Shut-in Magician

394 Issue content and frustration reporting

In the dining room, Edgar laughed and told the dinos that it was a class.

In the flow, Siu also said what had just happened.

Then everyone on the spot laughed out so much that even Crail laughed out loud.

"Oh no!"

"Dino, watch your tone.... so, but that's crazy! Buhaha."

"So what did the challenge come up with?

Goddamn it, I still couldn't stop laughing, and Claire heard me wiping tears in my eyes. Edgar is intrigued, too.

"Thirty recitals of" How to Be Courteous - Preliminary Edition "and I told him to go on a supplement to Dr. Alarico's linguistics and to go around 20 places on school premises every day to gain basic physical strength"


"It's also..."

"There's a ghost"

They all say terrible things.

Even though Siu raised the challenge with a sense of mercy. Well, about half the time, I don't even like it.

"Because I look great while I tell you I'm a master. You had bad language and attitude toward other people, didn't you? I guess there wasn't anybody to tell me."

"I'm not gonna tell you?

Dino asks, so I nodded.

"I'm busy, and I don't have enough time at all to teach the kind of people who are about that age and don't listen to people. Honestly, it's not fun, and we hang out."

"It's rare. I thought Siu would be nicer to everyone."

"Yes, even when you helped us, you were a great nobleman."

"Because my life was at stake. The comparison is different. And if you don't at least do this, I want you to realize it yourself."

"Uh, as good as it gets."

"I think maybe around the coile will blow in. He must have been put on as an orthodontist."

"But Coyle is definitely a canine beast tribe, isn't he? I wonder if the Sirt of the Werewolf Beast tribe will listen?

"Does Ed know the race, too?

"If you look at it, you'll see."


"I don't know what it is, the smell... is it like a mind?

I have no idea. Siu noticed because of his appraisal, and he wouldn't have noticed at all if they hadn't told him.

"You don't even notice things like anger."

"That's right."

"You said the intimidation wouldn't even work, right?

"Yeah. That's why they're laughing at me for being blunt."

Bluntness may be hitting me, and I got nodded.

"Uh, but even a blunt me can tell. Coilette is your go-to. I think the elder, who is also my father, told me. Maybe I couldn't rely on Kleizen because he's a complete hipster."

"Kleizen is more of a black wolf. Even though he seems strong as a warrior."

"Aren't you not intelligent enough for that?

To Edgar, Dino penetrated. You're right, so Siu couldn't say anything.

"Make it, I think I'm happy. There's Kike, Ramiro, Simone."

"Yes, yes. I'd be happy to have a smart companion. Sometimes it's tough."

"Dino came to the Seeker, and he's very relaxed."

"Without the eyes of my parents. Besides, I can't believe I'm a freshman right now, can I? It's fresh. Claire said one of these days, the sloppiness of"

"Dear Dino, do not instigate my Lord"

Cornelio was apologizing in place of Dino when he was told by Ezidio, Krall's squire.

For lunch, I tried to provide a burger.

Prepare a van's bread so that each of the contents pinches whatever you want. After I prepared them, I turned the salad and fried potatoes to each other.

"This is the fried white fish. I think tartar sauce and dark sauce would suit. This is Rock Pig and Cow Ground Hamburger. Teriyaki or this color sauce might be good. Oh, there's eggs and cheese, too, so go with the salad dishes and onions. There are also fire chicken cutlets, rock pig cutlets and tuna cutlets."

Whoa, I'm making my eyes shine. When Siu tried it, he looked funny and started taking it from Cornelio. Seeing how it is, each squire makes a hamburger at the Lord's direction.

"Funny, this"

"It's delicious to eat like this, Siu."

"It's my first time, too. I can't believe this delicious cutlet."

Each of the knights and squire also began to eat what they preferred for themselves. There is also a variety of van's bread, so I made a terrible noise about wanting to have all kinds of fun, and then I even pinched myself without the help of my squire.

"Fried potatoes, this, fried potatoes? It's delicious."

"The salad is also refreshing dressing and good for mouth-watering"

"I'd love some coffee."

"Oh, I'll get it"

As soon as I finished eating, Ezidio raised his hand and ran out. Simone, Edgar's squire, has also gone, as he pursued it.

"Even though I'm still eating"

"Bad manners, Simone."

Edgar was laughing and dropping it off.

"Oh, speaking of which, Dino"


He replied cheeky, smiling bitterly, reporting what he remembered.

"Pluwia taught me,"

"Pfft? Mugu."

"It's fine after you finish eating, the reply is. So, she said, even in the girls' dorm, it's like a kid from Steyburn is out of company."

"... Ngu. Mm, uh, in the girls' dorm?

Krall's face shaded a little. There still seems to be discrimination, so maybe it would be a hard story without Dino. Siu reflected that this is the place where there is no delicacy.

Although, it's weird to apologize now. I didn't know what to do, but Claire was an adult.

"Siu, you don't have to worry about it. It's a lot easier now. I didn't even hear anyone helping me back then."

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I'm insensitive."

"No. I know what you were worried about us, asking Dino. You still care about your hometown, you're telling me."

"I can't help it, so I'm just reporting to Dino."

"That's the same thing. People who aren't nice don't pass on information. Not to mention, I wouldn't have had any information gathered on you."

"Crail -"

"It's none of your business. [M] Thanks."


Then I told you what I heard from Pluwia.

"If you're Mr. Barbara and Mr. Candela, it's certainly your hometown. You're out of junior aristocracy."

"Men are united in one thing."

"It seems that women have a feminine, insidious irritation."

Edgar gave it back with a serious look as to whether it was also a verse that came to mind. There, Simone came back in a hurry.

"Dear Edgar!

"What the hell is going on?"

Simone's white shirt was brown and wet. It looks like it caught coffee completely.

"When I received it from the clerk, I was hit by a noble squire who was beside me. More than that, Ezidio!

Siu had already found Ezidio in omnidirectional exploration. Stand up, looking at it with a sensory metastasis. Was he related, surrounded by several noble escorts and squires?

Fortunately, the students of the predominant aristocracy do not appear to be on the spot.

Siu asked everyone to wait here and took a seat. I'll tell Ferres to protect this place, just in case. Because if this is a positive move, I'll be in trouble. I don't think so, just in case.

There was a lot of broken pottery scattered at Ezidio's feet. Coffee in the contents is also smashed.

"This is why I don't like nobles in countries that don't have manners."

"Oh, no. He's just a squire."

"I suppose so. This guy is a noble squire in the country where he was conceived. Look, I can't even hold the dishes properly."

"You have a low level of magic, but you were able to enroll in Seeker a lot. The Lord and the Lord, His servants and His servants."

I'm saying something shady.

The people around you don't want to get involved, they're far-winded, but they seem curious somewhere. Only the gaze is centered on Ezidio.

After a long appraisal, only the squire and escorts were still directly frustrated.

There seem to be a few lower nobles around who seem to be the Lord, also in the salons on the upper floors.

I'm laughing at how things are going.

Nasty, I walked into a circle in awe.

"Ezidio, I'm late to pick you up."

"Ah, Master Shiu."

"This, was it dropped?

"Oh, no, the"

"I'll clean it up. Will you ask me again?

"... Yes. I'm sorry."

"It's not like Ezidio's bad."

Laughing, Ezidio lifted the tension. A little, I laughed and showed it to him, and then I went back to the order office. Although the clerks looked puzzled, they served the ordered items as they were told because they were common people.

In the meantime, Siu clears the floor. Magic.

"Disappear, purify, repair, heal."

The liquid quickly disappeared, the floor was clean and the broken cup etc was back to normal.

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