Shut-in Magician

532 Square milk, chatter, unpleasant training, new menu

I went there in the morning as Rico and Sorol toured to take care of the horned cow and went straight to school because there were no particular problems.

Just in case anything happens, he said to contact him, but I knew he seemed ok as far as sensory metastases. They are truly quiet. It's basically the same as a cow, just giant.

And I also found that a large amount of milk can be milked in the morning and evening. Without knowing, when I went to look after him in the morning, the bed was wet with leaked milk. Siu didn't even notice because he travels in the woods in search of food, but he was appalled at how this was going to happen.

It's good to get the amount, but it could be a little hard to take care of.

The Brad family was pleased, but they headed to the meeting room thinking they might need to hire someone to take care of them exclusively.

"Ah, good morning."

"Morning. Hey, something amazing happened yesterday, right?

Pluwia waited with an excited face. There's Edgar next to it, and it looks like we've been talking about it.

Speaking of which, you weren't in the dining room.

"My morning class pushed me and I overdid it with maple cookies. If this is the case, I wish I hadn't been able to."

"That's all. You'd be hungry."

is Edgar. We seem to be getting along a lot better, and we normally have a conversation.

"Thanks to you, my tummy's still ringing this afternoon."


"Oh, what?

Pulwia turned to Edgar, who grinned. Edgar said, laughing because.

"You look like a beautiful elf. I can't believe you're bellying."

"Oh, even elves are human. I'm not so different from the rest of us."

"Right. When you talk like this, I think you do. I think it's scary to be ignorant."

"... oh, I can see that. I think I was pretty ignorant, too."

She saw Siu after she said that for some reason. Right? I'm gonna wink, so, yeah, I'll answer that.

There came the silt, so the conversation ended.

"Arena today?"

"Looks like it."

"You weren't turned off this time."

Silt looked at the whiteboard contacts and grumbled. Edgar explains briefly because Pluwia raised a single eyebrow. Siu gave Silt information from Alarico.

"They saw me as a problem with what was being erased, and they raised it to the topic at the professors' council. So, magically, they fixed it so it wouldn't be erased."


"For a while, it's a hassle, but I'm talking about doing this. And the teachers may have a tough time, but they'll also consider keeping it in the locker room."

"Wow, that looks tough"


Pluwia, who had been asked to explain, was angry, but I broke up with her because I didn't have time for it, and I took her up to the arena and walked.

Along the way, I also felt a somewhat unpleasant glance, but it wasn't as hostile as it was until yesterday. Close to seeing something odd in one way or another.

I thought they were treating me sneaky, but if it wasn't troublesome, that was good, so Siu ignored it and proceeded.

It's just that the silt,

"You can walk peacefully in this situation a lot. Wow."

And I wasn't sure if I was praising him, and he was rocking his tail without a location.

"It was a lot more than it was until yesterday," replied Siu, as Edgar was also nodding next door. That's it, huh? Though they made me look.

In the arena, training was conducted exclusively by the Sioux and the others.

It's a hard time for Ferres, but the second time you realized this was "practice," you endured patiently not to kill Reynald.

Clo and Blanca still don't know what they're doing, so I don't know what they're doing.

He plays quietly with toys in the circle, so occasionally he uses magic to wind and move toys out of sight.

He also said himself that only Reynald could be resented, and although Siu was seriously fought with Reynald for his part, it was also a good study.

It's also important to compete with people. Measuring the opponent's power and snoozing is gained from the experience of the opponent.

Reynald is just a teacher in the Tactical Warriors department, and he knows every way to fight. I tried to fight like a knight and also put him in a position of adventurer and escort.

It was quite interesting to let the city roam, the general soldier, the end warcraft and other roles do as well.

At the end of class, I heard so much about it.

"Maybe I can be a performer"

"Ooh. I've done this before."

"Oh, really?

"Oops. A troupe I know asked me to. The one who performed the sword dance got tangled up in the tavern, injured his arm, and was deputized for."


"Fine, that sounds good, they call me every summer."

"... What do you mean, again this year?

"Ouch. This time he was the escort of the princess."

Clarissa and the others have mixed up when we talk like that.

"Well, that's a nice story."

"The teacher's the actor?

Uh, wow, I complimented Reynald, but only Ferres was in a bad mood.

Well, it's lunch break.

I go to the dining room for a little while. The footsteps are heavy.

Hoping nothing troublesome would happen this time, when I went into the dining room with Edgar and the silts, my gaze turned to me at the same time.

But when I found out it was Siu, it looked obviously horrible, and some of them called out, "Siu?"

"What's going on?

I asked nobody,

"Hey, think I don't like it when that weird guy comes back"

And I was laughing.


With that in mind, Siu was hacked.

"Uh. Gentlemen, I'm sorry I made a scene during this time. Sometimes it's late to apologize. Looks like I was full of heads, too."

"... and I think there's a lot going on, but I don't think Siu will apologize."

"That's right. That's a total disaster level."

When the face-to-face students said so, the students who originally did not know Xiu were just out of sight to seem uninterested.

It doesn't look like we're going to protest in particular.

I eased up and headed to my usual seat.

Today's lunch is omelet rice and I tried my best to use the tomato sauce I made in the corners.

"What's this next time? The colors are good though."

"It's Omelette. Stir the rice in the flavor of consomme with the meat and onions of a hot chicken and wrap it in a fluffy egg grill. From there, boil the tomato sauce, hang it with a little sweetened ketchup, and eat it."

"Just asking sounds delicious"

"Guys, I seem to be asking for a menu for the dining room, so I made it small. Go ahead."

As I was serving the plate, for some reason the cafeteria staff was also on their hands.

"Mr. Fraha."


I laughed and deluded and took it softly and went away. Exactly.

Afterwards, I also tried to put out an old nostalgic Napolitan. I think this is the flavor of ketchup flavor. Wieners made of rock pigs or how to fry enough peppers and onions to make a squeaky noise. I'll also hang powdered cheese on top.

"Ugh, what is this?"

"You can eat bread and rice just by smelling it."

"Cheese awesome"

"I hated tomatoes..."

And, it's been popular before I ate it, and this one was complete with the students. And, of course, omelettes. Even though I had two small eyes, the boy's stomach is amazing.

Though I had eaten Pluwia as well.

And although adult fraha even ate Napolitan.

Later, Fraha called me and told me that I can't cook horned beef, but I can go omelette and napolitan, so I gave her the recipe.

Naturally, I also have to register at the Merchant Guild, and this is the only secret I found a little cumbersome.

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