Shut-in Magician

436 Transfer of classes, introduction of new subjects

And the moon dawned, and it became a moon in the morning.

The first week passed without anything, as usual, but the transfer of Crawl and Pluwia was finally possible on the second week's water day.

It was good that Caspar met with the director and the dean of the college to make a direct judgment, and they moved to another teacher's class because of the rooting of the teachers.

He said he had seen a strategic command teacher named Nilsson until the end, but he floated like a teacher named Sakharne-Galleo, who accepted the transfer, was neither acceptable nor necessary.

However, since I am a teacher of that nature, I was able to deduce the contents of the class, and it seemed unclear whether I could get credit.

Still, I didn't have to throw the subject away from myself, which was good for both of us.

The strange thing was that Hildegard, who heard this story, apparently grumbled about transferring to Sakharne himself.

He didn't think that the two of them had done so because of himself, and he hastily stopped the people around him just as well.

Of course, it was a frightening story, although I don't think the college authorized her transfer.

That's how the second week went by and it became the third week of water day.

When I went to the locker room, there was another solicitation note from Alarico to the Graduate School of Ancient Language Magic Analysis and Ancient Language Systems, and I headed to the production classroom that day, spiraling it.

"Well, they don't look floating, but what's wrong with you?"

"Mr. Amalia, uh, this"

They laughed when I showed them my notes.

"It's amazing how you get solicited directly from Dr. Alarico and Dr. Jerve."

"It's not amazing - Because I'm called as Caspar's patron."


He understood a lot of things with the word "sponsor" even if he didn't know what it was about. He took a little pity on me.


"If you do, this story might be superfluous."

"What is it?

"Because Dr. Ortencia told me to solicit Lord Siu."

"The Graduate School of Creativity used to say no. He said no minors."

"Doctor, I hear it's basically the opposite of a child coming to graduate school."

"I'm just a kid, too."


Smiling, she opened her mouth.

"Dr. Ortencia says it's possible to fly even at this point."

"What, really?

"Dr. Regro said he had nothing more to teach. You think I'm just lending you a place? It's encouraging for other students, so unless you tell them you're quitting, they'll keep you enrolled."

"That's right..."

"You think that's what Dr. Tristan and Dr. Reynald said? They're watching you because you look like you're having fun in class."

Regardless of Tristan, Reynald feels different.

Siu snorted bitterly.

"I don't know any other classroom teachers, but I heard they're only on hold because there's a field. And that's pretty much flying class."

"So you're going to recommend other subjects"

"Some subjects suggested you should take it, right?

"Oh, I absolutely don't like it anymore, so I'm saying no."

To be clear, not only Amalia, but the jildas with her were laughing.

I guess I figured out which class.

"Anyway, I'm not willing to add any more now, so I'll keep doing this. It's fun."

"Right. It's best to have fun."

Together, Amalia quickly talked about her fun, the golem.

Siu also spent time discussing it with the other party.

On this day, what Siu made was a tobacco baker.

I made the dumpling maker last week, so it had a weird switch on it as a food series.

It was a work to be done soon, so I watched my classmates work and listened to Regro talk about other times.

During the lunch break, I made a takoyaki in the dining room.

No, we all enjoyed the dining room properly.

There was talk of if I had previously made some of the strangers into a system that I could choose as I please, so when I told the staff member Fraha, he said they had been approved through the meeting very much.

Until last week, they also had previous menus, but eventually the new system was fully introduced.

The upstairs salon guy thought it would be unacceptable, but he was surprisingly pleased.

There are three kinds of ingredients for snacks, normal, large platters, and it's a good way for staff to "choose what they like."

I thought some people were reluctant to line up, but you think it's much quicker than getting a meal ticket and then waiting for the item to come out, and you enjoy thinking which one while you line up?

I know how it feels because I like choosing Siu too.

The menu changes from season to season, and you can enjoy changing flavors.

Good thing I made a basic set.

For those who have a hard time choosing, say "basically" and the staff will flourish.

And I was thinking about students who didn't choose vegetables at all, making sure to include vegetables as well. I can see the hardships of the people in the kitchen.

Anyway, since this new system, Siu's devised recipes also seemed to be easier to serve on their own and more popular.

They also really contacted Doran's store, and fried chicken and so on were on the menu.

It seems to be the most popular product now.

"Takoyaki, think of something funny."

"I used to be eaten in a city I'd stopped by."

As it became an octopus roasting service, I was flipping around, and Pruwia got angry.

"Eat siu too! You've been working all day."

"Oh, yeah."

"Then I'll do it! I want to do that."

The student I was watching ran for me, so, well, I left it to him.

He really wanted to do it when he thought you cared, and he was flipping over as happy.

Well, I heard everyone wanted to do the octopus grill, but I was convinced in this world that that was true.

Pluwia became better and closer to Krall after the transfer, and during the lunch break the two of us often argued.

Coors came back from escort work so I talked to her about Pluwia, but I'm fine. As I was laughing, she was fine.

But for once, I tried to meet the two of them face to face.

They both met initially just as a facial connection from an elf from the same inside, and then they barely talked about it in about a message, which seemed like a good time.

Then again, only once, I exchanged sioux and met him at a coffee shop outside the school.

Though the shopkeeper had no choice but to tie the line with the magic of perception inhibition because his eyes sparkled.

When the elves are aligned, they seem to want to make a scene. People on the road also looked twice inside the coffee shop.

That Kukurus and I were supposed to take a school break at the end of this month and head inside the hunter together.

There are a few people in the Suela Capital from inside the hunter who are on duty as pipes with the outside world, so I sent a letter to you once, but they may arrive before the information reaches them inside.

Anyway, next week will be a busy day.

"I wanted to go, too."

"I don't know. He said he wouldn't recommend Coors much either, so why don't you give it up this time?

"I know, but"

I was talking to Pluwia, and the octopus came through.

Undressed shapes, weird materials, etc.

Is it absolutely something a boy would do to put this weird thing in?

It was a lot of excitement.

After taking the fourth time limit in the afternoon's multi-attribute surgical development class as usual, it was there that I was thinking of the surgical formula as everyone had an exchange of arguments.

"I still feel like you should move to the Graduate School of New Sorcery."

Tristan stood beside him and said that.

"Oh, no!

"I'm glad you're taking classes like you're having fun here, but I feel so wasted."

"But the main thing about the new magic ceremony is that it's practiced, and it's attack magic, right? of those who develop unique magic."

"That's right. If you are a high magic holder and highly skilled, there may be more intrinsic magic later. You know that, don't you?

Siu snorted silently because it was it correctly.

"With the right understanding, it's possible to express new and unique magic."

"I want to combine multiple attributes while saving money."

"Savings, that's what you've been saying. But it's still a waste. As a country, no, I think it's a loss in the magic world"

So when I shook my head feeling told by the research profession, Tristan laughed at me.

"I'm not taking anything and eating it. Why don't you leave it here and go on a tour to the Graduate School of New Magic Ceremony Development?"

"... if the teacher says so"

I wondered if there was something between the teachers, and I thought about it and said so.

Tristan laughed again and told me that the teacher was a junior.

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