about it, and I think so."

"I guess so. I can't think of going anywhere he doesn't even like in vain. Even if you're interested in a new menu."

Fabian says it off with a cold face. He doesn't seem to fit very well, and I'm afraid of gaze.

"That's right. He's going to dare make a new menu in the store of his choice."

"Don't call the cook."

"It's possible."

"Embezzlement the recipe"

We talked that far and everyone saw Siu.

"Oh, that's okay. It's all registered. No, I don't mind making it on my own, so if I don't even occupy it. I'm free."

"... are you really big?"


I think I'm all over myself. The same is true for Hildegard, but he is treated with a rather cold attitude. You can't call me Large.

One way or another.

It's a big mess.

That's sticking.

But for some reason, everyone sighed at me.

"This is what you mean when you don't see yourself"

"Siu has his faults, too."

"It's good to be a child."

"I was jealous in vain, but it's so frustrating to see places like this"

I was able to say whatever I wanted.

Anyway, I was glad to know that everyone was accepting Siu.

After all, he did not go to the salon, and although it was a little late, Siu returned home on foot, as usual.

Along the way, although I felt some gaze, I ignored it because it was taken away and not malicious.

I'll just mark it just in case. I've also tried to create an automated tracking feature, so if you look at the history later, you'll know where the relationship is.

As soon as I got home, I took care of the horned cow.

The men at the stables were ready to take care of the horses and hay, and I thanked them. I was just scared and couldn't seem to get into a cabin dedicated to horned cows.

The Brad family also mixed and served nutritious cereals on horses, but only prepared grass that would be different from cattle.

Because of the future, he asked me if I wanted to know more about the bait, and I replied remembering what the horned cow was eating.

"Aside from cereals, I think I eat quite a bit of leaves, legumes, and everything. The pasture had been razed. I'm glad it's quiet, but if it's a warcraft, it's tough."

"That's true. No, I was observing today for a day, but it was quiet without a rampage. It's just, look, it's big."

My lower man smiled bitterly and bowed his head.

"You're gonna be okay because I'm gonna take care of you, right?

"No. These things are our business. And I owe it to you, but I need to do this."

"Mm-hmm. Well, come with me"

"You also brush horses, but you can't do this any more, boy. We, unlike other aristocrats, make it a lot easier. I don't care as much as I care for cows."

Another youngest laughed bitterly.

"Until you get used to this big one, you can stay with me. Yes."

"Haha. Yeah, that's already"

When we laughed, we all went inside the cabin.

Though horned cows were a little frightened because unfamiliar humans came, they calmed down when they realized there was a ton of bait.

In time, people will get used to it. I also made a beef rope to keep it from rumbling and hooked it up, but although I made it seem a little disgusting at first, I stayed quiet for less than five minutes.

The cow seems to have liked the corn, and once in a while one of his youngest men gave it to him, he rang with a sweet voice and was eating it out of his hand.

When it did, it was a cute thing, and the youngest men were talking about trying and doing their best to take care of it.

At night I used a ton of horned milk and also tried to make cheese.

The chef is also strained, so the milk festival will continue for a while.

Solol and others liked the raw milk and were into drinking it as it was.

She liked and drank goat milk when she was little, so she seemed happy that it was completely different from that. By the way, Luca didn't seem to like it very much. It's a lot easier to drink than milk and other things, and it doesn't even smell raw, but the beast's milk doesn't work imaginatively. He taught me that in a terrible language.

But it's good for the body, so Xiu also told the chef that if he could drink it somehow.

This kind of time, Siu liked it.

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