Shut-in Magician

522 Secret special training in the school arena

Golden Day has arrived.

Check again in the morning the results of the application to use firearms on the terrace seats in the dining room.

Several officials wanted to give me a heartbeat that I had no problems with the pre-application documents, but I double-checked just in case.

I thought I might get sidelined because of what happened yesterday, so I was relieved to get permission.

Then Edgar chased me along the way when I was on my way to Dome Gymnasium.

"I knew you hadn't seen the contact details."


"He didn't get a message to the individual in time, so he used a white board in the assembly room for us. But Silt said he didn't see it."

"Oh, that."

Edgar nodded.

"I guess someone deliberately turned it off just to make sure I saw it"

"... maybe the classroom will be moved or something?

Edgar smiled with a grin when she asked him what he had in mind.

"Exactly. That's right, I decided to change places from the gym to one of the arenas. It's the farthest away, so I was looking for you to get there early."


Fine, I waved, and he suggested walking out of the school building and into the garden.

There are paths down the corridor and out of the Dome Gymnasium, because it's troublesome to have extras around. Siu agrees, so I followed him honestly.

There are several arenas, and every few years, they use them because they have a magic match.

It is also used for absurd magic training, etc., but is usually closed.

The smaller ones are often used in the Tactical Warriors Department and so on, which seems to mean they just have faster plans.

"From early autumn to winter, it rains less and the climate is mild, so classes outside use this place."

The seniors taught me.

Neither Edgar nor Silt have yet figured out what a year's flow is like with Siu because he came in later.

"Yes, it was."

Shiu, who had always thought he was going to use the small room at the Dome Gymnasium, looked around at the arena, which was small but also had a splendid audience.

Close to the square that Siu often experiments with, the more well idle it is.

"If we set the line, we won't even get in the way. It's a big deal, but I got permission from the school."

is Reynald's valve.

He was so angry that he interrupted my last class. They've been suggesting problems to the professors' council and scattering them.

The junction device is easy to activate because it is installed, but because the amount of Demon Nucleus used is amazing and expensive, it is not necessary to use it in just one class.

At Dome Gymnasium, the boundaries are always stretched but not that powerful, so everyone was reading the air and out of hand because there was no rule that they could let go of their magic in full. but apart from the arena.

"So you can do whatever you want today, including the last one!

That's what Reynald said. Probably wants to do it the most. The students looked at each other and clasped their shoulders.

Reynald was moved and trembling when he also told his teacher the results of the discussion we had all had in the last class and said he wanted to tell each other what he could learn while stretching out the good of each person.

Then, he pointed out to himself the part that he had seen as a teacher.

"Clarissa, I wonder if you could use that flexibility to teach Venerio. It will be a useful force for you, the noble lady."

"Wow, I get it. Dear Venerio, Regards,"

"Uh, no, ah, yes. Okay."

During an unscrupulous interaction, Reynald instructed her squire, knights and escorts, who for some reason were not students, to work with it.

I am starting to talk to people I never thought I would, or wanted to remember.

If Siu never called stood up, Reynald called Siu with a little finger at the end.

Running over thinking it wasn't a dog or a cat, he stroked Siu's head and laughed.

"Hmm, you want these pets"

"... Dr. Reynald"

"Waha. I'm sorry. So you're with me."


"What is that disgruntled voice? But you can't help it, can you? I don't have anyone else to put me together. Besides, you have two horsemen. If you put in a rare beast, you'd be three. There are no students in this pattern who can remember."

Totally right when you asked me, I nodded honestly.

Reynald's instruction began by tutoring the rare beast itself so as not to meet the nobility's disrespectful beatings anyway.

It was also clearly affirmed that the excuse of a young beast still did not work.

"There's nothing this country can do. It's a low level, like the arrangements made in various countries for riding beasts are not respected either. That's why there's no place to complain, is there? It may be pathetic, but it's harder for these guys to remember to protect you than it is for you."


"Ferres seems to keep most of it."

But I glanced at him.

"Can I try to hurt you and still be patient?

No matter how much you train with the tuned, Ferres should also be able to hang up if he does something that's past the point.

"Don't forget this guy thinks he's my husband. I don't know if you're wrong, but Ferres will blow your head off if he finds out you've been hurt."

"Yes, right..."

"That means he's also a good horseman who's loyal to the Lord, but he doesn't go that way when his opponents are nobles. Sometimes it sucks to be 'disposed of'. All right?"

I became ashamed of myself for not thinking about it. Siu nodded with a strange face.

"Okay. So it's time to start. Ferres is staring at me. Damn, I'm not mad at you, Ferres. This is a class! Okay?"


Uh, while I was in a bad mood, Siu also laughed at Ferres.

"We're going to start hard training, but let's do our best. For me."

"... Ni?

"There are many ways to protect your parents."

"Nyah. Nyah."

I don't know, but I replied that I figured it out and Ferres was supposed to be in class, too.

I told Ferres to be patient and that Siu's orders were the best.

Even if Siu was scratched with that, he explained it was because he was pretending to be scratched.

Parenthood has an idea, and you have to act exactly like that. So no matter what happens along the way, you must never break orders, I taught you.

I know I didn't evil nori, but for some reason I had blood ready. Reynald pretended to cut the sioux and hooked me up with blood, but it wasn't Ferres' face then.

I was stomping at the critical point, but as much as everyone in my classmate stopped moving in surprise, I was reversing my hair in a fuzzy and angry way.


Grinding the ground galloping with nails, and trying to pop out now and bite Reynald's neck muscle when the go sign came out, was not the fighting spirit of the horseman.

Let me put up with it for a while, when Reynald couldn't stand it anymore, it was over.

Explaining that it was an act, Ferres looked grumpy at Reynald for a while and didn't even come close.

He took it on for the Sioux and the others, so it was a little pathetic to see Reynald soggy and sad, but I found out that his prepared bloodshed mixed the blood of a real beast, so I stopped taking it in.

Until around next week, I want him to reflect.

It's just that, still, Reynald just said it, and Ferres seems to be getting more patient.

Even as Siu tried to fall from the high ground, he didn't rush over, harrowing when he ordered him to wait there.

It was possible to have an audience in the arena, but I wondered if that was what it meant to have chosen this facility.

By the way, when he tried to fall from the top of the audience, he said he was wearing "safety balls for falling", but the other students seemed to be watching him with harrassment.

It wasn't a class, and Reynald was laughing bitterly.

As a result, I was able to show a lot of safety when I saw that the "safety ball for falling" was activated, but it still seemed bad for my heart.

"But that magic trick is handy."

"Looks like the Fei Long tournament in Federal helped, and he said he'd buy a ton of them"

"Well, wow."

"I wonder about our country."

"His Highness Vincent said he would buy it, but I wonder. I only patent, not like a vendor."

"Well, you don't know that much."

"I'll leave it all to the merchants' guilds and vendors."

"I was worried you were losing it, but I guess that would be more convenient in Siu's case"

Venerio, also a merchant child, had agreed.

"I'd like to start a business and do business."

"Business isn't so easy, Salio."

"That's right."

The sons of poor aristocrats and lower aristocrats who could not succeed the title seemed depressed given the future. He seems hesitant to join the army these days after hearing about Siu and realistic rumors.

Uberto is well-intentioned in that regard and hopes for the military. Because I know I will be treasured because I have rock magic on top of the heavy warrior type, but I can do it in the military because of its nasty goodness.

"I need to work out more. All right, keep up the good work!

To Salio's words, the faces of his classmates also nodded.

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