Shut-in Magician

437 Tour of the Graduate School of New Magic Ceremony Development

On Friday afternoon, I went to the Graduate School of New Magic Ceremony Development to visit.

When I go into the classroom, I feel my gaze at the same time and feel awesome for the first time in a long time. Besides, I felt somewhat disgusted. While I wondered what it was, it fit right in, and there was an unexpected person, and a moment of discomfort flew away.

"That's Siu. You came this way!

Shit, I rushed to trace my memory to see if Fabian was there. Speaking of which, I think he was inviting Siu to this class.

I wanted to hold my head. Anyway, Alarico told me where he works. Don't let your appearance fool you.

He looks like a good young man with a refreshing smile, but he has researcher skin. I mean, he was a freak.

"Only Kaspar didn't come yesterday. By the way, did the subject of multi-attribute surgery fly? You know, I heard you make all these unusual rituals, but they're for the common folk, and they're talking about saving money."

"Stop, stop, shut up"

I stopped in a hurry. His squire gave me a small bow of his head, but the Lord seemed less clear.


"I just came for a tour today dressed to put on Dr. Tristan's face, so I want to be quiet and secluded. I'm sorry I didn't say hello, but I'm going behind you, so please throw it away."

"... er"

"Dear Fabian"

"Okay, okay, okay."

Fabian, embarrassed by his squire, went back to his seat with a muffled face.

Because you're a born nobleman even with such a face, or you look graceful.

I was impressed that the area was still aristocratic.

He met face-to-face with the knights of Fabian in the rear, and sat in his seat in a light meeting with all the other faces. Some of the knights and escorts stand, but others sit.

Only a woman named Zoe, of Fabian's squire, is attached to him, but I was surprised to see if she would also be an assistant during class.

If I had appraised anything else, all of them have a young man beside me who looks like a squire.

I thought it was a weird class. The teacher came.

"Well, shall we start the class? As for the last application of purifying magic…"

I almost stopped.

I watched the unimaginable for a while, but suddenly I walked out and came backwards.

"You're shielding yourself, aren't you?

I stood in front of Siu and laughed and said away, so I snorted.

"Oh, yes."

"Wow! You played my magic ceremony!

"Oh, is that it?"

The discomfort when I went into the classroom, they did.

"But I didn't think it was a surgical ceremony. You're hanging a very advanced surgical formula. I had no idea."

It was something neither Delf nor Latricia had ever felt.

I didn't even realize I had cancelled the magic ceremony automatically. I got excited by accident and said "wow" to my teacher against me.

I said it, and I held my mouth in a hurry.

"Oh, uh, excuse me..."

What are you talking about? Oh, and you, wow!

I accidentally avoided it because I slapped him on the shoulder and tried to hug him laughing, and he looked sad.

"Oh, well, because I have a little girl"

Pointing in his cuddle, he hastily apologized. And I tilted my neck.

"By the way, you, what kid? Somebody's squire?

No, this guy.

Tristan was supposed to be contacting me, and I was confused and tried to tell him, and his secretary or a squire man approached me slightly and eared me.

"Professor Tristan told me that you have students on tour today. Master Varnelli must have taken it too."

"Oh, did I?"

I turned my gaze to the ceiling, but I looked at him, who I probably didn't remember, and I looked down at Siu again.

"But this kid, he's a kid, right?

A man with you told him patiently, but with his eyes seated.

He said, "He's a minor, but he's a very good kid," right?

The last one says one word at a time, so I was a little scared.

The teacher nodded several times, then whispered, okay.

I thought you didn't remember, and the man with you seemed to think the same, so he turned back to Siu and bowed his head.

"This is the case, but he is also a disciple of Professor Tristan and highly capable. Please forgive me. I'm late for my name, but my name is Rustee. We serve as the secretary and attendant of Valneri-Kradel, so please call me if you need an interpreter."

Interpreter. Ah, while I grinned at the words, Siu also bowed his head.

"Thank you for your kindness. My name is Siu-Aquila. I came on a tour today. Best regards,"


Varnelli is looking down at Siu with interest as he stands beside him, and I want him to go back to class soon, and I showed him sandalwood with my gaze, but he looks at Siu without even trying to notice at all.

Now I know clearly that I am appraising.

"I knew it, no. Wow."

"Doctor, please think of me as the view. Class, please."

When I indicated with my hand that it would be better to speak clearly to the person in this hand, I looked back as if I had remembered the suggestion, "Oh, right," and went back up to the stage.

When I was horrified, I hurried down to the Lord when Rustee lowered his head and apologized in a whisper. I felt sorry for him because he was going to have a hard time.

Valneri's class was interesting, to be honest.

However, I saw the students that it would be difficult to keep up with them in a very fast talking and "genius" like conversation with the topic flying everywhere.

So I guess, the squire is writing down what Varnelli said with a serious look.

The students just focused on listening to the teacher, chewing in his head, trying to understand, not very much, but not nearly taking notes.

Even that Fabian looks serious and listens.

At the end of the fourth time limit, it will be a break once, but in the meantime Rustee is explaining it to students and employees like a supplementary course, and I can see how difficult this class is.

I started breastfeeding Blanca, who just woke up during a break, thinking it was like a full-blown marathon class.

You wonder. The knights and escorts watched softly there, but they didn't come close.

I hear Fabian's squire, Orio, remembered Siu's face, and he's going to see it flicker, see? When I heard it, I was happy to fly.

"You're adorable..."

To make sure Clo didn't wake up, or for Blanca's sake, Orio has spoken in a whisper.

"You don't ring much, do you?"

"If it gets in the way of class, I'm putting up a line."

"Wow, that's amazing"

It embarrassed me because it complimented me purely.

I gave Blanca to Ferres as she came out, and she noticed the smell and Khlo woke up, so I breastfed her all the time.

"Orio, you're about my age."

"I'm fourteen, so I'm way above you, right?

"... I'm thirteen, aren't I? You'll be fourteen in the fall."



"Oh, are we done? You want Ferres to clean it up?


"Well, Ferres, please. Blanca, come on."

As I was putting it in my cuddle, Orio was bowing his head.


"I'm sorry. Well, be rude."

"Ah? Oh, no, nothing. They often say it's small. I'm just trying to tell you I don't need respect because I'm your age."

"No, it's"

"That's the tough part, the Odells."

When asked, his eyes turned diagonally upwards, then he tilted his neck and shook to the side. When I laughed thinking which way it was, Orio laughed, too.

"Master Fabian is loose in that area. It's just that Zoe's so tough."

"She looks scared."


"Well, take it easy where she isn't, and do as you like the word"


He grinned and nodded at me. The Fabian knights I was hearing beside me were laughing, too, so I guess that means I don't mind. They also saw Blanca and Cro breastfeeding again and their eyes were dropping, and they seem to take much for these things.

Other than them, some of the rear-facing knights had a tight gaze, so I thought I'd stop taking this class.

Even as a result of the appraisal, I only smelled trouble because I found the royal name, and I insisted that it was a run but a win.

It was self-contained that way, but it was overshadowed when it was the fifth time limit for discussion.

Valneri called Siu.

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