Shut-in Magician

523 BBQ Party and Cultural Festival Proposals

When I went to the dining room, the officer in charge had already arrived and waved at Siu with a bitter smile.

"Location, but from here on the terrace, that way please"


"Just in case, I'll check again, is that a firearm use for a meal?

"Yes. I will use charcoal. Install a magic device to stop the fire in case, and keep the four corners connected."

"I know it's all right because it's about you, but be careful. I've finally been checking in at the dining room, so will you call me if anything happens?


The official waved and went back inside the dining room.

The terrace is used by some students in good climates, but in Latricia, where there are originally few sunny days, few use it.

And even though it's the end of summer now, it's still hot. It was daylight, so the sun was high, and no one went outside.

That's why I'm renting it out.

"Come on, let's get some grilled meat."

"" "" "Yay!!

The wild voices of the eating youth echoed the terrace seats.

Along the way, a student who seemed curious as to what the noise was, had come to peek and was drooling with envy in his face, so I called him if I knew him, or called him if I could keep the order without noise, significantly exceeding the initial number.

Still, there was plenty of meat.

Individually, the system of placing meat on the net and eating it was accepted with amusement, and even the aristocratic child used a thong to eat it upside down.

"This BBQ sauce is delicious."

"I like this garlic-rich."

"I like refreshing radish grates"

"That, no acidity?

"That's good. You're a child's tongue."

Pulwia told me that some boy student was blushing shyly.

"Child's Tongue......"

"Me, I think I'll be an adult tongue!

Speaking of strange things, a bottle with pong vinegar disappeared between them.

Of course, I prepared vegetables because they are biased because they are all meat, but at any rate, I cut the pumpkins and carrots with peppers and the vegetables thinly and put them on the net. The aristocratic children, who also usually only ate about soup, were surprised to eat "what is this".


"Delicious, this"

You might get angry when you hear that it feeds livestock too, but if you're not going to tell me that livestock feeding is more expensive, you're going to be guided "Heh yes!" He accepted it in his reply.

For once, add that it is nutritious and good for your body.

Apparently the main meal was ordered and eaten in the dining room, but the boys' appetite was strong and all the grilled rice balls prepared by Siu as well as meat were flattened.

Well, if you ate all this, it would be worth the preparation.

By the time it was time to finish eating, Tiberio came from the outside for some reason.

Was it because it had something to do with the student council that some students were standing up correctly in posture?

"Hey, you're doing something fun."

"Yeah. Permission granted, tasting tournament"

"Hehe. Oh, that looks really good"

The squire also looked at it with interest.

"Do you want some? Oh, really, I have a new one."

"Oh. Is that okay? Absolutely."

I sat on the spot so I changed the net and took out the meat. Explaining, the squire begins to serve from the side.

"If the others would be better, go ahead"

"Oh, no."

"You don't mind after me. If you let me taste it alternately."

"... Yes, thank you very much"

The female squire blushed slightly and snorted.

Tiberio apparently came full of stomach at the salon, which was a shame indeed.

"I shouldn't have eaten. I can't believe we're waiting for something so delicious here."


"Not every laugh, really."

Now a squire or escort stood alternately next door but was eating. I'm opening my eyes. There is no voice. This is different from the students.

"Siu is good for student councils when it comes to planning fun things like this."


"No, I've been thinking about soliciting you"

"Fine, I'm in trouble, I refuse"

"Pfft, haha! I thought you'd say that."

"Uh, surprised"

I mean it, nah. While I relaxed, Tiberio started dressing a little sloppy like him, doing his hand on his chin, elbowing and talking.

"This is a fun project, and I think if I try it, the students might feel a little free from the giggly stuff."

"Don't you do things like cultural festivals?

"Something like an autumn festival?

"Oh, uh, a scholarly festival? Kana."

There was also a scholarly festival at the Royal Magic College of Lowal, but I had never heard that it was a seeker.

"A scholarly festival? I heard it happened before, but it's just that nobody comes to the presentation."

That? and tilted his neck, then realized that Siu's perception was wrong.

"No, it's somewhat close to the fall festival"

"Like Birthday?

"It's the cultural version of it. For example, we do presentations, but we convert them into something that 10,000 people receive. The public wouldn't know, would they? It's an ability to express itself with something else or to catch people's attention."

"Heh, eh."

Tiberio removed his jaw from his hand and woke up his body.

"And then we're going to do a ceremony for each class, try theatre, do a restaurant, for example. If that's what you have, some of you might want to go."

"That's how you get people to do it."

"Competing over which classes were popular would take you more seriously, and maybe you could set up something like a prize"


"Even a student council holds a whole school ceremony. For example, who is the most respectable person in school, or is it fun to rank beautiful men and women? It could be out-of-the-box sexual harassment, so disguise it as the opposite of a man and a woman, and a popular vote might be good. Or take it as a funny story."

Laughing as I said it myself, Tiberio took me seriously.

"Oh, that's appropriate."

"Let's try that"


"Culture, cultural festival. Yeah, yeah. It's good to have a proper name. All right. Let's get this out in the next congress."

Said it was quick prep and got up.

By then, the squires and escorts who had finished eating were also waiting in good stead, and they had met and gone at the same time Tiberio left.

In the meantime, it's just a matter of time.

Afternoon classes were critical in time. It was a busy thing because I never got tangled up by the upper classmates thanks to it, but it was just one step faster than Varnelli.

The class progressed decently and the fifth time limit supplement was completed without any problems.

Although Valneri was sitting directly beside him, he ignored it half the time, so there probably shouldn't be a problem.

That Valneri won't let go with Siu's hand grabbed, so even after class, the conversation started again like a supplement.

Just like last week, the Fabians are still in extended class.

"Dr. Tristan told me more about you, you make quite a few composite moves, don't you?

"Did you interrupt Dr. Tristan?

"I don't think I'm in the way!

When I saw Chilah Mariel, she said with a mouthful of sorry, and she bowed her head.

"Think carefully about what's convenient for them?

"... do you have at your roots a sudden visit to your house?

"Take it to the roots, there's nothing there."

"Oh, which one!

More often than not, you know that's my boarding house.

"I wonder where it was in the professor's office, I checked it out!

"It's only at times like this that we have great behavior and discovery. I'm sorry, Master Siu."

Rusteer has apologized. This is how he took home his apology this weekend.

"That's something you shouldn't do. And please stop suddenly visiting me or something because it's annoying to my boarding house. If you have business, please do it in school."

"I get it. So long."

With his face and voice that he would never know, Varnelli began to speak unilaterally again.

During this time, the remaining students looked alternately at the teacher and Xiu with a flashing face.

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