Shut-in Magician

393 Ninja, Master and Apprentice

Everyone took it more seriously than usual in the pattern practice that followed, either because of Reynald's feeling for deep words.

Without complaining, the Silts were also doing what Reynald said they were doing.

Though Reynald would have absolutely enjoyed it when Silt, a warrior, defended him and ordered him to play the role.

"Doctor, it's too slight."

If Siu is careful, because no! And it seemed like a happy reply. Though my face was seriously disguised.

"Still, you, the way you make traps is elaborate every time!

"I got a new thread, so I got it"


I set up a trap in a wooden frame that looked out into the woods threaded with the setting that the bandits made, but this catches on as funny.

"You can't taste how accomplished they are when Siu is the leader of a bandit."


"All right, then, shall we change roles next?"

Once Reynald stopped practicing, he gave Norinoli his next pattern exercise.

The second time frame told him to do his workouts on each side, and Reynald stuck with the Silts. Every time a new student comes in, there is also a point in explaining how things have been going, or checking how many levels.

In the meantime, they discuss tactics and practice attack and defense.

"Siu, I'm done with my new moves, I was wondering if you could build a wall"

"Fine. Soil it? Good tree?

"On dirt walls"

Venerio told me to tailor it to several types on the spot.

The ingredients come from materials placed on the edge of the gym, as usual.

"The wall up at home is already perfect. All right, let's go."

Retreating after a few steps with Kunai, he gained momentum and ran out. Throw the kunai straight onto the dirt wall and climb up with your feet where you sagged. I stabbed Kunai one after the other and lifted my body there to its starting point, but it was a quick move so I quickly climbed through the dirt walls I had built near the ceiling.

"Ooh, wow!

I applauded. Venerio raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, jumping straight down to the floor as he flew to the scaffold Kunai.

"Did you use wind attribute magic?

"When you get down. I didn't use it when I climbed."

"Your physical abilities have improved."

"Thanks to this, I have a lot to do. If I had trained, I'd be on the next level."

Siu says every time he comes up with an idea because he secretly plays with Venerio and Ninja. Is Nori good or Venerio dating, so this is how he shows his achievements.

"And you gave me the spider bee thread, didn't you? Condition Kunai, right? Here's the thing, okay."

The thread that was wrapped around Venerio's hand flew all the way through to the wheel in Knai's handles. Curly and as Venerio pulled several times, the cunei he was poking at came off and gained momentum back.


"The level of Impact Magic, None and Dark Attributes has also increased!

"Oh, because this yarn makes magic work again, and it works the way it wants. Oh, he said he didn't need money, but my dad said the spider bee thread was fancy, so I think he's probably transferring it to the guild account."

"Oh, I wish. Because I just wanted you to try."

"No, you can't keep this good for free. If it's a friend, it's not."

"Uh, yeah. But I got it myself, so it's cheap."

They told me they were friends and it lit me up. Listen to Venerio as he scratches his head.

"I think it's the market. Well, it's about my dad, so I think he's making a deposit for the amount he buys directly from the adventurer. I knew the merchants would have to get upset."


Then we talked about the ninja movement, but from Clarissa and the others who have been mixed up in the story along the way.

"I have no idea what's funny about boys."

I've been told.

Darira, Jemma and Isotta were all like normal girls to you with scary weapons such as swords.

On the contrary, the men, though knights, seemed to understand the excitement about covert actions and dark vessels. Though Luigi and others of higher age were bitterly laughing, the young escort and others seemed to enjoy themselves.

When class was over, I started leaving the Pumpkin Gymnasium, but Siu was stopped by Silt.

He stopped at the same time because Edgar and I were having lunch together.

"You didn't call me."

Suspiciously Silt told me, Edgar flaunted his shoulder. Simone, his squire, says nothing, although he is muddled, because he thinks that we should not argue with the Lord aside.

"Well, I'll be waiting for you there"

"Oh, yeah."

As Edgar pointed to the entrance to and exit from the gym, Silt said suspiciously again.

"You look like a woman. You don't have to wait."

"... Huh!

Now it looks like not only Simone, but the knight Kike is pissed off. I saw something like hostility at once. Adults do not appear in actions such as touching the sword. And Edgar immediately took control of them.

"Bad language makes you think you're a bad guy yourself. You better be careful. Besides, if there's something you don't want to hear, ask Siu to pay for it. That's not an order either, please. I don't have a hobby for hurting people who don't know how to be polite, so I'm leaving like this. Siu, you're gonna be okay, right?

"Yeah. Wait in the dining room. I have a new one today."

"Looking forward to it. See you later."

I waved and took the knights out.

It is an adult response. Edgar was seventeen and Silt eighteen, by the way.

I looked at the silt standing in front of me, thinking about darkness, revenge, which one.

Coyle and Kleizen are both waiting away. It was surreal when it came to surreal that Ferres skipped around it for fun.

"Nyah, nya, nya!

Play? You can play him! I'm saying, no matter how you look at it, it just seems like you're making a fool of yourself. I think it's probably natural. It has ears and tails, so maybe he thinks he's a good opponent to play with as well.

I'm just getting anxious that you don't think you're the same as a horseman, and Silt finally opened his mouth.

"I lost to you."

"... right?

"I mean, you're stronger than me"

"Right, isn't it?

"... then I'll have to follow you"

She said remorsefully, and Siu accidentally half-eyed.

"Damn, I can't think of anything like sticking under someone!!

"Oh, yeah."

"It was my promise when I came out to King's Landing."

"With whom?

I want you to explain it so I can understand. No, I didn't have to, I tried to control it with my hands, but it was spoken of quickly.

"Long! My great father, the Elder of Blitz. I was held back because I was worried about going to Wang Capital to pick up the future, but I said I needed more power. The clan needs a strong leader! I did everything to get that forgiveness. My father told me it was still dangerous to go to the capital of Suela, but that danger was what I needed."

The danger, I wonder, meant something else, while Siu gently took his gaze off the silt. Ferres is setting a target on the tail of the two while standing. They changed the operation in an attempt to get a little bite out of me because they won't deal with me.

"My father broke me at the end, but at that time, when a man stronger than me showed up, he ordered me to go under that door. So I learned my master's power and told him to be strong."

"Oh, yeah."

"However, if you were a strange girl, you don't have to obey. Tell him the discernment will be done, and so."

I looked back in chills. The coile has its tail pacified but not made slight. Kleizen was in a hurry on his face. My body is also shaken by being ferreted into acting like a cat rubbing the smell on my body.

"Koilet said that Siu was the one who deserved a master. I can't count on what he says, but this is an order from my father. We just have to protect it."

"That's another extra thing."


"Nothing. By the way, there, what's my point?

"What is your opinion? You can make me your apprentice. Amazing."

Siu chuckled when he realized there was more of a problem than he could imagine.

"Then I'll ask you to complete the assignment and then I'll think about apprenticeships. That's about as natural as that, right? There's no denying it to me that you could be a master, is there?

He nodded, "Oh, yeah," though he didn't seem to know what half of it meant.

Siu called Ferres, who was slapping Kleizen in the face with his tail, and left to run out of the gym.

I shuddered all the time as I ran down the crossing. Because I realized again that it was a very scary story.

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